The Student Council President's Secret Laid Bare

Chapter 5 - A Beauty Pageant, Fanaticism, and a Photo Shoot!?

Chapter 5 - A Beauty Pageant, Fanaticism, and a Photo Shoot!?

Friday arrived to end the week as always.

This normally would have been the beginning of another boring day, but today they had no classes.

As one of the school’s unique events, they spent an entire day holding a beauty pageant. And as practice for the school festival held in fall, refreshment stands were set up in addition to the stage. The students had dubbed it the Little Festival or the L-Fest for short.

“Honestly, I can’t believe she asked me to do this.”

Akiya complained to himself while looking up at the stage that looked more like the set for an idol concert than a school beauty pageant.

He was not part of the student council, but in the week leading up to the L-Fest, he had helped out on the direct orders of the student council president.

He complained, but he had also hoped helping out would give him a chance to have sex with her again. Unfortunately, they had not done anything since having sex in the car, so he felt half dead inside.

And today he had been given a cutting-edge movie camera and digital camera as Yunori’s dedicated cameraman.

He was about ready to ask her just what he was to her.

“Why do I have to do this?”

He walked limply toward the best spot to shoot from.

He wanted her to ask someone else to take care of these odd jobs. If possible, he wanted to see her on the beauty pageant stage from the audience like everyone else.

“But maybe this is for the best.”

After some thought, he realized it was a good thing he was doing this.

Once he calmed down, he decided he would not enjoy having someone else filming or photographing her. If someone filmed her with their ulterior motives on full display, he would probably get mad enough to punch them.

“But why are there so many people here?”

As soon as he arrived in front of the stage, he flinched back a little from the number of people pressing in around him.

Boys with cameras were shouting angrily and fighting for the best spot to get a good shot.

“Do I have to get in the middle of this?”

He knew how fanatical people got about the beauty pageant, but he had not expected the fight for the front row to begin so early.

They probably all wanted to see the president who had won the past two years, but they were on the verge of rioting.

“Hihiro-san, over here.”

A girl the president had asked to hold a spot called out to him, so he walked her way.

But as soon as he arrived, he felt countless murderous looks stabbing into him.

He had been let into the stage side of the fence keeping everyone out. He was the only one there, so no one would get in his way and he could film from any angle he wanted.

“Oh, and please wear this on your sleeve.”

The upperclassman girl handed him an armband that said “Student Council”, but he kind of wished he had been given this before arriving.

The surrounding gazes had settled down once they realized he was with the student council, but he still felt some prickling deadly looks on his back.

(I hope they get started soon.)

The looks stabbing into his back produced a cold sweat as he earnestly hoped for the pageant to begin. He knew the president would likely be the final contestant to appear, but as things were, he had no guarantee he would survive to the end of the event.

(Well, I’m sure Yunori’s going to win either way.)

Even as he feared for his life, he could predict the outcome well enough.

It seemed wrong for the student council president to win an event hosted by the student council, but everyone expected her to be a shoo-in.

Incidentally, Yunori was known as the queen of the school both because she was the daughter of the school’s administrator and because she had won this beauty pageant two years in a row.

“The day all you boys have been waiting for is finally here! And you won’t believe how many contestants we have for you today!”

After a loud sound effect, the stage’s lights turned on and a girl from the broadcast club appeared as the energetic host.

“First… First, let’s listen to me sing… Just kidding! Check out this swimsuuuuuuuit!”

No matter how much anyone tried to deny it, this was what the beauty pageant came down to. The host girl threw off her uniform like it was a cloak to reveal a light blue bikini.


A tremor ran through the crowd as they roared in excitement at the girl’s swimsuit.

“Nya ha ha ha ha. Now, that’s what I like to hear. Okay, our first contestant is the ace of our girl’s basketball team who joined the school just this year. Her boyish charm will…’

The host girl called a girl in a basketball uniform to the stage. At the same time, camera’s flashed and the year’s beauty pageant truly began.

“Now, our next and final contestant is the one you’ve all been waiting for!”

By the time it was Yunori’s turn, enough girls lined the large stage to make it feel cramped.


Two hours had passed since the first contestant. While wondering if this truly was a school beauty pageant, he found a tricky way to hold both the movie camera and digital camera at the ready.

