The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 179: The Blowing West Wind (2)

Chapter 179: The Blowing West Wind (2)

The remnants of the Evil Cult have emerged into the world.

It was first they who reached out to the Baek Noble Clan, and later, it was speculated that those who attacked the Divine Monk were also part of the Evil Cult.

Naturally, the Murim Alliance did not overlook this situation.

“Have they been active in Yunnan?” Baek Ryu-san asked Soryu.

“No, that wasn’t the case. Through investigation, we confirmed they had stayed there, but they had already disappeared about two years ago.”


The infamy of the Evil Cult in the old days was due to their elusive nature.

It’s uncertain how many spies might be operating.

Baek Ryu-san and the leaders of the Murim Alliance conducted the investigation in secret, which was why there wasn’t much progress.

“Finding a trace is indeed a result. It seems like the clues have ended, but it’s still possible to track them. You should rest for now.”


Soryu bowed in agreement, and Namgung Shin also lowered his head.

They would take the information they had gathered and report in detail to Heaven’s Secret Scholar, the military strategist of the Murim Alliance.

Namgung Shin followed Soryu and left.

The Namgung Noble Clan was in a situation close to annihilation.

Namgung Shin, who once competed for the top position at the Dragon-Phoenix Conference, was now acting together with Soryu, who originated from a humble ordinary warrior background.

Despite the situation that could have left him twisted, Namgung Shin silently followed the orders.

Watching them leave, Baek Ryu-san turned away.

“These guys are like ghosts, now it’s Yunnan again.”

Although he had given Soryu and Namgung Shin hopeful words, the reality was not so.

The whereabouts of the Evil Cult were truly elusive.

Their traces were found in the south in Yunnan and also in the northeast in Heilongjiang.

It was difficult to even guess how far the Evil Cult had spread its web in the Central Plains.

Still, it wasn’t impossible to track them down with the full force of the Alliance, but…

‘The situation is too chaotic. No, is even the chaos part of their plan?’

It was a time when it was not possible to concentrate all efforts on the Evil Cult.

The place Baek Ryu-san arrived at was a small pavilion in the garden.

It was a pavilion that was not often used, but despite the late hour, the lights were on.

Even though the Vice Alliance Leader had entered, no one showed any respect.

That was because the argument was intensifying.

“We must strike the Demon Cult first!”

The one shouting vehemently was the head of the On Clan of Chenzhou.

While shaking his fist, he was shouting for an advance.

It was a call for a war against the Demon Cult, the Great Orthodox-Demon War.

Under normal circumstances, such a statement would have been met with ridicule, or relief if it went unnoticed. Why would one want to attack the Demon Cult that stayed quiet in the peaceful martial world?

However, now, the representatives of the major sects gathered here all wore grim expressions.

“Are you saying they plan to turn Jianghu into a sea of blood in three years? Why should we sit quietly and wait after hearing such nonsense!”

A year after the Five Elements Tomb incident, a lot had happened.

The Murim Alliance initially concealed the misdeeds of Namgung Yu-baek.

Since it was a situation where nothing was beneficial for the orthodox Murim, they planned to proceed with the investigation slowly.

However, in hindsight, it was the wrong choice.

One day, after lying low in the Xinjiang region for a while, the Demon Cult sent an envoy to Kaifeng.

The man was wearing strange clothes.

His face was heavily painted with white powder, and tattoos were etched on it, a mark done to prisoners by the Demon Cult.

The prisoner of the Demon Cult exhibited behavior as if something was broken within him.

The officials of the Murim Alliance hurried out, and in a place crowded with onlookers, the envoy spoke.

“……The hypocrisy…… of the Central Plains ……is severe. Therefore, our cult…… will punish…….”

In summary, it was a declaration of war.

The envoy was merely a tool, meant to convey the words of the Demon Cult.

The content that the Demon Cultists would advance into the Central Plains in three years continued.

The crowd near the nonsensical blatherer became angry, but the prisoner of the Demon Cult continued with his strange utterances.

“Three years… in the boundless… Pure Land, the Divine Demon…”

The prisoner who kept repeating those words suddenly turned deathly pale.

Just then, the leader of the Righteous Heaven Guard Squad immediately beheaded the prisoner.

