The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 230: Immortal Divine Sword (1)

Chapter 230: Immortal Divine Sword (1)

The Central Plains were vast, but the world beyond them was even more so.

The people of the Central Plains were unaware, but there existed places beyond the reach of the Emperor’s power.

Take Liaodong, for instance.

Located northeast of Beijing, this inland region was colder and drier.

Here, the influence of the Jurchen tribes outweighed the Emperor’s power.

In Liaodong, there’s a place known as Heilongjiang, named for its black rivers flowing like dragons.

People living in warm cities like Hangzhou or Nanjing could never imagine, but Liaodong was also inhabited.

There were farmers tilling the land, hunters skinning animals they caught, and herbalists digging up herbs for sale.

In the case of Mount Meiling, located downstream of Heilongjiang, there were many herbalists.

The area around Heilongjiang, already rich in vital energy due to its flora and fauna, was particularly abundant near Mount Meiling.

The temperature around Mount Meiling was always warm compared to its surroundings, and the high mountains trapped moisture, making it damp.

This blessed natural environment and the spiritual energy embedded in the land nurtured high-quality herbs and elixirs.

Thanks to this, the herbs harvested here could be sold for a high price in the Central Plains.

Thus, over a thousand herbalists lived on Mount Meiling.

There was even an organized faction of herbalists known as the Great Herb Hall.

Mu Kyung-chun, just over 60 years old, was also a herbalist.

Mu Kyung-chun, who had lived here gathering herbs for more than half his life, boasted that there was nothing he didn’t know about Mount Meiling.

Moreover, as an herbalist, he was not mediocre in ability.

Mu Kyung-chun believed that the greatest virtue of an herbalist was greed.

The greed for herbs, or rather, the greed for money, was essential to survive in the harsh conditions of Liaodong.

This had become his belief since he had fled his hometown in the mountain villages of the Central Plains after killing a friend.

Greed had twisted his life, but it had also enabled him to survive until now.

Every few years, he would find a spiritual herb that could make one wealthy overnight, often pushing fellow herbalists off cliffs or killing them with stones to monopolize these treasures.

Lying was a part of everyday life, and so was deceit.

The twisted attitude of Mu Kyung-chun’s life was now evident on his face with age.

With spitefully set wrinkles and a gloomy look in his eyes, he looked at least ten years older after losing several front teeth.

It had become harder to deceive people, and the woman he met a few days ago was truly an easy mark.

“It’s truly your lucky day.”


“They say there are many herbalists on Mount Meiling, but no one knows as much as I do. Hehe…”

The young woman lying in front of the bonfire glanced at Mu Kyung-chun.

Her name was Yeon-mi, or so she said.

It was probably a pseudonym. There wasn’t a woman wandering alone here without a story.

He was captivated by her strikingly beautiful features, yet her attire was less impressive.

She wore baggy clothes that seemed picked up from somewhere, and her behavior was so bizarre that at first, he thought she was somewhat lacking.

“I clearly saw the new shoots of the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb on the cliff. Truly, you are fortunate. Ehehe.”


Fools might salivate over a woman who ventured into such perilous places alone.

But the experienced Mu Kyung-chun quickly realized she might be a martial artist.

His intuition was correct. She did not carry a weapon like a sword, but her movements were extraordinary.

She had followed him up the rugged mountain path as easily as if strolling through a park.

“However, considering the thick fog and the long distance… it would be nice if you could pay a bit more than the agreed reward. Not right now, though…”


She flung something the size of a bean from her bosom.

Holding it in his hand, Mu Kyung-chun laughed, revealing his missing teeth.

It was a piece of gold the size of a fingernail, pure enough to leave a clear bite mark if chewed.

‘Crazy woman. She really is a crazy woman.’

Though he spoke politely, that’s what Mu Kyung-chun thought.

A few days ago, this woman had appeared at the herbalists’ inn, declaring she was searching for an elixir.

She seemed to have heard of the ‘Purple Spirit Phantom Herb,’ but she was utterly foolish.

Could such a spiritual herb really be found just by looking for it? It’s the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb, which could only be found if heaven itself descended.

Only Mu Kyung-chun, spurred by curiosity, listened to the woman’s words.

And when a piece of gold sprang out from the woman’s bosom as her ‘price,’ Mu Kyung-chun felt even happier than when he had discovered an elixir.

“I will search diligently. I, Mu Kyung-chun, the chief herbalist of the Great Herb Hall, will personally ensure you get the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb!”


It’s cheeky how casually she spoke, but what did it matter?

Mu Kyung-chun had lied countless times before.

He was not the chief herbalist of the Great Herb Hall, far from it—he had been expelled from it, and even guiding her to the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb was a ruse.

He would definitely exact a hefty price for her cheekiness.

Mu Kyung-chun hid a malicious smile.

