The Tale of Hero Alice’s Social Death

Chapter 426: Dumbfounded Fugallo

Chapter 426: Dumbfounded Fugallo

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As soon as Fugallo had the thought of stealing Alice's panties, the thought immediately occupied his entire mind.

It couldn't be helped. Fugallo was already out of options. The bizarre light taboo Alice attacked him with just now was significantly stronger than the average offensive taboo. Even though his physique was stronger than the average Demon King, he still lost half of his body to the light-attributed attack.

The taboo core Fugallo relied on to create Demon King's Shadows had also gotten destroyed, so there was no hope for him to rapidly recover from his wounds and turn things around. In his current state, he could, at best, force himself to move at top speed for several more minutes. Once that time passed, he'd be at the mercy of Alice and Andusia.

Hence, Fugallo's only way out now was to steal the pair of panties in Alice's hand and rely on the panty's abilities to achieve a reversal. Even if he couldn't kill Alice and Andusia, he needed to create some trouble or injure them to buy him time to escape. Although it was somewhat unsightly to escape using such a method, he couldn't care less about his image right now. So long as he could escape and go into hiding, he would still have hope of staging a comeback.

Of course, Fugallo couldn't just escape with his soul, either. He also needed to bring Haydn's body with him.

While Fugallo considered Haydn nothing more than a tool to achieve his goals, he could feel that his soul container had been destroyed along with the taboo core. If he were to leave Haydn's body now, he would instantly become a soul without a container. If he couldn't find a replacement container quickly enough, Alice and Andusia wouldn't even need to take action against him. He would automatically vanish from this world after some time.

Fortunately for Fugallo, when he made the decision to steal Alice's panties, Alice and Andusia shifted their attention away from him. They were apparently discussing the person responsible for destroying Haydn's mansion. From what he managed to overhear, the person in question went by the name of Luna. Fugallo didn't know who it was since none of the past Heroes and Demon Kings he knew had gone by this name.

However, there was one thing Fugallo knew, and that was the fact that Alice and Andusia were no longer paying attention to him. Perhaps, in their eyes, he could no longer cause any trouble to them now that he had lost half of his body.

Fugallo steered as he gathered the last bits of mana in his body. His body was already in ruins, and his internal organs had suffered varying degrees of damage, causing him to temporarily lose the ability to create more mana. Hence, the mana he gathered now was going to be his last chance at making a reversal.

As luck would have it, the elemental magic Fugallo was most proficient in was wind magic. Besides superior cutting properties, wind magic also allowed him to accelerate his movements and manipulate objects from a distance. Meanwhile, he was currently going to use wind magic to manipulate a distant object.

"Elven Wind!"

Despite its name, Elven Wind had nothing to do with the elven race. It was a wind-type taboo that allowed the user to exert precision control over wind, making it possible to use wind as a formless power similar to psychic power. Moreover, due to the properties of wind, it was much harder for magicians to detect it compared to psychic power. At the very least, when Fugallo's Elven Wind was making its way to Alice, neither Alice nor Andusia had noticed its approach.

Subsequently, without Alice's notice and under Fugallo's intense gaze, the formless wind snagged the pair of white panties out of Alice's glowing hand.

Alice was momentarily stunned when she sensed a powerful gust of wind wrapping around her hand. Then, she hurriedly looked toward Fugallo and saw a miniature tornado transferring her white panty over to Fugallo.

Andusia also saw this happening, and her expression darkened. Immediately, she gathered mana in her hand, preparing to steal the panty back from Fugallo. Although Andusia didn't know how a pair of panties could have such frightening capabilities, she had tactfully avoided asking Alice about the matter. However, if the panty were to fall into Fugallo's hands, things would become troublesome for them.

At this time, Fugallo had yet to notice the resigned look on Alice's face, but he did notice the panic on Andusia's face and the fact that Andusia was getting ready to take action against him. This further validated his choice, and he no longer suspected Alice's panty could enable its wielder to cast special taboos.

"I won't get defeated so easily!"

Along with a resolute shout, Fugallo reached for the white panty brought to him by the miniature tornado. As soon as his right hand made contact with the soft underwear, he gripped it tightly and revealed an excited expression. At this moment, he could already foresee himself successfully fleeing the battlefield with the help of the panty's power.

However, even after several seconds had gone byFugallo did not receive the incredible power he had hoped for. At this time, he couldn't even feel the slightest trace of mana in the white panty, let alone a terrifying amount of light mana. It was as if the white panty was nothing more than an ordinary pair of panties.

Originally, Andusia had anxiously wanted to snatch the panty back from Fugallo. She had even gathered her mana for an attack. However, before her attack was ready, she saw Fugallo ecstatically shouting and grabbing onto the white panty. Thena few seconds passed with nothing happening, and Fugallo simply stood there with a stiffened look.

Like Fugallo, Andusia did not know why Fugallo did not receive the same kind of special power Alice received after grabbing onto the white panty. However, Andusia was on Alice's side. So, although the situation puzzled her, she remained relatively calm. She simply looked at Alice with a curious gaze.

In contrast, Fugallo's reaction was a little deranged. Staring at the white panty in his hand with widened eyes, he shouted in a tone of disbelief:

"What's going on?! Why am I not receiving any power from this thing?!"

"Oh, Fugallo. You shouldn't generalize people's physiques. Things that grant me power might not necessarily do the same for you," Alice said as she helplessly shook her head. She honestly did not think Fugallo would be so desperate as to steal her panty.

Evidently, the wind magic Fugallo used to steal her panty was the Tenth Demon King's last-ditch attempt at staging a comeback. In Fugallo's current state, Alice could kill him using only her bare fists. However, to express her respect for the former Demon King, Alice decided to send him off using her strongest move.

Subsequently, under Fugallo's angry gaze, Alice reached into the pouch by her waist and pulled out another pair of panties.

When Alice was searching for panties in the pouch just now, she had the foresight to move all of her panties to the top and push all those strange tools to the bottom. So, it didn't take her more than a second to fish out a second pair of panties.

The next moment, Alice's right hand suddenly unleashed a frightening amount of dark mana, the dark mana taking on the form of a pitch-black fog that slowly spread to the surroundings

"Cough, cough My bad, wrong pair."

Noticing the surprised looks on Andusia and Fugallo, Alice dryly coughed in embarrassment before hurriedly stuffing the black panty back into the pouch. Then, she pulled out a pair of white panties and released the familiar holy light.

After watching up to this point, Fugallo was thoroughly dumbfounded.


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