The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 19: Scions Of Prestigious Clans (2)

Chapter 19: Scions Of Prestigious Clans (2)

Jin Ri-yeon was deeply embarrassed.

Peng Mu-ah misunderstood the situation completely. There was no reason for Yi-gang to call Jin Ri-yeon in the middle of the night. She sweated bullets trying to convince her, assuming there must be some other reason.

The saving grace was that Peng Mu-ah did not stubbornly insist on following. She feared that her assumptions might actually be true.

Although her reasoning was a bit cute, Jin Ri-yeon could not even entertain such thoughts. She too was on edge.

That night, standing in front of a grave under the sunset, the aura emanating from Yi-gang was palpable.

Being a disciple of the Taoist sect Azure Forest, Jin Ri-yeon could recognize it.

The aura was something that only absolute masters of Forest Lord level possessed. His upper dantian was wide open, his will connected to the heavens and earth, overseeing the world…

However, when she met Yi-gang again, she could not feel such an aura.

Pondering over this unresolved mystery, Jin Ri-yeon arrived at the garden.

It was a cool late summer night. The clear moonlight illuminated the garden, and there Yi-gang stood.

He turned to look at Jin Ri-yeon.

“You’ve come.”

Suddenly, Jin Ri-yeon thought. It made sense why Peng Mu-ah felt attracted when she first met Yi-gang.

Under the moonlight, Yi-gang indeed looked dignified. Pale skin, long eyelashes, an appropriately slender physique, splendidly dressed, and always standing proudly. Rather than the son of a martial arts clan, he looked more like a nobleman acquainted with literature.

Having grown up seeing only rugged men every day, a mere glance from Yi-gang was enough to shake the innocent Peng clan girl.

“…I’m sorry for the other day.”

Without realizing, Jin Ri-yeon found herself speaking formally.

“That’s a matter I’ve chosen to forget. Please speak comfortably, as I told you during the day.”

“Ah, right.”

She tried her best to hide her embarrassment.

“However, I do want to ask, why did you follow me back then?”

“That is…”

She wondered if she could share what the Forest Lord had entrusted her with. After a moment of thought, she began speaking. There was nothing particularly secretive about it.

The order to visit Xi’an and the Baek Clan, the bracelet given by the Forest Lord, the very bracelet that resonated in the presence of the mystical - it vibrated in front of Yi-gang. She told him everything.

“Hmm, may I take a look at that bracelet?”

While she expected Yi-gang to be surprised or incredulous, he was unexpectedly calm.

Most martial artists would dismiss such tales as fanciful, so his reaction was surprising.

“It broke back then.”

“That’s unfortunate. Such a shame it broke.”

“I can’t help it. I still don’t really know why it resonated.”

“Isn’t it because of me?”


Was he referring to himself as something mystical? Yi-gang continued in a calm voice,

“Perhaps the auspicious matter of the Baek Clan that the Azure Forest Lord mentioned might be about me.”

His attitude seemed a bit brazen. Yet, it was not entirely off-putting.

“Or maybe the bracelet responded to the token I possess.”


“I am referring to the pact Azure Forest has with the Immortal Divine Sword. It’s a testament to the friendship between the Baek Clan and Azure Forest.”

Yi-gang reached into his pocket. Jin Ri-yeon’s gaze naturally followed his movement.

What he pulled out was a necklace. A blood-red gem that looked eerily like an eye.

“Do you recognize it?”

The reflection of Pixiu’s eye flashed in Jin Ri-yeon’s eyes.

She seemed momentarily entranced by it, then suddenly exclaimed,

“Ah, can it be?!”

Because of her reaction, she failed to notice the subtle sigh of relief from Yi-gang.

“I’m seeing it for the first time!”

“It’s fortunate that you recognize it.”

Jin Ri-yeon was a second-flower disciple within Azure Forest. A disciple who can engrave two blue flowers on the hem of her clothing. This was a level where one could engage in external activities.

While she may not be privy to all the secrets of Azure Forest at just this level, her position was a bit unique. Once she returned to Azure Forest, it was certain that she would be granted the third flower, and, notably, she was mentored by the Forest Lord. She might not have been aware of the promise with the Immortal Divine Sword, but she at least knew that Yi-gang’s necklace was no ordinary item.

“This is… the eye of a spirit creature.”

“I believe it belongs to a being called Pixiu.”


“Don’t you know?”

“I know what Pixiu is, but… How did you get such an artifact from ancient times…?”

“Is it valuable?”

“Of course.”

Yi-gang’s expression became peculiar. He had figured the eye of the spirit creature was an extraordinary item, but Jin Ri-yeon’s reaction was more intense than he had anticipated.

From the side, the Immortal Divine Sword chuckled.

「See? Didn’t I tell you? Just show her the token, and she’d be completely stunned.」

As the saying goes, this turned out to be a good thing for Yi-gang. It would make asking favors a bit easier.