Yeon-mi was looking at the night sky without any suspicion.

In her eyes, reflected the twinkling of starlight.

Mu Kyung-chun didn’t see it, but for a brief moment, a blue light not of this world sparkled in Yeon-mi’s eyes.

Thus, another night passed in the mountains.

At dawn, Mu Kyung-chun got up and scattered the bonfire ashes.

“Did you sleep well last night?”


Yeon-mi seemed more accustomed to resting in the mountains than even the herbalist Mu Kyung-chun.

His attempts to tire her out so that she could not rest properly were futile.

But that wasn’t all.

“T-then, let’s continue on.”

“Wait a moment.”


Frequently, she would stop Mu Kyung-chun, who was guiding the way.

“Let’s go this way.”

“What? But that direction is different… Oh.”

Despite not being a dog, she sniffed around and went in a completely different direction from where Mu Kyung-chun intended to lead.

For Mu Kyung-chun, who had secretly intended to guide Yeon-mi in a specific direction, it was infuriating.

Fortunately, they were heading deeper into Mount Meiling, which was a relief.

“You shouldn’t do this… Oh.”

As such incidents repeated, Mu Kyung-chun ground his teeth.

His plans to swindle Yeon-mi were nearly thwarted countless times.

Fortunately, he was sending smoke signals to his accomplices by throwing items into the bonfire, but if they strayed too far from the destination, it became difficult to communicate.

Luckily, they were able to stop their journey not too far away.

It wasn’t just that simple.

Mu Kyung-chun gaped at the high cliff.

“That’s impossible….”

He barely muttered that before he stopped himself.

“That thing there?”


A spiritual herb he had never expected to find was growing on the cliff.

“Th-that is the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb.”

“Seems right. I can feel its yang energy…”

What could possibly be felt from such a distance?

Mu Kyung-chun had no idea that Yeon-mi had been following the yang energy of the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb all the way here.

“Let’s go up.”

“J-just a moment, please!”

“Ah. You’re not needed anymore. You can leave.”

“What are you saying? How can a person climb that path?”


Mu Kyung-chun stubbornly stopped Yeon-mi.

“The cliff is more slippery than it looks because it’s damp. Many of the sturdy-looking rocks crumble with a touch. We should climb up the other way around. It’s getting dark, so let’s camp here for now.”


“The Purple Spirit Phantom Herb isn’t going to run away. Hehe….”

After briefly looking up at the cliff, Yeon-mi eventually nodded.

Even for her, it wasn’t an easy cliff to climb without returning to her original form.

Yeon-mi accepted Mu Kyung-chun’s suggestion and took a rest.

Yeon-mi also slept.

Her animalistic, superhuman senses could detect Mu Kyung-chun’s movements even while she slept, although he hadn’t learned any martial arts.

Had Mu Kyung-chun harbored any clumsy intentions and attacked with a hoe, she would have immediately torn his neck out.

However, Yeon-mi lacked knowledge about humans.

The nine-tailed fox that served the Queen Mother of the West had descended to the mortal realm.

She bore her first children with her tails.

Yeon-mi, born in such a way, knew nothing of human malice and greed.

She didn’t know that this place she came to find a yang-energized herb for her mother was a human hell.

She didn’t realize that what Mu Kyung-chun was sprinkling into the bonfire was changing the color of the smoke.

She had no idea that this was how he was contacting the Green Forest bandits of Mount Meiling.

“Now, let’s slowly go up and around. You’ll see the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb is still there, right?”

The next day arrived.

Yeon-mi climbed the mountain path with Mu Kyung-chun.

It took quite a while to go around to reach the top of the cliff.

Yeon-mi, even in her human form, was not weak.

She was probably at a level comparable to a Peak master.

“It feels like someone is nearby.”

“…Haha, it’s probably just herbalists.”

She noticed people gathering around her and Mu Kyung-chun.

Since he said they were herbalists, she assumed they were.

It was a foolishly naive thought.

When they arrived at the top of the cliff, they were met by a group of heavily bearded bandits.

“Damn it.”

The leader of the Green Forest bandits, with a vicious axe slung over his shoulder, spat on the ground.

“I heard there was someone worth robbing, but is that it? She looks like a beggar.”


“Still, she’s pretty enough to fetch a decent price if we sell her somewhere.”

Why they found it funny was unclear, but the bandits of the Green Forest laughed loudly at the leader’s words.

“Are you a martial artist?”

The bandit asked, pointing his axe at her.

Instead of answering, Yeon-mi spread her arms wide.

The hostility closing in was unmistakable. In that case, she would just tear apart the humans blocking her way.

Yeon-mi’s eyes glowed blue.


The bandit fort leader, who managed Mount Meiling, was startled by the feral killing intent emanating from her.

He had killed several martial artists who were quite skilled. But Yeon-mi’s killing intent was unlike anything he had ever experienced.

