The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 84: Angel of Sun and Destiny

Chapter 84: Angel of Sun and Destiny

Aucuses entered the innermost part of the library where the most hidden secrets and history are kept. This room can be considered one of the most dangerous places on earth.

He surveyed the room, which was surrounded by bookshelves and gave off a terrifying aura that could drive most insane just upon contact.

The room was lit by dim sunlight filtering through the round panes of the ceiling.

In the centre of the room is a silver table with 22 chairs, surrounded by a mystical aura. His angels sat on chairs around the table. Amazingly, they sat on chairs with symbols corresponding to their pathways. They were reading various books, while waiting for him.


His angels immediately rose from their seats and bowed upon noticing him.

"Sit." said Aucuses, waving his hand. Then he went and sat down on the main seat of the table.

The symbol of the fool behind the main seat changed to the blazing sun as he took the seat.

"How are you?" Aucuses asked, addressing everyone, placing a hand on his chin.

"We're fine." Blaise spoke and leaned forward. "Though the truth was bitter, it was better to know than to live in ignorance."

Lucas nodded in agreement with Blaise. "It took a while to get through everything. But in the end, this brought about a better change in us, a change we always needed."

Aucuses listened to them, observing the state of mind and soul, which was much better than the previous wreak. They have almost recovered from having had such secrets forced upon them.

Finally, he focused on Diana, who looked nervous and anxious.

Noticing this, Lucas reached up to hold her hand, then gave her a firm, encouraging look.

Blaise waited patiently for her to get a hold of herself.

Meanwhile, Aucuses was staring at the books on the shelves, her eyes shining purple. The books contained information about the ancient gods and other deep mystical knowledge involving the astral world and the spirit world.

To his surprise, the books even contained basic information about him and other gods.

He knew Herabergan was the only one who was capable of writing such books without worrying about the repercussions.

"Have you met Herabergan?" Aucuses asked Blaise, eyebrows raised.

"Yes, we met 'Him'. The God of Knowledge came to this section and met us by chance." Blaise replied with a strange expression, memories of the event flashing through his mind.

"No, didn't I say before? I think 'He' wanted to meet us. It was by no means a chance or coincidence." Lucas frowned at Blaise.

"Then, why would 'He' be so surprised when 'He' saw us?" Blaise asked, with confused eyes. "I don't think 'He' was faking it."

"I honestly don't know" Lucas shrugged before returning his attention to Diana.

They were not nervous or fearful even when they meet the God of knowledge, though "He" was the enemy of their Lord. Their confidence was not without foundation, it was due to the support of their Lord and also amicable nature of the God of Knowledge.

"Well" Aucuses said nonchalantly after hearing their conversation, leaning back in his seat. "It doesn't matter much. Maybe he didn't expect all of you to make it to this stage."

He wasn't worried that the Herabergan would do anything with his angels. The dragon was very shrewd to know better than that.

Blaise was surprised by the Lord's words. He didn't really think about it in that perspective. He didn't really know how to fell about it; pride?. However, he found that his heart was still indifferent.

Aucuses looked at Diane, who had finally managed to get herself together.

"I'm fine, milord." Diana said this as her purple eyes regained their radiance and she clutched Lucas' hands tightly.

Aucuses nodded. He could see that her anxiety and nervousness were due to her upcoming promotion and future, not the cosmos.

"Do you have any questions about Cosmos or Great old ones?" He then asked them, crossing his hands and staring at them. He knew they must have some doubts and questions. This was inevitable as he skipped some information when he told the legend.

They all looked at each other for a moment before Lucas spoke for them all. "Lord, Mother goddess of depravity .."

"Mother Goddess of Depravity ..." Aucuses was not surprised and answered patiently. "The creator awakened. "His" awakening led to convergence. Mother Goddess of Depravity was born from the part of the Creator, so "She" was most affected, a part of "Her" sefirot and characteristics broke away from "Her" and then landed on Earth. It later became the pathway of Mother and Moon, while the part of the serfoit has managed to repair itself and become an independent sefirot; Brood hive. The Mother Goddess of Depravity had lost "Her" status as a pillar and been relegated to the Great Old One, but "She" is still the strongest of all the Great Old Ones."