The neck of the prisoner, who had risen into the sky, exploded on its own. It was truly something the Demon Cult would do.

The rumor that the Demon Cultists would advance in three years spread uncontrollably fast.

Along with it, the rumor that the Demon Cult was also behind the explosion of the Five Elements Tomb, killing the successors, spread as well.

The entire martial world was in turmoil at these actions of the Demon Cult.

The Murim Alliance still hadn’t decided on a response.

“There’s no need to wait for the three years they mentioned. The Demon Cult no longer has its former might. We should strike first!”

Some sects, including the head of the On Clan, were in favor of a radical pro-war stance. There was no need to wait for the Demon Cult’s advance, they argued.

Aside from the On Clan of Chenzhou, it was mostly the western regions of the Central Plains, the places that would be trampled first if the Demon Cult’s invasion started, that made this claim.

The quiet Clan Head of the Jegal Noble Clan, Jegal Go-jin, interjected, “Calm down. They specifically mentioned three years. What do you think is the reason for that?”

In fact, there was no need to make a declaration of war at all.

The Demon Cult was mad, so it wasn’t strange for them to start a fight suddenly.

Yet, they specifically sent an envoy to warn the entire Central Plains and even gave a timeline of three years.

“It’s wiser to understand their intentions first rather than hastily spilling blood. Isn’t that right, Gang Leader Yong Du?”


The Jegal Noble Clan suddenly brought the Beggars’ Gang Leader into the conversation.

The towering Beggars’ Gang Leader, Yong Du, playing with his fingernails, responded, “We’ve been sending our kids to scout around, but there aren’t many beggars in Xinjiang, so…”

“It seems you haven’t found a proper reason yet.”

“That’s true.”

Even the Beggars’ Gang, with the best intelligence network in the Central Plains, couldn’t guess the Demon Cult’s intentions.

However, there were a few speculations.

Jegal Go-jin mentioned one of those speculations, “What’s the easiest way to resolve internal conflicts? Creating an external enemy.”

“Are you suggesting the Demon Cult is experiencing internal strife?” an elder from the Mount Hua Sect intervened.

It was not something that could be ignored, coming from the Clan Head of the Jegal Clan.

“It’s not certain, but that’s my speculation. The act of sending an envoy to declare war and setting a three-year deadline is probably just a formality. It’s about raising a sense of crisis within themselves.”

“So, then…”

“The one who sent the envoy is trying to rally the Demon Cult under the pretext of war.”

It was a plausible statement.

The Sect Leader of the Qingcheng Sect nodded and murmured, “I see… Maybe they don’t actually want war after all.”

Fanatics could do anything, but even for them, this declaration of war seemed too reckless.

Several people seemed convinced by Jegal Go-jin’s speculation.

Of course, the initially outspoken On Clan Head did not agree.


He slammed his fist onto the table, outraged.

“How can you be so complacent!”

The On Clan Head pointed fingers at Jegal Go-jin and those who agreed with him.

“You’re saying this because your clan is safe from the Demon Cult’s resurgence. That’s why you speak such words, isn’t it!”

“That’s going too far!”

Moyong Jeong-cheon, the Clan Head of the Moyong Clan, showed his discomfort.

Since they were located in Zhejiang Province, they indeed wouldn’t have a problem unless the Demon Cult dominated the entire Central Plains.

That’s when Baek Ryu-san intervened, “The On Clan Head isn’t entirely wrong.”

The Vice Alliance Leader’s words were weighty. Moyong Jungcheon also fell silent.

The sects of Shaanxi, including the Baek Clan, could not take the Demon Cult’s declaration of war lightly. Neither Mount Hua nor Zhongnan had good expressions on their faces.

“Please, calm down.”

The Divine Monk, the Murim Alliance Leader, also stepped forward to calm the excitement.

“If we advance to the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the blood of countless youths will flow.”

It was a valid point, but the On Clan Head seemed to have a lot to say.

However, he dared not interrupt the Divine Monk.

“That’s not the way of the orthodox Murim Alliance. We are not an army.”

“But, aren’t they trying to start a war?”

“Let me say it once more, On Clan Head. We will not advance.”

These were words from someone from the orthodox’s most prominent sect, Shaolin; one of the Ten Grandmasters; and above all, was the Murim Alliance Leader.

