The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 96: The Long Haired Man-3

Chapter 96: The Long Haired Man-3

The Clan Head just shook his head. He said with a bitter smile

"How could small time cultivators like us know about this."

"But if I guess correctly there should be some kind of big event happening."

"Though I really have no idea what kind of event would lead to inflow of so many warriors from different kind of backgrounds."

Kylo's lips curled up into a smile, a smile that gave Liu Zhengnan and the butler chills because along with that smile was a crazy look that revealed in his eyes.

The craziness was hard to describe but the feeling of coldness was real. They both did not knew why but they had one thought after looking at his eyes

[Was this really the right decision....] Liu Zhengnan wondered inwardly.

Kylo immediately recovered to normal expression but that did not soothe their worries.

Why Kylo had such a reaction? Because...

[The more chaotic the situation is, the more I can reap.]

If it was just a normal province Kylo would have left as soon as he got out from this 'prison' but now he knew about it, how could he not reap benefits.

Besides he also had guessed somethings. Though he did not really knew what was that 'event'

[But if it is similar to some of the events from my previous world]

He was trying hard to suppress his grin.

[Heh, once again people are needed to be sacrificed...]

Why once again?

Because that was how he slowly rose to the throne of the emperor! As it was said.

You kill a single person you are a murderer.

You kill a thousand you are a psycho.

You kill a million you are a hero.

Hero does not mean you are a symbol of justice. In this case people laud you as hero because they are afraid of your power.

They laud you in order to calm you. In order to not cause any trouble.

In fact there is not a single warrior who has not killed. Even if it is just one person, a warrior's hand is filled with blood.

To Kylo there is no good or evil. There is no morality in this world.

'Morality' is just what the 'public' made to save themselves. A defense mechanism for the people.

Stealing is a crime? No, It is the people who said it because they are afraid of getting stolen.

A married woman hanging with a man or vice-versa late at night is a crime? No, It is the people who made this rule so they do not get cucked.

Killing is a crime? No, it is the people who made this rule so they are not killed.

That is why it was claimed that those actions are against 'morality'. But what is morality?

Do people really have what they call sense of morality? No they don't!

They just do not have the power to go against the society so they follow the so called morality to gain a sense of superiority against those higher level power.

People really don't think of this themselves. They just follow their instincts subconsciously.

And their instincts scream of jealousy against those stronger than you. You know you can't surpass them if you are alone.

That is why you 'unite' yourself with the other 'common minded people' with the belief called 'morality'

Morality at the end is nothing but a chain made by people to leash their insecurities!

And Kylo knows this clearly. Psychology is nothing but playing with people's subconsciousness.

And subconscious is a mindset ingrained inside the head of the crowd since young age.

Why is it if it is your friend who dates two girls you question his morality but when it is an emperor who has a harem of girls you think it is right.

Because you subconsciously give up. Give up because his status is much much higher than you to have him influence by your 'petty morality'.

These are just basics of subconsciousness. And Kylo always plays with this subconsciousness of the crowd.

There was a reason why Kylo had a bounty on his head. It was because people were afraid of his nature.

There are many strong and evil people but not every one of them was hunted like Kylo was.

Time and time again Kylo proved how scary he was in his own world.

[And I will do the same in this world.]

He looked at Liu Zhengnan who now subconsciously had his aura retracted.

Kylo once again put on his normal expression. He looked at Liu Zhengnan and said

"And among all of them you chose me? Clan Head Liu knows nothing about me except for my name and a rumour."

The black haired man gulped a little and nodded. Seeing he got no reply Liu Zhengnan continued

"My instinct never failed me. Does not matter what type of situation it is, from a simple small business to a life and death situation."

"Coupled with the influx of so many cultivators with both known and unknown origins, I feel it is better to now serve someone strong."

"And here I am."

He concluded and did not say anything else.

He would not beg to let him follow Kylo.

After all he had his own pride.

Worse comes to worst he will just flee from the province.

After all taking someone under you is a big decision. And Kylo does not want to use his Soul Power uselessly.

After a long while he came at a decision what to do with this long haired man.


(Author Rants:- Yo guys, I was truly surprised with the PS I received last two weeks despite no chaps...

So yeah I plan to release few bonus chaps this week...

Idk how many, but atleast three for sure.

There will be no PS goals this week.... only this week... From next week there'll be PS goals once again...

Also read Creator's thoughts to know the normal release rate)


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