The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 142: Master Of The Ghost Valley

Chapter 142: Master Of The Ghost Valley

The map of the Five Elements Tomb suddenly appeared in the world one day.

As an old book sold in the black market.

That book ended up in the hands of a small unorthodox sect, struggling to survive in the sewers of Kaifeng, and was coincidentally punished by the Murim Alliance.

The old book acquired from that sect was handed to a secretary of the Murim Alliance, and the hidden map of the Five Elements Tomb was discovered by chance.

The inspection squad of the Murim Alliance, including the Heavens Secret Scholar, considered the possibility that it was a well-designed trap.

However, after a thorough investigation and site survey, the map turned out to be authentic.

Namgung Yu-baek, after a year of investigation, found a cave covered by the roots of a huge old tree.

As soon as the sealed door of the secret cave was opened, a sound like a dragons roar was heard.

From that moment, the earth-shaking sound periodically emanated.

Even if the door of the secret cave was closed, the exploration of the Five Elements Tomb had to be expedited before its location was revealed.

But Namgung Yu-baek and the members of the Murim Alliance couldnt enter the Five Elements Tomb.

The influential sects affiliated with the Murim Alliance had already learned about the map and the existence of the Five Elements Tomb. They made it clear that they would not tolerate any monopoly.

Moreover, according to the rules written on the hidden treasure map, the Five Elements Tomb would collapse on its own after the explorers entered once.

It was unbelievable, but they couldnt take the risk.

Namgung Yu-baek, not even the Heavens Secret Scholar, held the original map and book.

The secretary who discovered the map returned to his hometown with a reward of one hundred gold nyang.

It was impossible to tell if they were alive or dead.

This is it, the entrance to the Five Elements Tomb.

Namgung Yu-baek stood atop a rock, looking down at the successors.

It was the rock that had been blocking the entrance to the Five Elements Tomb for hundreds of years.

Based on this entrance, the tombs width is estimated to be about 25 li and its length about 30 li.

Exclamations of admiration followed Namgung Yu-baeks words.

The width of the city walls of Xian was about 10 li.

But was there such a vast space underground in the Great Separation Mountain?

It was a mystery how such a massive construction was secretly carried out by human hands.

The passages wont be very wide, and they will be intertwined like a maze. Conserve your food and water.

It wasnt an area that could be explored in just one day.

The successors had already prepared dried meat and other provisions for the journey.

As you can see from the copied version of the map, the known information is limited. We dont know what strange things might happen inside.

The Murim Alliances inspection squad distributed copies of the map to the thirty successors.

Filled with anticipation, the successors were disappointed upon receiving it.

It only detailed the entrance and the beginning.

The crucial inner part was only broadly described.

However, the map depicted bizarre animals, insects, sharp arrows, and mechanisms.

In the very center of the map, there was a person seated.

Like a Buddha in a Thangka painting, sitting on the Mandala of the Five Elements was the Five Elements Divine Lord.

This heated the hearts of the successors.

If you go through the straight passage, there will be five doors. The top five successors led by each will choose and enter a door.

That was the reason for dividing the exploration team into five groups.

As future successors who will lead the orthodox Murim, remember justice and maintain dignity.

Namgung Yu-baek spoke sternly and descended from the rock.

The successors swallowed hard at his meaningful words.

Whenever a hidden treasure map appeared, a storm of bloodshed followed.

In the recent case of the Shinki Tomb incident, among the hundred who died, only about ten percent were victims of the traps.

The rest killed each other. Among them, many orthodox martial artists had killed those from their own faction.

First rank, Baek Yi-gang, come forward.

An inspector called out to Yi-gang.

Jeong Myung, Namgung Shin, Baek Ha-jun, Yu Su-rin, line up in that order.

Following Yi-gang, the top five successors stepped forward.

Yi-gang turned his head and looked around.

Including the Vice Alliance Leader, there were four Supreme Peak masters.

The inspection squad, of course, was dispatched along with the Righteous Heaven Guards who protected the Alliance. The White Clad Twenty-Eight Masters and the regular soldiers of the Murim Alliance would likely be guarding the periphery.

It was a tight security arrangement.

Successors other than the top five, choose your own exploration teams. The five leaders can accept or reject members. The order of entry will start with the team led by the first-ranked, Baek Yi-gang.

A moment of silence ensued, and then the successors started moving busily.

Yi-gang stood quietly, watching people come and go.