“To think that the Immortal Divine Sword had our token…”

“The Immortal Divine Sword who received the token has long ascended, so would it be acceptable for me, his descendant, to act on his behalf?”

However, Jin Ri-yeon’s expression was odd.

“You’re going to ask for a favor?”

“Yes. There were records stating that if this token is shown, Azure Forest would grant a request…”

“Ah… I haven’t heard of such a thing.”

Unable to contain himself, Yi-gang shot a glare at the Immortal Divine Sword.

To Jin Ri-yeon, it must have looked as though Yi-gang was staring into empty space.

“I can verify it for you.”


“To see if the promise of Azure Forest truly resides in this token.”

There was no mark or engraving on the Pixiu necklace. Even the chain holding the gem appeared to be nothing more than ordinary metal.

“Just lend it to me for a moment.”

However, Jin Ri-yeon seemed to have a way to check. As Yi-gang handed over the necklace, she pulled a handkerchief from her belongings and took it.

She handled it as if she was holding a burning piece of coal.

“How can you wear something so dangerous around your neck…”



“You’re saying it’s dangerous?”

“…You didn’t know?”

Instead of continuing to hold the necklace, Jin Ri-yeon gently placed it on the ground.

She then unwound a red thread tied around the handle of her sword and arranged several layers of it around the necklace.

It looked as if she had made a simple sealing rope.

No matter how one looked at it, it appeared ominous. Yi-gang chastised the Immortal Divine Sword.

‘What does she mean, a dangerous necklace?’

「…The girl must be mistaken. I wore that necklace and nothing happened to me.」

‘Are you sure? Didn’t you mention sealing something in a shrine for purification?’

「Er, um.」

Jin Ri-yeon took over the explanation.

“If this really is Pixiu’s eye, no matter how much time has passed, some of its poison Qi would remain.”

“Poison Qi? Isn’t Pixiu a creature that brings wealth and prosperity?”

“If that were the case, neither Azure Forest nor the Immortal Divine Sword would have exorcised Pixiu. The Pixiu that consumes gold and treasures possesses the metal Qi. And if one carelessly wears a necklace made of Pixiu’s eyeball…”

“Wears it and then?”

“One might suffer from taboo effects, or in the worst case, go mad.”

「Cough cough cough! Ahem!」

The Immortal Divine Sword forcefully cleared his throat.

“But I was fine wearing it.”

“That’s what’s odd.”

Jin Ri-yeon tied her own hand with the red thread and began to murmur a chant. As she did, her aura began to change.

There was a clear energy in her eyes, and the tips of her fingers turned slightly red.

「Pure Wisdom Mind!」

‘You know of it?’

「That’s Azure Forest’s secret divine art. It’s a rare method of cultivating the middle dantian and handling True Qi.」

‘You knew so much about that, but you didn’t know the necklace was dangerous?’

「I truly apologize, I’m so sorry!」

Handling True Qi, as explained by Immortal Divine Sword, was a very difficult task. Even Yi-gang used the necklace to stimulate True Qi, but he could not harness its power effectively.

He could have used it differently with the Great Yin Flow.

「If only you could learn Pure Wisdom Mind, even with the descendant’s frail body, you could harness True Qi.」

‘Oh! Then…’

「Even if you ask as a token, there’s no way they would teach Pure Wisdom Mind. So give up on that idea.」

It was a disappointing revelation.

In the midst of this, Jin Ri-yeon seemed to have finished preparing, for she clenched the necklace in her right hand.

And the result was more dramatic than expected.


From the hand that gripped the necklace, white steam erupted.


She let out a pained groan.

“Ar-are you okay?”

“Ha, ha, yes, the token of the previous Forest Lord is…”

The color of the necklace Jin Ri-yeon held had slightly changed. From red to violet. Upon closer inspection of the gem, an unknown tortoiseshell pattern emerged. Jin Ri-yeon explained it was the emblem of the previous Forest Lord.

“By infusing the True Qi of Pure Wisdom Mind, I suppressed the metal Qi in the necklace. Now it should be able to exert its original power.”

“The original power?”

“Because it’s a necklace made from the eye of a spirit.”

The Pixiu necklace was not just imbued with simple spiritual energy, there was a proper way to utilize it. Oddly enough, even Immortal Divine Sword did not know about it.

Assuming that it was briefly mentioned in the past, Yi-gang asked,

“What is this power? How do you use it?”

“It’s simple. Just infuse the necklace with True Qi and…”



For Yi-gang, it was like an unreachable goal. After all, he was afflicted with the Great Yin Meridian Blockage, meaning he could not infuse it with True Qi.

“I’m sorry.”

“There’s no need for apologies. That request of yours is related to this matter.”

“Ah, yes. If Azure Forest can do it, the owner of this token can ask us. This emblem carries such a meaning.”

Fortunately, the story that the Immortal Divine Sword told was true.

Yi-gang brought up the main point,

“I wish to cure my divine punishment, the Great Yin Meridian Blockage with which I was born.”

