The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 93: Apollo

Chapter 93: Apollo

The environment becomes silent, as if all sounds have ceased to exist. Lilith turned to face Aucuses, who was being surrounded by people holding books and papers. It was chaotic, despite the silence.

He was smiling at them, but his apologetic gaze was fixed on her.

His eyes gleamed as well, as if he could see right through her. Then he moved his lips.

"Please wait for me. I'll be right there in a second. The people here are far too enthusiastic."

His soft voice echoed right beside her ears, tickling her earlobes and turning them crimson. It also shattered the silence.

Hearing his apology did not make her feel better; on the contrary, it filled her heart with rage.

"Bastard!" Looking at Aucuses, she yelled.

She only gave him one last look before storming off into the oncoming crowds.

Aucuses sighed as he watched her vanish with the crowds.

"May I have your autograph?" A teenage girl stood in front of him, holding a piece of paper. Her other hand twirled her skirt nervously.

His attention was drawn back to the crowds, and he put his thoughts and concerns of Lilith aside. He knew she needed some alone time for herself, which is why he didn't rush after her immediately.

Aucuses finally looked around at the swarm of people, who were much more docile than before. It was because of his manipulation. He brought order to the chaos of the crowds.

He was actually forced to do so because the crowds went crazy with admiration and fanaticism for him. He even witnessed some beyonders attempting to jump through the crowds in order to catch a glimpse of him, regardless of the collateral damage to the surroundings.

If he hadn't done that, St. Millon would have fallen within hours due to the populace's sheer enthusiasm for him.

The order only allowed those who were truly inspired by his music to approach him. His order is ethereal and subtle, leading people to believe it is normal and reasonable. They will find nothing wrong with situation, and some may even believe that only those people are qualified to get close to him.

He must acknowledge that authorities can be both convenient and all-powerful. It is entirely dependent on the god who utilises it.

'What else could I have hoped for?' While looking at the girl's and other people's fanatical eyes, Aucuses thought. 'I really shouldn't have been so engrossed with music.' He sighed helplessly.

He is a conceptual being. Even if he tried his hardest to restrain his authority, his every action would still affect concepts of reality, albeit in a miniscule scale. Previously, while he was playing, his order authority subconsciously reacted and began influencing reality based on his emotions. This is why there was a thunderstorm and rain while a sad song was being played.

Well, that's a new way to use order authority... He jotted it down. He didn't mind bringing his guitar to a war of gods.

'That would be a sight to behold.' He chuckled, picturing the reactions of gods.

Aucuses tucked his jumbled thoughts away and examined the teenage girl's paper in his hand.

The music notes for the entire song were written on the paper. It was perfect without a blemish. She also appeared to have started deducing music lyrics for it.

'That's quite impressive.' He thought, peering at the girl again, causing her to blush and look away.

She was no ordinary person, but a Beyonder of the Hermit Pathway, Sequence- 6. She was also a member of the Moses Ascetic Order, which is actually now led by his angel, Diana.

'Her fate changed. That's not surprising given that she's crossing paths with me. Now she'll be connected to the fate of Diana, huh? A future angel..' He reflected, seeing the change in her fate.

"What is your name?" He finally asked, pulling a golden pen from his pocket.

"Athena." The adolescent girl strutted out while blushing and shaking.

Aucuses smiled and signed the paper. He wasn't going to sign his own name. Names have power.

'Name huh. What should my stage name be?' He pondered. 'Athena! Greek!...So, it shall be.'

He signed his stage name on the paper and handed it back to Athena, who caught it in a hurry.

Just then, a flash of light illuminated them, with a click in the background.

Athena jumped up in surprise, but calmed down when she realised it was just a camera taking pictures of her new idol and her. She looked at the autograph with her name and the name of her idol while making a mental note to go get a copy of that picture.

"Apollo" The signature was in cursive writing.

"Apollo.." She recited it with zealous eyes. However, before she could catch another glimpse of her new idol, the oncoming crowds pushed her back. So all she could do was carefully stuff the paper into her bag and walk out of the square.

She planned to go to a branch of the organisation and tell everyone about her idol.

The music played by her idol, Apollo, was unique. It was not as tedious as classical music. It was distinct. It was loose. The music so clearly expressed the feelings of the heart.

She can already see the impact of her idol. It will usher in a completely new genre of music and spark a musical revolution.

She thought with anticipation, while repeatedly checking the condition of the recorder to ensure its condition. She did everything she could to keep it safe because it contained the music's recording.

Under the twilight, Athena walked out of the square with a silly smile.

Meanwhile, Aucuses was still dealing with a swarm of fans, actually feeling quite enlightened about the problems of celebrities in his previous life...


Lilith laid down on the grassy ground of a mountain peak in the valley of mountains near St. Million. It was surrounded by a slew of other steep mountains, each with an abandoned gothic castle perched on top.

When Lilith looked up at the night sky, she was greeted by sparkling stars and gleaming constellations. It restored her long-lost tranquillity.

The respite of nearby trees swaying in a gentle breeze, and the sound of crickets at night.

All of this brought her peace, slowly healing her scarred heart.

She let out a sigh, expelling all of her negative emotions and finally finding peace under the night sky.

Lilith sat up, folding her legs and resting her back against the trunk of the tree. Her gaze was still fixed on the night sky.

She was aware of what lay beneath. A vast, endless, and unknown cosmos beyond the divine eye. A totally distinct world. A universe full of wonder and danger just waiting to be discovered.

Something long buried in the depths of her mind stirred out and resurfaced the last time she fixed her gaze on the cosmos.

It was that recollection. A memory that revealed her true origins, which she had always wanted to know. She was, however, horrified and terrified by the revelation. It nearly brought her down.

The memory brought back the emotions that she experienced at the time. The pure horror and terror came crashing down on her mind, overwhelming her.

She understood why her mind and heart buried that memory instinctively. It was too much for her to bear, even for her now. If such a revelation happened when she was the sanguine ancestor, she would have lost control on spot.

Even now, she buried it away immediately, not wanting to recall it all. It put a tremendous strain on her mind and soul.

But, it was all shattered by Aucuses' sad song. It brought back the memory, which she eventually suppressed with the emotions that followed. However, it had an effect on her in the end.

'Human...' She mused, her lips curved in irony. 'I used to be a human...'

She extended her hand to the sky, as if to touch the stars. As that thought flashed through her mind, her calm heart became stormy.


With that thought, an image of a white-haired man with a peculiar smile flashed across her mind. When she saw the image of the white-haired man, her stormy heart calmed down.

She also felt bad about her outburst at him. He should not have meant any harm at all.

Suddenly, the image of a white-haired man shimmered before her eyes and moved towards the mountain's slope, perfectly combined with a vague figure who appeared to be trekking towards her. She didn't have to think too hard to figure out who it was.

She rose from the grass and approached Aucuses.

They were soon face to face.

"I'm sorry." They both said it at the same time, causing them to stumble and making the situation even more awkward...


A/N: I've made the decision to open a patron. Meanwhile, I'll try to write more chapters. After I've accumulated at least 12. I'll post the link. My college has already started, so it may take some time.

I'll still post a chapter every day here. But, do support me at that time.


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