The Terminally Ill Young Master of the Baek Clan

Chapter 107: The Cloud Dragon Emerging From The Sea (2)

Chapter 107: The Cloud Dragon Emerging From The Sea (2)

Yi-gangs major meridian connected from the palm of his right hand to the lower dantian, at the Qihai acupoint.

The meridian pathway extending from the Yongquan acupoint on the sole, a crucial point in light footwork technique, to the lower dantian, was naturally unopened.

This meant Yi-gang still hadnt properly learned the light footwork technique.

Among the martial arts of the Azure Forest, especially famous ones like the Treading Cloud light footwork technique couldnt be properly used.

As long as his main meridian remained closed, it would always be the case.

However, Yi-gangs movements to suppress the Black Snake Belt were incredibly swift, almost unbelievably so, without using light footwork.


Only an afterimage remained where Yi-gang had been.

His body had already shot towards the black snake, holding its head high.

The secret to how he could exhibit such superhuman reflexes and elasticity lay in an extremely complex process happening in an instant.

Firstly, there was the Great Yin Flows secret arts, which he could now activate with a mere thought.

The secret art of strengthened body hardened his muscles like steel tendons.

Next came the secret art of physical power, akin to the next evolution of the secret art of strengthened body. The contracted muscles of the lower body were imbued with powerful force.

At the moment of unleashing this force, he switched to the secret art of light footwork.

The result of swiftly transitioning through these three stages in a split second appeared as if he had mastered light footwork.

The Immortal Divine Sword emphasized the Great Yin Flow for this reason. If a practitioner has enough talent and mental strength, it can be applied to almost all martial arts.

However, even the Immortal Divine Sword did not anticipate that Yi-gang would master the Great Yin Flow to this extent in just four years.

If he had not achieved enlightenment and remained, he would probably have said this:


The role of the Immortal Divine Sword was now being taken up by the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon, Cheong Seo-ho.

Yi-gang clenched his hand like the talons of a hawk on a hunt and swung it it was the third form of the Great Yin Flow, Flying Hawks Deft Talon.

Yi-gangs hand seemed to snag the Black Snake Belt in one go.

But surprisingly, the Black Snake Belt jumped up with a speed not inferior to Yi-gangs.

It certainly looked like a living snake, not a belt.

The creature bared its sharp teeth and counterattacked Yi-gang.

Previously, he had been caught by it. It had bitten him on the neck with a belt.

The Black Snake Belt was a kind of Treasure that allowed its use only to those it recognized.

To gain its recognition, one must suppress the Black Snake Belt barehanded, and if one failed, one would be bitten by its poisonous fangs.

The poison of the Black Snake Belt caused paralysis, and last time, Yi-gang couldnt get up for three whole days.

Would the same thing happen again?

The moment the Black Snake Belt sunk its teeth into Yi-gangs white nape


A sound hard to come by from human flesh resonated.

The sharp teeth of the Black Snake Belt snapped off just like that.

A small creature remains a small creature, always biting the same spot.

Yes. I knew youd aim for the neck again.

Yi-gang had been bitten by the Black Snake Belt twice already. All this time, it had consistently targeted only his nape, as if it was destined to.

Being fooled once was possible, twice was plausible, but thrice was foolishness.

Yi-gang used the secret art of strengthened body solely on his nape. It was a bold move, sacrificing the safety of his limbs.

Now, Yi-gangs secret art of strengthened body was so powerful that it could deflect throwing knives in an instant.

The Black Snake Belts only means of attack was its poisonous fangs. With those neutralized, victory was already Yi-gangs.

Yi-gangs hands moved more agilely than the snake.

The movement of coiling around the neck of the Black Snake Belt and pressing it to the ground was undoubtedly one of the Azure Forests grappling techniques, Wisteria Hand.

True to its name, it was a smooth movement like ivy climbing a wall.


The Black Snake Belt struggled desperately to escape from Yi-gangs grip. Yi-gangs hand did not budge.

Kill it!

I shouldnt kill it.

Over the past four years, Yi-gang had started speaking informally to the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon. It was because of her strong insistence.

The Black Snake Belt thrashed about, whipping its tail-like appendage.

Stay still. Then, Ill let you go.

Red marks were left on Yi-gangs forearm, but he did not loosen his grip.

Staring steadfastly at the Black Snake Belt with its bright blue eyes, its movements gradually became docile.

Finally, the Black Snake Belt ceased struggling and cast its eyes downward.

Yu Jeong-shin, who had been anxiously watching with sweaty palms, shouted like a thunderclap.

Its done. Its over!

Yi-gang released his hand and stood up, but the Black Snake Belt remained docile.

Try whistling to control it. Its a clever creature and will quickly understand your intention.