Both cameras would focus automatically, so he could film and photograph her just fine like this. In a way, he found himself thankful of scientific progress and the work of the companies that had made them.

(But there really were too many contestants this year.)

He was still amazed by it as he stared through the movie camera’s small monitor.

Normally, not many girls wanted to take part, but there were far too many this time. And they were all dressed in risqué outfits to help them win.

The maid and nurse outfits made some sense, but others wore bunny suits or school swimsuits. One wore an apron dress that looked like magical girl cosplay. One girl was even showing off her underwear in the sexy see-through uniform that had grown famous over the past few days.

(Where did she get her hands on that?)

Akiya could hardly believe his eyes as he used the camera to view the sexy uniform that showed off her black underwear…which was supposedly a prototype uniform.

(Well, I understand how they feel.)

He understood quite well why they wanted to win.

This year’s beauty pageant was far from normal. The fancy stage built in the schoolyard was part of it, but the winner would supposedly have “a wish granted” as a bonus prize.

It sounded like the reward for gathering some kind of magical balls, but he was not about to say that out loud.

“Now, everyone! Here she is! This girl has won this very beauty pageant two years running and she’s your student council president! As you all know very well, it’s Honosaki Yunori-samaaaa!”

The spotlights ran randomly across the stage before gathering on the edge to illuminate the beautiful girl in question.


But no one uttered a word.

(Wh-what in the world is she wearing!?)

Akiya briefly had no idea what had happened, but he caught on faster than he others and silently voiced his surprise while viewing her through the camera.


A few seconds later, the crowd erupted like a herd of beasts.

That was hardly surprising. Yunori’s swimsuit went so far beyond their expectations that it seemed to reach the ends of the universe. Akiya had expected her to wear a revealing swimsuit since she had a fetish for being seen, but even he had not expected this.

The queen of the school wore a super high-leg and light-pink one-piece swimsuit, but it was almost entirely made from strings and she was wearing it boldly on the stage without trying to hide anything.

The neck was not just cut low enough to see her cleavage; it continued on down almost all the way to her crotch, revealing the inner halves of her flesh fruits and her pretty navel. The cloth over her most important place was so skimpy that he had trouble believing it fully covered her vulva.

Her peach-like butt was left almost entirely exposed and it jiggled with the same softness as her breasts whenever she took a step.


The host girl tried to stop her because her outfit was too revealing, but Yunori refused to stop and stood at the very front of the stage where she struck the seductive pose of a race queen.

Cameras flashed and the beeping of digital cameras filled the crowd.

As the flashes and lenses washed over the president, her cheeks flushed red and she made pose after pose, accentuating her large breasts as she did so.

(She’s letting everyone see her like this?)

The red of her face made it obvious she was enjoying being seen by everyone, but Akiya felt like he had been hit by a truck.

He had assumed only he would get to see those flesh fruits, but now all these boys were seeing most of them and even her pretty areola were peeking out from below the swimsuit. Not only was the cloth over her crotch skimpy, but it was plastered tightly to her mound of womanly flesh, revealing its shape. He could clearly see both her clit and her slit.

“This is a little embarrassing, but what do you all think of my swimsuit?”

“It’s the best, president!”

“Show us your ass too!”

“Lift your tits between your arms!”

The words she spoke from the stage only further excited the many boys.

Her appearance had increased the temperature in the crowd, so just standing there was enough to work up a sweat.

“I’ve never seen so much excitement at the beauty pageant! This is exactly the kind of show I would expect the queen of the school to put on! Now, everyone! Make sure to go vote!”

“Kyah! Wh-where do you think you’re touching me!?”

After seeing the enthusiasm in the crowd, the host girl stopped worrying about the president’s revealing outfit and recovered. She even started calling for the voting to begin as she grabbed and groped Yunori’s breasts from behind to further excite the boys.

(Ah! You can see them! You can totally see them!)

Akiya almost shouted out loud as he watched the president through the movie camera’s monitor.

The host girl’s groping had caused her nipples to poke out from below the skimpy swimsuit.

He doubted many people would have noticed the brief appearance of the nipples since they were almost the same color as the swimsuit, but someone’s camera had to have captured them.