Although Peng Mu-ah looked regretful, she went to Baek Ha-juns team as they had discussed earlier.

Next to Yi-gang, Tang Eun-seol, So Woon, and Moyong Jin approached.

Its finally starting, So Woon whispered softly.

Moyong Jin remained silent with a tense expression, while Tang Eun-seol spoke slowly, What if everyone tries to join us first?


The first to enter the Five Elements Tomb was Yi-gangs group. Apart from Yi-gang, the others expected a crowd to flock to them.

I dont think that will happen.


Surprisingly, no one approached Yi-gangs group.

Tang Eun-seol quietly asked, Is it because of me?


Maybe theyre afraid of the Tang Clan.

Theres nothing scarier than poison in a secret room. But thats not the only reason.

If the Five Elements Tomb were small, going first would be advantageous, but the danger inside the tomb was unknown.

No one wants to be the guinea pig and enter first.

The young master uses interesting expressions. Guinea pigs indeed.

Few in the martial world would understand Yi-gangs metaphor. However, Tang Eun-seol, who studied poisons, clearly got it.

The first group to enter the exploration would undoubtedly face the greatest danger.

Looks like the second and third groups are getting crowded.

The situation unfolded as Yi-gang had predicted.

People gathered around Namgung Shin, who had the second turn. Namgung Shin, with an indifferent attitude, neither rejecting nor welcoming, closed his eyes. Seven people quickly gathered around him.

However, the third team attracted the most people.

The name of Shaolin isnt for nothing.

As So Woon observed.

Many people gathered around the Shaolins First Fist Jeong Myung. As many as twelve.

Shaolins experts are unlikely to harbor evil intentions. Even with no personal ties, it seems better to have more people.

Even if they discover the secret manual of the Five Elements Divine Art, theres a belief that Jeong Myung wouldnt monopolize it by crushing the skulls of other successors.

It wasnt a wrong notion.

Then, if a conflict arises inside, would the Shaolins First Fist group have an advantage?

Upon hearing So Woons words, Yi-gang slightly tilted his head.

Im not sure. Its not necessarily so.

As the formation of the exploration teams concluded, Yi-gang took a step forward.

The eyes of the twenty-six successors were on Yi-gang.

He passed by the Shaolins First Fist Jeong Myung.

The eleven successors standing around him all had uneasy expressions in their eyes.

In my opinion, these guys look the most anxious.

I think the same.

Except for a few, those who lacked confidence in their abilities had gathered. They were likely under Shaolins wing out of fear.

Of course, the eyes of Shaolins First Fist Jeong Myung were unordinary.


He stopped Yi-gang as he passed by, clasped his hands together, and greeted him.


I pray that the mercy of Guanyin Bodhisattva accompanies you on your arduous journey.

Thank you.

Yi-gang passed by him, leaving a word of caution.

The Shaolins First Fist should also be careful.

Jeong Myung silently bowed his head.

Yi-gang, under the gaze of the others, stepped into the entrance of the Five Elements Tomb.

At the beginning of the passage, torches were lit here and there.

But the place explored by the Murim Alliance people was only the very beginning.

Moyong Jin quietly took out a fire-starter.

As he lit the torch, the passage became brighter.

The air feels ominous, Tang Eun-seol muttered.

True to her words, the air was a bit cold and damp. Perhaps it was natural, being underground.

I faintly smell something rotten.

So Woons murmur drew everyones attention.

When the eyes turned to him, he coughed awkwardly.

Something rotten?

Its a decayed smell.

Rotten smell. But the others didnt seem to smell it.

Had they walked about fifteen minutes in the passage?

What first blocked their path was a huge headstone. It was recorded on the map.

The initial Murim Alliance personnel had no choice but to turn back here.

This is where the real challenge begins.

Yi-gang and his companions read the inscription on the headstone.

-This is the mausoleum of the Five Elements Divine Lord.

-In his later years, the Divine Lord attained realization and wished to pass it on to the next generation. Thus, I created this place in accordance with his will and built the Five Elements Tomb.

It was indeed the mausoleum of the Five Elements Divine Lord.

Moreover, it explicitly stated that his realization was left here.

However, it was concerning that the explanation was too kind, and the creator was not the Five Elements Divine Lord himself.

-Only those who are worthy will have the opportunity.

-Those who enter the tomb must pass appropriate tests and prove their qualifications. Those who are afraid should turn back here.