"'She' is on the crimson moon. 'She' is the one you should all keep an eye out for. 'She' has already begun to project 'Her' power into our world via 'Her' pathways, but Ombella and Amanises are doing everything they can to stop 'Her.'"

The atmosphere at the table was solemn and heavy.

"How about Edward?" Blaise inquired quickly, his brow furrowed. "Does the mother tree of desire..."

"You don't have to be concerned about him." Aucuses interrupted and quietly assured them. "I'll handle his problems."

They nodded, but they didn't understand why they had such a bad feeling after hearing from their lord.

Blaise suppressed the feeling in his heart and looked at Diana, who shook her head as if she understood him. Then, he nodded, took a report from the bag by his chair and handed it to his lord.

"These require your attention, milord."

Aucuses took it and opened the report, which showed the profiles of two people. His eyebrows rose in surprise when he looked at the first one.

"There are two people most qualified to be promoted to angel. They have passed all the necessary tests and requirements. We just need your approval to proceed." Blaise said solemnly, leaning forward and crossing his fingers. "They are Laius Wilson and Madilyn Wright."

Blaise continued, "Laius's case was special. He got your blessing. It helped him a lot during his promotion to higher sequences."

Aucuses looked at the report as he listened to Blaise.

Laius Wilson, the kid who preached to him about his own glory and might. He gave him a coin, which was actually a blessing in disguise, on a whim at the time. He didn't expect the child to grow so quickly.

Laius was an orphan raised by the church. He grew up in a strict ecclesiastical upbringing, so his belief in Aucuses was unshakable. After graduating from church school, he was accepted into the Lightbringers. It was then that Blaise noticed the blessing in him and, with high expectations, assigned him to be captain of the squad.

He did not disappoint the expectations placed on him, and accomplished an impressive feat; he led a massive operation with the goal of crippling the influence of the Demoness family, and he was partially successful despite nearly losing his life in the hands of the Primordial Demoness. Diana saved him from 'Her' by stating that he has the blessing of the Eternal Blazing Sun, and that killing him would undoubtedly draw the attention of the Eternal Blazing Sun.

In the midst of this operation, Laius was also promoted to saint. He is someone who prioritises his faith above all else; his ambition is to be recognised by Eternal Blazing Sun and to serve 'Him' forever. To summarise, he is a zealot.

'Well, he deserves it,' Aucuses thought, taking a pen from his coat pocket, signing his name at the end of the report and approving it.

Then he looked at the next account of another saint, Madilyn Wright.

Madilyn Wright, an error pathway beyonder. Her life was a tragedy, a fate that all beyonders of the mysteries pathway must face. She lost her family in the midst of the conflict between the three churches. She then became a thief and a vagrant. She became a thief not because she wanted to, but because it was the only way she could survive. Her decision was also influenced by the fact that she was born as a sequence 8 error pathway beyonder.

Her life as a thief was as difficult as one might expect. Then, it all went wrong when she made a bad decision while stealing and was caught by a beyonder in a higher sequence than her. She was abused and raped when she was only 13 years old.

Eventually, she was saved by church members who also arrested her abuser. They took her to church, where she was allowed to attend the church school after some background checks. That incident left a huge shadow in her heart, haunting her. It took a long time for her to emerge from the shadow cast by that incident, and what pushed her over the final hurdle was a desire, a desire for power.

The incident sparked a desire for power, power sufficient to protect herself in this wretched world. This caused her to push past her limits and nearly lose herself several times along the way. However, it paid off in the end, as she was now a saint and archbishop of the church.

'That's one strong woman.' Aucuses thought as he looked at the last page of the report, which showed the number of times she nearly lost control, which was staggeringly high.

He finally gave it one last look before signing his name on it, approving her ascension. She was truly fit and capable of becoming an angel of the pathways of mysteries.

"Let them become angels." Aucuses stated as he handed over the approved report to Blaise. "Their honorifics will be,

Laius Wilson - Angel of the Sun,

Madilyn Wright - Angel of Destiny.

Include them in the Bible so that they can get enough anchors for the promotion."


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