(You’re even letting them see your nipples? Do you not care who it is as long as you get off?)

An odd frustration welled up inside him.

To him, it looked like she did not care who saw her as long as she gathered attention for her fetish.

She had only allowed him her body because he had just so happened to catch her masturbating. That thought was enough to depress him.

A crowd of boys was pushing forward to drop their ballot in the box labelled with the name of their girl of choice.

(I don’t even feel like filming this anymore…)

He did not want to watch her on the stage and showing off her body to everyone.

When he realized she had only used him to satisfy her fetish, his entire body went limp.

“You don’t have to touch me that much. If you want to call them to vote, I can do it on my own.”

“Then please do. Make the call while accentuating your breasts!”

“Oh, honestly. If you insist… Go vote, everyone.”

On the host girl’s request, the president pressed her breasts together and called the crowd to vote.

Behind her, the girls who were hoping for any votes they could get started striking various sexy poses of their own. One girl in the same year as Yunori removed her apron dress to reveal her black underwear.

The basketball girl who had been introduced first could not keep up with the other girls and trembled in place like a puppy.

In what seemed like a different world altogether, all of the students had finished voting and the boxes labelled with the girls’ names were calmly opened in the voting tent.

“Looks like the voting is complete! Who could this year’s winner be!?”

The beauty pageant committee placed the votes inside a voting machine and finished tallying them up in no time, so the result was quickly carried to the host girl.

“This year’s winner is…for the third year in a row, Honosaki Yunori-samaaaaaaaaa!”

As soon as her name was read, the crowd roared with cheers of praise and confetti rained down on the stage.

“Daahhh! I hate this! It pisses me off!”

Unable to stay quiet, Akiya complained on his way to the school’s indoor pool.

“She still wants me to film her? And with the others? …Why does she have to act so suggestively? To hell with this!”

His anger was hardly surprising.

After winning the beauty pageant, Yunori had said she wanted to create a photo album out of pictures taken of her.

Quite a few boys had of course wanted to photograph her and the number of volunteer cameramen had exceeded the limit as soon as the pageant came to an end. Of those, fifty who had made a promise of absolute secrecy had been chosen to photograph the queen of the school, but most of them had obvious ulterior motives.

The president had chosen Akiya even though he had not actually raised his hand to volunteer, so he was on his way to the pool to film her.

“I don’t care anymore. She can let them take pictures of her in the nude for all I care!”

He was irritated at himself for assuming the president had let him have sex with her because she liked him.

He had sunk halfway into desperation as he stormed into the indoor pool and his irritation only grew when he saw the other boys waiting there with cameras at the ready.

They were the same as him in the president’s eyes. They were all just a way to fulfill her fetish. The only difference was whether they had entered into a physical relationship with her or not.

“I’m so excited.”

“So am I. I never thought in my wildest dreams I’d get to take as many photos of the president as I wanted.”

The others were filled with expectation, but that only further fueled the flames inside Akiya.

They were here to photograph Yunori’s sexual body and hearing those desires only brought pain to him.

“Sorry about the wait.”

With a refreshing voice, the pool door opened and she stepped in wearing a bathrobe.

But she looked far too seductive. She looked like a lover approaching her boyfriend’s bed after taking a shower.

Not even Akiya had ever seen her like this.

(I was right. There was nothing special about me…)

Her appearance depressed him.

He was just like any other guy. There had not been any emotions like love behind it and he had only been a way to satisfy her fetish. That realization filled him with unstoppable anger.

“Please get started. I look forward to having all of you take my picture.”


His irritation reached its limit, but the queen of the school ignored him and let her bathrobe slip to the floor.

That was enough for the boys to cry out in joy. She was still wearing the light pink swimsuit made of strings that she had worn for the beauty pageant, so a stir ran through everyone but Akiya.

“I don’t know what kind of poses to make, so could you tell me what would be best?”

The boys exchanged a look that asked “really?”, but none of them dared say anything.

“Um, should I just stand here?”

When she asked again, one boy raised his hand and answered.

“Um, president, could you look this way and lift your breasts between your arms?”

“Y-yes. Like…like this?”

