The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: A Fox hunt

“Nova!? Come back here!? You damn fox!?” Just when I was out of the restaurant, I heard Kayda screaming at me.

“Haha, come and find me, Miss Dragon!?” I yelled back, jumping on a rooftop nearby. Walking south again on the rooftop, I answered my scroll.

“Where the hell are you!?” Amari yelled, through the scroll hurting my ears.

“Geez, don’t yell like that. I went and found some food for myself.” I said.

“Couldn’t you at least tell us that? We only realized you were gone when we arrived at the guild.” Amari said, annoyed.

“I was, but I ran into that granny from this morning again.”

“And you decided to run, didn’t you,” Amari said with an emotionless voice.

“I am heading south to the center. Where are you guys at.” I said, not wanting to admit that I ran away.


“Sigh, whatever. Find the train station. We will meet you there.”

“Okay, BOOM!?” I was about to ask something when a loud explosion went off behind me. Looking behind me, I saw Kayda jumping on the same roof I did a while ago. She didn’t really look pleased. “Shit, she found me.”

“What was that?” Amari asks through the scroll.

“Haha, Nothing. I will see you guys at the train station.” I said, laughing.

“Wait...” Putting the scroll in my storage. I jumped to the right, barely missing two scorch balls.

“Wow, you’re a scorch dragon!?” I shouted in surprise. I thought she was a fire dragon seeing her red scales.

‘She said she was a level, 680 legendary class. So, her speed should be around 6500. She shouldn’t be able to use all her speed as we are in the city. Maybe close to 3000 somewhere there, we are running on rooftops, which should lower it a bit. That’s still too high for me. Ugh, I didn’t think this threw. Flash Step only double my speed, and it’s high on mana. Hopefully, when I am in my tiny fox form, I am faster.’ I thought while dodging the incoming attacks. I knew I didn’t have to worry about my life as seeing she never aimed for any lethal blows. If I tell her who I really am, it should be fine as well. But why would I do that? I kind of like her, so having more fun with her won’t hurt anyone.

“I am going to get you, you stupid fox,” Kayda shouted through another scorch ball at me.

“Hey, that’s not very nice attack your new friend. I thought we got quite close back there.” I said teasingly. Jumping up, dodging her attack.

“Like hell we are friends. You used a spell on me to make me believe you and trust you.”

“Huh? I can’t use spells like that, though.” I said, jumping to another rooftop. Landing on the roof, I started running south again.

“Where do you think you are going!?” Kayda shouted, following me. Looking back at her, I could see she was easily gaining ground on me.

“Tsk, I really hope this works,” Clicking my tongue, I jumped down in a dark alleyway.

“I know your smell. I will find you,” Kayda said, following me down.

“Ooh, how kinky,” I said, making my voice echo in the dark alleyway.

“Darkness won’t hide your smell, dumb fox,” Kayda said, smirking.

“No shit, lizard, but it does disturb your sight,” I said, throwing daggers at her feet.

Dodging the daggers, she looked in the direction they came from.

“There you are,” She said, throwing a couple of spells, destroying the side of the building.

“Wow, are you trying to kill me?” I shouted, but my voice came from behind her.

Turning around, she didn’t think twice and attacked again.

“I see. You can see in the dark,” She said, amused.

“Haha, of course. Well, now that you know, it’s time for me to go. Cheers.” I said, leaving a shadow behind.

“No, you don’t,” Kayda said, trying to jump up but found she was stuck to the ground. Looking down, she saw both her shoes were covered in ice. “What the hell!?”

Hearing her confused shout, I chuckled and started running again this time. I was in my small fox form.

‘Running like this, I can already see that I am faster in my smaller form. Probably about double my normal speed. If it is like that, I should be stronger in my giant form. Well, I still need to find out a lot of things about myself.’ I was so caught in my thought that I didn’t have enough time to react when someone jumped up in front of me between the rooftops. Hitting the person in the back, we went down, crashing on the next rooftop.

“Owie.” I heard a cute yelp coming from her.

Not talking, I stood up from her, earning me another cute nose. Looking at the girl, I saw she had a red scales tail and wasn’t wearing any shoes.

‘Oh fuck. How did she get in front of me.’ I thought, moving slowly away from her.

