The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 36: Zhangjia Village (2)

Chapter 36: Zhangjia Village (2)

Jianghu has always been a place where the strong prey on the weak.

The weak bow their heads to the strong.

Even the orthodox faction, who outwardly speak of justice and chivalry, were no different in essence, let alone the unorthodox faction.

The Tiger Killer Gang was also unorthodox. An organization of hunters, they were also human predators.

Therefore, despite having received all the wealth of Zhangjia Village, they still acted ruthlessly.

The villagers of Zhangjia, well aware of the survival of the fittest, dared not express their dissatisfaction to them.

Even if they killed siblings Jang So-young and Jang Gyu, and the villagers found out, it would not have caused much trouble. They could only swallow their tears and hope the predators would catch bigger prey.

Young Jang Gyu knew this too.

Even though Yi-gang and his party who appeared suddenly were martial artists, it would not change anything.

The Tiger Killer Gang had around twenty members, compared to just five in Yi-gang’s party.

Especially, the leader of the Tiger Killer Gang, Kang Myung-ho, was a formidable figure with bulging muscles and wielding a great blade.

Kang Myung-ho and a dozen members of the Tiger Killer Gang were setting up a camp in front of Zhangjia Village.

Gyu, who was riding a carriage with his sister, almost wet himself in fear. Yi-gang and his group, holding swords and bows, did not stop their steps even as they saw them threatening them.

Who could have known?

Two members of the Biyeon Squad, who seemed the lowest in rank, stepped forward. They swiftly cut down several of the attacking Tiger Killer Gang members with their swords.



In Zhangjia Village, where the Tiger Killer Gang and Kang Myung-ho, their leader, ruled like kings, no one expected him to quickly kneel and declare surrender.

“We failed to recognize you people from the Baek Clan and Azure Forest. Please forgive our rudeness!”

He shouted, immediately slamming his head against the ground.

His body was covered in blood and sweat.

The blood was from his subordinates, and the sweat was cold sweat that broke out on Kang Myung-ho upon recognizing the emblem on the carriage.

“Name and affiliation.”

Neung Ji-pyeong spoke coldly, and Kang Myung-ho answered loudly, “I run a small place called the Tiger Killer Gang, we catch and eat wild beasts in Shanyang County! I am known, though modestly, by the nickname Divine Dragon of Shanyang, my name is Kang Myung-ho.”

“A nickname I’ve never heard of. Divine Dragon, is it? These days, anyone and anything make up their nicknames.”

Kang Myung-ho’s face turned beet red.

“Well, traditionally, there is a saying, ‘to catch a tiger…’”

“I’m not interested. More importantly, you don’t manage your subordinates at all. Did you harm the common folk’s children?”

Neung Ji-pyeong emitted his killing intent.

Kang Myung-ho and the Tiger Killer Gang members shivered. Despite seeing Yi-gang and his group kill their colleagues, they did not dare to confront them.

As they continued their journey, the emblems of the Baek Clan and Azure Forest on the carriage carried an imposing aura.

“I’m sorry, so sorry.”

“If the child who collapsed doesn’t wake up, you’ll have to take responsibility.”

The one who interjected was Yi-gang, extending his head from the carriage window.

Kang Myung-ho seemed curious about Yi-gang’s identity but did not dare to ask and just nodded his head vigorously.

Yi-gang then closed the carriage window.

“How is it?”

He then asked Gyu, who was still dazed and had not regained his senses.

“Didn’t I tell you there’s nothing to worry about with these insignificant ones?”


The worried Tiger Killer Gang was showing a never-before-seen respectful demeanor.

The sister, who had been lying with a gash on her thigh, moaned and regained consciousness. She felt as if she was in a dream.

As soon as Yi-gang entered Zhangjia Village, he was treated like a hero. A member of the Tiger Killer Gang had tried to kill the siblings, but they were saved by Yi-gang.

Moreover, since their arrival, the Tiger Killer Gang members, who had been bullying the villagers, became docile. They even apologized to the villagers and the Jang siblings, admitting that their dead colleague was in the wrong.

The village chief refused the silver Yi-gang offered and instead gave up his own house for him.

The village chief’s house was neither glamorous nor spacious as one might expect, but it was clean.

Yi-gang submerged himself in a wooden bathtub filled with hot water.


He let out a groan. If the Immortal Divine Sword could hear, it might have commented that despite his young age, he sounded like an old man.

Of course, the sword was not there, so he enjoyed a rare moment of peace.

The water was heated to a pleasant temperature, a testament to the village chief and his wife’s thoughtfulness.

A fragrant scent wafted through the water, coming from the floating flower petals. This was also prepared by the villagers, grateful for him saving the siblings.

