The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 51: FULLDIVE [7]

Chapter 51: FULLDIVE [7]


Amon opened his eyes and was greeted by the vicious sight of a gigantic deep rainforest.

Trees towered up into the sky, blocking the sun's rays from reaching into the heart of the forest.

His eyes widened at the realness of it all.

He sniffed and the fresh rainy air impacted his nostrils.

He looked at himself and found himself dressed in a tight black bodysuit.

His head was encased in a black helmet as well that covered it from all sides except the front.

He looked around and saw his teammates standing nearby, dressed in bodysuits as well.

And right behind them was a large silver crystal, floating in the air.

"Hey!" He called out to his teammates and ran to them.

Charlotte saw him and nodded, but just when she was about to say something, Athena spoke up.

[Welcome to FULLDIVE everyone. Since this is your first experience, I'll explain what it is for you.]

Amon nodded. He already knew what FULLDIVE was but it wouldn't hurt getting a revision of the topic.

[FULLDIVE is a virtual simulation created by the Eldergrove Academy in cooperation with the Imperiac. It's composed of various elements and mana cores to create a completely realistic experience for students without causing them real damage.]

He nodded internally. This aligned with what he knew about the thing.

[FULLDIVE has various modes that we use to train the students throughout the years. The one you are currently going through today is Knock or Destroy.]

He nodded again.

[The rules are simple. You can see a large hovering crystal behind your team. Each team can either destroy the opposite team's crystal or eliminate the whole team to win.]

[Artifacts or Weapons that provide you with an additional buff automatically result in an automatic disqualification. But if a weapon or artifact is necessary for your element to function, for example, a manipulation type, then it is allowed to a certain degree.]

Charlotte's and Klein's eyes turned towards him, the only manipulation-type clovist they knew.

[The bodysuits you wear are designed to protect you from fatal harm. It will also

automatically sense any fatal attack on your body and eliminate you instantly, so be careful to avoid it.]

[You are also not allowed to communicate with each other using your school wristbands. Doing so will automatically result in a disqualification.]

He nodded.

[Now that everything is said, let the first match of FULLDIVE officially begin!]

And the connection instantly cut.

Charlotte looked at Klein.

"You are Klein, right? Nice to meet you, I'm Charlotte. I was unable to find you for the past 2 days so we were unable to discuss strategies with you. That said, I'll give you a quick runaround on our strategy for today, is that okay?" She hurriedly said, her tone and expression serious.

Amon internally smiled.

It was just like Charlotte.

Despite her usual kind and cheerful personality, whenever she would go to a battle or exam, her whole demeanor would instantly flip.

This was what earned her immeasurable praise later in the Imperial Military.

In battle, she would become a complete calculating mastermind, exuding the aura of a commander.

Klein, in turn, nodded with a slight smile.

"Ah yes, it's a pleasure to meet you as well Miss Charlotte." He shook hands with her.

"I apologize, I was a little busy with my family for the past days but yes, please give me a

brief explanation of the strategy." He apologized.

Charlotte nodded and started explaining the strategy to him.

Amon looked at Klein with a conflicted expression.

The Sinclaire Family was once a Barony but had lost their status and wealth after they had been falsely accused of conspiring against the Imperiac.

His family was very poor now and this was why most of the time he was unable to get stronger, despite his high talent in water.

He was always caring for them and trying to feed them along with his elder brother who worked in the Imperial Management Department.

Amon certainly had plans for him in the future. He did not plan to let a talent like this go to waste.

Being done with him, he turned his gaze towards the forest.

It was not that different from the one he had seen in the dungeon, giving him the advantage

of experience and how to use his elements in here.

He observed various trees and positions and how he could use his blood strings here.

After 5 minutes, Charlotte was finally done and both of them looked at Amon.

"I forgot to inform you Amon but the Adam of their team has a [Lightning] affinity."

The latter nodded, despite knowing the fact already.

Klein looked at him.

"So we are doing a 1 on 1? I'll handle Prince Michael then." He concluded.

Charlotte nodded then moved her gaze to the forest.

"Yes, now we must hurry, we don't know how far they are into the forest yet. I don't know about Adam but with my discussion with Amon, we both concluded that they are rushing in

without a plan. So let's move out now."

It was true.

