The Transmigrator's Cultivation

Arc 15: Heavenly Secret Realm | Chapter 264: Past Resentment

Arc 15: Heavenly Secret Realm | Chapter 264: Past Resentment

Translator: Lynn

Three burly men emerged, each bearing a resemblance to one another. A quick glance revealed a clear blood relation among them, though it was uncertain whether they were brothers or some other kind of relatives.

Xu Ziqing scrutinized them secretly. Besides their imposing presence, there was a strong scent of blood and a menacing aura about them. Their eyes gleamed with intense greed and a hint of malevolence, indicating they were certainly not benevolent individuals.

Seeing this, Yun Lie’s eyes grew cold: “Evil cultivators.”

Xu Ziqing frowned, confirming the suspicion.

As soon as the three men appeared, they immediately spotted the two brothers. The one at the front licked his lips and let his gaze slide down Xu Ziqing’s body, as if he intended to strip him of his clothes: “Heh heh, such tender young ones…”

The lecherous gaze made Xu Ziqing shiver with disgust. He felt as if that gaze was physically crawling over him. He took a step back, quickly drawing a line of spiritual light to block the vile intent. At the same time, he felt a deep aversion.

Before Xu Ziqing could take further action, Yun Lie’s sharp senses detected the threat. His forehead flashed with golden light as he released a chilling sword intent aimed straight at the lecherous man. The killing intent was cold and unyielding.

The lecherous man reacted swiftly. He raised a golden gong and struck it, releasing a wave of sound that collided with the sword intent. With a thunderous “boom,” the sound wave shattered, but it also destroyed most of the sword intent. The remaining portion, however, reached the man’s arm in an instant, shattering it to pieces.

“Da-ge1Eldest Brother!”

“Be careful, Da-ge!”

The other two burly men’s urgent voices came through. They hadn’t expected Yun Lie to be so formidable. Even their timely intervention couldn’t prevent the immediate danger.

The “Da-ge” snarled, his eyes flashing with ferocity: “Sword intent… This sword intent is so murderous; it must be that audacious young man from years ago!”

The other two men’s eyes turned red with rage.

“Da-ge, is he the sword cultivator who killed our four brothers?”

“San-di2Third brother; San is three, and di is a younger brother / junior male., Da-ge would never mistake him. This must be Yun Lie from the Wuling Immortal Sect!”

In an instant, deep demonic energy swirled around the three men.

“Remember how formidable we, the Seven Demons of Hushan, once were? Now only three of us remain, all because of that scoundrel Yun!” the “Da-ge” roared angrily. “The scoundrel Yun killed my brothers with such cruelty. Hmph! Now he’s even protecting his little lover!”

The other two demons added:

“He killed our brothers; today, he deserves to fall into our hands!”

“Yun scoundrel! If you were still in the Wuling Immortal Sect, that would be one thing. Since you dare to come to this secret realm and have run into us, you will pay with your life as a blood sacrifice for my poor brothers!”

The three demons then ceased their words and moved in unison toward Yun Lie with deadly intent!

Yun Lie remained calm and unperturbed. He drew his spiritual sword and advanced to meet the three demons.

In the next moment, the three demons engaged in battle with ruthless intent, showing no mercy!

Meanwhile, Xu Ziqing was swept back several paces by Yun Lie’s sleeve, standing outside the fray.

Xu Ziqing felt a deep sense of alarm and confusion. At this point, it was clear that his senior brother had encountered old enemies!

The anger he had previously felt because of the demons’ wickedness now turned entirely into concern for his senior brother.

The Seven Demons of Hushan indeed had a deep-seated grudge against Yun Lie.

Decades ago, the Seven Demons of Hushan, who were all Golden Core cultivators and siblings, dominated a region with their overwhelming power. They had a notorious reputation for causing havoc, committing heinous acts such as exterminating entire families and coercing the local populace. Their cruelty was known far and wide, with no one daring to challenge them.

In addition to their murderous tendencies, the Seven Demons were notorious for their unrestrained lust. They would abduct any attractive men or women they encountered, regardless of their status. For cultivators, they would drain their vitality and use their corpses for soul refinement. For ordinary people, they would often die from the excessive abuse. Among the Seven Demons, the youngest was especially fond of mortal women. He derived immense pleasure from the sight of their bloodied and mangled remains, which fueled his perverse desires.

Such crimes were beyond reprehensible.

The Seven Demons were also extremely cunning. Even though they captured cultivators, they never targeted the disciples of major sects, which prevented the Nascent Soul elders of these sects from paying them much attention. When young disciples from major sects came to hunt them down, the demons would avoid direct confrontation and escape swiftly, leaving no trace.

As a result, for a long time, no one could deal with them effectively.

However, this all changed during Yun Lie’s time of training.

