The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 56: FULLDIVE [12]

Chapter 56: FULLDIVE [12]


Amon's gaze locked with all the class in front of him and an awkward silence ensued in the


But under their disbelieving gazes, a sudden realization struck him.

And without wasting a second, his body took a sharp turn, broke the gazes with the class, and ran towards a pod next to him.

The entrance of the pod was still sealed shut, which meant the person inside was unconscious. And the only one who had arrived with him was....Michael.

Immediately, he pressed the shuttle open button, and the entrance door disengaged from the body.


The door lifted and inside he saw an unconscious bleeding body of Michael.

Instantly, Amon threw his arm around him and raised him out of the pod.

"Medic!" He called while looking towards his friend's body.

When Michael had made the Sun technique explode, he was also engulfed in its range.

Fortunately, he wasn't injured as much as he was in the clovist grounds since the suit already detected fatal damage after a second or so.

This was why he had performed the technique in the first place.

It was a gamble.

He would take down Amon with him and the rest depended upon if the suit detected the damage fast enough.

And it had.

As for Amon.....

Fortunately, because of his sharpened senses with the accelerated blood flow, he could react the instant he felt damage to his body.

It had not been a quarter of a second of the heat reaching him before he immediately used [Voidstep] and teleported 10 meters away from his position.

However, Amon's suit had already detected the fatal damage and so he got teleported, eliminated from the match.

He got jolted from his thoughts when the medics finally arrived and took Michael from his hands.

They placed him on a stretcher and left.

He yawned. He suddenly felt very sleepy after the large expenditure of mana.

He was trying his best to ignore the gazes on himself right now.

He wanted a little rest for once not a cold sweat breaking on his back.

Fortunately, the world was kind to him as a voice resounded in the room, pulling everyone's attention to the screen.

Including Amon.

There, he saw Alya standing proudly on a tree branch as the opponent in front of her disappeared into blue motes of light.

Everyone clapped with intensity.

Of course, the princess had won. It made for a big applause.

Rather than clapping, his gaze moved toward the pods where a clicking sound resounded.

Walking to the pod, he saw the door of the pod lift, revealing the sweating and tired body of Klein.

It was apparent that he had tried his best. But the second strongest of the year was just too strong.

Even when she had an elemental disadvantage against Klein.

Nevertheless, Amon smiled.

The person in front of him did well.

Not seeing him standing in front of him, Klein sighed at the clapping he was hearing.

"Well, I tried my best and got wha-"

He was startled as a hand reached out towards him.

His gaze moved upwards and there he saw Amon, smiling lightly at him with his hand reached out.

For some reason, the light smile felt a little cold, yet welcoming at the same time.

"You did well," Amon spoke.

Gazing at the hand for a moment, Klein sighed once more and then tiredly smiled before taking his hand and standing up.

"Yeah. She was just too strong and precise. Gave me no time to dodge at all." He replied.

Letting go of the hand, they looked towards the two screens, where one displayed Charlotte fighting Adam while one displayed Alya quickly traveling through the thicket of trees, towards the team crystal.

"Guess we can only count on Miss Charlotte now," Klein spoke without taking his gaze off the screen.

Amon nodded, his eyes narrowing at the screen.

"I wish Charlotte wins. No. She has to win. It's the best route in this current plotline otherwise it's going to be a headache for me." He mumbled to himself, no one hearing what he said.


Liliana watched a person from far away, her eyes fuming with disgust and hate.

She already had an encounter with this person before.

And it was enough to downgrade his impression even more than what she had of him before.

It was none other than Amon Ashford, a weak and disgusting clovist.

His actions at the mall were enough to guarantee that.

But what she had seen right now had completely blown her expectations.

The man who could barely make 5 blood spears a week ago by fainting was now producing them like they were nothing.

Not only that, but he used them in multiple ways, ranging from coating his body and even accelerating his blood to sharpen his senses.

This level of mastery wasn't achievable in one week. Never. Impossible for someone with such

a low-rank talent.

Yet, what she saw right now absolutely crushed her thoughts.

But even then, after seeing the outcome of the match she still had nothing but disgust and

hate for him.

She respected someone's hard work and perseverance to win and Amon did that perfectly.

But what she hated more were commoners trying to reach the royals and beating them.

In her eyes, it was as if they were humans poorly attempting to reach godhood.


Of course, she hated weak people and Michael was no exception to that, despite his title as a


But along with Amon, he too had blown away her expectations of him.

Nevertheless, she couldn't handle a commoner winning against a royal.

Amon winning against Michael despite both of them being weak was unacceptable.

As everyone clapped, she coldly gazed at Amon and clenched her fists.

As someone who had thought of getting her hate and disgust, she would at least do him the

honor of personally showing him the difference between a royal and a commoner.

All she needed was an opportunity.

'Amon Ashford...just you wait.' She muttered, her cold eyes piercing at his back.

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