The Tale of the Void Emperor

Chapter 618 - Atmospheric Body Realm

Athan's training for everyone to endure pain proved to be extremely useful because the path of body order ken in Zen realm and further is very tough and painful.

So everyone made rapid progress, and after three years, all of them reached the 3rd stage of the Atmospheric Body Realm, which is called, Physical Body Armament Manifestation.

Athan had reached the 3rd stage in just one year because he was already at the peak of the 1st stage of the Atmospheric Body realm, Physical Body Force Manifestation, and he progressed faster than others.

However, he had to stop after reaching the peak of the Atmospheric Body realm because he needed to ascend to the upper-chaosverse to break through to the next body realm.


In the 1st stage of Atmospheric Body Realm, which is called Physical Body Force Manifestation, people can manifest their physical body's strength in the form of aura. This aura is known as physical force, and getting hit by a punch conjured by that aura is the same as getting hit by the real powerful punch of that person's arm.

More importantly, with this physical force, all of their body order techniques' strength increases twice or more fold in strength.

The physical force of a person who just entered the 1st stage of the Atmospheric Body realm is 100 FP (force points). However, they need to increase their FP by strengthening their body more, which is only possible by comprehending and grasping body chaotic powers. To break through to the 2nd stage, Physical Body Cloak Manifestation, they need to have 1001 FP.

The more powerful, broad, and profound body chaotic power would allow people to strengthen their bodies more and progress faster, but the difficulty is also hellish.

However, Athan and others decided to grasp the most powerful body chaotic powers present in this special-grade chaos phenom dimension to progress faster.

Athan grasped a body chaotic power with 723 order sets in it, and he named it Melfecrux Divine Devil. This directly increased his FP to 1348, and he broke through to the 2nd stage, Physical Body Cloak Manifestation.

As its name suggests, once they break through to the 2nd stage, A cloak manifest from all of their cumulative body chaotic powers. This cloak increases the strength of their overall physical body by 50% directly. On top of that, their stamina, injury recovery, blood recovery, all organs, every single body-related thing, gets a significant boost.

Additionally, all of their body order techniques automatically become 50% stronger with the presence of this cloak. People can already fly without using order force or chaos force once they are breakthrough to Atmospheric Body Realm due to the Physical force. But after reaching the 2nd stage, they can fly faster and better with no chaotic atmosphere resistance blocking them.

One of the reasons this realm is called the Atmospheric Body Realm is because the chaotic atmosphere bends to their powerful bodily strength.

Naturally, the special-grade chaos phenom dimension is a different story, but after reaching the peak of this realm, they can also move unfettered in the special-grade chaos phenom dimensions.

The 3rd stage is Physical Body Armament Manifestation, and as its name suggests, once they break through to this stage, an entire full-body armor is manifested with all of their body chaotic powers' capabilities, all offensive and defensive capabilities. This increases their physical body's overall power by 100%. This armament also has another very powerful use; they can basically imprint their body order technique in this full-body armament to execute them faster, and their effects also increase tremendously.

Athan grasped two more body chaotic powers with 700+ order sets in them and reached the peak of the Atmospheric Body realm in just one year. Currently, his FP was 4215.

Besides Athan, others took a total of three years to grasp three-body chaotic powers with at least 650+ order sets in them and reached the peak of Atmospheric Body Realm as well.

Naturally, after Athan reached the peak of Atmospheric Body Realm, he started creating Body order techniques in those two years. On top of creating two powerful Body order techniques, he tinkered and practiced with his old body techniques.

He modified and upgraded his four stances of destruction and Archanid's Demon Web to a whole new height and power.

Naturally, he also changed their names. The Four Stances of Destruction turned into The Four Steps of Obliteration.

And Archanid's Demon Web turned into Araneae's Doom Nexus.


At this time, Athan and others were having a small break, and their appearances were different than before.

All of them had different-looking ethereal cloaks behind them, and their clothes were vastly different and more cool-looking. Those clothes were their armament, and those armaments also had a second form in which they could turn those clothes into solid full-body armor to provide a robust defense. Naturally, the cloth form still provided other boosts like physical strength, high recovery, body order technique boost, etc. However, turning them into solid armor form will increase their defense tremendously, and they can also manifest this same solid armor to their Order Eidos.

More importantly, if they have an armor they bought or custom ordered, they can infuse it in their armament. However, this armor will only display its defense capabilities in armament's solid full-body armor form.

"I finished counting. My current FP is 3774," the fourth brother of the Nimpere brothers said with a grin.

"Noooooo!!!," the second brother loudly cried because he had a bit less FP than the youngest.

"Hehe, second brother, you have the lowest FP among all of us. You lost the bet," the third brother taunted with a grin.

"Fine, fine, I will bear the brunt of the next chaos beast's attack when we go hunt," the second brother said with a resigned expression.

He knew that he would be seriously injured and would have to suffer pain because they were obviously going to hunt Evagon-grade chaos beast.

"Argh, this is annoying! Why can't we break through to the next Body realm here?" the second brother said with frustration.

"Alright, let's not waste time and go for the hunt," Theo said with a grin, "don't worry, Second bro, you will surely become more powerful after surviving the brunt of Evagon-grade chaos east's attacks, hahaha."


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