The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 157: Namgung Seo-ryeon, Namgung Yu-baek (1)

Chapter 157: Namgung Seo-ryeon, Namgung Yu-baek (1)


The ground was vibrating. An earthquake was occurring where the mountain peaks had collapsed.

It wasn’t as grand a tremor as when the Five Elements Tomb had collapsed, but the seismic waves it generated were not insignificant.

It was said that pitch-black holes had opened up here and there in the valley, now almost a ruin.

It wouldn’t be far-fetched to assume that these places were newly formed exits or entrances of the Five Elements Tomb.

Although there were dozens of such holes, and some of them were at risk of collapsing, making it difficult to enter easily.

Preparations for any unforeseen situations were intensified, and the Murim sects that had been a nuisance became busy focusing on the newly formed holes.

The Baek Clan and the Moyong Clan, who had been furiously ready to declare their withdrawal from the Murim Alliance, moved first, and other clans followed suit.

Thanks to this, Namgung Yu-baek was freed.

He headed not to where the martial artists were screaming but to the opposite side of the peak.

Only a handful of Extinction Pursuit Squad members followed him.

Namgung Yu-baek, with his eyes closed and sword drawn.

Lightning flashed from his sword.

As the lightning disappeared, Namgung Yu-baek opened his eyes.

Once again, he could be certain.

“Ensure that no one can approach.”


Namgung Shin was clearly coming up to the surface.

And the direction they were heading was not towards the ruins where other martial artists gathered, but this way.

As the members of the Extinction Pursuit Squad dispersed, Namgung Yu-baek stepped into a flower garden blooming with yellow thorn roses.

It was a strange coincidence. Namgung Shin was coming up towards the flower garden where the All-knowing Master had been killed.

‘That’s good.’

The yellow thorn rose is not a grass but a flowering shrub.

Originally, it might have grown as tall as a person, but since they formed a cluster, they only reached up to the waist.

It must be because they competed to absorb energy from the ground and bloom more flowers.

The dense flower garden even hid corpses.

The corpse of the All-knowing Master must have been buried somewhere here by the members of the extinction squad. Even if a few more bodies were added nearby, the cluster of yellow thorn roses would greedily absorb them.

It was now dawn, with dense fog.

Namgung Yu-baek took out the relics of the All-knowing Master.

Five flags, each two spans long. Although they were not as great as items like the Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron, they were Treasures with unique abilities.

After planting the five flags around the boundary of the flower garden, fog began to gather around.

The fog would obscure visibility and block any noise emanating from the flower garden.

It couldn’t completely prevent entry, but it was a Qi Men Formation that could hide the place to that extent.

The preparations were complete.

Namgung Yu-baek stood quietly, waiting.

He closed his eyes and expanded his senses.

As a Supreme Peak master, one who had broken through the Supreme Peak’s wall decades ago, Namgung Yu-baek’s senses perceived the surrounding environment.

Yellow petals fluttering in the cool dawn breeze.

Flower stalks, soil, roots. And below ground.


The regular vibrations were probably footsteps.

There were three of them.

Besides Namgung Shin, two others were still alive.

Then, what Namgung Yu-baek had to do was…

To be prepared to bury two more to protect the secret.

Namgung Yu-baek opened his eyes.

The footsteps that had been approaching had quieted down significantly. It was thought they were being cautious.

Just as he was about to command them to come out.

The senses of a Supreme Peak master moved Namgung Yu-baek’s body.


Although he had been standing still until a moment ago, suddenly he was turning his body with his sword in hand.

Not drawing his sword completely was also thanks to his keen senses. He had realized that the presence was a small animal.

The petals of the yellow thorn roses rustled and trembled.

The animal, whether it was a rat or a fox, seemed to flee in fear of Namgung Yu-baek’s aura.

“Vice Alliance Leader.”

Namgung Yu-baek turned his head again.

Yi-gang, who had appeared out of nowhere, was bowing respectfully with a fist-and-palm salute.

“You’ve survived.”

“It was the help of the heavens.”

Behind Yi-gang, Moyong Jin and Namgung Shin also performed a fist-and-palm salute.

“Thanks to your concern, we were able to come out safely.”

“Hmm, yes, how can I not be pleased? We should immediately hold a banquet to celebrate your return.”

However, contrary to his words, Namgung Yu-baek’s voice did not sound pleased at all.

Yi-gang also spoke as if he didn’t care, “Rather than resting, shouldn’t I quickly announce my survival? As a duty of a son.”

“Do you think the Merciless Iron Blood has come here?”


It might have been a guess, but Yi-gang’s words were true.

Namgung Yu-baek smiled.

This successor was blackmailing by recognizing Namgung Yu-baek’s hostility and asking to send him to them since they were here.

