The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 24

Cahpter 24: Stacys’ pass 3

It has been 4 years since the deal with the King. As we said, we have been working on my combat and mentality. The bad feeling I had that day about my mothers’ smile was not for nothing. My training regiment consisted of me waking up at 6 in the morning and run around the mansion until breakfast. After breakfast, I started with brain exercises that consisted of reading, puzzles, and other brain activities. I would do that until the afternoon. 2 hours before dinner, I would do mana control. After dinner, I would do weapon training until I need to sleep. This was my routine for the last 4 years. I can’t even count the number of times I broke down or exhausted myself. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought my parents hate me.

Not everything in the last 4 years was just about training. 2 years ago, our family was blest with twins. They named the boy Toby, and the girl, Ren. The other good news was that my mother was already 8 months pregnant again. I still remembered when they told me about it.

(Flashback 8 months)

Walking into the dining room after my morning run. I saw my parents hugging each other. Looking at them, I ask.

“Did something happen?”

“Ooh, good morning Stacy. Yes, something great has happened.” Father said with a smile.

“UMU UMU. Yes, something outstanding happened.” Mother said, nodding.

“Are you going to tell me or not? I need to eat.” Walking past them, I sat down at the table, waiting for my food.


“Brat, don’t just ignore us.” Mother said.

“Mother, you of all people should know that I don’t like waiting for answers,” I said, looking at the plate that was just put in front of me.

“That is true. Well, then, I will tell you. Your mother is once again pregnant.” Mother said proudly.

“Again? How many children do you want?” This time I looked at them with my head tilted.

“”8″” They both said.

“What!? Why so many!?” I shouted, surprised.

“Because we want a big family,” Father said, pulling my mother closer to him.

“Hmm, is that so,” I said think about the deal.

My mother most likely saw my mood decline because she hugged me and said. “That includes you as well.”

(Flashback end)

Looking back at it, it made me smile. My parents really cared about me.

“Growl!” Hearing my stomach, I knew it was time for breakfast. Coming to a stop, I started walking towards the mansion. Coming up the stairs, I saw our butler standing outside the door waiting for me.

“Good morning, miss.” The butler said.

“Do you need anything from me?” I asked while walking past him.

“War has started once again.” Hearing what he said, I stopped walking and turned around. Seeing his face full of worry, I ask.

“That isn’t all is it.” Looking down, I waited for his reply.

“No, someone is here to collect you.”

My head shot up, looking at him.

“That can’t be!? Why is he here for me!? Shouldn’t my Father go to war instead of me!?” I shouted. Turning towards the door, I run inside to look for my parents before he could stop me.

Opening the door to the drawing-room, I saw my parents standing inside with another man sitting on the couch.

“Aah, looky here. She came to me by herself.” The unknown man said. Although he was sitting on the couch, I could see that he easily surpass 2 meters in height. The man had golden hair and eyes and was wearing a black suit that made him look important.

Ignoring the man, I looked at my parents. Seeing that my father was standing between my mother and the man, I knew this wasn’t as simple as I thought. Before I could say anything, my mother shouted.

“What are you doing here!?” Opening my mouth to reply. The man on the couch started talking again.

“It is insulting to ignore people, Stacy.” The man said in anger.

” I am sorry. My name is Stacy Acura.” Bowing down respectively, I apologize. Looking up at him, I saw his golden eyes looking at him. Not getting any reply from him, I looked at my parents and asked while pointing at the man. “Mother, who is he.”

“You!? How dare you not recognized me!?” Hearing him, I was about to look back at him, but I felt something grab my head. “This is what you get for disrespecting me!?”

He picked me up by the had and thrown me against the wall, instantly getting knocked out.

(5 years later)

Knock Knock

“Stacy, it’s your turn.” Hearing someone knock and shouted outside my door. I stood up from the bed and walked out.

It has been 5 years since that man took me away from the people that abused me. I haven’t seen them ever since that day and haven’t even heard anything from them. It made me happy that they won’t try and get me back. I at least found someone that I could love. The king was very nice to me on the first day. It made me blush just thinking of him.

Coming to a stop in front of a door. Sighing to myself, I forgot about my bad thoughts and put on my veil over my face. Apparently, people shouldn’t see your face while doing this kind of work. Opening the door, I said.

“Hello, how can I help you.”

“Took you long enough. I need you to help me with my sleeping problem.” A man said from the chair in the room. For some reason, I thought I recognized his voice.

“Is that so. What happened to you to have that sort of problem.” I said while walking in front of him. I was happy that I got someone with an easy solving problem. In the last 5 years of doing this, I think I have seen everything. There were more from torture, stealing, and **** victims, but I have to say it’s the worst in the time of war. The traumas we need to cure then is on another level.

“Can you just do it? I have places to be.” He said, looking up at me.

“Be patient. You are here to get our help so wait.” I said in annoyed. I hate people that think they are always the most important person there is. Looking at him, I put my hand on his head and active my skill.

Finding the problems are easy, but sometimes I like to go through all of their memories to find something funny or interesting about them, and this man in front of me sounded familiar. His golden hair reminded me of something important.

Going through his memories, I saw that the man in front of me was the one that saved me from my parents. My parents abused and hated me, or so I thought. No, he was the one that robbed me of a loving family that cared a lot about me. How could I have forgotten something like this?

Going further into his memories, I saw the King order the head psychologist to edit my memories.

‘So, I have been lied to for the last 5 years. It seems some people need to pay for what they have done. The worst part is this guy in front of me was stronger than my father. So I can’t kill him now, but I can get some of his training methods. I need to fix my memories, as well. Tsk.’

Taking my hand off his head, I told him it was done. Walking out of the room, I went back to my room. Closing the door behind me, I broke down crying. His memories held many training methods and a lot of fights. I knew it would help me in the future, but one of these fights was on the day I was taken away.

(Day of kidnapping. Boldy POV)

Throwing the kid against the wall. I looked as her body falls to the ground. Seeing her not moving, I said.

“I didn’t kill her, did I?”

“You bastard!? You will pay for that!?” Mr. Acura shouted while attacking me. Ducking his punch, I said.

“Haha, attacking me without your sword. You might be the strongest knight couple the Federation has, but that does not mean you are the strongest in the Federation.”

Putting my hand on his chest, I used my lifeforce steal skill on him. His body came to a stop. Seeing his eyes widen, showing the fear in them. Standing straight, I looked at him in the eyes.

“Enjoy the afterlife, dumbass,” I said, just letting his body fall to the ground.

“Hunny?” Mrs. Acura said with fear in her voice.

Just glancing at her, I walked back to the kid and threw her on my shoulder. Turning around, I started walking to the exit when I heard Mrs. Acura talk.

“You will receive the worst kind of death.” I could hear the amount of bloodlust behind her voice

“Hehe, did you just threaten me?” Turning my head at her, I smiled and ask.

“You think I would give you some dumb threat at this moment. YoU JuSt KiLlEd my HusbanD And Is TakKing My DaugHter AwaY FroM me. I ProMise You thAt One Of my DeSceNdAnts wiLl kIll yOu.” Seeing her eyes looking at me, a shiver went down my spine. I felt that my pride was just attacked, disappeared from my spot, reappeared next to her, and sent a kick towards her pregnant stomach.

“Try and make more descendants now, bitch.” I said, leaving her on the floor next to her husband.

(Blondy POV End)


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