The Supreme Level Up System

Chapter 83 Fame Problems

"It seems that the books exaggerated when they mentioned that half of the people of that kingdom have mutated super powers… that or maybe, only the weaklings stay near the border," Aion thought.

Since they lived for long periods of time, Aion assumed that they could make kids even faster than the rabbit that was Aion's father, with in mind that they should have larger numbers as well. Adding their mutated powers, even the most stupid invasion should work, and yet…

"For now, that isn't important… let's focus on doing my own thing," Aion thought while he watched those guys leave.

Although Aion was itching to fight that guy, he had his priorities straight. Someone like that wouldn't duel anyone. He would duel to kill… It was almost insane that some people could follow that logic since their allies and friends would try to revenge on them if they lost and died. So, a stupid powerful idiot could start a war… just by dying. In a world like that, Aion couldn't help but frown since he felt the urge to fight that guy just for the challenge. Living in a world of battle maniacs wasn't doing much for the common sense that he got on Earth…

In the end, Aion waited for one hour before he began to hunt the monsters. Just to be sure… Instead of heading straight to the magic, Aion changed his class to Tamer, and then when the enemies showed up, he tried to use the skills on them after wounding them. Trying to apply pokemon logic to reality seemed silly, but the weaker someone becomes physically, usually, their mental strength decreases as well.

"It looks like the level of the class and the skill influence a lot more than expected…" Aion rubbed his chin thoughtfully when he failed several times. "I suppose that makes sense since, apparently, there are no limits on how many creatures I can tame."

Aion didn't use that skill before on the bears because he felt that it would be cruel to force them to submit, only to kill them afterward. Now that he had an area to control, he could hide them in many places since leaving them in the dungeon would make them be hunted. That was another thing that Aion wanted to check if he could bring them outside…

In the end, Aion assumed that taming monsters from dungeons were just impossible… he tried and failed too many times. There were many reasons for that, and the low level of the class and the skill couldn't be the reason. The influence of the core was too strong inside the dungeon, so perhaps Aion could tame them outside, which it doesn't seem like they were planning to do it.

Another reason could be that they didn't fear Aion enough… that seemed a bit weird since his power varied according to the class he was using. Regardless, his plans to get a monster's army and prevent invasions with them will have to be put on hold.

"I guess I will have to take some drastic measures…" Aion thought.

Aion didn't want to deal with low lives more than he already had to. While the captain of the guards was respected, he was a low-life from Aion's perspective due to his massive ego. So, after another day in the dungeon, Aion considered looking for smugglers or slave traders… they always have some animals and monsters up for sale. Also, they are everywhere.

The only problem was how Aion should approach them. As the lord of that territory, he was supposed to be their worst enemy, and truth to be told, he didn't want to get involved with those that put price tags on the lives of other people. Aion wondered if he should contact his mother to hear her opinion, but he didn't want to trouble her more than he already had…

Aion returned home pretty late in the night, but he noticed that the light in his office was still up. His mother was working last midnight… as expected, Aion couldn't trouble her any more than that. When Aion arrived at his office, he saw his mother with a letter in hand and she looked deep in thought.

"What is wrong, mom?" Aion asked. "That must be an urgent message if someone decided to send it so late in the night."

"Your father sent a message… it seems that the king had some spies in the Rosberg kingdom and they noticed that Caelis the Tainted might come to invade again," Artemisia said.

The timing for trouble to appear sure was troublesome. Aion didn't even start to build a militaristic force that he could trust and now this… Regardless, it was rather weird that the king could receive messages from spies so far away without Aion being the middleman. Still, it made sense that he wouldn't trust him considering half of his lineage.

"Are they going to send help?" Aion asked. "An invasion is…"

"They aren't going to send help…" Artemisia replied.

"I can think of a few reasons, but I don't want to waste time thinking too much about them," Aion said.

"The main reason is that Caelis isn't moving with a large army, so it isn't a proper invasion, it is more like the actions of a single person," Artemisia said. "The king says that he can only ignore it in order to avoid another war. Wars every five years will be more than a bit troubling for the kingdom."

"I agree… still, why would someone like that come to this kingdom without an army?" Aion asked. "Is he that stupid or… ah…"

"It seems that your father warned you about that… he is coming for you," Artemisia said. "Usually, after failing so many times at trying to face Horis, someone would avoid trying something this unreasonable. However, it seems that he had heard about your accomplishments and that you are nearby."


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