The Divine Monk’s affirmation brightened many faces.

“…Yet, we can’t just wait passively for their uprising.”

This time, the expressions of the On Clan Head and the sects of Shaanxi brightened.

Shaolin had once seen its Sutra Pavilion burned by the Demon Cult. Those who were at the forefront fighting the Demon Cult under the banner of eradicating the evil were precisely from Shaolin.

“The Demon Cult does not fear shedding blood. Even if the speculation of Jegal Clan Head is correct, a fight will break out… what we need to do…”

The Divine Monk, who had been retreating from the major and minor affairs of the Alliance, finally stood up.

“Is preparing the righteous Murim to gather and be ready to shed blood.”

The Divine Monk’s wrinkled eyes were dark and deep.

Yet, his voice was filled with strength.

“The role of Kunlun, which is adjacent to the Demon Cult, will be the most important. Send people to both Wudang and Kunlun.”

“I will follow the command.”

Heaven’s Secret Scholar, the military strategist, bowed with a fist salute.

“Amitabha, is the blood calamity indeed coming?”

The Divine Monk, who had essentially retired and was waiting for death, clicked his tongue in disappointment.

“It seems Buddha is not pleased with me resting.”

The Divine Monk closed his eyes tightly.

If only his close friend, the Sword Emperor, were here at this time.

The Taiji Sword Emperor had not left Mount Wudang, and the Wudang Sect suddenly declared seclusion.

With not much life left. Could he even live until three years later?


Grandmaster Mu Myung could only softly chant in response.

The martial power of the Seven Great Clans was indeed formidable, but the backbone of the Murim Alliance could be said to be the Nine Sects One Gang.

And the leaders of the Nine Sects One Gang were Shaolin and Wudang.

Naturally, Shaolin and Wudang each had one representative among the Ten Grandmasters.

Without Shaolin and Wudang, it was impossible to contend with the Demon Cult.

In that sense, the seclusion of the Wudang Sect was a shocking event.

The Demon Cult had declared war, yet the Wudang Sect took down their signboard and locked their doors.

Wasn’t it normal for the Taiji Sword Emperor, considered the greatest swordsman among the orthodox faction, to lead the Taoists of Mount Wudang down the mountain?

The entire martial world criticized the Wudang Sect, saying, “Those Taoist cowards are utterly despicable.”

Such blatant curses would normally never be directed at Wudang.

However, those curses never reached the Wudang Sect.

Mount Wudang was a sacred site visited by numerous pilgrims.

Even commoners coming to pay homage to Zhang Sanfeng were blocked by the Wudang Sect.

Even an envoy sent by the Murim Alliance under the Divine Monk’s orders was stopped in front of the Unarmed Pond.

The bewildered envoy was relieved when someone called an elder came out to meet him.

But the relief was premature. The elder only repeated that it was impossible to open the gate.

He gave no answer when asked why, and even when it was said that they must meet the sect leader, he only shook his head.

When asked how to open Wudang’s gate, mentioning the Divine Monk’s name, only then did he speak, albeit secretly.

“If one of the Four Great Divine Physicians or a renowned Taoist priest from the Kunlun Sect comes, we can open the door for you.”

With that statement, the order to dismiss the guests was given.

The envoy of the Murim Alliance immediately mounted his horse and headed for Kaifeng.

It wasn’t bad news for the Murim Alliance.

Baek Ryu-san, the Vice Alliance Leader, heard the story from the envoy and smiled happily.

“I don’t know the reason, but it turned out well.”

He was planning to send people to the Kunlun Sect anyway.

The Kunlun Sect was the Nine Great Sect closest to the Demon Cult.

They were isolated enough not to send successors to the Dragon-Phoenix Conference, but that made it even more necessary to send an envoy.

And, Baek Ryu-san’s son, Yi-gang, was staying there at the Kunlun Sect, along with his senior uncle, the Golden Needle Phantom.

“It’ll be fine if Yi-gang and the Golden Needle Phantom come together.”

An elder of the Kunlun Sect and one of the Four Great Divine Physicians were gathered in one place.

Baek Ryu-san’s expression brightened a bit.

‘The problem is…’

There was still one issue remaining.

‘…who to send.’

After pondering, Baek Ryu-san made up his mind and nodded.


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