The Time-Limited Leader Makes the Raid a Success

Chapter 18: Isnt this Negligence?

Chapter 18: Isnt this Negligence?

Kang Mu-hyuk waited for the uproar to die down before opening his mouth.

"I suppose many of you here have a negative perception of the role of the guild leader due to past issues. During the Hunter training period and even in the Guild test references, it is mentioned as a representative case of guild management failure. I have no intention of denying that. The previous guild leadership was indeed a mess."

There was no flattery in Kang Mu-hyuk's voice.

He did not seek understanding or agreement.

He simply expressed his thoughts objectively.

"However, to conclude in advance that we will fail again because we failed back then, I don't believe that's the attitude of a guild member who should always consider every possibility."

"In fact, you must be well aware that there are numerous cases where previously failed strategies later become successful. Just like those cases, I will prove the effectiveness of the guild leader system through the outcome."

Kang Mu-hyuk paused for a moment and glanced briefly at his audience. Their expressions wavered. Those who couldn't comprehend the situation turned to others around them and local broadcasts, murmuring amongst themselves.

Kang Mu-hyuk waited for his words to register in their minds before speaking again.

"There will be many changes. I understand that some of you may not like these changes. I won't abandon those who can't keep up. However, I can't work with those who refuse to keep up. As the guild leader exercising the guild's authority, I will decisively exclude such members."

"I look forward to working with you all."

Kang Mu-hyuk bowed, but no applause followed.

Neither did Ju Se-ah try to prompt applause. She took the microphone passed to her by Kang Mu-hyuk and said,

"Disperse. Go and do your work."

The top two guild members left the hall, but the rest of the guild members remained, unable to leave their seats.

They were stunned by what had just happened.

The role of a guild leader, something they had only heard of, felt unfamiliar, especially with the added proclamation.

And the guild master had approved of it.

Everyone could feel it.

Something about this time felt different.

A while later, the shock of the inauguration ceremony gradually faded.

Should they really call this an inauguration ceremony? It felt as if a storm had just passed.

Before that feeling had fully dissipated, the guild members started gathering and exchanging opinions.

"Wow, how did they form such a clique? Both the guild master and the leader are stirring up trouble."

"Hey, when was the last time we had a guild leader? I can't remember, it's been too long. Does anyone know the extent of a guild leader's authority?"

"Team Leader, what are we supposed to tell the PR team about this? Should we release a statement? Non-Hunter guild leader... If we release this, other guilds will swoop in."

"So, who are they planning to cut? Wow, this is crazy. What are they going to do if the group headquarters find out?"

Until now, no one knew.

The storm hadn't even begun yet.

"What is all this?"

Upon returning to the office, the Strategy and Tactics Team members asked the bustling operations team.

However, the answer arrived from behind them.

"I'm planning to place my desk here."

He was the new guild leader they had just seen in the auditorium a moment ago.

"Um, excuse me, sir... there's a separate break room on the 24th floor..."

One of the team members cautiously broke the silence.

Kang Mu-hyuk looked at him and nodded.

"I know. But I think this place might be better. And the management team will be moving up here."


All the Strategy and Tactics Team members cried out in what sounded like disbelief.

The place Kang Mu-hyuk pointed to was the Strategy and Tactics Team's break room. It was a privilege for the Strategy and Tactics Team alone, a break room separate from other offices.

A sunny window, soft sofas, free coffee beans, various snacks, and even a game console had all been provided.

It was only natural to be shocked at the removal of such a paradise.

'Please do something about this, boss.'


With desperate eyes and a feeble voice, as if ants were crawling on them, the team members sought their team leader.

Cho Chung-hyun, the Strategy and Tactics Team Leader who was at the very back, had no choice but to step forward, buoyed by the earnest appeals of his team members.

"Mr. Kang, please leave the break room as it is."

"Why should I do that? There's a coffee room for that, and as far as I know, there's a public break room on the 10th floor."

"The burden the Strategy and Tactics Team bears is different from other departments. That's why we always need adequate rest. A slight misjudgment due to fatigue could result in a hunter's death."

At Cho Chung-hyun's response, Kang Mu-hyuk furrowed his brow.

"I know what the Strategy and Tactics Team is like."

"No, you don't. That's why you're so quick to get rid of the break room..."



"Isn't it negligence to claim privileges using the burden you're given as an excuse?"

"Huh? Negligence?"

"Yes. Negligence. A guild is also an organization. It's negligence when you prioritize your own privileges over work when your task within the organization is tough. What else would you call it?"

"Your choice of words is a bit harsh. If someone hears, they might think we're here to fight."

Cho Chung-hyun snorted as if he found the whole thing ridiculous.

'Cho Chung-hyun. B-rank. 14 years as a Tank. Retired from active duty due to declining skills. Changed to the position of Strategy and Tactics Team leader.'

Kang Mu-hyuk recalled the Strategy and Tactics Team leader's history. He was disregarding Kang Mu-hyuk simply because he was a non-Hunter.

Even so. Starting a quarrel over such a simple matter as rearranging the office...

Kang Mu-hyuk felt a deep displeasure at the quarrel from the get-go and retorted.

"I saw it on the internet. These days, kids often use the term 'fact bomb'. When people get hit by a 'fact bomb, they think you're starting a fight. Out of a guilty conscience. Or maybe they feel embarrassed. If you thought I was trying to start a fight, your initial interpretation of my actions would depend on your perspective, wouldn't it?"

"Huh? Our boss, you sure have a sharp tongue."

