The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 184: Subdue-1

Chapter 184: Subdue-1

Author Note:- 250 power stones in a week for 1 bonus chapter.

350 power stones in a week for 2nd bonus chapter.

400 power stones in a week for 3rd bonus chapter.)


The moment the door opened, Rosalyn was the first one to come in Agnes' view.

She immediately jumped on her with arms open and said with a cheerful laugh

"I missed you so much sister!"

Rosalyn smirked seeing her and teased as usual

"Ohh? So you missed before or after the bed activities?"


"Heh... Looking at your flushed face says how much you enjoyed inside."

"Noo!!! It's not like that..."

"So you're saying you didn't enjoy? Guess I should let Kylo know about it..."

"Maybe you don't need to 'suffer' needlessly anymore."

It wasn't even a minute yet Rosalyn made her speechless.

In fact, Rosalyn was actually relieved seeing Agnes lively once again.

Previously whenever they were together Agnes would force herself to act lively so as not to worry others.

One could see how she was slowly getting tainted by the world... which no one for sure ever wanted to see.

Maybe it was because they all really cared about her.

.... Or maybe it was because everyone was selfish. They just wanted to relive a life full of purity through her life.

Anyways it didn't matter since everyone really had the same goal.

But that carefree and pure smile slowly vanished with time. As it was said, she forcefully smiled most of the times in order to lessen their worries.

But how could Rosalyn not see that? She just didn't want to point it out at that time.

Now seeing her natural cheerful face made her very relieved.

After all not everyone could be as heartless as Kylo and just pretend to be a kind guy in love initially only to abandon someone later.

But one can only blame Kylo here since his history spoke for itself!

"Alright, stop bullying her now... Where are the others?"

Kylo just laughed seeing the scene unfolding before his eyes.

He asked because the room was completely empty.

No one could be seen in the room where previously everyone stayed.

There was only Rosalyn and a chair.

She smiled as she pointed out at a direction before responding to Kylo's question.

"Lena prepared few more rooms for everyone. The hall is now shifted outside."

Kylo nodded and said

"It seems you are already familiar with them now." Turning towards Agnes he continued

"Let's go and meet your new allies."

Saying so he went towards the room where everyone was present.


The moment she entered the room, she saw five new faces and a familiar face turning their attention towards her.

[They should be our new allies.] Agnes scrutinized them carefully before thinking further

[They are weak though...] The room had only three True Kings.

With Kylo's previous level, True Kings were among the weakest people in his group.

Heck, there were hardly any True Kings under Kylo at his peak.

She thought them as weak but that was it. Since Kylo made them their allies she would treat them the same.

She instantly changed the air around her. There was no playful aura around her.

Instead it seemed like a true noble lady. With a slight smile on her face she introduced herself to the others.

Nigel nodded towards her in acknowledgement. Meanwhile Rosalyn took her towards Elena.

It seemed she saw Elena someone as worthy to be a leader.

Gaining her recognition was not an easy task.

In this aspect Kylo was truly surprised but remembering it was Elena he didn't give much thought.

Kylo already marked Elena as an all rounder.

After all she was someone who could adapt to any situation, and Kylo knew it very well.

One should not forget she eased the tension between Kylo and her sisters with few minutes of conversation at their first meeting.

But in this room what astounded Kylo was Anastasia.

"What are you even doing?" he asked her with an incredible face.

Anastasia and Selena both were pulling Avery's cheeks from time to time.

Seeing Kylo, Avery who was sitting in the middle of them, rushed and hid behind him.

Kylo still remembered when he first met Avery she was still an unruly girl who always like to oppose.

In fact, even after she met Selena who was far stronger than her she continued to argue with her.

Yet she met Anastasia and in just few hours she became completely docile.

Anastasia and Lena both had a grin on their face as they saw this.

Seeing them like this Kylo thought

[Is this what they say a match made in heavens?] He then gave a look to Avery while thinking

[You are in for some bad luck little Avery.] He patted the girl's head with a smile.

Avery who didn't knew what her master was thinking simply became happy from the patting.

It was then Kylo thought he was wrong.

Lena, who was someone who acted like a mischievous girl to hide her true self.

She was a girl who was in reality very timid and weak inwardly.

On the contrary Anastasia was someone who was truly mischievous. A daredevil who dared to do anything.

As long as it didn't make Kylo disappointed or put him in any difficult position that is.

While thinking about such things, he saw Elena approaching him.

Kylo knew what she was about to say. And it turned out to be true when she said

"Master should we get going?"

The air around Kylo immediately changed as he nodded his head while his lips curling up into a devilish grin while speaking

"Let's go." And he then followed Elena.


(Author Rants:

1) 1 extra bonus chap each time we accomplish the PS goals if 15 accounts have 50+ PS by 10th September

2) 1 bonus chap for the first account holder who hit 250 PS.

3) 2 bonus chaps when there are 10 ac who voted 100+ PS by end of September.

4) 3 mass release chaps when there are 20 accounts who voted 50+ PS by 20th September.

5) 5 mass release chaps if hit 2k collections by the end of September.)


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