As instructed, she lifted her large flesh fruits between her arms and looked to the boy to be photographed. Immediately, all of the boys began voicing their own requests.

“Please get on all fours and stick your butt out this way.”

“Shyly hide your skin below that bath towel.”

“Hold your finger in your mouth, sit on the ground, and looked up this way.”

“Spread your legs!”

“L-like this? Eh? My butt… My finger, you say?”

The president made pose after pose as requests flew her way and each one was photographed.

Akira’s anger was about at its limit.

Every single one of the poses was clearly meant to delight the guys and none of them felt remotely artistic. Plus, Yunori seemed well aware of that.

With each new pose, the color of the areolae poking out from below her swimsuit grew darker and the nipples grew more evident through the swimsuit. The cloth covering her most precious place was skimpy enough in the first place, but the shape of her pussy had grown clearly visible through it and all of her skin was a little sweaty.

“Pant…pant…pant… D-do you just want to take pictures of the swimsuit?”

Being seen and having the pictures taken had apparently awoken her fetish.

Her cheeks were flushed, her blue eyes were damp, and heat had filled her breath as she spoke to the boys, but they did not quite get what she meant.

“Sorry, that must not have been clear enough. Would you like to take pictures of me in something other than the swimsuit?”

Their faces all clouded over. That was just how much they wanted to keep photographing her in the swimsuit.

“Are you sure? I don’t think it would be much of a photo album with just the swimsuit.”

The boys reluctantly agreed when she reminded them of the supposed purpose behind this.

“Then how about I change into my school uniform?”

The uniform would cover more skin than this, so the boys were clearly disappointed by the suggestion.

“You don’t like the uniform?”

“Well, it isn’t that…”

She asked about the looks on their faces but did not get much of an answer. That was just how attractive she was in the swimsuit.

“But it would be odd to wear the uniform at the pool… Oh, I know. How about we move to the rooftop?”

The looks on their faces changed at that.

A short skirt plus the windy rooftop made for some exciting possibilities.

It was not clear if the president had made the same connection or not, but she made her way to the locker room with a kind smile on her face.

“Let’s go! Hurry!”

That smile must have filled the boys with expectation because they all began moving. Even if the queen of the school would not be wearing the swimsuit anymore, they wanted to take pictures of her on the roof.

“Do I really have to follow them there?”

Akiya sighed and walked more slowly to the door. He did not actually want to take part in this photo shoot.

“Dammit! Why does this have to happen to me?”

He walked to the rooftop with the camera still filming.

Not even he knew why he was doing this, but he climbed the stairs because he did not want her showing off her skin without him knowing about it.

But he was moving quite slowly He bought a can of coffee and drank it on the way, so it took him over ten minutes when it normally would have taken only a few minutes.

“What’s the matter? Why are you still here?”


She must have changed clothes in a hurry because Yunori suddenly called out from behind him. He turned around in surprise, but he could not look right at her.

He could not restrain his emotions about her rejoicing at letting other see her skin, so he averted his gaze to avoid looking her in the eye.

“Really, what’s the matter? You don’t seem to be in a good mood.”

“It’s nothing.”

As soon as he said it, he realized how childish he was being, but that was the most he could manage at the moment.

If he had not been doing his best to restrain his emotions, he would have shouted at her in anger.

“C’mon, we need to get going. Everyone’s waiting.”

“Hey, wait!”

She practically ran up the stairs while pulling on his hand and they soon arrived at the rooftop.

The rooftop would normally have been empty, but all of the boys from the pool were waiting for the president and excitedly showing each other the photos they had taken.

“Sorry about the wait.”

Yunori gathered attention with the same line as at the pool and then stood in front of everyone, waiting for pose requests.

The wind was stronger than in the schoolyard, so the navy blue miniskirt of her uniform fluttered. Her thighs and white knee socks were exposed to everyone there, but she made no attempt to hold down the skirt.

“Please get started.”

“Okay, president. Please get down on all fours.”

“Jump as high as you can.”

Their requests were blatantly meant to reveal her underwear, but she readily made the poses and exposed her pink-frilled white high-legged panties for everyone to see.

Not only that, this seemed to make her a little horny, so her young face was somewhat red.

