The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 111: Love and Family

Chapter 111: Love and Family


A gentle breeze blew through the deserted entrance to a golden cathedral. It had a striking steeple and an engraved sacred life emblem on the outer wall.

The emblem featured a baby surrounded by wheat, flowers, and spring water.

The cathedral stood out from the surrounding structures, exuding a sacred aura of life.

The interior of the cathedral was made up of halls with strained windows. In the hall, there was a neatly arranged room of pews.

There was a statue of a plump and beautiful lady at the top, right in front, with ears of wheat growing from her feet and surrounded by spring water. Her dress appears to flutter, and embedded in it are various herbs and flowers, as well as depictions of various animals. She appears to be tall and holy. In her arms is an adorable infant in swaddling clothes.

The statue depicted Earth Mother, the Goddess of Life and Harvest.

A woman dressed in crimson knelt in front of the god's statue. Her hair was long and curly, and her eyes were crimson.

Auernia, the Queen of Blood Moon, was the woman in question.

Auernia clasped her hands together and leaned down towards them.

"I repent." She muttered. Her voice was filled with agony and pain.

There was no candle in the cathedral, allowing the crimson moonlight to filter through the windows and illuminate the statue of Earth Mother.

Earth Mother has always been a mysterious god. Her origins were hazy and strange. It sparked numerous debates about the true identity of the earth mother among the circles of high sequence beyonders.

The knowledge of gods is widespread in this era. Except for the Earth Mother, most angels knew the origins of gods.

And, despite the fact that the majority of the clues pointed to her identity, Ombella, Giant Queen. But still, many people were sceptical.

Auernia knew the truth. She knew who the Earth Mother really was; Lilith, the Sanguine Ancestor.

She had always known. Despite the passing of time, Auernia never lost faith in her Ancestor. Regardless of the difficulties and disasters on her perilous path, her devotion remained unwavering.

The times had changed. The mystical races were wiped out by the tides of time. Yet, their blood race survives and thrives. It was all due to her Ancestor's blessing.

It wasn't she who led the race and shielded it from humanity's hatred.

Without her Ancestor, the blood race would have perished along with the mythical races.

Her Ancestor had always been there for her and protected her through everything. She owes it all...

Yet she....

"I repent" She muttered, her eyes closed and her voice trembling. Her head was bowed, not daring to look at the statue.

The return of the Black Emperor. Alitsa Tudor's betrayal of the seven gods. The future ascension of Hermit. The awakening of Death. The restless Abyss at the edge of the world.

The coming era will be one of unprecedented chaos and war. Even gods may perish in the coming perilous times, not to mention the fate of those below.

The blood race needed her more than ever. Her Ancestor cannot always be there for them. She needed to lead her race through the coming perilous era and survive in the end.

But, for the first time in her life, she hesitated, feeling the weight of responsibility on her shoulders.


Her future husband. The relationship between them was arranged by her ancestor.

It should have been a political marriage. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yet, things developed beyond her expectations. She fell in love with Trunsoest. And love made a fool of her. She completely ignored her ancestor's orders and instructions.

Everything is now crashing down on her. The gods' alliance will soon be broken; chaos will reign supreme, submerging order. She knew Trunsoest too well to know what he'd do after witnessing the chaos of gods.

At the time, as his wife and queen, she should stand with him, turning her back on her ancestor and her own race

Her heart contracted in pain at that thought.


Her lips raised in a bitter smile, as she kept praying to her ancestor for forgiveness.

"I repent.." She repeated as crimson blood flowed from her hands and knees. This was a self-inflicted punishment for her blasphemous actions.

The crimson blood stained the ground, reflecting the statue of Earth Mother, which gleamed brightly in the moonlight, as if it were about to come to life.

"My child..." A soft voice was heard as the figure of Lilith appeared in place of the statue.

However, Auernia just trembled, still not daring to look at the goddess who descended after hearing her prayers.

The goddess made her way over to Auernia. She, too, knelt in front of Auernia, her hands resting on Auernia's clasped hands. A burst of green light erupted, illuminating Auernia, healing her injuries.

Lilith then pressed down on Auernia's hands while placing her hand over her chin and forcing Auernia to look at her.

"Tell me. Pour it all out," She said gently, caressing Auernia's head.

"I'm sorry, my lady." Auernia whimpered. "I'm sorry, my lady. I betrayed you. I"

She went on to confess her fellings for Trunsoest and even mention the possibilities of the future. She didn't hide anything at all.

Lilith nodded and stroked her hair as she listened. Her expression remained gentle.

"Love.." She finally sighed. Her divine eyes flashed with complexity, which Auernia missed as she was bowing and waiting for her judgement.

"Auernia.." Lilith said as she stood up. "Follow your heart's desire and pursue your love."

Auernia jerked her head up, her eyes wide at her ancestor.

"However, Auernia, you can't have it all." Lilith continued softly, lifting her up from her knees and holding her hands.

"So, pick..."

"Love or Family?" She asked softly, looking into Auernia's eyes.

Auernia's heart was pierced by those gentle yet cruel words, forcing her to make a decision. Her hands were clenched, blood dripping from them.

The minutes ticked by. Lilith waited patiently, her gaze fixed on Auernia. Their figures were illuminated by the crimson moonlight.

Auernia finally let go of Lilith's hand and walked away from her.

The crimson moonlight deepened and shone brightly on Lilith's figure. Ethereally, she said.

"You have my blessing." She smiled. "Cherish your love,"

"Now go; you have a new life ahead of you."

"Thank you, my lady." Auernia bowed her head, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She wiped her tears away as she turned away from her ancestor. She walked out, not looking back at her ancestor.

Lilith stood motionless, her smile fading. With Auernia's departure, the church doors were closed.

Suddenly, she was hugged from behind, the hands of her lover locking around her hip.

"Are you all right?" Aucuses inquired, resting his chin on her shoulders.

"I'm fine..." Lilith replied with a shake of her head. She placed her hand on his chest and leaned in.

"Really?" Aucuses inquired, his voice concerned.

"I'm fine," Lilith pouted. "I was just thinking about the future and fate."

"What is their fate?" She continued, looking at the closed door.

"Trunsoest and Auernia?" Aucuses inquired, his brow furrowed, while his gaze was drawn to the door.

"Yes.." Lilith tightened her grip on his hands and looked up at him.

"Their fate.." Aucuses murmured, his voice almost whisper-like. "It's a tragic one."

Lilith sighed. Her eyes showed no surprise, as if she expected this.

She finally asked. "Ours"

However, Aucuses interrupted with a smile. "Now, we don't have to be so pessimistic over this. Their situation is different and ours is different."

"So, we may end up different than them?" Lilith asked, her voice trembling, her eyes looking for assurance in the man behind her.

"You already know the answer." Aucuses said, tightening his hug. "We will make sure of that."

Lilith smiled, the heaviness in her heart dissipating slightly.

"Let's return.." Aucuses said, "My painting is only halfway done. You descended here before then.."

Lilith's ears tinged in crimson, as she remembered the kind of painting that Aucuses was drawing with her.

"Why do you have to draw me like that?" She asked, glaring.

"It's art," Aucuses answered, before kissing her lips.

Their figures vanished from the cathedral in a flash of light....


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