So instead of charging ahead alone, he signaled his waiting subordinates.

In the end, it was the right move.


Instead of shouting ‘Throw!’ or ‘Topple her!’ or ‘Now!’ they used that command as a clever tactic.

As soon as the word was uttered, the bandits of the Green Forest threw nets from all directions.

The nets, made of tough vines and weighted with heavy stones, were intricately woven.

The nets cast shadows on the ground as they covered the sky.

Historically, this was the most effective way for the weak to face the strong.

“Hah, hah!”

However, Yeon-mi was stronger than they expected.

Even without drawing a weapon, she confidently swung her hand at the tough nets.


The flash of light from her nails was no illusion.

With blue light streaming from her eyes, she began to slice through the incoming nets.

“This is…!”

The bandits, realizing the gravity of the situation, were momentarily stunned.

Mu Kyung-chun, who had been silent until now, moved.

He took out a two-span long stick from the bottom of his herb basket.

Like the tribesmen of Yunnan, he brought a blowgun to his mouth and blew.

The poison dart embedded itself in Yeon-mi’s back as she was slicing through the nets.


Yeon-mi, draped in net fragments, froze in place.

She slowly turned to look at Mu Kyung-chun.

Mu Kyung-chun shivered as his eyes met Yeon-mi’s.

Her eyes were completely glowing blue, and her exposed fangs were particularly sharp.

The poison on the dart was more expensive than gold of the same weight.

Could even a ferocious tiger withstand such a lethal poison?

A chilling fear settled in the group, and soon Yeon-mi collapsed.

“O-of course!”

The bandits let out a sigh of relief.

Mu Kyung-chun barely managed to steady his trembling body.

For a moment, he felt as if he was facing a tiger right in front of him.

“What a poison that is! Well done, Mu Kyung-chun!”

“N-no, it’s nothing…”

“I’ll make sure to take good care of you. Thank you, eh?”

The fort leader of Mount Meiling laughed excessively, trying to hide his earlier fear.

“Search her thoroughly! We can’t help it if she’s dead. Arrogant woman…!”

Yeon-mi had been using gold pieces as easily as coins.

There was no money exchange here, so all her valuables would be on her.

Yeon-mi, who had collapsed, was covered by the nets thrown by the Green Forest bandits.

The nets, tangled properly, couldn’t be untied and had to be cut.

Unlike Yeon-mi, who cut the nets with her bare hands, the bandits struggled even with knives.

The Green Forest bandits, who had just witnessed Yeon-mi’s might, couldn’t bring themselves to touch her writhing form.

“Persistent, aren’t you…”

“She’ll die soon enough.”

They assumed that if left alone, she would soon stop breathing.

However, their expectations didn’t match reality.

The poison injected into Yeon-mi’s body was from a Seven-step Snake, strong enough to kill a bear instantly.

However, Yeon-mi was not an ordinary human.

‘…I was foolish.’

Her human form was created through a transformation spell.

Her true nature was that of a great yokai.

If she had her original body, the poison would have had no effect, but the body made through her spell was indeed affected.

There were two ways to get out of this situation.

Slowly burn the poison in this body with Qi.

Or revert to her original form and kill all the humans.

‘I have no choice.’

The latter was definitely simpler.

“Oh, what… what is that?”

“What is going on…”

At the moment the Green Forest bandits were shocked by the change happening in her body.


A rough crashing sound echoed from the direction of the cliff.

Everyone, including Yeon-mi, turned their gaze towards the man who appeared on the cliff.

The man had emerged from the edge of the cliff.

Considering all possibilities, the only conclusion was that he had climbed up the cliff.

“Who are you!”

The bandits shouted, but the man did not reply.

He was a very unusual man.

No one could figure out how he had climbed the steep cliff, but he did not look like someone who would.

The splendid red robe he wore made him look like a noble from a bustling city.

He had a large build and strong eyes.

His dignified white face had very handsome features. His tightly tied black hair contrasted with his skin.

He carried a rugged black sword but wore luxurious ornaments. Shining necklaces and ornate rings were not what one would expect on a swordsman.

In one hand, he was holding the Purple Spirit Phantom Herb.

“What is this? Who are you people?”

He dug in his ear with his finger and scanned Yeon-mi and the Green Forest bandits.

“Filthy creatures.”

His arrogant voice made it seem like he was looking at insects.

The fort leader of Mount Meiling shouted, his face turning bright red, “We are the mountain heroes of Mount Meiling, you bastard!”

The retaliation against the suddenly appearing man was swift.

He threw the axe in his hand at the man’s face.



The man’s sword was not something the bandit could contend with.

Before the axe was even released, the fort leader’s right hand fell to the ground.

“I am Baek Sung-cheon.”

Avoiding the spurting blood from the bandit, the Immortal Divine Sword spoke.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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