Following that suggestion, Yi-gang whistled and flicked his finger.

Then, the Black Snake Belt slithered on the ground, climbed up Yi-gangs leg, and finally coiled around his waist, biting its own tail.

It looked just like an ordinary belt.

The Black Snake Belt has finally acknowledged you.

Phew, finally succeeded.

We couldnt even leave for Kaifeng because of this.

Yi-gang couldnt leave with Jin Ri-yeon and others for the Dragon-Phoenix Conference. It was because he hadnt tamed the Black Snake Belt yet.

Yu Jeong-shin was worried about sending his unwell disciple into Jianghu without any protection.

There was no reason for Yi-gang to refuse since his master was worried and even offered to lend him a treasure.

While Yi-gang and Yu Jeong-shin were happy, there was someone who felt otherwise.


Dam Hyun trembled his hands in envy of Yi-gang.

Lucky guy

The reason for his jealousy was obvious.

What are you so envious about?

The Black Snake Belt was supposed to be mine

Snakes were animals too. Perhaps thats why Dam Hyun, unlike most people who would be disgusted, found even a venomous snake adorable.

Thus, his jealousy was purely because the Black Snake Belt went to Yi-gang.

Dam Hyun, didnt you receive another Treasure?

But thats just an ordinary Treasure.

Be content with that.

Yu Jeong-shin pretended not to notice Dam Hyuns disappointed expression.

The reason the Black Snake Belt went to Yi-gang instead of Dam Hyuns was different.

The Black Snake Belt, while not a forbidden Treasure, was something not easily allowed for use. The reason was clear.

Do you remember how to use the Treasure?


Try it out.

Yi-gang casually lifted his right arm.

Many Treasures used the users Innate True Qi.


When Yi-gang whistled, the Black Snake Belt coiled around his right arm from his waist.

Dam Hyuns eyes sparkled. It was as if he was a snake-charming sage from Tianzhu.

Though the Black Snake Belt coiled around his arm, it was not obvious at a glance. If he wore a long robe, no one would notice it.

Yi-gang looked around and then pointed his hand at a wooden training dummy.

A bit of Innate True Qi flowed into the Black Snake Belt.


Then, like a spring uncoiling, the Black Snake Belt that was tied to Yi-gangs hand flew towards the dummy.

It took less than a blink for the Black Snake Belt to coil around the dummys neck and sink its poisonous fangs in.

Even a skilled master would be unable to avoid it unless they were prepared in advance.

Who would expect a snake to leap out from a sleeve and bite during a fight?

Having completed its task, the Black Snake Belt climbed back up Yi-gangs leg and resumed its role as a belt.

In that state, it merely looked like an ordinary belt.

Yi-gang trembled his hand in amazement.

This is totally

The reason the Black Snake Belt had been sleeping in the grand library all this time.

terribly cowardly.

Its almost at a level that even the Demon Cult wouldnt use it.

Though called a Treasure, it was essentially a hidden weapon.

Even the ruthless martial artists of the Tang Clan of Sichuan wouldnt use such a weapon due to its conspicuous nature.

For an orthodox martial artist, using something like this would brand them a coward if discovered.

Ahem. Hm. That means Yi-gang trusts you that much.

Yu Jeong-shin reiterated the warning he had given several times before.

Use it only in extremely dangerous situations. Only when theres no one around. Of course, in a life-or-death crisis, you neednt worry about others opinions.

I will surely do so.

Yu Jeong-shin risked the honor of the Azure Forest to entrust the Black Snake Belt to Yi-gang. It was all out of concern for him.

If someone sees it

Then Ill just have to eliminate all witnesses, right, Master?

Dam Hyun interrupted, but Yu Jeong-shin didnt even glance at him.

Give them some money to keep their mouths shut.

Dont worry. Ill handle it well.

Yu Jeong-shin patted Yi-gangs shoulder.

With that, Yi-gang and Dam Hyun completed their preparations to leave the Azure Forest.

As his disciples were leaving, Yu Jeong-shin felt a tinge of sadness. It seemed he was becoming more emotional with age.

Then, something happened that moved Yu Jeong-shin even more. Yi-gang deeply bowed to him.

I, your disciple, will take care and return.

Yi-gang was not originally a warm-hearted person.

But over the past four years, Yu Jeong-shin had made every effort for him.

Even after helping the Immortal Divine Sword achieve Nirvana, he continued to care for Yi-gang, who was different from ordinary people.

Yi-gang felt just as grateful to Yu Jeong-shin as Yu Jeong-shin was to him.

Its all thanks to you, Master.


Eventually, Yu Jeong-shin couldnt help but shed a tear.

