The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 60: Adam and Aucuses

Chapter 60: Adam and Aucuses

A few moments ago...

Northern Continent, No man's land.

Aucuses and Adam confronted each other in the ruins of the battlefield, stained with flames and blood, as the war of gods continued in the sky.

"You seemed to have been through a lot, Adam." Aucuses smiled as he walked towards Adam, holding Grossele travels. "Did your father's death affect you that much?"

Adam remained silent as he watched the Aucuses, who descended through historical projection.

Then, a shimmer of light flashed across his hand, morphing into a golden cross.

The cross caused Aucuses' eyes to narrow. He actually felt a threat from the cross. Despite the fact that he has descended through historical projection and his power is far from his full might, his senses remain the same.

'As expected of 'Him'.' Aucuses thought calmly, knowing full well that Adam had not revealed everything in the original timeline.

Adam was able to shape the majority of the fourth epoch and even the most of the future. 'He' indirectly manipulated Solomon, causing the gods to be suppressed. Whether it was Sasrir or Adam, they were both a part of the Ancient Sun God. So, what he inferred is indeed correct.

He is fairly certain that Adam is far more powerful than 'He' appears to be. Like him, the ancient sun god intricately plans for every situation. So, even if Adam pulls out something shocking, he honestly wouldn't be that surprised.

He knew that the chances of him losing this battle were too great, unless his true body managed to descend after dealing with Solomon. Also, there is Grossele Travels in his hands.

One might think, this is sequence 1 characteristic of visionary pathway, just by taking it, won't he cut off the path of godhood for Adam?

But, Aucuses was well aware that things would be far from simple. Adam is the "Divinity" of the ancient sun god, which added far too many variables to the mix.

He has no idea how much power Adam really has now or what his hole cards are.

Is the Chaos Sea included? He had no idea. He could, however, guess that even if Adam found a way to connect to the chaos sea, he would not do so until the fifth epoch, for the same reason that he isn't touching that sea despite also having found a way to connect to it.

The reason for this is that the God Almighty will is also strong in this era. He is certain that Almighty will began awakening in him the moment he established a connection with the sea.

And now there's this cross, and even though he can't see through it completely, he can feel a holy aura emanating from it, that's very similar to 'His' back then.

Again, there are so many variables that just thinking about them gives him a headache. These will not be a problem if his true body is present, but the situation is completely opposite and unfavourable right now.

Nonetheless, he had no intention of backing down. Even if he loses, he will be able to see through Adam. This is also required for his future plan against Adam.....

Adam gave a gentle smile. "Father will come back, Aucuses." 'He' looked the Aucuses in the eyes. "He will rise once more and reclaim the authority that rightfully belongs to 'Him.'"

"It's no surprise Amon refers to you as a zealot." Aucuses' brows furrowed as he stood before Adam, staring at him. He then stated, "I am also waiting for 'Him'. I killed 'Him' with my own hands in past. I'll do it again in future." He said it word for word.

"You betrayed 'Him,' Aucuses." After hearing his words, Adam corrected him. "At 'His' lowest point, when 'He' was completely vulnerable."

"Yes, I did." Aucuses admitted. "However, so what?" He spread his arms wide open. "We live in a crazy world where even I, a literal god, can easily die under certain circumstances. I had to learn this lesson the hard way, Adam. I was filled with arrogance when I was a king of angels. I was lawless and unrestrained. I waged war on gods under 'His' banner and in the name of spreading 'His' glory. But, everything I did was just to satisfy my own vanity and hatred."

"However, 'He' noticed my problem and took it upon 'Him' to teach and correct my ways." He said in low voice. "Then 'He' took me right in front of the barrier and made me see into the cosmos and the horrors that lay within..."

"I felt so small and helpless. This was a huge blow to my past self." Aucuses stated. "This is what caused everything to change. At that moment, a fire ignited in my heart. A fire called ambition."

"In the end, that fire burned down the world and civilization itself." Aucuses said as he raised his hand.

A blinding ray of light fell from the sky, sent by his true body, and struck his hand. Under the blessing, his divine aura and power began to emerge visibly.

Adam heard everything and remained silent and calm, but his eyes and the cross in his hands began to glow golden.

Aucuses smirked and pointed with his finger at his heart. "The fire still hasn't been extinguished, Adam..."

As the golden sun in the sky expanded, he raised his hand and clenched it. The flares of sun descended into the world, morphing into terrifying white swords.

Meanwhile, Aucuses continued, as he looked at Adam.

".....Rather, it is burning brighter than ever before."

Finally, he waved his hand down as white swords fell from the sky and blazed towards Adam, each with the power to pulverise the entire earth.

Then, Aucuses looked up at the sky and yelled.


Silver blots of lightning erupted from the void, illuminating the entire northern continent in blue hue and striking down on Adam.


The darkness of the night sky solidified and surged straight down, devouring everything in its path, including reality. It crashed from the sky to the ground like a tsunami, heading straight for Adam.

Light. Darkness. Thunder.

Everything descended towards Adam, intent on destroying him.

Adam's expression stayed unchanged as he observed everything. Then, he held up a golden cross and pointed to the sky.

The cross shone brightly as it rose from Adam's hands and expanded into a massive cross that pierced the sky.

The cross, which emitted holy light, stood before Adam.

'Authority of light.' Aucuses contemplated the cross. 'No, this is somewhat different; I have no control over it. But, it's indeed light..'

Boom! Boom! Boom!

White swords, thunder blots, and raging darkness smote down on the cross. Despite its trembling, the cross remained standing. The attack of gods was concentrated on the cross and had no effect on the world around it.

While their attacks melted upon contact with light of cross, the cross began to dim and visible cracks appeared, under their combined bombardment. It appeared as if it could collapse at any moment.

Adam's voice suddenly echoed in the surroundings.

"The historical projection of Lucas..."

He began to make a prophecy to destroy the historical projection. Why would Adam use the name Lucas instead of Aucuses? After all, the historical projection that was summoned was off Lucas Reyes.

What does Lucas' historical projection have anything to do with Aucuses?

However, before he could finish the prophecy, Aucuses declared.

"Speaking is prohibited here!"


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