The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 127: Undercurrent-9

Chapter 127: Undercurrent-9

(Author Note:- 200 power stones in a week for 1 bonus chapter.

300 power stones in a week for 2nd bonus chapter.

350 power stones in a week for 3rd bonus chapter.)


"Yes Your Imperial Highness, I sincerely wish to follow the Su Empire through life and death."

This was the first time he knelt in front of him.

It was because earlier was a greeting between fellow cultivators.

This time it is a greeting between a master and servant.

Su Yuhan smiled gently and nodded before replying

"I sincerely hope and wish you would be with me till life and death. Welcome."

After a few seconds Su Yuhan said to Liu Zhengnan,

"Come, since it's a joyous occasion, let's have lunch together."


Absolute Silence.

All of them present, including Liu Zhengnan was shocked!

What was Su Yuhan's status? An Imperial Prince, one of the top contenders for crown prince!

And what was Liu Zhengnan's status?

A region lord. Just a region lord of Zahrah Province. A province where there weren't even Supremos!

How could Su Yuhan allow someone of Liu Zhengnan's status to sit on the table as them.

If Malkam knew he might have even started whinning like a child since he himself never got the chance to sit on the same table as him.

In fact it would be a lie to say Liu Zhengnan didn't feel a little flattered.

He was pretty happy with the treatment.

He knew rejecting the prince would be a bad idea, so with little hesitation he sat on the right side of the table.

Su Yuhan smiled and asked the blue robed butler behind him to bring more food.

The butler bowed and left. Su Yuhan then asked another question

"Liu Zhengnan, can you clarify a doubt of mine?"

"Your Imperial Highness, please call me Zhengnan." he said with a humble tone.

Su Yuhan nodded and asked with a smile

"Apart from me, there is also Xia Empire's prince who arrived."

"In fact his arrival was much more known to the entire continent compared to mine."

Liu Zhengnan understood what Su Yuhan wanted to say.

Su Yuhan's arrival was actually a secret known to only few. But somehow a rumour suddenly started going about his arrival.

This left Su Yuhan speechless. Most of his plans also had gone awry because of this.

Now many forces knew Su Empire was here as well. Not only that a region was under Su Empire since long time.

When Liu Zhengnan first got to know of this he was terrified.

Who knew how many more so called 'unaffliated region lords' had backing as well.

Maybe even Eva, Avery and the likes also had a backing.

And there was also Kylo whom he actually feared a little since their meeting.

Liu Zhengnan shook his head inwardly, smiled politely and answered

"I won't be comparing about empire powers since that scale is too high for a low cultivator like me."

"What I wanted was a more patient and understanding lord."

This was a very clever answer that even surprised Su Yuhan.

With the first sentence he directly omitted his affiliation to the empire.

He presented himself not as a greedy person who wanted empire's resources in their first metting but just as a cultivator who wanted protection.

If it was Malkam he would have flattered Su Empire to the point Su Yuhan would be forced to stop him from flattering his own empire.

And with second point he meant he didn't want brash and ignorant prince.

He said that in a polite way keeping the status of Imperial Prince in mind.

After all even if Su and Xia Empires were rivals, both Su Yuhan and Xia Fengh ad the same status of an imperial prince who were contending for the crowned seat.

Insulting one meant insulting another as well.

But with that sentence he pointed out the capability of Su Yuhan when compared to Xia Feng.

[As expected, I got a pretty interesting subordinate.]

By now food was already served to Liu Zhengnan.

Su Yuhan's lips curled into a smile when Liu Zhengnan continued

"Actually I didn't knew about your arrival until recently."

And it was then Su Yuhan's smile was wiped out. His eyes revealed a trace of coldness while he thought about Malkam

[That dumb trash, I told him to be as discreet as possible yet my whereabouts were revealed.]

Yes, the reason his arrival was revealed to many forces was because of Malkam's boasting.

To get help from various forces of other province's he used Su Yuhan's name, thus revealing his presence. (A/N1)

[It's time to makes some changes I guess.]

And it was then Old Gui's communication crystal rang. (A/N2)


(Author Note 1:- Su Yuhan already knew about his plan mentioned at chap 38.

Author Note 2:- Old Gui is butler's name, the blue robed guy and the one who appeared in chapter 103.)


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