Enjoying the unexpected luxury of a petal bath, Yi-gang washed himself.

“Ah, it hurts.”

His body felt stiff. Perhaps he had overexerted himself while swinging the sword in Shadowless Splendor’s difficult stance.

But that was not the only issue. The pain went deep into his bones.

“Did I overdo it?”

After all, his body was not accustomed to merely sitting in a carriage during travel.

But Yi-gang never stopped training. He exercised daily and practiced swordsmanship under Neung Ji-pyeong’s guidance.

While sitting in the carriage, he meditated and practiced the secret arts of strengthened body and light footwork.

There was only one reason he could do this.

‘Without the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb, this would have been impossible.’

The Purple Spirit Phantom Herb that his uncle had given him.

Yi-gang intended to consume the three roots of the spiritual herb with the utmost efficiency. He planned to decoct one root of the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb each day, along with other medicinal ingredients. Jin Ri-yeon’s assistance was invaluable in this process.

‘What a remarkable person.’

Yi-gang immersed his face in the water, contemplating Jin Ri-yeon.

A second-flower disciple of the Azure Forest, she was directly taught by the Azure Forest Lord.

Yi-gang was aware of the mysticism abundant in Jianghu. The Peak-level martial artists emitted sword energy, experts in lightness skill hopped across water, and elixirs like the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb and Ten Thousand Year Snow Ginseng existed in the mountains, alongside undoubtedly extraordinary spirits.

Above all, Yi-gang, as a person from the modern day reincarnated into this world, could see spirits.

Even to him, Jin Ri-yeon seemed exceptional.

The Azure Forest was a Taoist sect. When she prepared the decoction with the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb, she drew something resembling a formation around it.

Placing white and black pebbles to create a pattern, she muttered something, and the flame under the decoction glowed blue.

Subsequently, the efficacy of the decoction improved.

‘Is it some kind of sorcery?’

Perhaps that unique aspect of the Azure Forest might truly heal Yi-gang.

Before he knew it, the water cooled rapidly.

His body, possessing the Great Yin Meridian Blockage, was unusually cold. Yi-gang, his mood spoiled, finished his bath.

Donning his white clothes, he strapped the Shooting Star Fang he usually carried to his waist.

The chatter of the Immortal Divine Sword burst forth immediately.

「Hey, I wanted to take a hot bath too. How nice it must be to enjoy it alone.」

‘Should I soak the sword in hot water then? It might rust even faster.’


Though the Immortal Divine Sword spoke thus, it knew there was no helping it.

Yi-gang tied his damp hair back.

It was a moonlit night. The full moon was so bright that it was not very dark.

And there, Jin Ri-yeon was crouched on the wooden floor illuminated by the moonlight.

“Haven’t you gone to bed yet, Miss Jin?”

She lifted her head to look at Yi-gang.

Having finished her bath before him, her still-damp hair slid smoothly down her neck.

“Mm, something feels off.”

“Off, you say?”

“This village.”

The strangeness of this village. Yi-gang pondered for a moment.

“There have been several people killed by tigers. The atmosphere is indeed ominous.”

Jin Ri-yeon slightly tilted her head for a moment.

“I don’t think it’s just that.”

Only then did Yi-gang notice what was laid out before Jin Ri-yeon. The cloth she always carried with her had mysterious patterns drawn on it. They were hard to come by, but Yi-gang was familiar with these patterns.

The pattern known as Heaven-Earth Yin-Yang, composed of three lines. Eight of these patterns formed an octagon.

“It’s the Eight Trigrams.”

“You know of it?”

“Was it Heaven-Lake-Flame-Thunder-Wind-Water-Mountain-Earth?”

Appearing also in the Book of Changes, Yi-gang already knew about them, purely as part of his education.

「Oh my, you’re quite knowledgeable.」

In Jianghu, things like the Eight Trigrams and Taiji are by no means trivial. Just looking at the Taiji patterns used by the Taoist sects, many were created following the principles of the Eight Trigrams.

“Do you know how to read divination signs as well?”

Jin Ri-yeon, who had spread out the Eight Trigrams and scattered gem-like objects on top of it, seemed as if she was divining.

“No, I can’t do that kind of thing. I’m a martial flower in the Azure Forest.”

“Martial flower? I thought you were a second-flower disciple.”

“Yes, a second-flower disciple is correct too. Second-flower disciples can engrave two flowers on the hem of their clothes.”

Jin Ri-yeon lifted her sleeve to show it closely.

The faint scent of peonies wafted through the air.

“Two blue flowers.”

“Yes, because there are two flowers, I’m a second-flower disciple. And because the flowers are blue, I’m a martial flower. It means I’m a disciple who primarily learns martial arts.”

