The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 162: The Devil Swordmaster-2

Chapter 162: The Devil Swordmaster-2

(Author Note:- 200 power stones in a week for 1st and 2nd bonus chapter.

300 power stones in a week for 3rd and 4th bonus chapter.

350 power stones in a week for 5th and 6th bonus chapter.)


"Line up! Get to the postions! Prepare the formation!" The leader yelled at the army.

They quickly finished setting up the formation. The movements of the army was smooth.

Even though they were given a new formation by Xia Feng and a sudden dispatch notice, they were all well prepared.

One should say as expected from the army of a state under an empire!

"Master, their formation is completed."

Lena who was sitting on Kylo's lap said while looking at the army.

"Hmmm." Kylo just hummed in acknowledgement.

The formation had seven points where seven leaders were standing.

"Charge up the formation. Start the formation." commanded the leader who was at the front once again.

Without any delay everyone in the army started supplying qi to the formation.

After few moments, it seemed that the army charged the formation since it started glowing with yellow light.

"That's one rare formation."

Raising her eyebrows, Lena commented with a little surprise in her tone. Kylo nodded in agreement.

After all that was a Formation which could defeat a normal True Supremo at its peak even though they were all three to four cultivation levels lower.

Kylo felt a little pressure seeing the formation but that's it.

He didn't feel any danger behind the formation even though he was just a Combat Soul Stage warrior.

If it was before he acquired the body then he might have felt danger but now with all his bloodlines and his physique back, there's no way he would be defeated.

If possible he would have gone to fight the formation himself since that would have been the best practice with his new body, but he couldn't because of Death Tribulation.

He had to stay inside the Altar for the protection all the time.

A yellow light charged at the altar. The formation fired its first attack.

Seeing the attack Kylo send a thought to the altar.

It immediately started shining and a reddish brown shield was formed in front of the attack.

*bang* The light hit the shield before vanishing in thin air.

But the shield remained there without even a scratch.



"How could it..."

The generals and the soldier were stunned and panicked seeing this situation.

The generals already knew the altar was a very precious treasure.

Something which could withstand that kind of tribulation for so long was anything but normal.

But they didn't think that the altar could still protect the people inside it despite defending against the Death Tribulation.

The leader took a deep breath and shouted

"Calm down idiots! There is no way the shield can last long. Continue attacking the altar! Don't bring shame to the Great Xia Empire!"

Hearing this every soldier became vigorous once again and with newly founded motivation they continued attacking the formation.

*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *crack*

The shield started cracking after few minutes of continuous attack.

""""""YEEEAAAAHHHH!"""""" The entire army cheered seeing the crack in the formation.

Even the generals felt relieved seeing this.

Their plan was very simple after arriving at the place.

That is to lure out Kylo and fight head on.

After all till the time the attack arrives to the shield, the strength of the attack of the formation decreases to Supremo from True Supremo.

They don't know his cultivation level. It might be a reckless decision.

But they all remember how Kylo kept attacking while staying hidden when the powerful cultivators of the Zahrah Province came to attack him.

So their assumption was even if he was strong, his strength should not exceed Supremo.

And the strength of their formation which was True Supremo should be able to kill Kylo.

Even if it was reckless they didn't had any other choice.

*crack* *bang* *bang* *crack* *crack*

They continued to attack and the shield continued to crack.

"Keep attacking! The shield is nothing!"

"He is just someone who can hide behind the shield. He is not even worthy to fight us Xia Army head on!"

*crack* *bang* *bang* *crack* *crack* *bang* *crack*

"The opponent is just a coward! Someone who isn't even worthy to be called a man!!"

"He is a weakling who will die the moment he comes out! Keep attacking!!"

""""""""""""YEEEEEESSSSSS!"""""""""""" The army shouted at the last order.

The generals, mainly the leader kept yelling and encouraging the army.

The morale of the army was at its peak!

"Master, the leader is pretty good." Lena said after seeing the situation.

"But if this is the good show you were speaking then you are the worst entertainer eveeeeerrrr!"

Lena said with a bored look on her face. Kylo replied with a grin.

"Don't worry. This show will be anything but boring."

Looking at another direction he said

"It's time I guess."

Kylo stood up along with his maid. With his hands still around her soft waist he walked towards the edge of the Altar.

Looking down on the army his eyes flashed with a cold light.

He then asked Lena to do something for him.

And the moment he finished giving her the order a bright black light started shining at just little distance away from them.

And the place was none other than {Heavenly Grotto} where they used to stay.

Seeing Lena pointing her finger at the army Kylo murmured to himself

"The show finally begins."


(Author Rants:- Hey guys just wanted to say, the case of the SFX sound describes how loud the sound is.

For example when I say *bang* that means the sound lasted for a second but could only be heard within a few metres radius.

When I say *Bang* the sound stills lasts for a second but with a radius of few tens of metres radius.

*BANG* still lasts for a second but with few hundred meters radius.

*baaaaaannnnngggg* lasts for few seconds with few tens of metres radius.

*BAAAANNNNNGGGGGG* lasts for few seconds with few hundred metres radius.

*BAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG* lasts for few tens of seconds with few kms radius.)


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