The Time-Limited Leader Makes the Raid a Success

Chapter 23: For Monsters Only

Chapter 23: For Monsters Only

Lee Cheoljung closed the rest of the proposal without even flipping through it.

"Aren't you going to check it?"

"The conditions aren't what's important."

Kang Mu-hyuk nodded as if agreeing.

"You should still check."

"There's no way you would give me a ridiculously low price. This is an absolutely advantageous proposal for me. Why would you make such an offer?"

"Doesn't the Titan Guild need to maintain clean finances in order to advance to a Tier-ed guild? The Warehouse C is a problematic inventory that's difficult to manage, and it could only be a weakness for the Guild Master."

"I'm not talking about that. What I mean is that there's nothing good for you in this deal. I'm asking why you would make such an offer. Is there a hidden contract somewhere?"

"To be frank with you..."

At this point, Kang Mu-hyuk took a sip of his coffee and paused, but Lee Cheoljung leaned in, fully engaged.

"The Warehouse C is a white elephant to the Titan Guild, but not to me."

"A white elephant?"

"Do you remember? The words I spoke when I started the project that became Warehouse C."

It was a memory from more than five years ago, but Lee Cheoljung remembered it vividly.

"You said... You would change the paradigm."

"Yes. I'm going to realize the plan I had back then at Taesung. I'm thinking of changing the hunting method from its very foundation."

A hollow laugh escaped from Lee Cheoljung. It wasn't a reaction of contempt, but more of a 'can you really do that?' skepticism.

"I think highly of you, but I never thought that was possible. Of course, I was skeptical at one point. But didn't the project yield no result?"

"That was because we drove away the talent capable of producing results from that project. The interference from the Vice Guild Master was considerable. We planned to change the paradigm itself. Even with the guild pushing with all its might, it was insufficient, and there was internal discord. It's natural that we couldn't succeed."

"So this time, you're taking over the project, confident of its success."

"Who could be confident in their plan? Hunting plans go awry the moment we step into the gate. Consider it more of a challenge."

"That'll be a costly challenge."

Only then did Lee Cheoljung flip through the proposal.

As he leaned against the sofa and carefully reviewed the contents, he found a section that irked him.

He widened his eyes and stared at Kang Mu-hyuk.

"Guild Leader?"


"You mean Guild Leader, not Strategy and Tactics Team Leader?"


"Huh? Ju Se-ah must be out of her mind. She's reviving the Guild Leader system?"

"Our Guild Master occasionally hears such talk. But she's more sensible than you'd think."

Lee Cheoljung was taken aback as he watched Kang Mu-hyuk talk as if it had nothing to do with him.

The thought of handing over Warehouse C didn't even cross his mind. Once it was out of his hands, he wouldn't care about it anymore.

However, he couldn't just let the Guild Leader system slide.

Even though it was still quiet, it was obvious that there would be those ready to pounce once it became public knowledge.

"You know it will be your work anyway. It's not the time to talk so easily, is it? Soon it will spread throughout the industry. It wouldn't be strange if checks came in from here and there. Perhaps even someone trying to influence the political sector?"

"Failure in the past doesn't necessarily mean failure in the future. I'm prepared for that."

"Do you know why it failed? The Guild Leader system is virtually the same as the system with professional managers who aren't Hunters. The damage was enormous due to civilians who know nothing about hunting trying to control Hunters. Bringing back such a failed system is essentially a rebellion against the current guild system. It is even more so for the older generations like me who have personally experienced it. And the current industry leaders are exactly those people."

Kang Mu-hyuk knew why Lee Cheoljung brought up this argument. It wasn't advice. It was a concern for an old colleague.

Although Lee Cheoljung was ambitious, he was also the last romanticist who went through the transformation period just before the guild became corporatized. He had comradeship with those he had fought together with during the difficult times.

However, to Kang Mu-hyuk, his concern could only seem unnecessary.

The underlying concern of Lee Cheoljung was deeply colored with Hunter prioritization.

"I may be a civilian, but I'm not ignorant of hunting."

"You know that's not what I meant, right? Even if you're fine, what if it spreads to other guilds? At least half of the current corporate guilds are parachutes. What if civilians in executive positions seize the Guild Leader position and cause side effects?"

"The failure in the past wasn't due to the system but due to the lack of experience. Not just the Guild Leaders, but all Hunters were immature then. I don't think the method itself was bad. The industry has matured now, and I believe there is enough capacity to accept it."

Lee Cheoljung closed his mouth at Kang Mu-hyuk's gaze.

It was like that during his time at Titan as well.

If it wasn't right, it wasn't. If it had to be done, it had to be done by someone.

Thanks to that, he had many enemies. Even though the momentum of the Hunters who were living on the frontline, risking their lives, was far from easy, he never shrank back or avoided them. Rather, it was the Hunters who were pushed back by his momentum.