“Ouch, what the hell hit me,” Kayda said while standing up. Turning around, she looked at me, confused. “What the hell are you?”

Still not saying anything, I moved closer to the edge of the roof, ready to jump again.

“Whatever, have you seen a demon fox running on rooftops around here.” Seeing me tilting my head at her, she sighed and said. “Haah, You don’t understand me, do you.”

Not moving, she sighed again and ran past me.

“Sigh, for a researcher. She is quite dumb. No matter, I will still ask mom about her teaching me about magic,” I said, resuming my search for the train station. This time I did it more peacefully as I didn’t need to worry about Kayda anymore, or that was what I thought.

“Come here, you damn fox!!??” I heard Kayda shout from behind me. Looking back, I could see steam coming out of her body.

“Wow, you really are angry, huh?” I said sarcastically.

“Ooh, shut up. Now be a good fox and standstill.” She said, grinning.

“Nope,” I said, running away again.

“Fuck you. I will catch you!” Kayda shouted, running after me.

“You can try,” I said, laughing at her.

“I am done restraining myself. I can’t have you running around with my secrets like this.” She shouted, making bigger scorch balls to through at me. Seeing her do that, my eyes widen.

“Oi, there are civilians around us, you know,” I shouted, changing back to my human form.

“I don’t care. I wanted to retire from the black ops anyways.” She said, throwing the spells at me. Not dodging, I made daggers and threw them at her spells. To her surprise, when my daggers came in contact with her magic, they exploded.

“Are you crazy? I am not going to go around and tell everyone shit about your life. This isn’t needed,” I said, trying to calm her.

‘I might have overdone it. I didn’t think she would go bat shit crazy on me.’ I thought, making more swords.

“Your swords negated my magic. How did you do that.” Kayda asks in a calm voice.

“I am not like you who will tell a stranger thing about their powers,” I said, making her annoyed.

“Well, whatever, I still need to catch you,” She said, sending more spells at me.

“Oi, can you like not to attack me with those big ones?” I said, throwing out more daggers.

“Like hell, I will.” She said, throwing a water spear with lighting infuse at me.

“Sigh.” Doing a backflip, I caught the spear in my right-hand, freezing it. Land back on my feet, I threw the spear back at her. Before it could hit her, I dispelled it, leaving a cloud of mist in front of her.

“Wha...!?” Kayda yelled in surprise. Ignoring her, I ran towards the train station.

“Hopefully, she can calm down before she finds me again,” I said while running away.

“There you are. What took you so long!?” Amari shouted when I jumped off a roof next to the station.

“I found some trouble like always,” I said nonchalantly, walking towards them.

“This trouble you had. Has it something to do with her?” Zagan said, pointing to the roof I just jump off from. Turning around, I saw Kayda standing there looking at me. Trying to hold in my laugh at her mismatch hair.

“Haha, that is it. I might have pushed her too much.” I said, rubbing my head awkwardly.

“Why is aunt Kayda after you?” Amari asks, confused.

“Aunt? Huh? Well, sis, I would love to tell you the entire story, but it seems she hasn’t calmed down yet.” I said, not taking my eyes off Kayda. “Can you call mom and tell her I fucked up...again.”

“Sigh, it sounds like this happens a lot,” Amari said, calling Stacy.

“There is nowhere to run now, stupid fox,” Kayda shouted, jumping down to ground level. Raising an eyebrow at her jumping down.

“She really isn’t in her right mind,” I said, shaking my head at her.

“True, Kayda is a sage, so she should have stayed her distance from us,” Zagan said next to me.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I said, looking at him.

“I am going to help you,” He said confidently.

“You doing shit. Go, fuck off.” I said, pointing back at Rachel.

“Man, that’s cold,” Zagan said, walking away depressed.

“Well, then Kayda, you want to catch me, right?” I said, tainting her.

“That was the plan, but now I want to see how far your magic can go.” She said with the same glint in her eyes when we were in Jimmy’s Barbeque.

“What, really!?” I said, annoyed.

“Yes, of course,” She said, smiling. Although she acted normal now, her hair was still funny.

“You are one weird-ass Aunt,” I said, covering my hands with ice.



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