“President, Please take off your clothes in the name of art.”



Akiya and Yunori exchanged a glance at the exact same moment.

(You can’t. You can’t do that!)

He pleaded her with his eyes. She normally would not have agreed even without his look, but he was afraid she would readily agree now.

“I-I can’t do that… I’m sorry.”

When she noticed the look in his eyes, she apologized to the boy who had made the request, but the other boys refused to stay quiet.

The idea of her removing her uniform seemed to have filled them with excitement.

“Why not, president?”

“That’s right. That swimsuit had to be way more embarrassing than taking off your uniform.”

“Do it in the name of art! Someone with a body as nice as yours has a duty to show it off!”

Their argument was as ridiculous as their request.

“Please, president!”

The boys kept pressing her to strip without giving her a word in edgewise and they finally bowed toward her in perfect unison.

“D-don’t bow down like that… U-understood. I-if it’s in the name of art… But in exchange, make sure you don’t tell anyone about this.”

Overwhelmed by their desperation, the president hesitantly agreed.

The boys let out a cheer that seemed to trample on Akiya’s heart.

“Then please remove the uniform while we get some pictures at a nice angle.”


Yunori closed her eyes a little as she removed her red vest and dropped it to the side. That was enough for the boys to rejoice and take picture after picture.

(Stop! Stop!)

Akiya pleaded her with his eyes, but she never even looked his way.

Her slender white hands moved with flowing motions as they removed her red tie, undid a few buttons of her blouse, and revealed the pink-frilled white half-cup bra that matched her panties.

“President, please remove your skirt before your blouse.”

“Eh? The bottom first?”

(Why did you have to ask for that!?)

Akiya glared at the boy who had made that irritating request, but it was no use. Everyone was focused on photographing the queen of the school as she placed her fingers on her skirt.

Yunori must have been entranced by the sound of the cameras because her young face grew red as she undid the skirt’s hook and let it fall to a circle at her feet.


When the boys saw her sexy high-legged panties, they all pointed their lenses toward them and let their cameras flash.

“Th-this is so embarrassing…”

She pulled down the bottom of her blouse and squeezed her thighs together to hide her panties, but that only seemed to arouse the boys further.

They surrounded her and took pictures even more excitedly as if to make sure no expression or inch of skin went uncaptured.

“Fwah…You’re…You’re all so excited…”

She was obviously aroused.

She rubbed her closed thighs together and the sounds of her heated breaths starting echoing across the rooftop. Sweat beaded up on her skin and her clitoris visibly pushed out against her panties.

(Why are you getting horny?)

Akiya could not stand it anymore, so he started forward in order to drag her away from the rooftop. But…

“Stop. Please only take pictures from the front. And don’t get any closer!”

The president suddenly raised her voice to control Akiya along with the rampaging boys.

“Please…please only take pictures of me.”

After the boys all moved in front of her, she fully unbuttoned her blouse and revealed the flawless white skin of her upper body.

She now wore only her underwear and knee socks while every single camera pointed her way and took picture after picture.

“Ahh… Now, what poses should I do?”

In only her sexy underwear, Yunori began making the poses they requested.

She pushed up her breasts, she got on all fours to show off her butt, she sat coquettishly on the floor, and she spread her legs with a finger in her mouth. She let them all see each of those poses and let them record it with their cameras.

“President, that’s enough in your underwear, so take the rest off now.”

“The rest!? I can’t do that…”

Even she refused when asked to strip naked.

“But you said you’d take your clothes off in the name of art.”


The boys dug in their heels. They seemed ready to riot if she did not remove her underwear. Their eyes were completely bloodshot and every single one of them was pitching a tent in their pants.

“Let’s…let’s stop thi-…”

“Then just the bra. If you do that and cover yourself with your hands, no one will complain.”

“That’s right. That would be really sexy.”

“I’ll be satisfied if I can take your picture in just your panties.”

Just as Akiya tried to stop them, one boy made a suggestion and the others agreed.

“F-fine then… Understood.”

Yunori realized she could not exactly refuse given the situation, so she turned her back, covered her large breasts with one arm, removed the half-cup bra, and let it fall to the floor.

