The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Bonding

After laughing at Dean for a while, Mom ran to me.

“Well done, Kitsuna!” she said, hugging me. Because she was shorter than me now, her head was on my chest. Feeling that my chest was softer than before, she looked up at me.

Seeing her looking at me. I smiled and said, laughing evilly.

“Keke, yes, I have bigger ones than you now, Keke.”

“NO!!??” Hearing what I said, she shouted in despair, making me enjoy the sight of her despairing. Hearing footsteps coming towards us. I looked in the direction and saw Granny followed by Amari walking towards us.

“You were watching?” I asked, Looking at Amari.

“Jip, well done catching him off guard at the end,” Amari complimented.

“Yeah, but if he had used his everything he had, I would be dead long before that,” I explain.


“That may be true, but at how you handled yourself. I can tell you can easily kill a High private if he/she doesn’t know about your ice magic. If they know, I would say mid private won’t stand a chance. All you need to work on is long-range.” Granny said, inspecting me. After walking around me once, she asks. “Tell me, kiddo. You have sword domain, don’t you?”

Looking back at her, I nodded slowly.

“How did you know?” I asked.

“Do you know what sword domain is?” Ignoring my question, she asked.

“Yeah, if something comes in a certain radius around you, your senses will pick it up immediately, even if it is right behind you. But it is useless for me because my senses were already that good 3 years ago.” I explain.

“Stacy, what have you taught her for the last 3 years except for combat,” Granny growled at mom that was still on the ground, despairing.

Hearing that someone was calling her name, she looked at Granny and said.

“Nothing. All the other knowledge she has, she got it from reading books.” Mom said with a straight face, making Granny glare at her.

“Was I wrong?” I asked, confused.

“I also thought she had already reached that level. Kitsuna, you weren’t wrong that is what the skill does, but that’s not the imported part about it. Having a sword domain means that you are already making your own fighting style. The earlier you have it, the better you will be in the future with your weapons and fighting style.” Dean said, walking towards us.

“Yes, that’s right. It mostly takes 10 years of only combat training to get started with your own fighting style, but to get it this young and only after 3 years makes you a prodigy.” Granny said proudly.

‘Hah, prodigy, my ass, it’s only because of my curse.’ I thought to myself.

“Ooh, cool. Can we get some food? I am hungry again?” I said, looking at them expectantly.

Seeing that I don’t care about being a prodigy or not, they smiled.

“Yeah, I guess. We can also continue our conversation afterward,” Granny said, amused.

“Yosh, I will see everyone back at the dining hall,” I said and started walking away, seeing Amari follow me. I decided not to walk too fast so we can talk.

“Hey, sis?” Amari said.

“Sis?” I said, looking at her, surprised.

“I can’t call you that?”

“No, you can. I never had siblings, so it felt weird.” I said, smiling at her.

‘I like her, so I don’t really care if she calls me that or not. She isn’t a person that gives up easily—Aka Yua sensei. I like people like that. They are the ones that will stick with you the most. But I still wonder if she would still call me that. After knowing what I have done in my life.’ I thought, looking forward again.

“I wanted to know your ice magic. Can you make spells with it? On second thought, before you answer, can you please put on a shirt everyone is staring at?” Amari said with a small blush on her face.

“Aah, is my sister uncomfortable with me showing off my abs?” I said jokingly. Looking around me, I saw that a lot of the maids were looking at me, blushing. “Well, too bad, I don’t have any clothes to put on that will fit me. Sorry, there is nothing I can do about me being half-naked.”

“How do you not have anything? I know you have dimensional storage. I saw you use it this morning.” She questions while pointing at me.

“How I look right now and how I looked yesterday is like night and day, Completely different.”

“Ooh, I see. You can answer me now.” Giving up, she moved on to her question.

“I can do that, but that would be a waste because my ice is like an extension of my senses.” Seeing her look confused at me, I continued. “What I mean by that is I can put snowflakes on a person, and I will be able to know his exacted location 200 meters away. I can also improve the distance over time.”

“That sounds almost the same as my lava magic, just not the distance,” She said, thinking to herself.

“Ooh, cool, we can work together on that then.”

“That will be great. Granny helps me sometimes, but she is a busy woman.” Amari said, nodding.

“We can see it as bonding if you want,” I said, smiling.

“That sounds fun. We can rope Rachel in as well. She is also a mage. I am surprised to see that you are a cursed person. Though the curses I got looks cool. With the flames moving around like that and some lightning bolts going off. It fits with you somehow?” She said, tilting her head at the end.

“Yeah, I had two before, but it changed. We will most likely talk about them later today. I am also surprised that no one sees curses like a plague or something.”

“Our household won’t look at them like that, but other people might. Also, most people in the Black ops are trained in miner curses so they can see if one is dangerous for them or just the cursed one.”


“Like yours, for example, just by a glance, I can tell it has something to do with pain, and it only affects you.” She explains.

“You can continue.” Still being confused, I said, made her continue.

“Pain because of the element fire in it and for knowing it only affects you is because it is like a big tattoo,” She explains.

“I see. There wasn’t anything about that in the library.” Understanding most of it, I nodded.

“Yeah, that mansion always gets destroyed in war times, so we don’t take important books there.”

“But we aren’t we only in a cold war?”

“Yes, but the Federation is making other moves as well, it seems.”

“Have you seen war already?” I ask, a bit surprised.

“No, our parents hide it from me. They said I need to enjoy my youth. Not like them, that saw their first battle at 10 years old.”

“But didn’t you see last night’s carnage?” I ask, concerned.

“Haha, no, they already cleaned it up when I got there.”

“Sigh, I don’t know how it looked last night, but I don’t want my new sister to see me as a monster,” I said, rubbing my head.

“That’s too late. I already see you as one. I mean, common, you look like a humanoid boogyman.” Hearing her, my jaw drop looking at her betrayed. Smiling at me, she continued. “I see you as one, but I don’t think you will do something against us. I trust you.”

“That’s a bit naive, though,” I said, walking into the dining hall through the still broken door.


Hearing plates fall on the ground. Looking at who did it, I saw Rebecca staring at me with drool coming out of her mouth.

“You are married, for fuck sakes, stop staring and drooling!” I shouted at her.

“Gulp, I am sorry,” Rebecca said, wiping the drool away.

Seeing her still staring, I shouted. “LILY, GET IN HERE.”

“Kitsuna, what do you want?” Seconds later, Lily walked into the room, annoyed until she looked at me. “WOAH, so that is how you look under your baggy clothes.”

“Can you please get your wife under control?” I said, pointing at Rebecca.

Looking at Rebecca, she saw that she was drooling again. Getting a dark expression, Lily walked over and said. “Babe, what are you thinking about.”

“N-Nothing. Do you think you can get a six-pack like Kitsuna?” Ignoring the shiver going down her spine, she asked.

“You!?” Lily said and hit Rebecca over the head.

“OW!” Rebecca shouted, falling on the ground.

“HUMF, that’s what you get for fantasizing about another woman’s body,” Lily said, walking away from the down Rebecca.

“They are married?” Amari asks, not caring about Rebecca on the floor.

“Yeah, it happened a couple of years ago,” I said, sitting at the same spot as this morning.

“Ooh, then she deserved that.” She said, sitting across from me.

We kept on having small talk until the rest arrived.

“Why isn’t the door fixed yet?” Mom said, looking at the broken door.

“We are upgrading the mansion with new Technologie, so we took down the repair spell,” Amari said, looking at mom.

“That reminds me you talked about a jet before? Is it the same as jets on earth?” I ask.


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