“Thank you for coming to meet us. Then we will be going…”

Moyong Jin and Yi-gang split to the left and right, intending to pass by Namgung Yu-baek.


Of course, Namgung Yu-baek did not let them go.

Seeing Namgung Yu-baek’s hand move towards his sword, the two stopped in their tracks.

Though they were at a distance, moving even a step would mean one of them would be cut.

And shortly after, the other would be cut as well.

“I’d like to hear what you have been doing for the past month. Your disappearance was a serious matter.”

“Our story hardly seems so significant.”

“What do you mean? Everyone mourned as if the brilliant successors of the Murim Alliance had died without a fight.”

Namgung Yu-baek said such words without batting an eye.

Yi-gang responded with a smile.

“If you’re in such a hurry to hear… we fell into an underground lake while searching for the Five Elements Divine Art. We survived by catching fish there until we found an exit.”

“So you really did find the Five Elements Divine Art.”

Namgung Yu-baek’s eyes sparkled.

He had hoped that Namgung Shin would find the Five Elements Divine Art and die there, buried along with the successors and the Divine Art itself.

So that later, only the Namgung Clan could monopolize the Five Elements Divine Art.

Knowing this, Yi-gang could only see Namgung Yu-baek as being greedy.

“I did not read it. The script of the Five Elements Divine Art fell into the lake. But Young Master Namgung Shin should know.”

“I see.”

Namgung Yu-baek looked at his grandnephew.

Namgung Shin’s face, always calm, was now stiffly set, like a mouse in front of a cat.

“Come here.”


As if under an irresistible spell, Namgung Shin staggered forward.

Namgung Yu-baek’s hand lightly touched his sword.


What was cut was Yi-gang’s bag, far away.

Yi-gang laughed, dripping with cold sweat.

It was visible. But it seemed unlikely it could have been avoided.

The arm that drew the sword seemed to extend in an instant, cutting the bag with acceleration.

The spilled contents were nothing special.

Namgung Yu-baek glanced at it and then asked Namgung Shin.

“Have you read the Five Elements Divine Art?”


“You alone?”

“Yes… that’s correct.”

“And you memorized it?”

It was clear that this answer was important.

Namgung Shin braced himself and nodded.


“Then, a farewell is in order.”

There was an unavoidable difference between an orthodox martial artist and an unorthodox one.

Unless one was an unorthodox martial artist accustomed to killing, an orthodox martial artist emanated a killing intent when faced with the act of killing.

“I mean a farewell.”

The moment Namgung Yu-baek made his decision—Namgung Shin took the gamble of his lifetime.

He launched a surprise attack on the Supreme Peak master who held his parents’ lives in his hands.

He once again pushed his Blue Lightning True Qi to its extreme. His lifespan would be reduced again, but it was unavoidable.

Namgung Shin’s sword, glowing blue, stabbed towards Namgung Yu-baek’s chest.

He did not hold back, thrusting the sword swiftly with the resolve to pierce the heart.


However, Namgung Yu-baek blocked the sword without even emitting a Sword Lightning and immediately counterattacked.

Namgung Shin’s neck was not cut not out of any compassion, but solely because Namgung Yu-baek needed to hear about the Five Elements Divine Art.


Struck in the abdomen, Namgung Shin spat blood and was flung away.

Namgung Yu-baek turned to Yi-gang with a cold expression.

“What are you doing?”

He seemed to have realized that Yi-gang was behind this plan.

Yi-gang had already drawn his sword.


Then, astonishingly, he charged in screaming.

Wondering if there was some plan behind this, Namgung Yu-baek hesitated with his sword. Thanks to that, Yi-gang gained a very slight amount of time.

And behind him, Moyong Jin took out something he had prepared.

It wasn’t a sword. A surprise attack with a sword would not work on a Supreme Peak master.

What was taken out of the bag was a long cylinder made of metal, equipped with a handle that could be pulled.

It was contained within the box of the Master of the Ghost Valley.

Yi-gang explained that it was a secret weapon called Flame Mist Bottle belonging to the Master of the Ghost Valley.

Being the possession of a person who had dominated an era, it indeed had the potential to threaten a Supreme Peak master.

It was fortunate that what Namgung Yu-baek cut was not Moyong Jin’s bag.

Without hesitation, Moyong Jin pulled the handle of the Flame Mist Bottle.


With a bursting sound, dozens of black iron beads were fired.

They poured out towards the back of Namgung Yu-baek, who was facing Yi-gang at the time.

He turned around like a ghost and swung his sword.


Could it be that the perception of time for a martial master is slower?

He sliced and deflected all the flying black beads in unison.

However, if it ended there, it wouldn’t qualify as the Master of the Ghost Valley’s secret weapon.