Realizing he had nothing to say, Lee Cheoljung shrugged his shoulders.

"If I take the Guild Leader position, will you not accept this proposal?"

"That's a different story."

"Then, I will proceed with the acquisition at 320 billion."

"You're still shaving off 100 billion... What if I ask for more?"

"I could have even cut it down more. It's quite literally a white elephant for Titan. But considering Titan's circumstances, I thought this would be the line where I could help the Guild Master, so I adjusted it to a reasonable amount. Do you need an adjustment?"

"No need. I just poked you a little. You probably have plans up to plan F prepared anyway. Bargaining is really your forte."

"Then, I will send the contract based on this proposal."

Lee Cheoljung wanted to make a promise to have a drink as he saw Kang Mu-hyuk rise up without any lingering attachment, but he remembered that Kang Mu-hyuk didn't enjoy drinking and gave up on that thought.

Lee Cheoljung escorted Kang Mu-hyuk to the elevator, a hint of regret in his eyes.

As he left, Kang Mu-hyuk locked eyes with an employee lingering in the hallway. Recognizing him as someone from the Vice Guild Master secretary's office, he narrowed his eyes.

Frozen like a frog in front of a snake due to the overwhelming aura of the top Hunter, the employee could not move a muscle.

Recognizing the employee, Kang Mu-hyuk understood the situation, sighed, and stepped in between them.

Freed from Lee Cheoljung's gaze, the employee hunched over, gasping for breath. His heart pounded, and his legs shook. The employee, his face drenched in sweat, looked up at Kang Mu-hyuk.

Kang Mu-hyuk leaned in and whispered into the employee's ear.

"Tell Mr. Vice Guild Master not to worry. I will keep my promise. I just came to visit today."

As Kang Mu-hyuk gave the employee's shoulder a light tap and pushed him aside, the employee quickly got out of the way.

"You're quite popular."

"Did you have your meal? I haven't had mine yet."

"Are you trying to use me as a pass?"

"Well, the Vice Guild Master doesn't give up easily, you know. It's a nuisance to have him tailing me."

Fortunately for Kang Mu-hyuk, Lee Cheoljung, who wasn't ready to say goodbye, was delighted by his suggestion.

"Do you like sushi? I have a favorite place. Let's go there."


Jang Deuk-goo visited a sauna near the guild.

He entered the changing room with his shoes still on.

"Sir, you can't go in there like that. Please take off your shoes."

The manager tried to stop him, but as soon as he made eye contact with Jang Deuk-goo, he stepped back in shock.

Not only was Jang Deuk-goo's large figure intimidating, but his domineering eyes and battered face gave the impression that he could start a fight at any moment.

People looking like him in this day and age were either gangsters or Hunters.

Judging by his aura, the manager believed him to be the latter.

"I'll be done in a moment."

That one sentence made him shiver.

'What does he mean by 'done'?'

The manager looked down at the white bag that had suddenly been handed to him. He could see a wad of bills sticking out.

Realizing the meaning of the money, he spoke with a quivering voice.

"Pl-please don't kill anyone."

"If things go smoothly, I'll leave peacefully."

With a laugh, Jang Deuk-goo responded and entered the bath without even undressing.

The customers who had been enjoying their baths jolted in surprise as they saw Jang Deuk-goo enter fully dressed.

Jang Deuk-goo went straight into a steam room labeled 'Kiln'.

Inside the small, steam-filled space sat three men.

"What's this?"

The two men sitting on the sides jumped up.

They quickly recognized Jang Deuk-goo's face and hesitated.

"Senior, do you have no public decency? This place requires undressing."

The man sitting in the middle, who was removing the towel from his head, spoke.

"Do Gyeong-hoon. I understand that a message was sent to you yesterday. Did you not receive it?"

"I did hear from Mi-ran. She said you wanted to meet."

"I thought the Expedition Team Leader would be too busy, so I came myself."

Do Gyeong-hoon evaluated Jang Deuk-goo's outfit.

It was not his usual gear, but it wasn't non-combatant attire either.

Hidden cleverly in the belt and boots were knife blades and an armor coat carried by Hunters for emergencies in non-Gate areas.

Considering Jang Deuk-goo's own skills, it was more than enough to face a naked Do Gyeong-hoon.

"Senior, the reason we've been able to get along quietly up until now is that we didn't cross each other's lines. You do understand that it's better to not see each other's faces, don't you?"

"We've been quiet all this time because we were afraid you might shit yourselves if we crossed each other. But as soon as you found out that the new leader was a non-Hunter, you sent someone after him. Who crossed the line?"

"We just wanted to talk. We could have had a drink and discussed the guild's future."

"It would have been better if you'd come out to the Guild Leader like that."

"Next time, I'll pay a visit to the Guild Leader."

"I hope you don't even hover near the Guild Leader outside the guild."

"I'll tell the guys."