Michael and Alya both had an impulsive personality as twins. They would do whatever their instincts or heart told them to do without any thinking.

And so they were just about to move out when Amon stopped Klein.

"Klein, a word."

Charlotte stopped at a distance and the man in question came over to him.

Nearing him, he whispered.

"I know your family is suffering from poverty."

Suddenly, he saw a flicker of rage pass through Klein's eyes and he moved to attack him but

the next words quickly stopped him.

"I can fix that for you."

He looked at Amon with shock-stricken eyes.


The Sinclaire Barony Downfall case was a common one that was known throughout the


Everyone knew about Klein but nobody dared to help him or talk to him. Nobody wanted to

earn the ire of the Imperiac after all.

So why was this guy wanting to help him?

Nevertheless, he was willing to listen as long as he could help his family.

"I'll give you 10k Exlor for switching targets with me without telling Charlotte."

Klein's eyes widened.

10k Exlor was a lot of money. Yet this man was just willing to give him that amount with a

switch of target?

Amon looked at him, waiting for him to make his decision.

Finally, he agreed.

"I-I'll do it. But how do I know you aren't lying? You are the weakest person of the ye-" He

was interrupted as Amon linked his watch and his after tapping a few numbers on his watch.


Klein took a brief glance at his watch and his eyes widened but he quickly composed himself because of the short time.

"A-alright, I'll take Adam." He answered.

Amon smiled.

The man had probably thought that 10k Exlor was better over a measly first FULLDIVE match.

A smart move. This interaction would also allow him to interact more with Klein in the future. And with that, they both quickly returned to Charlotte, pretending nothing happened. They quickly convinced her after they said that they were just exchanging contact details for

the future.

And so, each of them split up and headed into separate paths of the forest at full speed.


Amon traversed through the trees at full speed, his eyes out for Michael. Fortunately, it didn't take long enough for him to find him as suddenly both of them passed

each other through the trees.

Both of their eyes widened, recognizing each other and they simultaneously took a complete

turn back.

In tandem, three fire spears were fired at Amon while three blood spears were fired at Michael.

The spears passed the other spears and headed straight towards their targets.

Amon quickly generated a blood shield while Michael did the same.

A large explosion carried out as the spears impacted upon the shields, producing smoke in the


As the smoke cleared, the former saw the latter's mouth open with shock.

He had probably not been expecting Amon to grow this strong in such a short period.

But even he was surprised at Michael.

He wasn't supposed to be this fast and strong at this stage.

Had his character brought upon change in the plotline. Nevertheless, a tense and excited smile marred both of their features.

It seemed like both of them wanted to fight each other from the start.


Michael was shocked.

Truly shocked.

In all his dreams, he had never expected Amon to be this strong.

Was he hiding his power?

Or had he truly grown this strong in such a short time?

Did the guy possess some kind of cheat like him?

In his eyes, Amon had always been an anomaly but yet a truly good friend.

His hard work and how he put his all into everything he did had motivated him even more to


When he had seen the matchups, he had been so excited to finally fight him.

So much that the god inside his head had screamed for him to stop training so much.

But it was worth it for the fight they were going to have. Suddenly, Michael saw Amon's eyes flash purple for the fraction of a second.

It was nothing major but instantly the god inside his head jumped.

[Wait!] A deep manly voice surged inside his head.


[That woman....] Solaran whispered.

'Amon? What about him?' Michael hurriedly asked.

But the god went silent.

He suddenly felt as if the god inside his head was trembling with tension.

Finally, Solaran spoke, his voice excited and shaky.

[My boy Michael..]

He felt the god inside him smile widely.

[You must defeat that boy no matter what, use all that you have!]

And Michael smiled excitedly.


As Amon tried to use his [Eye of the Void], he suddenly saw Michael's own eyes flash crimson,

causing him to cancel the skill.

At the sight, Zephyra jumped him in his head.



But the goddess was silent now.

All he heard was a trembling whisper from her.

[That bastard...] Finally, she spoke and he almost saw her smiling widely like him inside his mental space,


[Listen Amon.....]

[You must beat that boy to a pulp, use all that you possess!]

Not understanding her reason, he still smiled and waved his hand, causing a large number of

blood blobs to appear in the air.

"Alright," Amon answered.


Michael smiled and waved his hand causing a large firewave spread to around him to counter

to blood blobs.


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