Those large flesh fruits were only hidden behind an arm. Even with her back turned, the boys were filled with excitement. They took photo after photo hoping for an accident now that she was only wearing her panties.

“Just for a bit, okay? After this, I’ll be ending this photo shoot.”

After covering her lovely mounds behind her hands, the queen of the school gathered her courage and turned around. At the same time, camera flashes illuminated her body.

Her long chestnut hair fluttered in the rooftop wind as several dozen cameras flashed and the boys stored the nearly nude girl’s image in their cameras and minds.

“Nnah…Everyone…everyone is looking at me…”

Being seen seemed to infect the president with the boys’ arousal. Her panties grew a little wet and she gave all the boys an inviting look.

Also, her breasts were quite large. The small hands of a girl were nowhere near large enough to fully cover them and instead just accentuated how soft they were as they swelled out around her hands.

“President, look over here.”

“Lift your tits even more.”

“Ahh… Look over there? And lift my breasts like this?”

Yunori moaned as she replied and began erotically massaging the flesh fruits in her hands.

Like a pin-up model in a porn magazine, she sat on the floor, looked up at the boys surrounding her, let her nipples stick out between her fingers, and continued letting them take pictures of her lewdness.

“Dammit, dammit, goddammit!”

After the photo shoot, Akiya sat on a bench inside the empty changing room for beauty pageant contestants. He was throwing everything within arm’s reach.

He felt like everyone had ganged up and defiled the girl he had wanted to keep his own.

“And she was happy they saw her like that! Her panties were even wet…”

When he recalled the scene just before the photo shoot ended, he grew even more furious.

With her breasts only covered by her hands, she had stuck her peach-shaped butt out toward all those boys. Plus, the excitement of being seen had covered her body in the seductive sheen of aroused sweat and the white material of her sexy panties had been plastered to her skin. The contours of her butt and most precious place had been so readily apparent that she might as well have been naked.

Plus, her pussy had been a little wet, so the panties had grown see-through enough to give a glimpse of her pussy lips’ color.

“She just wanted someone to see her! She didn’t care who!”

Without an outlet for his anger, he stood up and kicked the closest trash can.

“Here’s what I think of this!”

He angrily reached for the movie camera holding the footage of the beauty pageant and the photo shoot. Just as he was about to delete it all, the changing room door burst open and Yunori rushed in wearing her uniform and with a laptop in hand. Her expression made it clear her arousal had yet to fade.

There was some delight mixed in with the arousal and she was of course in a good mood.

“What were you yelling for? I could hear you from outside.”

The two of them had secretly promised to meet here. Akiya naturally did not want anyone else to know, but he had been unable to restrain his emotions.

“Why won’t you say anything?”

It was more that he did not want to answer her. His mood was the exact opposite of her good one.

“More importantly, I got the picture data from everyone, but they’re all so lewd. This one only seemed to take pictures of my butt.”

The queen of the school pointed the laptop screen toward Akiya and opened a file.

It contained several pictures of her butt’s peach shape seen through her swimsuit or panties. The mound of her female flesh and its vertical slit could be seen as well.

(They even took pictures of that?)

He just about directed his anger toward her.

She was not embarrassed to have these pictures taken. In fact, she was delighted and aroused.

Unable to contain her arousal, her nipples poked out from the chest of her uniform and they bounced up and down along with the large breasts.

“These are even more amazing.”

She opened another file which displayed several images focused on her chest.

They were from the end of the photo shoot on the roof. She was only wearing her panties while hiding those large flesh fruits with her hands, but her erect nipples were spilling out from between her fingers as she looked up with a damp, longing look in her blue eyes.

“I had no idea they could see my nipples. …I bet everyone will have seen these pictures by next week.”

“How can you talk about next week so calmly? How could you let everyone take these pictures!?”

He had tried to contain himself, but he ended up shouting at her.

He could not figure out why she would show him those images. He also could not imagine why she would let random guys take pictures of her like that.

“Why are you angry?”

“I’m not angry.”

He argued back, but his anger was blatantly obvious.

“Are you…jealous?”


Only then did Akiya realize why he was so irritated.

This feeling was jealousy. He was angry that the girl he liked was happily showing her skin to other guys.

