The Supreme Satanic System

Chapter 275 Employing Black Dragon Hunter Team!

"Ahem-ahem, what I mean is we should underestimate no one with the mentality that our family is the mightiest among the six." Elder John briskly corrected himself.

"Absolutely, I can't agree more with elder John. So, did you get anything on this mysterious Werewolf prince?" Haley Onsen, the sole lady, said. And the other two elders also agreed, singing the same song with her.

Captain Kimura Onsen reached into her pocket, pulled out an AI Pod, and turned it on. It flashed out multicolor light in the air, showing the 3-D picture of a handsome youth.

John Bradforth scrutinized the image, and he briskly stood up with total shock. "Ahh!"

"Are you okay, Elder John?" asked Haley.

John Bradforth quickly regained his composure, sat in his seat, and said, "I'm fine. It just crosses my mind that this youth seems to be very familiar to me."

"Yes, he has a peculiar face. I think I have seen him somewhere too." Elder Judah Munchi agreed with him. "Alright, let's discuss this matter among us four first…. Captain Kimura Onsen, thanks for the good work. Can you and your team step outside for a few minutes?"

Captain Kimura Onsen and her four subordinates gave a salute in the Protector family's way and they quickly rushed out of the hall.

After that, Elder David Burton of the Burton clan stood up and said, "My dear brothers and sister, perhaps if what Captain Kimura reported comes to light, then it must have already shaken the thin line of balance between the other five Olden families. And let's say if this Werewolf Crown Prince were to win against the Vampires, then it's just a matter of time that he will come knocking on our door."

Then he further added, "So, my proposal is, let's finish him before he comes here."

Hearing that, Elder John Bradforth clinched his hands and thought in his head, 'Hmm, as if I'll let that happen,'

"Yes, I totally agree with him. Let's kill him before he becomes nonsense to us. What did you think, Elder Haley of the Onsen Clan?" Judah Munchi opined.

Elder John struck the table with his palm and shouted, "Have you two lost your damn fucking mind?"

Seeing him in anger made the other three elders anxious as they had never witnessed elder John be angry like this before. But today, he lost his cool side twice in a row.

Recollecting his composer, Elder John continued, "Listen, um…. What I mean is, think about it, the last thing our Protector family wants is to cause a massacre among the Six Olden Families. So, if we killed an heir to the throne of the Blood Moon Family, then the werewolves will surely retaliate and the whole thing will get rolled in a really messy way. Am I wrong? Think about it."

The three elders pondered and nodded their heads in agreement.

"I do have an idea." Haley Onsen said.

"Do tell us, Elder Onsen!" Elder John turned to her with a thought, 'Lady, don't you try to cook a plan to mess up my grandson.'

"As Elder John says, we are not the killer. We are the protectors of the Five Olden Families. So, what about this? Let's send the team of Captain Kimura Onsen to invite the Werewolf prince to our Infinite City." Haley Onsen suggested, saying out her thoughts.

"Okay. But let's send the Black Dragon Hunter team as a backup plan if any mishaps happen in the discussion." Elder Judah Munchi said in a calm tone.

"I agree." Elder David Burton responded.

"I can concur with that." This time, Elder Kimura Onsen agreed with him.

Then the three glanced at Elder John.

"Fine, that's a brilliant plan. Let's do that." Elder John gave his words, too.

"Then, it's decided." Elder Judah Munchi said, and he called out aloud.

And the elder meeting came to an end just like that.

Elder John stayed behind inside the hall, whereas the other three elders went out.

Then the three delivered their decision and gave instructions to escort the Prince of the Bloody Moon Family to Infinite City as a friendly guest.

But they didn't reveal the fact that the Black Dragon Hunter team, a team comprising merciless executioners, would be employed as a backup plan if anything went sideways with the negotiation.

Back inside the Elder's Meeting Hall, Elder John picked up the AI Pod left by Captain Kimora Onsen. Then he powered it on, flashing a beam of light forming a 3-D Image of the handsome youth in the air.

He reached out his hands to touch the head of the image but failed, as it was just a screen after all.

"After a closure look. Hmm, this boy doesn't even resemble that snorty brat, Jeremy... Um, but he seems to resemble… er…" Elder John murmured under his breath as he felt something.

"Yeah, he resembles a lot like your first kid." A voice spoke from beside him.

Getting startled, Elder John took multiple steps back, turned around, and saw that there was a youth, who seemed to be in his early 20s, wearing torn clothes, looking at the 3D Image of Bobby on the screen. He had a normal face, neither ugly nor handsome. In addition, he had long, straight black hair with a luster that cascaded down his back like a steep waterfall.

Realizing who he was, Elder John quickly knelt on the ground and greeted, "Welcome back, Ancestor!"

"Relax boy!... So, is this the youngling, the one who has proclaimed himself to be the Child Of Destiny? There is no doubt he is the son of my pupil, Gregory. He has a similar facial bone fixture to him." said the youth. Then he sat down, occupying a nearby chair. He was none other than Noah Darhk, the ancestor of the Protector family.

Elder John sat up on his feet and thought, giving another look at the image on the screen, 'Yes, he resembled a lot like my first son, Gregory. But how in the hell he became the Crown Prince of Werewolves.' Yes, his reasoning was that the Werewolves would not accept someone without their Queen's bloodline to be their next in line of the heir.

He muttered, speaking out his mind, "Is this boy a sacred child between Gregory and Queen Miabella? That makes no sense, as Queen Miabella is Jeremy's official wife."

Then a sudden absurd thought came into his mind and yelled aloud, "Ah! Don't tell me. Don't tell me. Those two bastard sons of mine shared a wife."

"Hey, kiddo! I don't enjoy interfering with your two sons' affairs. But let me ask you this. Are you sure my disciple shared Queen Miabella with his little brother as their wife?" Noah Darhk asked with a frown.

"No, sir. It is just a wild assumption on my part. There is no concrete evidence to back it." Elder John replied politely and then he asked briskly, "Ancestor, do I need something to do?"

"Not exactly! Actually, I'm planning to help your grandson…. Perhaps, the ancestor of the Vampire Family might come out to stop him. So, I'll go there to stop him. Anyway, let me go and check to find out whether your wild assumption about my student is correct or not.

And if you're right, then I'll whoop Gregory when I find him for causing such blasphemy." Noah Darhk said, and he disappeared from his spot.

Just after that, Elder John took out a rounded small ball communication device and said, "Today, I summon all of you to come to meet me now in my home."

Then he sauntered out of the hall too.

After ten minutes, back inside a room somewhere on the northern side of the city, Elder John sat on the wooden floor while three men were also sitting inside the room. Two of them turned out to be the Swarthy boatman named, Bull, and the gatekeeper Kyne, who Captain Kimura and her team encountered earlier today. And the third man was disguised, covering all of his body with white bandages except for his eyes.

"Elder John, what is the meaning of summoning the Spartan Unit? Is our legion commander back?" The man in disguise asked.

"No, Gregory is still missing but he is still alive." Elder John responded truthfully.

"Then there is no meaning for this summon since we only want the news of our legion commander," Kyne said bluntly. Then the three stood up.

" Wait! I have some other reasons for summoning you all here. Gentlemen, it's time for you to make a serious decision…. Even though Gregory is not within our realm, his son is back on earth. And he is causing trouble." Elder John said.

"Hah, you mean Young master Damien!" Bull cried out in his husky voice.

"Yep, now he is on his way to conquer the vampire families. Plus, we have employed the Black Dragon Hunter team to go after my grandson." Elder John responded and then he asked, "So, are you going to help him or not?"..... (please, stay tuned!)


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