But none would turn back.

-Only those with a clear mind and a healthy body, as well as young people with pure internal energy, will attain the deep understanding of the Five Elements Divine Lord.

-Only thirty people are allowed to enter.

-If the number exceeds, the Five Elements Tomb will be closed immediately. Once the Five Elements Tomb has welcomed its guests and operated, the opportunity will not come again.

-Unqualified ones, turn back.

An excessively kind and complicated explanation.

Upon reading this far, everyone in Yi-gangs group had the same thought.

This is suspicious.

Its suspicious indeed

Such content was inscribed in this ancient and mystical mausoleum.

The person who created this Five Elements Tomb must have been quite eccentric.

The people of the Murim Alliance must have felt the eeriness too, but they had no choice.

It seemed certain that this was the mausoleum of the Five Elements Divine Lord.

-Living Ghost, Baek

Who this Living Ghost was, became crucial.

In any case, the real challenge seemed to start from this stele.

Yi-gang was the first to step forward.


A sound of something interlocking came from the wall.

The startled group paused momentarily, but no further sounds were heard.

Lets go.


Deeper into the tomb, Yi-gangs group advanced.

Not everyone had left for the Five Elements Tomb.

Those who came with the participants of the Dragon-Phoenix Conference and the Seven Stars Conference were still within the Alliance.

This included Dam Hyun and the people of the Azure Forest.

Dam Hyun was leaning absently on a chair.

He was thinking about Yi-gang and Seo-ho, who by now would have entered the Five Elements Tomb.

Ah, I wanted to go in too.

Mystery and monstrosity. These were mostly what occupied Dam Hyuns interests.

The realization left by a martial master of old generations had greatly piqued his curiosity.

However, he wasnt qualified to join the exploration team, so he had no choice but to kill time like this.

Then, a voice broke Dam Hyuns boredom, Senior! Senior Dam Hyun!

A large figure came crashing into Dam Hyuns residence. It was Jun Myung.

What, you brat!

A letter from the Forest!

Dam Hyun, who had shouted at Jun Myung, quickly snatched the letter from his hand.

It was from the Grand Library Master, Yu Jeong-shin.

He had sent a letter to his master about the unique pattern he saw in the box.

-I wonder if you are doing well.

The weather is getting much hotter, and in times like these, you must take care of your health.

I worry whether you might get into some trouble or not, my disciple

Unlike himself, who had sent a letter just for the purpose, Yu Jeong-shins letter was filled with inquiries about his disciples well-being.

Dam Hyun quickly lowered his gaze.

-Is Yi-gangs health alright?

They say that his lifespan has been extended, but now there isnt much time left.

You must take care of your junior brother as a senior brother. I believe you will do well.

He paused for a moment there.

Yi-gang must find the Blue Eye Gem and take Seo-ho to the Kunlun Mountains.

It was more important than the Golden Flower Carps internal elixir or the Five Elements Tomb.

Dam Hyun shook his head to clear his thoughts.

His curiosity was thoroughly addressed by Yu Jeong-shin.

-About that pattern. I was confused, but after rummaging through some books, I figured it out.

Its the symbol of the Master of the Ghost Valley.

A few items he made had that pattern on them.

Hearing about it, that box doesnt seem like an ordinary item; its impressive.

Dam Hyun put down the letter.

His eyes trembled violently.

Master of the Ghost Valley, right. It was him!

In each era, several martial artists were renowned for things other than martial arts, like the All-knowing Master.

However, if one were to name the most infamous figure in the unorthodox path, it would be none other than the Master of the Ghost Valley.

Even the All-knowing Master was like a sparrow before a phoenix compared to the grandeur of the Master of the Ghost Valley.

It must have overlapped with the era of the Five Elements Divine Lord. I never thought of that

The Master of the Ghost Valley was a peculiar figure active during the time of the Five Elements Divine Lord. Perhaps he disappeared a few years after the Divine Lord vanished.

Could it be that he designed the Five Elements Tomb?

It was a plausible inference.

Dam Hyun soon recalled the lifelong obsession of the Master of the Ghost Valley.

Eternal life

Eternal life. He was like the ancient Qin Shi Huang, a madman dreaming of living forever.

A madman who challenged the impossible with a human body.

Dam Hyun massaged his temples and shook his head.

He had considered a possibility.

Surely hes not still alive?

It couldnt be.

But somehow, he had an ominous feeling.


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