Jang Deuk-goo nodded and turned to leave.

Sweat oozed from every pore of Do Gyeong-hoon. It wasn't because of the heat of the sauna. The towel he had wrapped around his neck was soaked and heavily pressing down on his shoulders.

A Hunter, who had been holding his breath, exhaled heavily and spoke angrily.

"Team Leader, isn't that guy too cocky? Acting all high and mighty because he trusts the Guild Leader..."

"Shut up."

"Y-yes, sir..."

"We just went to the brink of death and back. Do you understand? Everyone, remember this. Never engage that monster with less than two full parties. He'll cut us all down."

Honestly, Do Gyeong-hoon couldn't guarantee that even two would be enough.

He had merely said that out of his wounded pride, implying that more power should be invested.

'I understand that the Guild Leader is great... But why on earth is that guy under Guild Leader? He's from a completely different world.'


The moment Kang Mu-hyuk returned to the office, he noticed the atmosphere was tense.

It was the management team that had moved their office today.

No one tried to show it, but it was impossible to hide from his keen eyes.

Kang Mu-hyuk took off his jacket at his seat and spoke over the partition.

"Team Leader, what's going on? The atmosphere seems a bit off."

Cho Chung-hyun, the Strategy and Tactics Team Leader, hesitated for a moment.

He had heard that the higher-ups had decided to go along with it, but it was strange that someone who didn't seem likely to let things slide so easily had agreed.

However, Kang Mu-hyuk had convinced him with a single remark.

'I survived in Titan with this kind of diplomacy. Aren't you also reporting to Director Tae Soo-man? If you think you're good at socializing, it'll be easy to understand.'

Kang Mu-hyuk's actions were still reported to Tae Soo-man, but it seemed there was no need to see him as closely as at their first meeting, given that he was now an ally.

"There seems to be a little trouble on the management side."

"Trouble? That team's noise isn't just for a day or two. Is there a problem I should know about?"

"There's a bit of a rough character among the Hunters."

Before Cho Chung-hyun could finish his sentence, Kang Mu-hyuk's expression hardened, and he strode over towards the management team.

Despite being preoccupied with his own tasks and thus unfamiliar with the team, the head of the management recognized the Guild Leader immediately, rising from his seat to greet him.

"Hello, Guild Leader. I'm Kim Dong-yong, in charge of management."

Kang Mu-hyuk scanned the team with a seemingly casual acknowledgement of the greeting, placing his hands on his hips before speaking.

"Who is the employee involved in the current problem?"

"Eh? Oh, that's..."

"Do we need to call a lawyer? Or should we negotiate? Or do we need disciplinary measures?"

Kang Mu-hyuk's questions were straightforward. He was asking whether a Hunter had assaulted a civilian, fought with another Hunter, or bullied a guild employee.


Kang Mu-hyuk cut off Kim Dong-yong's hesitation.

"It's... It's the third case..."

"Disciplinary measures would have been the same in either case, I suppose. As it always has been."

"Yes. It probably wouldn't have helped."

Looking at Kim Dong-yong, who had deeply bowed his head, Kang Mu-hyuk scowled.

Hunters treating managers like servants was a common issue in every guild. In severe cases, they would threaten the victims into erasing the assault. Although this problem surfaced several times, sparking social controversy, it quickly got buried due to guild lobbying.


'This wasn't an issue in Titan.'

At least, this was something that should not have happened in the guild he managed. Kang Mu-hyuk calmly quelled his anger and spoke.

"Where is the injured employee?"

"We have him resting in the infirmary for now."

"Immediately transfer him to a partner hospital of the guild. The guild will fully support his stay in a high-level ward and a thorough examination."

"If it's a partner hospital... That would be Taesung Hospital..."

"What? Is there a problem?"

Following Kang Mu-hyuk, Cho Chung-hyun stepped in with an answer.

"If we move him there, the group headquarters will get involved. It may even lead to an audit."

"If we've done something wrong, we should be audited."

"If it's decided that the group's image has been tarnished, and the Hunter is expelled, there could be backlash from the other Hunters."


Kang Mu-hyuk let out a cynical chuckle.

"Good. I was thinking it might be time for a warning."


Ignoring Cho Chung-hyun's question, Kang Mu-hyuk continued, "Listen well, everyone. You came here to work, not because you were dragged here. Just because Hunters are strong, they are not your masters. Do not become accustomed to unfairness. Do not let them act like your masters. We are all members of the same guild. Keep in mind that we are all colleagues."

"But aren't they the ones holding the hilt of the sword?!"

One of the managers shouted in frustration. A coworker next to him grabbed his sleeve, trying to calm him down.

"Be quiet, Manager Oh."

Kang Mu-hyuk gestured to stop the colleague who was trying to calm the manager. Then, he looked directly at the shouting manager and spoke.

"That sword should only be used against monsters."


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