The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 6: "The Last Supper"

Chapter 6: "The Last Supper"

The next day.

The gentle wind blew across the vast flieds of white flowers and the rays of twilight shaded the sky in a mix of red and orange glow, making the entire sky more mesmerising.

A white castle was present in the seemingly infinite space, as its outline was faintly visible from a distance.

The white castle was perched on top of a mountain; the castle appeared old but not dilapidated, and it had a large number of turrets and towers extending from it.

The castle featured strained glass windows depicting a knight in white armour holding a white sword and a golden sun above his figure.

There was a large lake in front of the castle that had no ripples or waves, giving it a nearly mirror-like surface.

The reddish-orange hue in the sky and the white castle reflected in the lake and there were also some boats seen tied to the dock.

This place was beyond breath-taking, and one could get a sense of its grandeur just by looking around.

A man casually sat in a chair on one of the castle's balconies, holding a white porcelain cup filled with coffee in one hand and a book in the other, reading it while taking a sip of coffee.

The man's expression was calm and peaceful, his handsome angular face illuminated by the sun's twilight.

The man was none other than Aucuses, who was drinking coffee and reading one of the popular novels at the time, which a believer sacrificed to him.

Yes, there is still some entertainment in the world; since the beginning of the third epoch, novels, theatre, museums, and art exhibitions have been present across the eastern continent.

But, nobody could figure out how these forms of entertainment came to be, for there was no clear precedent in history, and they appeared out of nowhere.

Aucuses knew who was behind it all; it was Ouroboros.

Ourobous was an art nerd to the core. Despite the fact that the ideas for this originated from Ancient Sun God, Ourobous was the one who actively pushed everything behind the scenes.

Looking back, Aucuses was a little surprised at how Ourobous single-handedly staged the Renaissance back then.

His friendship with Ourobous was actually quite good because he, too, enjoyed painting and they had gone on adventures specifically for this purpose.

However, everything between them broke, at the day of his betrayal.

And, the majority of his drawings are in his white castle's walls; Aucuses will occasionally look at these paintings to reminisce about the past.

'Wait?' Aucuses' rambling thoughts came to a halt as he remembered something. 'That painting?'

He received a sacrifice near the beginning of the fourth epoch, shortly after becoming a god; it was a painting painted by Ourobous himself.

The painting's title was "Last Supper," which is quite ironic now that he know the past mythology and he didn't expect Ourobous to have the courage and audacity to actually draw something like that.

[Image here]

The painting depicted him, Leodero, and Herabergan standing before the corpse of the ancient sun god, which was laid in the stone slab. Aucuses tore open the chest of the ancient sun god and took the beating heart of the creator into his hand, while Leodero tore apart the creator's hand and Herabergan held the sword directly above the creator's head, as if about to sever it, while the background of the painting was completed dark.

When Aucuses saw the painting at the time, he was furious, for no one will be calm and collected if their actions and stories are depicted in this manner.

This was exacerbated by the fact that he was still conflicted about his choices and hadn't fully accepted them at that time.

This caused quite a stir at the time, because not only did he receive the painting, but so did Leodero and Herabergan.

To top it all off, Amon was the one who orchestrated everything; stealing this painting from Ourobous and sacrificing to them in the hopes of causing chaos.

Amon came severely close to achieving this goal, as war nearly broke out between the Solomon empire and three other kingdoms. However, it was brought to a halt by the intervention of other gods, and Amon suffered the most as a result of his actions, while the painting was decided to be destroyed.

This was also when Amon was dubbed "The Blasphemer" for daring to provoke the three gods.

Looking back now, Aucuses didn't fell much anymore; he had completely accepted his own his actions and choices that he decided at the time.

He had no regrets about betraying Ancient Sun God, even after learning that Ancient Sun God would be resurrected.

He carved for power and strength, and this was his nature, so he didn't question or feel guilty about his actions, despite now knowing what could happen in the future.

*Sigh* Aucuses sighed and placed the novel on the table, while drinking more coffee to calm his nerves.

To be honest, the survival of the Ancient Sun God did not surprise him, because he had never thought of himself defeating his previous lord so easily, and he had always known that he would face him again one day.

But it was Adam's situation that really surprised him, and his previous self had never even considered this possibility.

However, the past no longer matters; Aucuses can only plan ahead and achieve his goal. Knowing what might happen in the future is a huge advantage in this world.

Despite the fact that there are numerous ways to pry on the future and destiny in the world of mysteries. Nothing compares to the knowledge of future that he now possesses.

But, the future also started change to an unknown direction since Aucuses was reborn.

It will not follow the original timeline at all, and Aucuses did not bother to keep it up.

Because, from the time being, he has set his plans in motion; his adversaries will not simply sit back and watch, but will take their own actions.

Aucuses knows that if Adam finds out about his actions, he will not let it happen. Especially if the Grossele travels are what he believes it to be.

So, one way or another, the future is bound to change, and he must be prepared to deal with any situation that arises.

Nonetheless, Aucuses has an advantage in addition to knowing the future.

Before, he discovered that the original creator's will within him was weaker than before.

When he found this, he was completely perplexed, and he specifically conducted an analysis on himself to determine the situation within him.

He eventually concluded that the original creator's will within him was weakening over time, albeit slowly.

Aucuses was not delighted when he discovered this, as one might expect. After all, he couldn't find the cause of this, even using all of his powers, and he also tried to see if he had any other powers that were causing it.

But he couldn't find any; all he had were the authorities of the sun pathway.

The reason for his apprehension was because nothing was free in his world, for free things were the most expensive. He has a hunch that his situation is also related to the transmigration.

Finally, Aucuses sighed and decided to stop thinking about the complicated issues for which he couldn't find answers with his current strength and instead focus on the present.

He could only use this explanation to cheer himself up and prepare to deal with problems as they arose.

As for why the weakening of the original will gives him a huge advantage, it's mostly because he no longer has to spend a portion of his power suppressing the original will and can use his authority to its fullest.

This situation in not without a precedent; during the second epoch, Lilith and Farubati were more powerful than other gods due to their pathway originating from the outer gods, and the outer gods couldn't influence them because the barrier completely prevented it.

However, Aucuses' chaotic thoughts were interrupted when a blaze of light erupted directly in front of him, revealing a golden star that continued to pulsate.

Suddenly, the star's bright light began to dim, and it started to become static, as though it was dying.

When Aucuses saw this, his face became solemn, because he felt his connection with the angel of wisdom weakening and almost serving.

He immediately raised his hand to grab the star.

The dying star immediately emitted a blazing light that engulfed him, and he vanished from his kingdom.

In Antal Mountains, Aucuses gazed at the strange scene with his golden irises that glowed with rage evident in it.


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