The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 300 Clash With A Godzilla!

Looking around Bobby saw that the hall was a bit larger than the previous one, but there were no walls. Instead, they were filled with overgrown giant plants, weeds, and grasses. "Hmm, little Tree Goddess, what will be my second test?" He asked.

"Milord, it'll be a test of your fighting skills. Be prepared," Queen Dryad continued, "because the beasts with the trace of bloodline in our time will be coming for you, and to succeed, you need to stay alive for the next two hours. They were coming."

Just as she said that suddenly it became pitch black and dark and Bobby activated his Devil's Eyes Ocular Technique and started scanning the surroundings with his golden glinted eyes. And he saw several dark silhouettes moving and glaring at him with their pitch-black dark eyes. 'Ah, they looked exactly like Tyrannosauruses. And I could feel the intense hunger from them.' He thought while observing those strange beasts.

Suddenly, he muttered softly, "Ninja Third Movement Technique Plus Lightning Steps, activate!" The beast mauled at the flickering white after-image and bit at it, electrifying it in the process.

"Grrrrr!" It roared in extreme pain.

Bobby was already in his Satanic Form, flapped his bloody red pair of bat-like wings, and floated high up in the air. Then he yelled, "Shadow Slave, come to me!" Immediately afterward, a dull-looking black Katana appeared on his hand.

Ding! Ding!...

With a continuous dinging sound, a series of notifications started popping into his mind.

"Hmm, so all of these beasts are at most at the energy level of 190. Then let's end this quickly," Bobby muttered and then he started infusing a large amount of white lightning essence Chi into the black katana. Then he made an inclined horizontal slash toward the first group of those grotesque-looking black beasts. "Lightning Flash Strike!" He muttered softly. Then the next instant, with the incessant sizzling sounds of lightning, a zig-zag traversing bolt of white lightning swept through the room and black blood splashed all across the room, slaughtering every last one of the beast.

Standing in the air while fluttering his blood-red wings from time to time, Bobby asked, "Is it done? Why am I still inside the second trial hall?"

"Milord, that's just a warm-up to gauge your current level of strength. Now, the real deal will come," Queen Dryad's voice chimed telepathically in his head speaking in Archaic Katakara Tongue.

Then the next instant, purple lightning struck his belly making a large hole while the ground started shaking.

The instantaneous regenerative abilities of vampire and werewolf bloodlines kicked in, and in a flash, his wound closed, completely healing in and out.

Donghai looked around to see a large reptile floating in the air, locking its dark brown eyes on him. Seeing the appearance of reptile creatures with the body of crocs, the head of a dragon, and two pairs of limbs that of an elephant, he said, "A Godzilla!? Fuck, this is a real living Godzilla!"

"Hahaha, you're lucky the trial just give you a mature mid-tier creature of my time. If the top ancient 00 were to release then it would be a very unfair fight for you." Queen Dryad said.


[Target X Scanning Completed!]

[Origin: An Beast born from the core of the earth.]

[Energy level: 345 level!]

'Hmm, let's if my current strength of energy level 250 can deal with this ancient beast.' Bobby thought and his heart started throbbing because of anticipation of an exciting fight from a beast very much stronger than his current strength.

The Godzilla opened its mouth wide and blasted another thick beam of purple lightning bolt toward Bobby.

With the flap of his wings, the space distorted into multiple points, and started dodging the incoming non-stop laser beam of purple lightning.

Seeing the lightning, Bobby's eyes flickered while thinking that he could finally absorb the third type of lightning.

He was already close to the mountain-size body of the beast. He slashed its back but not even a scratch appeared on its back. "What!? Its skin is fucking tough!" He swore in surprise.

Feeling the ant-like enemy hiding behind its back, the Godzilla quickly maneuvered its body in the air and clawed toward him with its flappy paw covered with a thick net of purple lightning.

Bobby quickly dodged it and hid in its blind spot once again taking the advantage of its size. Then this time, he raised his katana slowly above his head in the air while infusing a surmountable amount of both white and black lighting into the black katana, then he struck it down uttering, "Black and white vajra lightning, Dragon Beheading strike!"

Even Godzilla sensed that it was in peril so, it instinctively rolled its body and tried to avoid his sword energies but it was too big to dodge it, so the invisible spatial sword energy that was flickering black and white lightning cut its left hind limb and red blood started raining down amidst the electrifying beatial thundering roar.

"Kaka….grrwoll!" It roared madly then it stopped after a few seconds as the bleeding was stopped by a net of purple lightning from the severed region.

"Uh-oh, you're in danger." Queen Dryad continued explaining, "Your earlier blow made it activates its bloodline skill which is very hard to activate."


"You'll see soon. Now better get ready with your defense or you will die." Queen Dryad warned him.

Bobby was mentally prepared to look at Godzilla who was gazing at him full of malice.

Soon ten thousand red eyes opened from all around its body.

"What the hell?!" Bobby yelled in shock.

"Not yet," Queen Dryad said.

Then the next instant, Godzilla's mountain-size-like body started to downsize and stopped when he was as twice big as Bobby.

Then it flashed toward him and head-butted.

Bobby instinctively blocked its attack with the flat blade of the katana.

He was sent flying backward and ten purple lightning beams were sent out from ten of its eyes toward him.

"Fucking fast!" Bobby said while slashing his sword tearing a pitch-black dark spatial tear and entering inside it after flying into that dark pitch-black dark realm, he finally regained his balance.

"Did you just create a mini spatial teleportation?" Cynthia asked for the first time telepathically in his head.

"Ahh, there is also someone else in your head!" Queen Dryad exclaimed….. (please, stay tuned!)


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