The Time-Limited Leader Makes the Raid a Success

Chapter 27: Thats Why Im Here Now

Chapter 27: Thats Why Im Here Now

If stat evaluation focused on a Hunter's physical abilities, tactical assessment zeroed in on their 'performance.'

The utmost efficiency in quickly and safely dispatching monsters.

In the past, there was no objective information to determine a Hunter's level other than assessments based on stats.

However, as the Gate era lengthened, and as the age of major wars passed, giving way to the era of guild prosperity, various quantitative and qualitative evaluations were developed to gauge a Hunter's ability.

Among them was a prominent index like the 'Appropriate Monster Suppression Time.'

This index scored Hunters based on how quickly they were able to hunt a standard monster for each rank, solo, while wearing standard equipment.

Of course, the results varied greatly depending on position, skills, and main mission sessions, but it was useful as reference material to help understand one's basic combat ability.

There were dozens of other evaluation items. Unlike Hunters obsessed with rank or laymen lacking industry knowledge, stakeholders like Kang Mu-hyuk evaluated Hunters with more emphasis on tactical assessment than stat evaluation.

"First is Hong Ju-il, right? Suppression time is 3 minutes 47 seconds, 'Great.' That's an average for dealers. His coping ability seems lacking for this mission. Or is he overconfident in his skills? Perhaps it's a strong personal trait."

On the monitor, the figure of Ju Se-ah, slowly approaching Hong Ju-il, was being reflected.

She was intentionally making a lot of noise. Like an ogre expressing its dominance over the forest with its entire body, everyone nearby could distinctly feel her presence.

The Hunters' reactions varied at this point.

Some stood still, looking uncomfortable, some retreated to hide, others faced her fearlessly.

Since it was a test doubling as training, there wasn't a particular pass mark. From the start, having Ju Se-ah as the opponent set the bar incredibly high.

But Kang Mu-hyuk had no choice but to frown from the start.

"There's absolutely no communication."

The first response was a failing grade.

Even though the goal was to observe the process rather than the result, this was disappointing.

"I wonder if they can endure for 5 minutes? It'd be good if at least one reusable guy shows up from all this."


Whooom! Whooom! Whooosh! Whooosh!

The iron ball attached to the end of a chain created a chilling surge of wind current as it swung.

The close-range mace, connected by rings forming a chain, was often used against monsters with high regeneration.

For instance, with regards to trolls rather than cutting them it was more effective to crush them since they recovered slower that way.

The hefty iron ball guaranteed lethal destructive power just by the centrifugal force it generated when it was swung.

However, the mace was not a popular weapon.

Firstly, it lacked versatility. Its size and shape made it inconvenient to carry around. And most crucially, it lacked 'glamor.'

Hunters were often more preoccupied with the 'look' of their weapon than its functionality. For lower rank Hunters survival was the top priority, and they paid little attention to appearances. However, as they climbed ranks, visibility also became a factor in their choice of equipment.

Unless it was a special case, there was no Hunter who used the ugly mace as their primary weapon.

Therefore, there were few Hunters skilled in the use of the mace.

Of course, this didn't apply to Ju Se-ah.

She was adept at using any weapon that was effective for killing monsters.

"One minute has already passed. If you can stay unscathed for the rest of the time, there'll be a special bonus. Ah? By the way, I won't be using any skills."

At Ju Se-ah's voice ringing out in the darkness, the Hunters were taken aback.

'She was an Ogre, but now she's an S-class Hunter?'

'No, an Ogre might even be better. This is almost like the final boss of a Red Gate, isn't it?'

Ju Se-ah's statement divided the Hunters' approach.

'This is a chance to impress an S-class Hunter. She's the top Hunter in Korea, after all. If I perform well this time, I could move up!'

'She's a walking calamity, right? The nickname of the S-class... I need to keep a low profile if I want to survive long and thin.'

'If she's not using skills, maybe it's worth a shot? It's dark, too. If I hide, she might not be able to find me.'

'What do I do? What do I do? What do I do~?'

The Hunters decided to use skills to conquer the darkness first.

These were the Hunters Kang Mu-hyuk criticized right from the start, but as they had completed the regular training, they possessed fundamental skills.

They chose skills that allowed them to identify their opponents, not just blindly lighting up the area.