"It can be sweet sometimes too. To taste that, you'll have to stick with me for a while."

Cho Chung-hyun felt he was being pushed back. The issue of the break room was just a trivial matter to pick a fight over. He had put on a show of being outraged, using the team members' requests as an excuse, as his territory was being invaded quietly. But he couldn't even regain what he'd lost. If he pushed any further, he was perfectly fit to look like a fool.

'Did they pick him because of his way with words? If I half-heartedly confront him, I might end up getting caught unnecessarily.'

Even while engaging in guild politics, it was crucial not to force issues. Within the guild itself, there were several Hunters stronger than Cho Chung-hyun himself. To counter them, he needed a valid justification.

That was the know-how Cho Chung-hyun had used to maintain his position as the Strategy and Tactics Team Leader.

He decided to take a step back.

"Understood. Well, I don't know why you're bringing the managing team, but if our new leader is eager to take some initiative, I should help."

"Thank you. Hearing this from the Strategy and Tactics Team Leader, I feel encouraged."

"But let me clarify. Even if I go along, don't expect the other Team Leaders to be as gentlemanly as me. If you push too hard, there will only be embarrassment. Your job will become more difficult."

"Thank you for the advice. I'll take it to heart."

When Kang Mu-hyuk turned his back, the team members who had been holding their breath between the two titans finally exhaled.

They were just trying to guard the break room, but suddenly, the atmosphere had shifted.

'What just happened?'

'Has the power struggle already begun?'

'The previous Vice Guild Master smiled and greeted us on the first day, right? This Vice Guild Master... or should I say, Leader, seems pretty intense.'

"Ah? And also..."

Kang Mu-hyuk turned back towards the Strategy and Tactics Team, who were exchanging glances.

"Prepare for the meeting. I will review the guild's capabilities before we set up. Evaluating Hunter stats, tactical evaluations, operational areas for the past three years, raid strategy plans... Let's start with those. I'll see you in an hour."

The team members scrambled in panic as soon as Kang Mu-hyuk vacated his seat.

"What the hell? We have to look at all that?"

"Did we even organize the data?"

"The tactical evaluations haven't even been updated. We would've needed a proper raid for that."

As the team members floundered, Cho Chung-hyun exploded.

"The Leader said prepare for the meeting! How long will you dawdle? If there's nothing, prepare what you can!"

At Cho Chung-hyun's outburst, the team members sprang into action.

Cho Chung-hyun left the buzzing office and exited via the emergency stairs.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it up just before the flame reached the filter, and then picked up his smartphone.

"Executive Secretary, this is the Strategy and Tactics Team Leader. I called because I have something important to discuss."

The Strategy and Tactics Team, excluding the Team Leader Cho Chung-hyun, nervously watched Kang Mu-hyuk's movements.

Embarrassing documents were piled on the desk.

There were many missing documents, and most of them were unorganized.

Even with almost two hours, they could barely prepare in time, indicating their lack of regular organization.

There was no room to refute Kang Mu-hyuk's accusation of negligence in their work.

The team members rolled their eyes, pretending to go over the documents together.

After quietly sitting for an hour reviewing various documents, Kang Mu-hyuk sorted the report he was reading and opened his mouth.

"The stats records are inconsistent. How often do you perform physical scans on the Hunters, Team Leader?"

"Once a year."

"Don't you usually divide it into two halves of the year for a minimum of twice? In the case of new Hunters, it's done quarterly."

"That's a process that is usually done by at least mid-sized guilds."

"Though Taesung might not be at the level of a middle-ranking guild in terms of skill, I believe it is certainly not less in terms of scale. Am I mistaken?"

"Well, it's a bit awkward to say this, but our Hunters' qualities aren't up to par. Their growth is slow, the cultivation sector is ineffective, and those Hunters we've managed to raise well often transfer to other guilds. This has rendered our cultivation system pointless."

Kang Mu-hyuk nodded to indicate he understood.

Understanding, however, didn't mean the problem could be easily brushed aside. He wanted to overhaul the issue immediately, but he was still in the process of understanding the structure for redesign.

If he acted recklessly, it could result in a disastrous mess.

Displaying patience, Kang Mu-hyuk asked the next question, "Alright, I understand that part. Then why weren't the veterans scanned?"

"The veterans Well, they have their reasons."

Although it was an unconvincing reason even without personal sentiments, Kang Mu-hyuk scanned the list of Hunters classified as veterans and quickly grasped the situation.

"This is odd. The average age of the Hunters is 29.7 years, which is supposed to be their prime. But it seems like we're missing the middle-aged Hunters. They're either in their early twenties or in their mid-to-late thirties."


"Could the decline in skill be the reason?"

"We can't strictly see it that way. Veterans have their own assets. Only when there's a drastic difference in stats can youth overcome experience."

"I understand that. Not all Hunters lose their skills as they age. There are many who are still active on the field in their 40s and even 50s. However, that's only possible with constant self-management, non-stop training, and regular combat. How many people from the guild are actively Hunting now?"

At Kang Mu-hyuk's rebuke, no one could utter a word. There were hardly any people who could confidently respond to his question.

Kang Mu-hyuk threw a thin booklet onto the middle of the conference table.

u0026lt;Raid Strategy

"The document that should be the thickest here is the thinnest. The same goes for the raid plans. Whether the reporting system has collapsed, or documents have been lost, or if there's an issue with the hunting schedule itself, you all would know better. But this is unacceptable. Isn't it embarrassing to complain about the break room in a situation like this?"n",


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