The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: We prayer for your Soul

“Yeah, I told you, you can torture the traitors, right.” Mom said, still smirking.

“Aah, You mean we do it tonight. Really. Really, you mean it.” I said, jumping around excitedly.

“Hehe, it seems you are excited.” Mom said awkwardly, looking at my excitement.

“Of course, why won’t I!? I can implement magic into my torture methods.” I said.

“That’s true.” Mom said, smiling wryly at me.

“So what time are we doing it.”

“Later, for now, go shower. You are still full of blood.” Mom said, pointing at the mansion.

“Okay!?” I said, running off.


“What a child, haha.” Mom said, chuckling.

(Later that Night)

It has been 30 minutes since Mom, I entered the forest, and being too excited to test out what I can do with magic on people started to annoy mom.

“How far are we from the prison?” I ask while walking next to an irritated Stacy.

“That’s like the 100th time you ask that! Can you fucken stop?” Mom shouted, grabbing my head.

“Haha, but I’m so excited,” I said, laughing in panic.

“I don’t give a shit. Just shut up for the next 10 minutes, okay.” Mom said, starting to crashing my head.

“OW, OW, Okay. Okay, I will be quiet for the next 10 minutes,” I yelled, squirming under her hands in pain.

“Good.” Mom said, letting go of my head. Walking to a big tree, she pushed the tree, opening a hidden door.

“Humm?” I hummed, walking towards the open door. I was confused why she said that I couldn’t talk for the next 10 minutes, but looking through the door, the confusion disappeared, seeing what was on the other side of the door. Stairs a lot of stairs leading downwards, and by the looks of it, it wasn’t one or two-story of stairs but way more.

Looking at Mom, I saw that she was glaring at me. Rubbing my head awkwardly, I started walking down the stairs first.

It took another 5 minutes of descending before we came to prison cells.

“I will lead this time.” Mom said, walking in front of me. Turning 2 corners, we came to an opening revealing a group of people standing at attention, looking at 4 people in the front. Looking at the 4 people talking to the group, I recognized Kayda, Rebecca, and Lily, but the last female soldier I didn’t recognize. The unknown female was the first to notice that we entered the room and called out.

“Lady draig, you have arrived.” The woman said, saluting Mom.

“Don’t worry about formalities, Trinity. Sorry, we are late. This dumbo didn’t want to wake up from her afternoon nap.” Mom said, glaring at me again.

‘What can I say? That Ice Guru Tree is just too comfortable.’ I thought, smiling back at mom.

“I see. You must be the new young miss, right?” Trinity said, extending her hand.

Trinity was a demi-human with 2 long fluffy pointy ears on the side of her head and had 2 goat horns on top of her head. She had blue hair with green emerald eyes and was wearing a black shinigami kimono. She looked quite scary, although she was the same height as Stacy.

‘Why are there so many pretty girls in the capital. Rachel, Kayda, and now Trinty, they all are so pretty.’ I thought, looking at Trinity.

Shaking her hand, I nodded and smiled. Seeing as I wasn’t saying anything, she frowns and opened her mouth but was interrupted by Mom.

“Don’t bother, Trinity. I told her to shut up for a while.” Mom said, turning to the group that was still standing at attention.

“Alright. I would ask her later when she can talk again.” Trinity said, shrugging, and went to stand behind Mom. Shrugging as well, I went and stood next to Trinity.

Looking at the group, you could see they had similar outfits as Trinity. There were just more white than Trinitys’.

“Alright, Trinity should have brief you guys about what we are going to do tonight. I am still going to repeat it. We are going to teach you new ways to heal, and torture people, or more Kitsuna will do that.” Mom said in a demanding voice and pointed at me. She looked at me. Seeing me waving and smiling at them made her sigh and added. “Don’t let her appearance fool you. She is only 13 years old.”

“EEEHH!?” Everyone exclaims in surprise, looking at me. Luckily I knew it was coming and froze my ears over under my hoodie, blocking most of the sound.

“Ooh, and don’t think she has less experience torturing or knowledge about the human body. She is smarter than everyone here when it comes to the human body and also has more than 100 confirmed kills in her life.” Mom said non-cleanly.

“EEEHHH!?” Everyone again exclaims in surprise, this time a lot louder.

‘My statistics sound like I am a crazy person.’ I thought facepalming.

“How does a 13-year-old child have so many confirm kills?” Trinity mumbled next to me, looking down.

Seeing it will take a while for them before they would be able to calm themselves down again. I thought about how I could get them back so we can start. When I looked at Trinity in the corner of my eye, I smiled mischievously. Moving my mouth to her ear, I blew softly into her ear.

“KYAAAA!?” Trinity yelped in surprise, making everyone jump in surprise as well to the sudden sound. Turning around, she glared at me with her red face. Seeing her look at me like that, I could barely keep my laugh in.


“Owie,” I said, rubbing the top of my head. Looking behind me, I saw Mom stand there glaring at me again.

“This overexcitement of yours is irritating.” Mom said, still glaring at me.

“Then let me do my job,” I said, glaring back.

“Yeah, but you didn’t have to do something like that.”

“Well, you didn’t have to tell them about me. We could have just skipped it and went on with the nights’ program, but no, you had to tell them. It would have taken another 10 minutes before everyone calms down again.” I said with anger in my voice.

“Tsk, fine. Trinity, can we start.” Mom said, annoyed.

“...Yes. We have 14 private soldiers that betrayed us. 2 corporal soldiers and 1 sergeant. Then there are 5 federation soldiers, with their commander and the second in command captured.” Trinity said after she calmed down. She was about to give the files to mom, but I intercepted them before she could. “Wait, that’s.”

“Can you explain the layout of the dungeon, prison?” I ask, looking through the files. Not hearing her speak, I looked up at her frowning. “Hello, I am doing the torturing tonight. I need to know the layout to make the torturing more effective.”

Trinity frown at me, confused, and looked at mom.

“Just tell her. She will do a good job.” Mom said.

“Not being disrespectful but is this the same person,” Trinity said, pointing at me. Seeing an opportunity again. I moved closer to her ear again.

“Miss goat, pretty please tell me the layout of your prison,” I whispered in her ear.

“Kyaa.” Trinity yelped in surprise again and uppercut me on the chin, lifting me from the ground.

“Ouch, I deserved that one,” I said, rubbing my chin.

“Oops, Healer,” Trinity said, coming closer to me worriedly.

“Haha, don’t worry, I am fine,” I said, standing up again.

“Are you sure?” She said, confused.

“Yes, I have been through worse,” I said, looking at mom.

“Ooh, I see,” Trinity said, understand seeing who I was looking at.

“So, can you start explaining the layout to me?” I said, going back to the files.

“Ooh yeah. 50 prison cells can hold 20 people inside them. These are what you saw when you were walking in. Then there are 4 wings where high-ranking prisoners are held. These places are set in each corner of the prison. We also have a small squire in the middle of the prison that we mostly use for when we are disposing of the prisoners.”

“I see. Where do you guys do the torturing?”

“There are separate rooms for them. I can show you.”

“Nevermind, we aren’t going to use them. We are making this public torture and class for everyone down here. Can you lead me to the squire?” I said, looking at her, grinning.

“I...see,” Trinity said, trembling. Turning around, she started to walk down one of the hallways.

“Ooh, and all the healers come with me. We will start with your lessons. The rest bring the 14 private soldiers to the squire.” I said, following Trinity down the hall.

Unknown to me, all the Healers looked at Stacy for help.

“Haha, don’t look at me like that. I hope you guys have the stomach for what is about to happen.” Stacy said, following behind. before she disappeared from view, she adds. “I include you 3 as well.”


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