'Night Vision.'

Hong Ju-il's vision turned green. Ju Se-ah entered his line of sight, which had been shrouded in a black curtain.


She was right in front of him.



Hong Ju-il, who got kicked in the stomach and couldn't even gulp down his breath, collapsed. The front of the protective armor he wore had caved in.

Ju Se-ah stepped over the unconscious and drooling Hong Ju-il as she moved on.

The rookies, who had used the same darkness perception skills or those that discerned the situation through sound, were shocked by their fallen colleague and scattered in all directions.

"I can hear your footsteps."

Ju Se-ah chased after the scattering Hunters, hopping excitedly.

To the rookies, the spacious training room, which took up a whole floor, felt as cramped as a cage.

Every time the mace whipped up the wind, Hunters fell screaming. They wondered how the S-class, who claimed not to use skills, could find them so well. They even suspected that she was secretly using skills.

"Two minutes left. But now there are only seven of you left?"

When Ju Se-ah reported the mid-game situation, the surviving Hunters finally looked around.

She had been running around like she was herding rabbits, but somehow she had taken down ten of them.

'Damn it! Even an Ogre wouldn't be this scary.'

As Kim Gwi-nam gritted his teeth and held his breath, someone whispered in his ear.

"Bro, running away is useless. We should fight together."


Unlike Kim Gwi-nam, a tanker with a low rank and no messaging skill, Min Dae-hyun, a supporter, had prioritized obtaining functional skills over combat skills.

Min Dae-hyun exhausted his remaining energy while simultaneously unleashing a flurry of deceptive skills intended to distract Ju Se-ah, staying true to his role as a supporter.

He disrupted her balance, blurred her vision, and confused her hearing.

Although they were minor, these skills were quite useful in hunting.

The problem was the vast rank difference between him and Ju Se-ah.

Not only that, but she also surpassed them in both physical and magical resistance.

Nevertheless, Ju Se-ah purposely received the full brunt of his skills and patiently waited.

It was a fitting penalty for her role as an Ogre.

Surrounded by the remaining rookies, Ju Se-ah let out a sigh.

"Forming a party in the middle of a fight isn't too bad. But you only set up a formation after more than half became combat-incapable. If you'd done this from the beginning, at least you could have set up a scrum (tanker wall). You all get a failing grade."

With a strict critique, Ju Se-ah charged in.


'Finally, we've formed a large group, but it looks hopeless. About two minutes left. Can we hold out?'

For the first time since joining the Taesung Guild, Min Dae-hyun started to enjoy himself.

When Ju Se-ah had first appeared, he felt chills run down his spine. He thought he was terrified in front of the strongest Hunter, but after more than half the Hunters were out, he realized it was a thrilling tension.


As the sense of crisis heightened, adrenaline pumped.

His brain worked more actively within this thrilling pleasure.

Thanks to this, he found the leisure to follow Ju Se-ah's movements.

"Whoa! Here she comes!"

Ju Se-ah was seen charging.

The target was the tanker, Kim Gwi-nam.

Not wanting to see the frontline crumble before the fight even began, Min Dae-hyun cast his skill immediately.

'Trip over a pebble and fall!'

A trivial skill that merely raised a bump on the ground.

Due to his low proficiency, the best he could do was trip someone up, but in the dark, it might just work...

'...Oh, hell no. Does she have eyes on her feet too?'

His spine chilled at the sight of her easily evading and hitting Kim Gwi-nam's shield with her mace.

With the sound of collision deafening his ears, the shield bent.

As Kim Gwi-nam dropped to his knees, Ju Se-ah swung an uppercut-like blow with her mace without mercy.

In shock, Min Dae-hyun quickly stretched out his hand. A thin line of mana sprung from his hand and wrapped around Kim Gwi-nam's ankle, yanking him away.

The mace just grazed the shield.


Ju Se-ah's lips curled as she slid across the ground, chasing after the fleeing Kim Gwi-nam.

Min Dae-hyun quickly gave orders to another party member.

"Soo-jin, try to draw her attention."

Frightened and unresponsive, Yang Soo-jin snapped back to reality and fired an arrow.

But Ju Se-ah easily dodged and caught up with Kim Gwi-nam.