“Hee hee hee. Oh, my goodness. You’re actually jealous.”

She laughed happily and Akiya rapidly grew embarrassed now that she knew how he was feeling. At the same time, he started feeling glad that Yunori was by his side now.

“You’re jealous of some pictures? But you’re the only one I have feelings for. I have ever since you helped me on that rainy day. …If I didn’t, I never would have let you have s-sex with me. …Smooch.”


Yunori left the laptop and gently kissed him on the lips. After confessing to him.

She had not confessed her feelings when giving him the masturbation blowjob or when giving her virginity to him.

Now that she had conveyed her feelings to him for the first time, he squeezed her tight in his arms, wrapped his tongue around hers, and gulped down her saliva.

“Fwah…nn…nnn…ahh… Such an intense kiss…”

A bridge of saliva connected their lips as she pulled back and spoke between deep breaths.

The cheeks flushed with arousal added to the eroticism of her lovely face and he could feel her beating heart in the hand he was using to pull her close.

“Yunori… I…I…!”

“Eh? …H-here!?”

The changing room was closed off with curtains, so the queen of the school was a little surprised he would ask for this in the most enclosed place yet with the least risk of being seen.

Since he knew about her fetish, she must not have expected him to ask to do it here.

The hand pulling her close naturally touched her back and the other hand pulled up her skirt while groping the peach-like butt contained in her frilly white panties.

“Wait, Akiya…ah…”

He heard a seductive sigh and felt her skin tremble a little.

His hand could feel the soft skin of her butt through the white cloth and he also sensed the same elasticity as her large flesh fruits.

“Nn…ah…That tickles…it tickles…”

The president twisted in his arms as he touched her butt and the large mounds contained in her uniform bounced up and down.

The damp tone in her voice and her repeated moans seemed to be inviting him to go further.

“I want to do you right now.”

He could not wait any longer.

He wanted to make her his again after she showed her skin to everyone, so he stuck a hand down the back of her panties and slipped his fingers between her butt cheeks.


She had apparently not expected him to touch her asshole as well as her butt.

His finger tip on that tightened and somewhat soft hole caused her to give a jerk in his arms and a damp warmth filled her panties.

The thighs wrapped in knee socks twisted a little and her knees trembled so much he thought they were going to give out.

“I can’t… I can’t, Akiya… This isn’t enough to turn me-…kyah!?”

Even as she moaned, the queen of the school claimed she was not aroused enough without anyone watching, but he was not going to listen to that anymore.

He wanted to make her his and his alone, so he kept his hand moving down her butt and brought his fingertips to her slit from behind.

Her arousal from the photo shoot had yet to die down, so the touch of his fingers was enough for her pussy lips to twitch and release moist love juices from deep inside.

“Hyah…nn…Calm down, Akiya…Akiya.”

She had given him access to her body so readily before, but now she rejected him and pushed at his body with both hands.

As soon as she left his arms, the hand touching her slit was pulled from her panties and he looked only at her red-cheeked face.


He could not hide the shock of being rejected and he found he could not continue looking at her.

But that only lasted an instant.

As Yunori stood embarrassedly before him, she rubbed her thighs together without escaping any further and she squeezed the bottom of her skirt while waiting for him.

“Y-you can keep going…but to make up for no one watching, you have to f-film it…”

“Film it?”

He realized what she meant when he saw her eyes on the camera. He hesitated for a moment, but quickly grabbed the movie camera and started filming her.

“I’m recording this. I’ll film everything you couldn’t let the others take pictures of!”

“Y-yes… Film all of me…even my most embarrassing parts…and the parts I couldn’t let the others see…hyahn!?”

Unable to contain his emotions, he pushed her onto the bench and reached for her chest.

The camera’s lens captured her flushed face, the flesh fruits causing the chest of her uniform to swell out, and the hand fondling them to make sure their softness would be apparent on film.


She stared at the lens while moaning seductively, but this was not enough any longer.

He had to film something she could not show anyone else. Wanting to do that as soon as possible, he tore the red vest from her with one hand and reached for her blouse’s buttons.


But he had trouble unbuttoning it with just one hand.

Yunori understood, so she unbuttoned the blouse herself and pointed the pink-frilled white half-cup bra and the mounds within toward the camera.

