The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 86: King of Angels

Chapter 86: King of Angels

Aucuses handed the approved report to Blaise, who took it and put it back in his bag.

"Before we proceed with the ascension of Diana," Aucuses said, catching thier attention. "I have missions for all of you."

Seeing their serious and curious eyes, Aucuses continued and turned to look at Blaise.

"I need statistics on Beyonders of Mysteries Pathways, Blaise. It doesn't matter if it's low sequence or high sequence, I need figures on all of them."

"My Lord, I am not capable of accomplishing such a feat," Blaise said, his head bowed.

"Lucas, assist Blaise with this. With both of you, it should be possible." Aucuses rubbed his chin while pondering. "If you discover any abnormalities during the process, at all costs, report to me immediately." His voice was solemn and stern.

Blaise nodded and accepted the mission, while Lucas asked uncertainly. "Lord, abnormalities?" He wanted more clarity on "abnormalities".

"To be precise." Aucuses answered, as his face turned solemn. "Resurrection."

Blaise and Lucas were taken aback. Resurrection wasn't anything out of the ordinary; many gods could perform it, albeit in different ways. However, because their lord had specifically mentioned it, they knew there had to be something amiss with the mysterious pathway.

'Has it anything to do with Lord of Mysteries?' Blaise guessed broadly, but he didn't dare delve deeper into the risky subject any longer.

"I will definitely assist Blaise, Milord." Lucas said as he accepted the mission. However, he immediately inquired about the mission. "May I inquire how much time we have? Can we include Madilyn in the mission as well, Milord?"

"You can take your time." Aucuses answered considerately. "After Madilyn becomes an angel, you can include her in the mission. However, do not drag it, and, once again, if you discover any irregularities, notify me immediately." He emphasised.

'I have a bad feeling about the whole thing.' Diana thought as she listened in. After witnessing their Lord's solemnity, she is almost certain that this matter is related to the pillar. She didn't ask any questions about it, though, because it's clear that their lord doesn't want to elaborate.

Finally, Lucas and Blaise agreed to the mission and nodded.

The reason Aucuses assigned such a significant mission was simply to be certain. His presence is a major variable in the entire world. As of now, the future has been completely altered as a result of him. This may be unknown to gods or even outer gods, but it cannot be said of celestial worthy, who is literally known as king of time and space.

His actions brought about a lot of change, but the fate of the pathways of mysteries still remains unchanged. However, he needed to be certain just in case.

"Diana." Aucuses said, putting the dangerous thoughts aside.

"Yes, Milord." Diana responded, leaning forward in her seat, her face solemn.

"After you become King of Angels, you will lead an army to destroy the Zoroast and Zaratul Families." Aucuses assigned her a crucial mission. "All churches will lend a hand in mission, as the gods have already agreed."

"I will destroy those families." Diana stated solemnly, her eyes filled with solemnity, knowing the significance and importance of the mission.

"If the empire wishes to participate in the mission, allow them to participate because it will ensure the mission's success." Aucuses added as he rose from his seat.

Diana accepted his instructions. She knew it was best to ask the empire to join the mission as well, because angels of the mysteries pathway are almost unkillable. To ensure success, it is preferable to besiege them with a large number of troops.

"Let's get started." Aucuses said this while drawing a blazing sun in the air with light as a medium.

Diana, Blaise, and Lucas rose from their seats and walked towards their lord, who was now standing near the room's entrance.

Aucuses finished it and waved his hand. The sun symbol arose in the air and shot to the room's ceiling. Then it merged with reality, altering the natural order.

His "Order" erected a barrier based on the laws of reality. This barrier is so powerful that it will be able to temporarily block any divine intervention extending into this room.

"You can do it, Diana." Lucas kissed Diana on the cheeks and hugged her. His hands trembled as he hugged her, despite his calm and encouraging words. "You can do it, Diana." He stated it again.

"Don't worry, dimwit." Diana reassured him. "I'll be fine." She hugged him one last time before leaving his embrace. "I can't wait for the afterparty." She said quietly, implying something. Lucas' mood was lifted by her words, and he smiled broadly.

Diana snickered at this pervert. She calmed down after a moment and focused on Blaise, who was waiting for her.

"Rock it like you always do, Diana." Blaise smiled.

"Blaise." Diana smiled and hugged him before speaking. "Don't worry, I'll figure something out."

"Go, Diana." Blaise laughed, shaking his head.

"Hey, I'll find a way. You note that." Diana glared at him.

"Let's see about that in the future." Blaise said, pointing forward. "Now, go. It's already time."

Diana sighed and nodded, giving them both one last look before turning to approach their lord, her clear eyes glinting.

"Are you ready, Diana?" Aucuses inquired, his gaze fixed on her.

"I am." Diana stated firmly as she stood in front of her lord.

"Think again, you're about to enter a far more dangerous stage full of cunning and terrifying opponents. You will be entering a wretched path, a path filled with darkness, solitude, and peril," Aucuses said. "You can't go back and change your mind once you've made your decision."

Diana remained steadfast despite his warning.

Aucuses smiled and pulled out a potion filled with sizzling purple liquid. He then handed it to her.

"Are you ready, Diana, to face your idol?" As Diana took the potion from his grasp, he inquired. Diana remained silent for a moment, her gaze divided between the potion in her hand and her love.

"I never tried to be like him; I always worked harder to surpass him in the future." She said with a smile, her purple eyes gleaming with determination.

Aucuses encouraged her with her final nod.

Diana took a deep breath, and her eyes became clear. She finally drank the entire potion in one gulp.

Her body disintegrated into abstract and conceptual information, which soon morphed into a divine and sacred purple eye.

A terrifying aura erupted and descended on the entire world with the appearance of the divine eye.

Aucuses protected Blaise and Lucas while looking into the divine eye. With her ascension, he sensed that the very rules of reality were changing. The concept of knowledge was the most affected; the concept itself was gradually converging on and merging with the eye.

As he was thinking, various esoteric symbols appeared around the divine eye. It wasn't just a symbol, either. It was a substratum of reality, or, to put it another way, a projection of "Truth."

The symbols buzzed and blended with the eye. The eye immediately became illusory and ethereal, causing the spirit world to overlap with the material world.

The eye dimmed even more, as if it were about to fade away and merge with the endless information of the spirit world. Aucuses knew the most important part of the ascension had arrived. He narrowed his eyes and looked up.

The divine gazes of the gods were already directed here. He also felt Artisan's gaze from the floating continent.

However, whether it was Artisan or the gods, they did not intervene, after noticing the aura of sun and order covering the entire room.

Aucuses turned his gaze to the divine eye, having deterred them all with his power.

Diana had already succeeded, as the divine eye shone with blazing light and materialised. The divine eye then transformed into Diana, who was dressed in a long purple gown and wore a purple crown on her head.

Her closed eyes opened, and her pupils were dark without light. An illusory symbol of a purple eye appeared before her, then imprinted itself between Diana's brows.

The entire spirit and material worlds began to gently shake as an aura of authority was draped over the world.

It heralded the birth of the King of Angels!


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