As Ju Se-ah tried to grab the mana line and pull it back, Min Dae-hyun hastily cancelled his skill.

And Kim Gwi-nam, left behind, was...


"Now there are six left."

Ju Se-ah finished him off.

'Ugh! I'm sorry, Gwi-nam.'

Min Dae-hyun fell back, racking his brain on how a party without a tank could hold out.

"You have one minute left."

The voice of the new Guild Leader flowed out from the speaker.

One minute.

A mere 60 seconds.

A glimmer of hope had briefly appeared with the finish line in sight. However--

"One minute? Okay. That's enough."

For Ju Se-ah, it was ample time, not enough to apply any pressure.

'Is that... Is that enough?'

Min Dae-hyun let out a shriek as he watched Ju Se-ahh closing the distance in an instant.


'Considering this test was meant to sort out and organize things before the relocation....'

"All 17 of you out."

Kang Mu-hyuk switched on the training room lights at the announcement of the test's end by Ju Se-ah, who was addressing the camera.

'There was an unexpectedly useful Hunter.'

The test lasted five minutes, but the actual running time was just over four minutes.

In reality, the 17 rookie Hunters had barely shown anything of substance.

They were simply trampled on.

The problem was the lack of tactical movement to withstand the entire five minutes, as stipulated in the mission.

'If they'd made some decisive orders, they could have managed. Not one of them was willing to step up and take the lead.'

As he first witnessed the abilities of the rookie Hunters, Kang Mu-hyuk was left with the impression that they weren't as bad as he'd thought.

There were Hunters who attempted counterattacks in their own way.

It was largely thanks to Ju Se-ah's generosity, but at least they didn't just stand and die. That in itself was meaningful.

Facing Ju Se-ah would result in the same outcome even if they were from Titan.

'Well, the difference in skill among C-rank rookies is paper-thin. The real issue is...'

The lack of assertiveness.

The first hurdle separating promising candidates and average rookie Hunters was who made the first move.

This was the reason why the unwritten rule in the Hunter industry was 'Follow the one who acts first in a crisis.' It was a proverb any seasoned Hunter was aware about.

It was this difference that accelerated a Hunter's growth.

"There's one with potential. The rest are on hold. We should push with him at the center of the rookies."

Just as Ju Se-ah, who had finished the test and entered the waiting room, heard Kang Mu-hyuk's plan, she let out a dismissive snort.

"I'm sure you know this as the former Strategy and Tactics Team Leader. A supporter can't be the center of a party. Even if it looks naive, it's an immutable truth that the tank stays at the core."

"I agree with that. But what I'm talking about is a commander who relays orders."

"Usually, that's a tank or a dealer with a lot of experience. There are limits to a supporter who stays in the rear."

"By staying in the rear, they can secure a wider field of vision."

Upon seeing Kang Mu-hyuk actively participating in the hunting strategy, Ju Se-ah seemed to have a realization.

"Is this also related to that C warehouse?"

"For now, I'll decline to comment."

"Fine. I'm the type to save the good stuff for later. I'll wait until the results come in. But don't you think it's about time to show some vision to the guild members? With the guild relocation news tomorrow, they're going to be frantic. Mass resignations could occur."

Ju Se-ah spoke with worry, but Kang Mu-hyuk just shrugged as if unconcerned.

"We'll just leave them be. That was the plan from the start. The move to North Pocheon will help weed out useless forces. I'd be thankful if the factions that get in the way leave. When you suddenly get hit on the head, your true nature tends to reveal itself in one way or another. We'll be able to confirm who's with us and who's not at this point."

"From the receiver's end, it must be really bewildering. I knew you had a bad personality, but your hobbies are nasty too."

"Thanks to that, we're here now."


The Guild Leader system! Revival after 20 years!

The challenge of the Taesung Guild. The gamble of Guild Master Ju Se-ah.

Kang Mu-hyuk, the first non-Hunter Strategy and Tactics Team Leader in the industry. Takes office as Guild Leader of Taesung Guild,

All about the Guild Leader. Why revive a failed system?

"This isn't even funny. Bringing out the Guild Leader system. What did the princess of Taesung eat wrong? Have the car ready. Send a message to Guild Master Ju Se-ah that we should meet. Let's head to the Taesung Guild."

"Yes, Chairman."


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