The halved beads emitted a scorching poison mist, true to their name.

A turquoise smoke enveloped Namgung Yu-baek’s form.


The poison contained within the mist was only slightly inferior to the corpse poison that protected the Five Elements Divine Art.

Yi-gang, who was in the path of the smoke, was also engulfed by it.


‘It worked…!’

The Poison Resistance Bead he held in his mouth saved Yi-gang once again.

Although his skin turned bright red and felt hot enough to peel off, Yi-gang was unharmed.

However, his vision was completely obscured. Even with his sharp senses, he couldn’t detect Namgung Yu-baek’s presence.

But it wouldn’t matter to the treasure he wore around his waist since it never had eyes to begin with.


A slightly cracked whistle leaked out because he was biting on the Poison Resistance Bead.

The black belt wrapped around his waist came to life.

The belt that climbed over Yi-gang’s chest wrapped around his raised right arm.

Like a black snake jumping out from the sleeve, it shot out.

The hidden Black Snake Belt pierced through the blue smoke and flew.



It was a perfect collaboration.

Bold enough, cowardly, and murderous enough to threaten even a Supreme Peak master.

But Yi-gang’s expression stiffened.

He had a bad feeling.


With the sound of thunder, a whirlwind blew.

The blue poison mist rose high, following the updraft.

And then, Namgung Yu-baek, holding a sword, appeared.

It was his sword wind that dispersed the poison mist.

His face had turned a ghastly blue, suggesting he might have been poisoned, but he clearly had the Black Snake Belt in his hand.

“The Azure Forest and the Baek Noble Clan have raised a strange one.”


Namgung Yu-baek tightened his grip on the neck of the Black Snake Belt.


The treasure given by his master was shattered.

Yi-gang clenched his teeth.

There was still hope.

Yi-gang had once faced his uncle, who had stepped onto the Supreme Peak realm.

Although he had lost his internal energy and his strength had waned, Yi-gang had indeed defeated his uncle, Baek Jin-tae, with his own hands.

So, facing Namgung Yu-baek, could Yi-gang have felt confident?

With three talented successors gathered, possessing the Master of the Ghost Valley’s Flame Mist Bottle and the Black Snake Belt.

Might he have thought that with a well-laid plan and a surprise attack, they could defeat Namgung Yu-baek and escape?


Yi-gang was not one to lack self-awareness. Therefore, he had to prepare for defeat.

That’s why he sent the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon, paying the price of not being able to use the Heavenly Thunder Bell.

The Blue-Eyed Mad Demon, having received a bit of Yi-gang’s Innate True Qi, managed to slip through the stems of the trees in the flower garden.

Her mission was to meet Dam Hyun.

To inform Dam Hyun or the juniors of the Azure Forest about Yi-gang’s crisis.

Eventually, she succeeded in meeting Jun Myung and Jin Ri-yeon. It was nothing short of a miracle.

“Ah, ah… ah ah!”

「Hey! You!」

Jun Myung was startled.

He vaguely remembered being knocked unconscious by a fox in Spirit Spring Valley before.

“Could it be, that, that fox!”

「Yi-gang is in danger! Bring your senior, Dam Hyun!」

To Jun Myung, it only seemed like a bronze fox figurine was making noises.

However, Jin Ri-yeon, who was beside him, had a better grasp of the situation than Jun Myung.

“Call Senior Brother Dam Hyun!”

“Yes, Senior!”

Jun Myung hurried off to fetch Dam Hyun.

Dam Hyun was surprised to hear that the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon, who had left with Yi-gang, had returned.

The Blue-Eyed Mad Demon tapped the ground impatiently.

「Ah, shoot, what should I say.」

There was more to convey than just to follow. But no one other than Yi-gang could hear her voice.

What had Yi-gang been counting on when he sent the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon?

「Hey! Just follow for now!」

“Does that mean to follow?”


Dam Hyun nodded.

He stretched out his finger and shoved it deep into his ear.

Then, blood trickled down from his ear.

“I tried to understand your words.”


“What? Bring that thing of Yi-gang’s too?”

It clearly looked like a dangerous endeavor.

Dam Hyun nodded as if he understood, while the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon internally grimaced.

“There’s no need for such praise.”

「Crazy fool.」

It was clear that Dam Hyun couldn’t hear the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon’s voice.

But to others, it must have seemed quite plausible, given Jun Myung and Jin Ri-yeon were impressed.

「Well, it doesn’t matter.」

In any case, the task Yi-gang had given was completed.

The Blue-Eyed Mad Demon hopped onto Dam Hyun’s shoulder.

“Let’s go, kids!” Dam Hyun called out confidently.

Blood streamed down from his nose and ears.


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