The Taming of the Ruffian Hero

Chapter 226 Farewell

Chapter 226 Farewell

Hong Xuan was walking in a daze in the wild. He thought he might have killed the wrong person this time.

The video sent by the liaison suggested that Zhang Dong and Wenxi had kissed each other across the bulletproof glass, which made him furious! What made him angrier was that he heard that Zhang Dong had been wearing rings on both hands all day long, which were sent by Wenxi! “I’ve warned him not to mislead my son! My only son!”

The moon was bright and peaceful, but his eyes were full of bloodshot. He knew that Zhang Dong was a man of righteous ardour and was not afraid of death, but he did not expect that Zhang Dong’s words before he died would make him lose his mind for a moment.

He knew that prisoners in the prison sometimes had to go out to carry out their tasks to expiate their crimes. Among those people, there must be Zhang Dong.

He had videoed his testimony against Mo Qian, as well as some evidence that could be searched, and the place where the body was buried. Then he sent an email to the liaison who had surrendered himself and waited.

The grass was dreary and the bright moonlight made people feel cool. Hong Xuan was lying on the ground, motionless.

In such a county, the vehicles for transporting prisoners were often not well equipped, which Hong Xuan knew better than anyone else. And stopping a car which only carried a few prisoners was a piece of cake for him.

It took him a lot of time and effort to hijack Zhang Dong alone. Anyway, Zhang Dong still stood in front of himself against his gun in the end.

“Before I die, I’m worried about Wenxi the most. The most worried thing is that you will hurt him after you’re released from prison!” said Hong Xuan.

“I will not hurt him.” Zhang Dong said calmly.

“You may not die, but you must promise me that you will never meet him again after you are released from prison!” said Hong Xuan.

“I promised him I would stay with him for 360 years.” Zhang Dong said as if nothing had happened.

“Are you really not afraid of death?” Hong Xuan asked in a sharp voice.

“I’m afraid,” answered Zhang Dong.

“I’ll give you one last chance. Will you promise?” Hong Xuan heavily beat Zhang Dong’s head with the butt of his gun.

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“I won’t leave him,” said Zhang Dong in a loud voice.

Hong Xuan asked Zhang Dong to go ahead and loaded his gun behind Zhang Dong.

“Zhang Dong! I’ll give you one last chance again!”

Zhang Dong walked in the wilderness under the moonlight. His face was calm and peaceful in the moonlight.

He took off his shoes, and his feet sank in the mud. The weeds in the wild kissed his toes. It was as cold as Lin Wenxi’s lips and tears that night.

He saw fireflies in the grass, which was like the flashlight in the hands of the child more than ten years ago.

He enjoyed the breeze on his cheek, which he thought was as gentle as the child’s whisper a few months ago. “In those months, you lied to me, didn’t you... In order to comfort me and encourage me to get out of prison early, you gave me those two gold rings. Wenxi, others may not see the truth of what you do, but after being together with you for two years, how can I not know?”

“Thank you for giving me two years.”

“If I hadn’t done that at the beginning, if I had been guarding you all the time, would the ending be different...”

He looked up at the clouds and the moon. At that moment, he felt that ten thousand years had passed in the world, and that the person who should go might have turned into skeleton, or the tombstone engraved with his name had been corroded. In this world, from the past to the future, no one like him could be found.

He walked slowly to the swamp. Maybe, it was better to rest there forever than to be eroded by those snakes and insects in the wilderness. If he had to die, he would rather die quietly without leaving a trace.

“What else do you want to say?” Hong Xuan asked in a deep voice.

“I failed to keep my appointment. Please don’t tell him that I’m dead.” Zhang Dong said with a smile.

A dull gunshot resounded to the skies, and a lonely figure fell to the clear swamp in front of him. Then he was mercilessly engulfed by the swamp. The moon’s reflection in the swamp was broken, and it seemed that it could not be pieced together anymore. It became twisted fragments, among which black blood gushed.

Hong Xuan was walking in a daze. Zhang Dong had said to him that he and Lin Ziwei were brothers while Yuanxi and he liked each other.

Zhang Dong had said he won’t leave Wenxi.

Zhang Dong’s last wish before he died was not to let Wenxi know that he was dead.

“How could such a person do harm to Wenxi?”

“No, no, he seemed to say he wanted to marry Wenxi?”

“How can a man marry a man? What are Wenxi’s ideas?” Hong Xuan recalled that when Lin Wenxi and Lin Ziwei quarreled that night, Lin Wenxi cried and said to Lin Ziwei while pointing to him, “How can you be so mean? You actually forced him to stay away from me by investigating his father’s affairs! I’m telling you, Lin Ziwei, he will be your son in the future! When you are old enough to die, he will bury you!”

“Wenxi’s words have become a prophecy. Brother, when you died, it was Zhao Yuan who buried you, not Wenxi.”

Wenxi’s expression whirled in front of Hong Xuan’s eyes. He was so scared. He was afraid of Wenxi’s crying. He was afraid that Wenxi would hold him and call him dad. He seemed to see Wenxi looking at him with blood on his face.

Hong Xuan came to the gate of his own house. He had been here many times, but he had never gone into the house.

Since he disappeared, Chen Tianjiao’s subordinates had been wandering around here every day and there must be many monitors around here. When Chen Tianjiao was arrested, he was the wanted He Fu...

Every time he killed a person, he would be a step further away from here.

Hong Xuan saw her daughter came out and poured the remaining dregs in the corner. “Is my wife sick?” The courtyard crackled and crumbled in the gale. Hong Xuan had put his legal money into a bank card, but the account name was not his name. The password was his wife’s birthday and the last several numbers of the card number happened to be Hong Yan’s birthday. He believed that his smart daughter would know who left it to them.

Hong Xuan walked by the river of his hometown, and then squatted and sat there until the early morning. It seemed that he still was thinking about someone. “Who saved me when I was seriously injured and unconscious that year? Who kissed my lips that year?” Hong Xuan and his wife were arranged to get married. It seemed that his wife had never kissed him so crazily and deeply. During that hard and dark time, revenge was no longer his goal. Instead, he instinctively wanted to know who had given him such a deep kiss.

But it was too late.

A cleaner was very surprised, because he found that a strange man had been motionless on the bank for at least two hours.

The cleaner shook Hong Xuan, but his body suddenly fell down.

Only then did the cleaner find that there was a lot of dry blood in front of the man and a pistol with blood on his right while there were many cigarette butts all over the ground on his left.


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