Dam Hyun had been standing idly until then, but when Yi-gang nudged his ankle, he reluctantly bowed as well.

We will return.

Dam Hyun, who had casually mentioned going out for a drink, properly greeted his master after Yi-gang glanced at him.

Ill return safely. Ill even buy gifts.

Just make sure not to cause any trouble!

He wasnt sure if that promise could be kept.


Yi-gang responded thus.

Long before Yi-gang became the owner of the Black Snake Belt, the third-generation disciples and Jin Ri-yeon had left the Azure Forest.

The journey to Kaifeng was long.

For Jin Ri-yeon, who had once attended the Dragon-Phoenix Conference, the path was familiar.

On the other hand, it was the first time the third-generation disciples had left the sect, and they were visibly excited.

Now they all looked like next-generation successors. But inside, they still seemed like naive boys and girls.

Shall we take a carriage?

What carriage? Well ride horses. Good thing we learned horseback riding in advance.

I dont mind walking. Its good for light footwork practice.

That was the kind of conversation they had at first.

Jin Ri-yeon gazed thoughtfully at the third-generation disciples, but didnt favor any one of them.

Well primarily be walking, and occasionally we might take a carriage or ride horses.

It meant they would do all three. The faces of the third-generation disciples brightened.

It really feels like a trip.

Great Senior Brother, the Dragon-Phoenix Conference is an important event. We need to stay alert.

Right. Hehe.

Jin Ri-yeon, listening to their conversation, also wore a gentle smile. The third-generation disciples chattered nonstop.

But wont it cost quite a bit to get a carriage or horses?

Well, Senior Ri-yeon must have received travel funds.

Having grown up in the Azure Forest, how much could they know about money? They simply thought that the Azure Forest had plenty of money from selling spiritual herbs.

It didnt take long for them to realize that assumption was wrong.

Travel funds? Its not that much.

When disciples of the Azure Forest left the sect, they naturally received travel funds for expenses.

When Jin Ri-yeon showed them the purse filled with silver coins with a mild smile, the third-generation disciples felt a great unease.

Is this all we have?

Dont worry, it wont cost much.

But still for four of us with this?

They all knew that such a small amount of money was not enough even for basic travel expenses.

So what do we do

Well need to seek help.

It seemed insufficient even for a few days of food and lodging.

Jin Ri-yeon, along with the third-generation disciples, visited a merchant group located beneath Mount Heng. It was called the Daehwa Merchant Group.

I asked if we could join their commercial caravan to Kaifeng. Weve received help from them before.


Traveling with the merchant group would mean they wouldnt need much travel money.

Fortunately, the merchant group leader hurried out barefoot to welcome Jin Ri-yeon.

Isnt this Miss Jin herself? We were all waiting for you.

Its been a while, group leader.

And these folks are?

My juniors. Theyre children going to the Dragon-Phoenix Conference.

Hahaha! I thought as much, they have an extraordinary aura. Next-generation martial masters in Jianghu, I presume.

The merchant group leader, grinning ear to ear, greeted each of the third-generation disciples.

Indeed, even a merchant group leader of this magnitude was deferential to disciples of the Azure Forest.

The third-generation disciples were pleased with this arrangement.

Please take good care of us until we reach Kaifeng. Hahaha!

But really, shouldnt it be the merchant group leader asking for their favor, not the other way around?

We should be the ones asking for your favor. Hahaha!

Hmm? Haha, yes.

They should have suspected something from that odd response.

Here, take this for now. Ill give you the rest when we arrive.

Suddenly, the merchant group leader handed out ten silver coins to each.

The third-generation disciples, bewildered, took the money and looked at Jin Ri-yeon.

Such kind people, giving us pocket money too.

Pocket money?

Jin Ri-yeon laughed and corrected them, No, these are our travel funds.

Travel funds?

Yes, its a tradition that Taoists should not indulge in luxury, and up to the third-flower disciples, its customary to arrange for their own travel funds.


The merchant group leader wasnt offering them a free ride to Kaifeng. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

Were making our travel funds along the way by doubling as escorts.

So, this money is for

There are many beasts and bandits on the way to Kaifeng.

They were tasked with escorting the merchant group to Kaifeng.

The third-generation disciples, still not fully grasping their situation, suddenly thought of something.

What about Senior Yi-gang? If we leave before him.

Yi-gang? Theres no helping it with Yi-gang.

They had hurried to leave before Yi-gang.

Hell probably get more travel funds and come by horse or carriage. Theres no merchant group for him to join.

At that statement, it was as if thunder struck in the minds of the third-generation disciples.

Thanks to your haste, we could synchronize our timing. Prepare your swords in advance. Youll be using them soon.

Jin Ri-yeon, smiling gently, seemed frightening to them for the first time.


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