“That is…”

“I’ve heard that the Forest Lord of Azure Forest possesses one of the best Qi cultivation techniques. Can you help me meet with the Forest Lord?”

Yi-gang looked straight into Jin Ri-yeon’s eyes.

Jin Ri-yeon, in turn, recognized the sincerity and strong will towards life reflected in Yi-gang’s gaze.

“I’m not sure if it’s possible…”

The Forest Lord of Azure Forest was a martial artist, not a medical specialist. Whether he could fix the meridian blockage is uncertain.

“Just trying is enough for me.”

However, in front of Yi-gang, Jin Ri-yeon could not bow her head in refusal.

“…I’ll do my best.”

Upon hearing this, Yi-gang smiled.

“I’m satisfied with that.”

When Jin Ri-yeon returned to Azure Forest, Yi-gang would accompany her.

Although there was something he had to do before that.

“We should first go to the Clan Head to get permission.”


“Only then can I go to Azure Forest.”

To depart, Yi-gang needed Baek Ryu-san’s permission.

Recalling the cold and unemotional visage, akin to a single blade of a sword, tension stiffened Jin Ri-yeon’s face.

After Yi-gang and Jin Ri-yeon met while Peng Mu-ah waited anxiously with her face buried in her blanket—

The brothers Moyong Tak and Moyong Jin were also conversing in the quarters assigned to them.

Until midday today, the brothers exhibited intense closeness towards each other. However, in the nighttime quarters, the sound of one person hitting another echoed.


Followed by the noise of someone tumbling to the ground. Moyong Jin had received a slap from his elder brother.

Despite not being of a docile nature, Moyong Jin trembled and could not rise, a fear instilled from childhood taking over.

“Get up.”

Yet, when Moyong Tak ordered with an icy tone, Moyong Jin forced himself to his feet.

Then, another ruthless slap.


The slap was so harsh that Moyong Jin once again fell to the ground, whereupon Moyong Tak stepped on him.

“You imbecile.”


“You’re so pitiful that I find it hard to believe we share the same blood.”

Even with his elder brother’s foot on his back, Moyong Jin could not budge. If he resisted, he would be severely beaten.

Such rage from Moyong Tak was rare. Perhaps if he endured and pleaded for forgiveness, his elder brother’s anger might subside.

“I’m sorry, I truly am.”

“Of course, you should be. You’ve messed everything up.”

No one would have known this side of Moyong Tak. Outside, he always portrayed a kind demeanor.

“You lost so pathetically. Even after preparing so much against the Heaven’s Shadow Sword Technique.”

“He didn’t use a sword, but his elbow…”

“You were defeated by such a crude body technique, making it even more laughable.”

“…I was caught off guard.”

“Indeed. There’s no other explanation than your carelessness.”

In the afternoon when Moyong Jin was defeated, Moyong Tak appeared magnanimous.

However, his true feelings were not so. Moyong Tak had plans since his visit to Baek Clan.

“You ambushed him and still lost. How will you make father proud now?”

To gain the approval of his father, Gentleman Sword Moyong Jeong-cheon, the Clan Head of Moyong clan. In order for Moyong Tak to become the Young Clan Head.

“What will you do? For your elder brother and for our father.”

Trembling, Moyong Jin replied,

“Next time, I will surely win.”

At that, Moyong Tak gave a sly smile. He removed the foot that had been pressing down on Moyong Jin and, instead, helped his younger brother to his feet.

Then he hugged the shaken and subdued Moyong Jin.

“That’s right. That’s how my little brother should be.”


Tears welled up in Moyong Jin’s eyes. The tension likely melted away when the same brother who had been so fearsome suddenly embraced him.

“Ha! Look at this lad, crying like a baby.”

“I will, I will surely win.”

“Never forget, by any means necessary─”

However, Moyong Tak wasn’t smiling.

“─win the sword seizing spar and take away the Baek Clan’s sword.”

Ever since their father, Moyong Jeong-cheon, suffered a defeat at the hands of Baek Ryu-san and had his sword taken away, a bitter feud had persisted between the two clans.

On the surface, they smiled at each other, but their emotions were still unresolved.


“In public, we will overpower the Baek Clan Head’s son and disgrace him.”

Moyong Tak was a man of ambition. He had ulterior motives for coming here, using the Seven Stars Conference as an excuse.

‘His younger brother, whom he taught swordsmanship, went to the Baek Clan, settled their long-standing grudge, and returned. It was proven that the swordsmanship of the Moyong Clan is superior to that of the Baek Clan.’

Undoubtedly, this achievement would solidify Moyong Tak’s position as the most favored child.

‘If that happens, the position of the Young Clan Head too…’

Recalling today’s events, a crack appeared in Moyong Tak’s smile for a moment.

“…Yes, Jin, you just need to give it your all. I’ll set the stage for you.”

But immediately after, he wore a perfect smile again and affectionately patted Moyong Jin’s head.


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