Yi-gang became curious.

Despite its fame and strength, little was known about the Azure Forest. Primarily because the disciples of the Azure Forest seldom operated in Jianghu.

“So, if there are disciples who primarily learn martial arts, there must be those who don’t.”

“Right? Those disciples are called Taoist flower disciples, and they embroider red flowers. Taoist flower disciples learn martial arts, of course, but they also learn many other things.”

This was a story Yi-gang had never heard before. All the figures from the Azure Forest who had made a name for themselves in Jianghu had blue flowers embroidered.

“Other things like…”

“They study academics. They’re well-versed in formation techniques. And for the more unusual skills, there’s magic, exorcism, demon expulsion, and evil repelling.”

Jin Ri-yeon’s voice sounded more and more mysterious as she continued.

“So, the one who caught the Pixiu with the Immortal Divine Sword was also…”

“Probably a Taoist flower disciple was involved.”

After a moment of silence, the Immortal Divine Sword spoke up.

「It’s about the supernaturals. If the descendant is a martial artist, you should care more about the sword than such things.」

Many martial artists were idealists and materialists at the same time.

Those who lived by the sword often disregarded ghosts and spirits.

「Well, still. The Taoist flower disciples of the Azure Forest are indeed exceptional.」

But the Immortal Divine Sword also fumbled his words.

‘I have no desire to learn things like magic. Isn’t it uncool to go around throwing talismans?’

「Right? Hahaha! A true man prefers the sword!」

As Yi-gang showed interest, Jin Ri-yeon continued to whisper, “I have a Taoist flower disciple among my acquaintances.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, he’s about your age. She became a first-flower disciple recently, though still a candidate.”

There would be disciples around Yi-gang’s age in the Azure Forest. However, Yi-gang was more curious about something else.

“Then, have you, Miss Jin, ever encountered spirits or ghosts?”

“Um, I haven’t seen ghosts. But I’ve caught something like a spirit. Though it was more of a yokai.”

“What kind?”

Jin Ri-yeon shared the story of the mysterious yokai she encountered.

It happened in Kaifeng. There was a wealthy family known for their kindness, and they were respected in the area. But one day, the rich family’s children started falling ill one by one, and died shortly after.

And then, Jin Ri-yeon discovered it was the work of a yokai.

“Spirit or yokai. Different names, but such a thing was there in the house.”

“And the people didn’t notice?”

“Most of them don’t. When I went in and looked around, a yokai called ‘Mi’ was hanging under the eaves. It had one elongated eye and was dropping its long black hair.”

It was a chilling story, even in imagination.

“So then?”

“I cut it down and performed a ritual to exorcise it.”

“Just catching it and cutting it with a sword does the job?”

“A Taoist flower disciple might do it more efficiently, but I’m a martial flower disciple.”

But Jin Ri-yeon spoke matter-of-factly.

“That’s fascinating.”

“It’s a duty held by the disciples of the Azure Forest. Those who venture into Jianghu must actively expel spirits or evil yokai that harm humans.”

“A duty?”

Yi-gang pondered the meaning.

The respected Taoist Sect, the Azure Forest of the orthodox faction. Do their disciples generously offer their talents in righteousness?

「It’s not just about that.」

The Immortal Divine Sword, sensing Yi-gang’s thoughts, interjected.

「The same went for when we caught the Pixiu. In this world, those who risk their lives for no reward are one of two things.」

‘What are they?’

「Either madmen or swindlers.」

That remark implied that there was a clear gain for the Azure Forest disciples catching spirits or yokai.

「What do you think is the reason the Azure Forest’s Qi technique is so remarkable?」

And Jin Ri-yeon seemed to have no intention of hiding it.

“Be it yokai or spirits, they’re different from ordinary animals. The Pixiu’s eyes are more precious than any jewel, and the claws of a Yinglong are harder than meteorites. And then…”

“And then?”

“Almost all of them have internal elixirs. The internal elixir of a yokai is as good as poison if consumed as is. But if you return to the Forest and purify them, they become an elixir.”

At that moment, Yi-gang’s eyes sparkled.

Jin Ri-yeon carefully took out a small porcelain bottle from her bosom. Upon opening the lid, a clear scent wafted through. A red thread was attached to the lid, leading into the bottle.

“This is a silver bell tied with red thread.”

She pulled the thread, and a silver bell that had been submerged in clear water appeared.

“Normally, it’s kept submerged in water to prevent it from making a sound. But if there’s a dangerous yokai nearby…”


And then, without even shaking, the bell rang on its own.

“Like this, it rings.”

There was something in Zhangjia Village.


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