During that period, Yun Lie had mastered his sword intent and reached a level of power that could challenge even Golden Core cultivators. While passing through the region where the Seven Demons were active, he discovered that four of the demons were attacking a ninth-grade sect. Yun Lie saw the demons using their powers to tear apart the sect’s celestial cultivators, while the remaining demons were violating and assaulting beautiful women.

The scene was one of utter despair, with many disciples unable to resist due to their lack of strength.

The four demons were particularly ruthless, with one holding a frail Golden Core elder and draining his blood, while a young Golden Core cultivator struggled against another demon, his attacks becoming increasingly disordered.

If this continued, the sect would undoubtedly be destroyed.

This ninth-grade sect was not the first to suffer such devastation, nor was it the only one.

Though Yun Lie was unaware of the full extent of the Seven Demons’ atrocities, witnessing this scene filled him with intense killing intent. He immediately unleashed his sword intent, decapitating one of the demons engaged in sexual violence. The demon’s head rolled far away, blood spurting from the severed neck.

The sight of this sword intent stunned the remaining demons.

The women being violated by the demon were the first to react, waking up to the dire situation. Despite their disheveled appearance, one of them took up a flying sword and struck at the demon’s corpse, exclaiming with a mix of rage and satisfaction, “Indeed, you deserved to die! Serves you right!”

Her voice of anger and sorrow rallied the others to react as well.

Seeing such a formidable sword cultivator come to their aid, the morale of the ninth-grade sect’s people was greatly uplifted. They all embraced a sense of determination to fight to the death, becoming even more tenacious.

The three demons, however, were overwhelmed with grief by losing their brothers. They disregarded their current situation and surrounded Yun Lie, intending to kill this ruthless murderer.

Despite the young Golden Core cultivator holding back the fifth demon, even while injured, the remaining two demons launched a pincer attack. They hadn’t expected that a mere younger cultivator, who was only in the Core Formation Realm, could directly challenge and kill them!

These demons had relatively short cultivation histories, being only in the early Golden Core stage, with the Seven Demons having just recently achieved their Golden Core formation. They had come to slaughter this sect as a form of celebration, treating it as a source of amusement.

Unfortunately for them, their numerous crimes eventually led to their downfall on this day.

Yun Lie, though only in the Core Formation Realm, wielded the sword intent and, even though he was injured, managed to cut down the two demons. He then went to assist the young Golden Core cultivator and soon eliminated the last of the demons.

The ninth-grade sect, having narrowly avoided total annihilation, wished to express their gratitude to Yun Lie. However, Yun Lie did not stay but turned and left.

By the time the remaining three demons learned of their brothers’ deaths, the small sect had already fled to an unknown location. When the demons eventually discovered Yun Lie’s identity, he had long since left that region and had completed his training, returning to his sect.

The Wuling Immortal Sect was a major sect. Despite having late Golden Core and mid-Golden Core cultivation, the three demons knew they could not match this colossal force.

Thus, their hatred was suppressed for several decades.

During these years, the three demons had diligently cultivated and refined many demonic techniques, significantly increasing their power and advancing to the peak of the late Golden Core stage.

This time, they entered the secret realm to find treasures to strengthen their abilities and seek revenge against Yun Lie.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they emerged from the dense forest, they encountered their nemesis.

The three demons had always kept an eye on Yun Lie and were aware that he had broken through to the Golden Core stage. However, they underestimated him, thinking he was still in the early Golden Core stage and would not be a match for their peak late Golden Core strength. Fueled by years of accumulated hatred, they were determined to vent their anger upon seeing Yun Lie!

Xu Ziqing, not knowing all the details, could infer the situation from the demons’ words. At present, he could only protect himself and prevent the demons from using him as a pawn against his senior brother. His gaze remained fixed on the three combatants.

The three demons brandished black glowing demon sticks, striking heavily at Yun Lie!

These demon sticks were a dark green-black, emitting heavy black light with each strike, which was further tinged with a blood-red hue, looking extremely eerie and terrifying.

Originally, demon sticks were objects of the Buddhist Vajra used to suppress demons, but in the hands of these three demons, they had been transformed through unknown methods, resembling pure demonic weapons. The character “suppress” was essentially removed, making the weapon a perfect match for their dark nature.

The most terrifying aspect of these demon sticks was that as the three demons moved, their sticks clashed together, and during the collisions, the Buddha heads at the top of the sticks displayed an angry expression, emitting thick black smoke from their mouths. Soon, the smoke enveloped all three demons along with Yun Lie.

When Yun Lie’s spiritual sword clashed with the demon sticks, there was a series of “clang clang” sounds. His movements were swift and decisive, full of killing intent. Despite this, the black smoke remained unaffected, growing denser within the demonic light of the sticks.

Xu Ziqing, watching from the sidelines, began to feel worried.

The black smoke grew increasingly dark, eventually becoming as if it were a living entity.

When Xu Ziqing tried to send his spiritual sense in, it was immediately repelled!

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