The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 81: Alliance

Chapter 81: Alliance

"You were too bold, Aucuses. In this way you have offended all the outer gods. I can assure you that 'They' are furious and that 'they' will specifically target you in the future."

"Well ..." Aucuses shrugged nonchalantly. "I've already offended many, so it doesn't matter anymore..."

Though he appeared nonchalant, his heart was slightly uneasy. The outer gods cannot hurt him, but "They" can certainly target the people associated with him.

Edward Grant...

He can be considered an unfortunate man. He was discriminated against and went through much suffering before Aucuses took him into his legion of light. He got his home and his happiness in the legion he so longed for.

Then, he managed to become an angel in early fourth age, but his happiness was short-lived as the barrier began to weaken.

Aucuses did his best to quell the murmurs that continued to influence Edward. He used his authority to the fullest, thus managing to partially suppress it, giving Edward some peace. However, he is no longer sure about it. He can already guess that Mother Tree of Desire will begin to target Edward specifically due to his actions.

'Southern Continent,' thought Aucuses, rubbing his fingers over the edge of a wineglass. 'I should visit this continent...'

Lilith sighed at his casual tone. She took the wine from the table and drank it to calm her heart.

She didn't press him on his recklessness any longer since she had noticed that, while Aucuses may appear reckless, that was just his faade.

He far from being reckless. He plans virtually for every situation he may encounter. She wouldn't be surprised if he had already started planning how to deal with relapses caused by his actions.

She also knew that Aucuses could not be considered a cautious type. Despite everything, he can sometimes be extremely bold and fearless.

He has a rather contradictory character..thought Lilith, drinking the wine.

They were both silent in thought. The aura in helm was still peaceful and calm, due to the residual power of the night lingering around the table.

Lilith put the wine down on the table after drinking half of it. She then took an object from thin air and slid it across the table towards Aucuses. It was the last remaining characteristic of the Knowledge Emperor. She got her hands on it during the Wars of the 3rd Era.

Aucuses put the wine away and took the characteristic, examining it.

"It's really surprising." Lilith smiled, picking up the wine and swriling it in her hands. "That, you are allowing your angel to become a god."

"Aren't you worried that she might end up betraying you?" She asked rationally.

"She will not." Aucuses said, looking at her red eyes.

"Do you trust her so much?" Lilith asked, squinting at him, observing his every reaction and move.

Aucuses smiled and shook his head as he drank the wine in silence.

For Lilith, his silence spoke volumes. This made her feel miserable. Her heart felt a slight pain. It wasn't just this, she was also very surprised by Aucuses.

After all, traitors are prone to becoming paranoid about others, particularly their own subordinates. This came as no surprise, as no one wants history to repeat itself.

Lilith was well aware that Leodero and Herabergan never fully trusted their own angels. After betraying their creator, they have more or less developed paranoia. Herabergan didn't make it that clear, whereas Leodero didn't even bother; once, he personally sent divine punishment down on one of his angels for making a minor error during a war.

But Aucuses is the complete opposite. He was really quite a contradictory person.

Lilith gulped all the wine at once, ignoring her strange emotions in her heart.

She wasn't a fool in the least. She knew exactly what it meant. She had always had feelings for Aucuses, ever since their fight with the Mother Goddess of Depravity, in which she nearly died if Aucuses hadn't saved her.

However, she still chooses to ignore and suppress her fellings for Aucuses.

Lilith swirled the glass she was holding as she looked at him. Finally, she sighed and looked at Aucuses, who was pouring himself another glass.

She spoke, without bringing up the main topic, but about the things that happened in the empire.

"The parliament is in disarray. Within the empire, Tudor and Trunsoest are forming factions. The angels' families have all begun to side with both of them. It won't be long before there are tensions between the two sides."

"It will collapse anyway." Aucuses said indifferently. "There is no point in worrying about the situation."

"Is that why you allowed Amon into the emprie?" Lilith asked, her legs crossed, her eyebrows raised. "I saw some plans of Tudor. After he became an archangel, his respect for us diminished, and his arrogance increased even more after he received the support of Bethel and Amon. And Amon is doing a great job of inducing Tudor to his whim."

"Alitsa ..." Aucuses said, tapping the table. "You know, he wants to become the black emperor. He already started preparing for the apotheosis ritual." He laughed. "The funny thing is that he actually thought he had successfully hidden it from us with the help of Amon and Bethel."

"What do you think Tudor will do about the Black Emperor's uniqueness when the time comes?" Lilith asked, rather curiously. She knew Tudor's plans. She also knew it would all fail, but she was still curious.

"He knew I wasn't going to give him the uniqueness, so he planned to use the difference between us to his advantage." Aucuses chuckled. "He suspected that the empire and the alliance would not last long. Frankly, his plan is pretty good, if he could use his cards well, he can gain the support of Leodero or Amanises or Herabergan."

He paused for a moment, his eyes flashing with indifference.

"But it's a pity, his fate is already sealed. From beginning to end, he was nothing more than a poor worm."

Lilith said in surprise. "So, Solomon will rise again ..."

"Yes." Aucuses said bluntly, not bothering to hide the truth. "Solomon will make a come back in the future."

"Did you find his mausoleums?" Lilith asked, frowning.

"Does it matter?" Aucuses said nonchalantly. "You don't have to pretend. You and the others also want him to come back as well. This is why Amanises and Herabergan did not oppose me during that vote. The alliance is great and all, but it has to end. Solomon is the best way to bring it to an end."

Lilith knew this. It was the main reason she came to meet Aucuses. It was to talk about the alliance between them for the coming war.

Aucuses continued. "You do not have to worry. Our alliance is already formed with the exchange of characteristic. I'll help you fight Amanises when the time comes."

Lilith nodded and asked after some hesitation. "Are you sure, Aucuses?"

"What do you mean?" Aucuses asked, tilting his head to left.

Lilith sighed. "Aucuses, you can't fool me. Your actions and plans have consequences. Everyone will know when Diana becomes King of Angels. While Leodero and Herabergan already see you as the a greater threat."

"So what do you think will happen if the Empire and the alliance collapse?"

"You will be the first to bear the brunt of ensuing chaos. I wouldn't even be surprised if Leodero and Herabergan managed to make up just to deal with you. You will under siege from all sides, Aucuses. I can't help you at that point. You will have to face the gods all alone."

"Are you certain you still want to go through this?" She finished, her gaze fixed on Aucuses, waiting for his response.

Aucuses rose from his chair, wine in hand. He walked towards the deck, only stopping in the middle and speaking without looking back at Lilith.

"I know what I'm doing. You don't have worry about me."

When Lilith heard his answer, she knew there was no point in trying to persuade him further. She got up from her seat, turned around and finally said.

"Don't die on me, Aucuses." Her voice was low and fragile.

After leaving those words, she disappeared from Voyager, leaving flowers to bloom in her place.

Aucuses sighed as he leaned against the railing of the bridge and stared at the golden sun.

Once again, he was all alone.


A/N :

I just want to get this out there

1) The Chaos Sea is currently ownerless. Even though Adam has access to it, he has no actual control over all of it, like before his death. So, Aucuses could also assess it if he could find a way to connect to it.

2) Aucuses has a significant advantage over others; the weakening will of the creator, which may appear insignificant at this point, but will give Aucuses a significant advantage by the 5th epoch.

So, let me just say that Aucuses has a great chance of becoming a pillar.


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