The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 13: The Black Door

Chapter 13: The Black Door

It would be a lie to say that Artisan's bold proposal did not surprise Aucuses. Moreover, this plan actually had a potential of success.

Because he was aware of something similar happening in the future, during Amon's apotheosis, where Amon absorbed the characteristics and uniqueness of the door pathway from Bethel Abraham while replacing him.

Only because Bethel gave up, understanding the threat posed by the mother goddess of depravity, who is using him as an anchor to open the door and bypass the barrier, was the entire ordeal possible at the first place.

Artisan, on the other hand, didn't have to worry about this because the artificial life he created would most likely obey him.

However, Aucuses can almost guess what happened next based on Artisan's expression.

Diana, who was standing next to Aucuses, was in a daze again, as she processed the information she had received.

Outer gods..Demon of knowledge..Above the sequence...These words kept repeating in her mind, because this information was too great and impactful for her.

She had no idea there was a higher level above the gods!

What exactly are outer gods? When her idol mentioned that term, she could clearly see fear in her idol's eyes.

The presence of outer gods is known only to the gods and kings of angels, as it was not known among angels during this period.

'Wait.' Diana's thoughts turned quickly as she began to analyse. 'The conflict between the lord, the god of wisdom and knowledge and lord of storms.'

'There are also ongoing battle between Evernight Goddess, God of Combat, and Death.',

'The sun, tyrant, white tower, hanged man, visionary pathways are adjacent, as are the death, darkness, and twilight pathways.'

'So, the reason for the conflicts between gods, is that they are fighting for a chance to ascend above the sequence.' Diana felt more clear than ever before, as all the doubts and puzzles she didn't understand before became clearer as she analysed the truth.

'How about the ancient sun god?'

'Did he manage to reach above the sequence?'

Diana's memories of that era were as clear as day, where the ancient sun god was said by some of his believers to be above all the gods themselves. She didn't think much of it at the time, but looking back, she realised it wasn't as simple as she thought.

'How did the lord betray and survive? More importantly, how did ancient sun god die?'

According to her knowledge, the information and secrets of that time were completely concealed, and even her lord never spoke about what really happened on the battlefield.

Diana's thoughts then turned to the plan mentioned by Artisan.

Now, when Artisan had noticed that the sun god in front of him had not spoken up, he continued on with a somewhat dejected tone.

"And then it happened."

"I was working on a new project one day."

"That was when I discovered anomalies in the artificial life I created. Before I could clearly see what was going on. It completely escaped my control, and it managed to escape even with the restriction, and my powers couldn't hold it all."

'I really didn't expect hidden sage was created by artisan.' Aucuses thought, slightly surprised. To be honest, he didn't expect this kind of advancement. Even though he knew artisan had to be involved, it now appears that artisan is the main culprit behind this entire incident.

The hidden sage is the most likely the artificial life that escaped artisan's control.

'This entire situation...' The more Auceses thought about the situation, he felt the entire situation has a huge problem.

'Is it possible...?' Auceses' thoughts came to a halt as he remembered Adam and Klein's conversation in the future. 'If this involves that, then this entire situation will probably give huge headache for me.'

"I had no idea what had caused this; the power of the artificial life that I created had suddenly increased out of nowhere, then it completely escaped out of my continent."

Artisan continued, with his head down, facing the floor.

"Even though it managed to flee, I still fell the my connection to it and managed to tracked it down to the moses ascetic order's headquarters."

"Then, just as I was about to enter the mosaic ascetic order, something happened. I felt the connection with it cut off, and I also felt its consciousness fade away, as if it had died, just before it was severed."

"I also assumed as much."

"However, how could I have been so wrong at the time?" Artisan's countenance was twisted, and his voice became distorted.

Auceses didn't show any surprise by the artisan's sudden change, but his golden eyes gleamed as his gaze swept artisan.

Diana, on the other hand, was taken aback by this, as she sensed her idol's aura change at the instant he began speaking about the moses ascetic order.

"But, I still entered to check, when I finally managed to make my way to the main area, though, I discovered something utterly unexpected."

"It was there, a being formed of pure information constituted of light, and in it was a purple book with an eye in the middle, slowly fading and integrating into it."

"I couldn't believe what I was witnessing, the artificial life I built was absorbing the uniqueness of the hermit pathway on its own, right before my eyes at such a fast rate, so much so, I calculated it wouldn't take more than a week or two to finish,"

"Then, obviously, I intended to stop it, but I came to a halt in my tracks when something appeared directly behind it, as if sensing my intention." In the empty room, the Artisan's low, distorted voice resonated.

Diana, who was listening, had a shiver go down her spine and her eyes widened in sheer shock as she realised the reality around her were fading away into oblivion and a phantom of a black door appeared behind artisan.

As she stared at the black door, she had a terrible feeling that if her idol kept talking, something cataclysmic would happen.

The horrible feeling pressured her body and spirit, as she began trembling and sweating as a result.

She instantly turned to face her lord, who was likewise staring at the door with a solemn and grave expression that she had never seen before on her lord.

Diana wanted to speak out right away to stop artisan from continuing to speak, and she almost did, but she was stopped by Auceses' severe glare.

Artisan went on as if he wasn't aware of anything unusual going on around him.

"It was a door that resembling a black stone tablet..."

"There was mural on the door that drew my attention almost portrayed an inverted tree..."

As Artisan divulged the knowledge of the door more and more, the phantom of the black door became increasingly vivid, as if it were going to fully appear in reality.

"There were nine branches on the inverted tree..."

"Enough!" Auceses finally spoke up, rising to his feet and approaching artisan in an instant.

Auceses pressed his index finger against artisan's glabella before he could react.

He declared before the black door could fully emerge.


A blinding light exploded from the contact, engulfing artisan and the forming black door behind him.

Artisan eventually awoke from his weird condition beneath the glare of the unending light, as the black door behind him faded away.

'The knowledge moor.' As he glanced at the fading black door with a sigh, Auceses thought. 'Just when I thought things couldn't get much worse.'


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