The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 65: The Quest to Save Lily [7]

Chapter 65: The Quest to Save Lily [7]


After obtaining his sword, Amon returned to his apartment, still not finding Lily on the street where they met anymore.

After returning, he settled down on his bed in his room and locked the door.

His sister still wasn't home yet but he didn't want to take any chances of her finding out.

Retrieving the box from his inventory, he displayed it on the bed and removed the lid.

And for the second time, he saw the sleek obsidian black sword before him.

He took it out of the box with utmost carefulness as if it was a priceless antique, wielding it in his hand.

He hadn't done it in the shop, but now he could finally do it.

He quickly knotted the nodachi to his outfit using the sageo before taking a stance.

Next, he gripped the scabbard in one hand and pushed the handle of the sword with his thumb, breaking the seal.

Tilting the scabbard downward with his hand he brought it back and pulled the nodachi out with his right hand.

The black obsidian metal gleamed under the atmospheric lighting, reflecting it like a sparkling titanium.

And just like the Void Training, he instantly realized how it was eerily similar in weight to the odachi even though it was shorter,

He admired the groove and the curved edge of the nodachi, examining the intricate patterns that had been woven on the metal with meticulous care.

He slashed it in the air, and with each swing, he heard euphoric ripples resound in the air.

The black metal seemed to cut through the air like a knife cutting through paper, making it the cause of the ripples he heard.

At that moment, Amon remembered to check the status of the weapon.

Weapon Name: Obsidian Bloodstorm

Weapon Rank: 4 Stars

* Increases the [Strength] and [Agility] stats of the user by 1 point. [This effect will become null once the user's rank crosses the rank of the weapon]

* Increases the affinity stats of [Lightning] and [Blood] by one point. [This effect will become null once the user's rank crosses the rank of the weapon.]


* [Bloodborne Symphony]: By inflicting a cut on an opponent using this sword, the user can choose to inflict paralysis or bleeding effect on the user for 8 seconds. The stronger the user is, the less time it will take for them to break free.

With his eyes running through the description, Amon subtly nodded at every explanation with satisfaction.

This was exactly the weapon he needed right now.

Though one could say that he should have displayed his [Void] element as well, there was no point.

First off, he didn't know how to control or use the [Void] element.

When he asked Zephyra to teach her finally after getting time, she answered him with an absolute no.

She explained that it was such a strong and chaotic element that even using it for 2 minutes would break his body down due to the sheer pressure.

She flatly replied to him that he couldn't learn the [Void] element until his second [Void Training] which would take place 2 weeks after this quest.

In her words, the [Void Training] wasn't just there for him to train and get stronger. One of its purposes was also to steadily attune his body with the [Void] element to the point he would be able to handle it.

However, this wasn't a surprise for Amon since something similar had been mentioned to Michael by Solaran.

The Void Beasts and the spatial environment acclimatized his body slowly to the element till the point it would finally be able to withstand it without many issues.

As he closed the system window, a notification sound resounded on his watch.


Carefully sheathing his nodachi, he set it aside and looked over to his watch or more accurately, his messaging function.

It was Cryptic Glories.

A smile appeared on his face.

The data was finally here.

There were multiple files and his eyes quickly ran over the names of each one of them. Fortunately, he knew the name of the slave house so he instantly found it midway into the list.

Blackchain Enclave.

He quickly opened its file and found a wide array of information all about the slave house.

From its location blueprints to the data of slaves and employees they had and even the information of the leader.

Apparently, it was majorly known as a tavern rather than a slave house. In fact, not many knew of it as it was never explicitly shown and it was done in the background.

Even Amon himself had just made an assumption back at the time and never found evidence that it was a slave house.

For all he knew, Lily could have been anyone.

In any case, he quickly looked over the profile of the slave house' leader.

His real name was Norman Clove but in the Black Market, he used to go by Mr. Blackchain.

He was a 4th Tier Spear Armentist in the army a few years back but had retired when he lost his wife who died giving birth along with her child.

It happened when he was out in a battle.

'No wonder they managed to get so much data on him...' Amon thought since the man was

from the military.

After the loss, he fell into despair and further on into hatred when he saw others being happy

with their children and families.

He hated how this world worked.

And so he started to turn children into slaves. Not just orphans but even stealing newborns

from their parents and turning them later on into slaves.

This was his motivation behind the hidden slave house he now administered.

As he ran through all the files, Amon's eyes finally settled on the name of Lily.

There wasn't much about her since he had never specified it.

Her name and age only with a picture of her.

And finally, he turned to the location blueprint and started to analyze it, plans already

forming in his mind.


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