The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 100: Awankening of Death

Chapter 100: Awankening of Death

"Your excellency." Azik Eggers bowed, showing the respect due to a god.

It didn't matter whether he was Emperor of Bayam or Consul of Death, such titles meant little to the person before him.

Although he did his best to appear respectful and polite, his tone still remained cold and indifferent.

Aucuses didn't care and gestured to the seat. "Sit down, Azik Eggers."

Azik obeyed and sat down, putting his hands on the table and interlacing his fingers. He kept his head down and dared not look again at the laid back god in front of him.

At the same time, the reality around them switched, revealing a vast mountain range with a green valley in front. They sat in the middle of it all. Azik was still calm, despite noticing the change in scenery around him.

Azik Eggers ... Aucuses' eyes gleamed as he gazed at Azik. He saw through Azik's mind and soul.

There wasn't a single ounce of humanity in Azik Eggers, which is not surprising since he was born as a mythical creature. His soul was tainted with the eerie power of death, which controlled him in more than one way.

His memories contained no information about Salinger's recent whereabouts; he only knew that Salinger isolated himself in the underworld for centuries. He had not yet since come out of the underworld.

In conclusion, Azik is no more than a slave to Salinger. Aucuses almost thought Azik was nothing more than a puppet if he hadn't noticed Azik still has some self-conscious in the depths of his subconscious mind.

It must have been the suppression specific to the pathways of Death... Aucuses analysed, the high sequence beyonders of death pathway can completely supress the low sequence beyonders. They can even turn them into slaves.

Aucuses wouldn't be surprised if Salinger enslaved all the high-sequence beyonders in his path. He has always been known for his madness and paranoia.

Even though it is now just Azik who has come to meet him, Azik is fully capable of representing Salinger.

Despite being aware of this, Aucuses will put on a show because many gods are watching this location. Even though they made an effort to be as discreet as possible, it still didn't escape his notice.

Amanises, Herabergan, Leodero, Cheek, and even Farubati were all in his line of sight. They are putting in bids for the best moment. At this very moment, tension pervades the entire world.

Salinger's situation has always been a mystery, even to the gods .....

"Doesn't your father want to come with you?" Aucuses asked, leaning back in his chair, hands clasped and eyebrows raised at Azik.

Azik felt immense pressure on his body and soul just because he was under the Sun God's gaze. He tried his best to stabilize himself using his connection to the underworld.

A wave of silent darkness appeared from the depths of his soul, quickly covering his entire mind and soul, freeing him from the Sun God's oppression.

Aucuses frowned upon seeing the silent darkness in the depths of Azik's soul. He actually felt danger from the Darkness, which was emitting an immense aura of death. He looked away and didn't try to gaze into the darkness. He instinctively knew that if he continued to investigate, things wouldn't end well for him.

'River of eternal darkness...' Aucuses guessed with a heavy heart.

"My father apologizes. He feels very guilty for not being able to come in person to welcome your Excellency into his kingdom." Azik said in a low voice. "Your excellency, I invite you to Bayam Palace on behalf of my father. The royal family has prepared a sumptuous ceremony for .."

"Enough of these useless pleasantries." Aucuses interrupted him, his tone rather blunt. "That's not what we both want, is it? So, cut to the chase, Azik Eggers."

Azik paused for a brief period, his eyes glistening with pale fire. The silent darkness in Azik's body was growing by a moment's notice.

'Oh..' While placing his hand on the table and his palm on his chin, Auceses thought. 'Salinger is rather restless...'

He is sure that Salinger is preparing Azik to serve as a vessel for his descent.

When the eerie silence was finally broken, Azik spoke in a hushed voice. "My father questions the reason for your unexpected visit?"

Aucuses smiled and leaned forward, still holding his pose. "It has nothing to do with the Bayam Empire. So tell your father not to worry." At the end, he chuckled lightly.

"Your Excellency..." Azik said, trying his best to show a serious expression, "The entire Southern Continent is my father's kingdom. So, whatever you plan to do will affect the empire one way or another."

He paused, raised his head, and looked directly at the sun god, his deep, dark eyes slowly eroding in pale fire and his aura rising far beyond even the archangels.

A part of the spirit world began to tremble and rumble as waves and waves of spirit storms shattered countless spirits throughout the spirit world, signifying the wrath of the Eternal Sleeper, Death.

The sky dimmed as an intense cold engulfed the world. The cold went deeper into the air. It was in the chest, in the hearts of many.

Something terrible was about to happen. It was the last thought of many spirits, who were crushed to dust by spiritual storms.

Many angels shivered to the bone, as they felt something awaken. It is something primordial, rooted in every being in every world.

It's death.

'He's awake...' Aucuses concluded as he felt the commotion in the spirit world.

Azik continued. His expression changed to one of indifference. His demeanour transformed, taking on an emperor's bearing. He looked like a completely different person after the transformation.

"Allow me to ask again, what is the reason for your invasion of the Empire? My father asks for your answer. If not given, he asks you to leave his kingdom immediately or face the consequences of your impudent actions."

Aucuses laughed, his deep laugh echoing across the continent. The whole continent began to shake. The sun in the sky was bright, brighter than ever. It emitted a glare that blinded countless people, who were curious.

"Salinger, if you want war. I would be happy to give you one." He said without backing down at all.

With his words the sky changed, twilight and life graced the sky, illuminating the sky in a mixture of orange and green glow.

The plants and trees in the valley around them grew towering in a moment, before withering away in orange glow. From the ashes, plants sprouted again absorbing nutrition from the ashes. It died and grew, again and again, forming a cycle of life and death.

An eerie aura filled the world. The earth itself trembled, as if afraid of what was to come.

Aucuses clutched his hand, ready to summon his sword, should Salinger decide to descend through Azik.

Although everything seemed to turn into a very terrible situation---war of gods--- Aucuses thought otherwise, as he considered the predicament of death.

The sinister aura suddenly dissipated without warning. The chaos in the spirit world subsided, allowing many breath a sigh of relief. Everything fell silent as life and twilight left the way they arrived, giving way to peace and breaking the cycle of life and death.

Azik returned to normal, nodding his head and speaking in a raspy voice that spoke volumes of his pain and suffering.

"My father sends his regards. He also hopes that your excellency would keep your word."

"Your Excellence, I'll be leaving." He bowed as he continued. "You can find me in the Bayam Palace if you have any problems or inquiries."

Aucuses only smirked in response. Then he took the remaining wine and drank it, watching him go.

'Well, that went smoothly' He thought, flashing a smile at the gods

At the same time, a faint whooshing sound echoed through a region filled with deep, illusory darkness. There was a glow in the dark that showed a clear, colourless river flowing without beginning or end. The river was ethereal as it flowed in the endless darkness.

In this perpetual darkness, a pale fire flared up, morphing into two hollow eyes overflowing with madness and pain.

"Aucuses..." A deep voice filled with anger, madness, and hatred thundered through the darkness, rumbling it.

The ethereal river, however, cut off the voice as it started to agitate restlessly, as though it had picked up on the distraction.

A painful grunt could be heard. Along with the river, the still darkness around it surged, attempting to stifle the restless river.

In the enduring gloom, the struggle of power and will continued.


100! I still couldn't believe that I had reached here.

I am also back! My college work ended by Thursday. I'll have a lot of free time for the next few days.

I already wrote three chapters yesterday and one this morning.

Here is one. I am still planning on opening a patron. I will try to get it done by this week. I am planning on 10 chapters ahead.


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