The Tale Of Kitsuna

Chapter 20

Chapter 20:

“Everyone the mission has change kill the Demi-Fox at all cost. We can’t leave a carrier of a Deadly sin skill alive!?” Hearing the new orders and what they will be fighting. Everyone looked at me with fear. Not knowing how rare a sins holder was. I started laughing at them.

“Why are you so scared of a 13-year-old?” I smirked at them. Starting to infused ice mana into my crosswheels. I looked at the closes person to me and unleashed my attack. Taking him by surprise, he had no time and was killed instantly. This also woke everyone up from the sudden change, and that started attacking me.

Jumping to the side dodging a fireball. I grabbed the person I arrived in front of with my right hand and unleashed black flames into his face. While he was burning, I threw my crosswheel in my left hand to the next victim.

Although I had 3 racial elements, I couldn’t really use my lightning and fire. The only way to use them was close range and the arm with the respectable curse on them. It never bothered me because my ice was overpowered already. Even though Stacy was standing more than 10 meters from me, I could feel my ice that was still in her hands. I could even move it around if I wanted to. I infused my crosswheels with my ice mana so I can ‘summon’ it back into my hands.

Through the crisped corpse at the guy that was busy running towards me, I summon my crosswheels back to my hands and killing someone that didn’t see it coming.

“So you can use more than one element, and your ice seems to be a top tear element.” The Commander said while his men started moving back, giving him space. Looking at him with surprise. I knew I was no match for him and hoped Stacy would have kept him distracted while I was busy killing his men. Feeling my Ice sword moving closer, I knew she was on her way, luckily.

“Oi, who said you could leave me behind!?” Just then, she appeared next to him, taking his left arm with her appearance.

“Ugh!?” Jumping back, he held his left arm in his right hand.


“That is what you get for leaving me.” She grinned at him and looked at me, and asked. “Who is in control?”

“Huh? What do you mean?” I looked at her, confused. Moving my head to the side, a throwing knife came past my head. I threw my crosswheels at the person that just attacked me. “We are busy talking.”

“I think you should stop killing; for now, you might lose control,” Stacy said with a bit of worried in her voice.

“I will try, but no promises.” I didn’t know why she told me that I shouldn’t kill. Knowing her, I just need to listen to her. Although we talked a lot between fights, it always ended up in a few seconds. Calling my crosswheels back, I put them in my storage and formed ice brass knuckles in my hands.

“Okay, let us continue cannon fodder.” I was giving them a mocking gesture.

“AAAH!?” Giving a war cry, they started running at me again.

Looking at the closes one, I grabbed his sword with my left hand and jabbed at his face with my right one. When my fist connected with his face, I heard his skull cracking. Letting him go, I looked at the next person. I ducked under his sword and gave him an uppercut and was met with another cracking noise.

“Geez, what are your faces made of? It breaks so easily.” I said while sweeping the legs out of the guy behind me. Creating guards on my legs. I kicked him in the stomach sending him back into the crowd take some people with him. “There are so many of you all.” Looking around, I saw they stopped attacking me recklessly and stood right outside my attack range.

‘These guys aren’t so dumb. After just three encounters, they already see that they are outmatched in close range.’ I was about to go to them when someone talked.

“Move back more this bitch is too good to close range. Where are our mages? Let them take her out.” Hearing the new plan, all of the close-range soldiers moved back, giving space for the mages to attack.

“Aah, thanks. You are making me blush.” I said while acting shy.

“Die!!” Hearing a woman shout behind me, I rolled to the right, dodging a water blast just in time. Making a few throwing knives in my hands. Looking at the mage that attacked me, I threw them at her. Unable to dodge the knives, she got killed by a knife to the face.

“Penny!? FUCK YOU!?” One of the men started to run at me while cursing me.

“Don’t you, idiot!?” The same guy that gave the orders tried to save him, but it was too late. Dogging his sword, I hit him in his gut, making him spit out some blood. Before he could move again, I wrapped my tail around his feet and started using him as a club. Running into the crowd, I swung the guy at the crowd first. Knocking some of them over. Acting fast, I made more knives and threw them at all the down people.

“Move back. We can’t fight her in close range!?” Again the same guy gave orders. He started to irritate me. Looking at him, I threw the guy I was caring with my tail at him with all my strength.

“AAH...Ugh!?” He tried to dodge the guy but was too slow and was hit with the full force of my through, creating a crater.

“Monster!? She is a monster!?” I hear someone shout. Looking at him, I started to giggle.

“Hehe, me a monster? That doesn’t sound so bad, you know.” After I said that, I felt my body shift.

(Stacy POV)

Hearing Kitsunas replay, I sigh to myself. Telling Kitsuna to stop kill in her state at the moment was like telling a baby to stop crying. I just hope she won’t do something like turning into a giant fox or something.

“Why are you protecting a sin holder. You know what kind of being they are. After all, we had to team up to kill the previous Wrath holder.” The Commander said while putting back his arm.

Looking at him, I sigh. I did team up with him and the other 30 high levelers to kill the previous Wrath sin holder. We won but lost 16 people in the fight, and afterward, Dean and I killed the rest, or so we thought. It seems we mist this guy.

“How did you even survived? I was pretty sure we killed all of you.”

“I faked my death, of course. I am not the only one. Just a warning, the rest that survived will come for you.”

“I see, well, that was 10 years ago.”

“Yes, and I had 10 years to improve on myself. If I remembered, you were level 500 at the time.”

“Huh? Wait, do you think you are a match for me now?” I tilted my head at him.

“Why do you think I was sent on this mission.” He smiled at me.

“Hahaha, The Federation sent you on a suicide mission.” I laugh at him.

“You laugh now, but just feel the aura of a level 960 Rare class.” Unleashing his aura at me, and it felt pitiful.

“How pitiful. I think my daughter over there can actually kill you if she goes all out.” I pointed and looked at Kitsuna. Seeing all of his men backing away from her, he started to release killing intent towards Kitsuna. Seeing him doing that, I attacked him, so he does distract her. “Don’t try your cheap tricks here. I already taught her with my full killing intent anyways.”

“You really are making a monster. Do you think you will be able to control her?” He said while blocking my attack but was still sent back by a lot.

“That’s more a compliment for people like us, you know. Control her. Why would I want to do that? She is my daughter, and that is it. She can do what she wants to do in her life.” I said while attacking him again to make more distance between Kitsunas’ battle and ours.

“You will destroy the world if you keep such a monster alive.” He tried to push me away with his sword but was sent away instead.

“Hmm, I am getting mad at you calling my daughter names.” I was about to continue talking until.


“I just had to say it, didn’t I.” Looking at the direction the sound came from. You could see a giant 9 tail fox 8 meters tall and 16 meters in length without the tails. The tails on their own were 9 meters long.

“You guys found a host for the 9 tail primordial blood!?” The Commander shouted in surprise, looking at me.

“Yeah, playtime is over.” Disappearing from my position, I reappear behind hIm, knocking him out.


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