The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 17: The Past

Chapter 17: The Past

Three figures strolled along a long hallway, their footsteps echoing deafeningly in rather quiet corridor, as sunlight was streaming in from the long windows on both sides of the wall.

There were cracks in the surrounding walls, debris and damaged statutes in the hallway.

"I'm talking about the artificial life you made. Can you tell me more about its soul?" Lilith asked softly as her voice echoed in the corridor.

"Is there a difference between a natural soul and the artificial soul you gave it?" She inquired with intrigue, knowing that the paragon pathway, like hers, had the capacity to give life, which included soul creation.

"There is a distinction, milady." As Aucuses walked before them, Artisan replied while strolling with Lilith.

"The soul is a living being's incorporeal, ethereal essence; it consists of emotions, character, feelings, consciousness, perception, thinking, and so on."

"However, even though an alchemist can grant a new soul to a non-living item" Artisan remarked solemnly.

"It is so far apart from the "natural soul" that it can only be described as an imitation. It was unable to perfectly emulate the natural soul." Artisan continued. "It couldn't compare to your excellency's authority over "life," which should be able to build perfect "life." Artisan always kept staring at earth mother while speaking, as if to gauge her reaction to what she was hearing.

"Can't you create it?" Lilith questioned, her brows furrowed. "You should have been able to figure something out as an illuminator."

(Sequence 1 Illuminator of paragon pathway - Revolutionary Innovation: "They" can easily create futuristic wonders beyond the scope of current world era technologies such as nuclear fusion-based technology or giant mecha robots (Gundam).)

"I did some research." Surprisingly, Artisan nodded. "As a king of angels, my authority over knowledge and civilization is abstract, just like any other authority."

"My authority of knowledge is heavily reliant on one's perspective when attempting to comprehend reality. I tried to make a perfect soul but failed every time because I believed that a natural soul is something that one is born with rather than something that one can develop. But, when I attempted to look at it from a different angle; that a soul is a natural phenomena that arises when a species reaches a certain level of sentience. There was progress."

"Did you succeed?" Lilith inquired, her interest piqued by the artisan's research.

"I did." With a slightly depressed tone, Artisan said.

"Did you use the knowledge emperor's characteristics for this?" A deep voice inquired, prompting the artisan to gaze forward, only to see Aucuses turn and gaze at him, while questioning.

At the same time, Lilith shifted her attention on him, putting Artisan under pressure from the sight of two gods.

"Yes, even though my findings about perceptive, was helpful. I was still unable to complete the final step, resulting in failure. This stage, I intuitively understood, could only be crossed once I had become the paragon." Artisan said, his voice heavy.

"However, I knew there could be no faults in the plan I intended to accomplish, so I used it and succeeded, which is the artificial life I developed."

"You're quite daring, Artisan." After hearing this, Lilith expressed her opinion. "Or, to put it another way, all those who seek 'knowledge' in the world share the same feature. Despite the disaster later, it's still commendable that you found a way."

As soon as he heard this, Artisan fell silent. But he has already come to terms with everything that has occurred previously

Aucuses, on the other hand, remained silent on this and inquired about something else. "What was the name of the angel who created this organisation?"

"He's called Stiano." Artisan responded. "He was also present at that meeting with me and later went on to create this organisation."

"Did you see him when you first arrived?" Aucuses inquired.

"Your Excellency, no. After what transpired here, the entire Moses ascetic order was abandoned, and the survivors were relocated themselves to the continent's rim." Artisan responded. "And, i didn't see him when I first came." After hearing this, the Auceses didn't press any further.

"No one else here expects us in the entire place. Even the security measures around this place is entirely ineffective." While strolling along the corridor, Lilith said. "At the very least, whomever was in charge here acted quickly after spotting 'it' and ordered evacuation."

"Are you able to see everything here?" Aucuses inquired, his face serious.

"There's one room in the middle that I couldn't see through." Lilith's face was also solemn.

"That is the main library of the Moses ascetic order, as well as the repository of the majority of information and knowledge." Artisan stated, as he already been here.

"The serfirot should be there" said Aucuses rather calmly. "For not a lot can block our sights."

As they walked into this place in silence, Lilith's expression was pretty heavy; nobody spoke throughout this time.

They finally entered a hall with massive pillars on both sides of the room supporting the enormous dome. Each pillar had symbol which depicted an eye within a triangle, as well as an open book beneath it.

A brown door stood in front of them, closed, and the reality around it was blurry. The sun shined through the dome's glass canopy, which included representations of many historical legends.

Aucuses turned and glanced at them for a moment, before speaking on the problem.

"I merely want to stress that the serfirot are beyond human comprehension, as are their abilities. The serfoit authority is based on "knowledge," which is a powerful and board concept."

"The serfirot is most certainly aware of our presence. So, whatever the next move is, it will be highly dangerous. Because knowledge can be very lethal weapon." Auceses spoke in a solemn tone.

"However, the power that has been extended here is meager in comparison to its true authority. But, there is still a high risk here."

"Finally, I'll use my authority of "order" to try to seal it, and Ombella, you'll help me and also deal with artificial life. For, during that time, the serfoit will not sit back and watch."

Lilith nodded, but her attention was always drawn to the brown door in front of them.

"However, Artisan..." Aucuses said after a brief pause. "If you could assist, then do so. As, this situation affects your future as well, because if the hermit's uniqueness is permitted to be integrated, it will be far more difficult for you to become a god."

"Finally, try to survive." Aucuses said lightly, as artisan heart sunk as he considered the words of the sun god.

They then proceeded to the door and stood in front of it.

"I have a feeling that whatever we confront first will be absolutely unexpected." As she stared towards the door, Lilith said abruptly. Now that she was standing in front of the door, she was calm rather than being nervous.

"I certainly hope not." While placing his hands on the brown door, Aucuses stated sharply.

Because the door lacked a handle or a lock, Auceses just pushed it open.


As the door slowly opened, the creaking sound resonated around the hall.

Aucuses strode in without hesitation, followed by Lilith and Artisan who were close behind him.

They were met with a great expanse of white space with seemingly no end to sight.


Behind them, the door closed and vanished.

However, before they could react, the reality of their surroundings shifted, showing a completely different landscape.

Massive skyscrapers stood in ruins as far as the eye could see, some slanting, as if about to topple, and others upright with damage.

There were broken bridges and a multitude of abandoned cars on the lanes, as well as some planes that appeared to have crashed into the ground.

The sky was filled with gleaming stars that gleamed brighter than they had ever done before.

Most importantly, there was a dazzling sliver moon in the sky, which brightly illuminated the night sky.

[Image here]

'This is indeed unexpected....' As he stared at this, Aucuses had a melancholy look on his face.


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