“Go ahead. Do what you…what you want…ahh.”

He immediately slid the bra out of the way and fondled those soft mounds until his fingers sank into the flesh.

The camera’s monitor showed a close-up shot of those mounds obscenely changing shape below his hand. The erect nipples and the entire areolae were trembling.

Large beads of sweat trailed down her cleavage, making the footage all the more obscene and arousing Akiya all the more.

“Nnah…pant, pant, pant… Th-this is weird… It’s only a camera…but my body is so hot…fwaah!”

He was still only touching her breasts, but the queen of the school writhed on top of the bench. Aroused sweat poured from her skin and enchantingly decorated her body even more than during the photo shoot.

“The look on your face is so lewd.”

“I-I can’t help it…hyahn!”

As soon as she grew embarrassed at having her aroused expression filmed, he pinched and stroked her nipple.

That was all it took for her body to leap up and her damp voice to echo through the changing room.

“Your tits are so sensitive now. And I bet this will make them even more sensitive.”

“Kyaaahhhh! No…no…knnhnhnnnhnnh!”

As soon as he put her darkened areola and nipple inside his mouth, rolled them around with the tip of his tongue, and lightly bit down, she bent her chest back as if performing a bridge and shook her large flesh fruits.

Her body was even more sensitive than usual after the rooftop photo shoot and while being filmed having sex. A hint of agony filled the voice that escaped her lips, the white skin of her breasts trembled, and the arousal spread to her entire body.

“Wow. I’m still only on your breasts and it’s affecting you this much.”

“Nh…pant, pant, pant…”

When he removed his mouth from her nipple and looked at her through the lens, it was obvious her arousal had reached abnormal heights.

Her nipples were trembling as if about to burst and her skin flushed red wherever he pointed the camera’s lens.

“Today’s sex is a punishment, Yunori.”

“P-punishme- kyaaahh!?”

The president let out a short scream when he pulled up her skirt and spread her thighs.

He did not see why she was getting embarrassed now, but she seemed unable to bear the stimulation of being filmed. The instant the small monitor displayed her pussy, the amount of love juices flowing out grew and the white cloth covering that area grew see-through.

Her inner thighs gave off a sweet-and-sour eroticism as they trembled seductively with the tense muscles bulging out through the skin. Seeing them was enough to arouse Akiya further.

“You can’t, Akiya… If you film me there, I’ll…”

“Do you really think I’m going to listen to that? Take this.”


He teasingly moved the crotch of her panties to the side of her feminine mound. As soon as her most precious place was exposed to the light of day, the pussy lips twitched and spread a little while feminine nectar sprayed from the trembling hidden hole.

As the camera recorded it, her pussy writhed as if the act of recording was a caress in and of itself. Viewing her thin bush, clitoris, and pussy lips through the lens was enough for her slender hips to twist and her peach-like butt to wiggle left and right.

“Nkhhhh… My…my pussy is being…pant, pant, pant…filmed by…by you…ahhn!”

As she writhed just from being filmed, he spread her pussy lips with his fingertips and buried his face there

A sweet-and-sour aroma filled his nose and a feminine heat reached his face.

“Hyahn, no…don’t lick it…fwah…it’s too embarrassing!”

He attacked her pussy while filming and intentionally made as much noise as possible as he licked all around the entrance to her hidden hole. At the same time, Yunori’s butt hopped up a few times while she moaned.

Love juices spilled from her hidden hole like a dam had burst and that obscene nectar pooled up on the changing room bench.

“I can’t believe filming you is all it takes to turn you on this much.”

“Pant, pant, pant… Don’t say that… That’s just being mean…”

He pulled his head from her skirt and filmed her exposed breasts and pussy as he spoke, so the queen of the school covered her face with her hands.

But the stimulation of his words and the camera had brought tears to her blue eyes and they were about to wet her cheeks.

After the caress from his tongue, her hidden hole was opening and closing with feminine nectar flowing out. It almost seemed to be gulping in the air.

“Akiya… I…I can’t wait any longer…”

Her body was demanding she have sex right this instant.

As she begged to be penetrated, she stayed lying on the bench, spread her legs, and lifted up her butt to make her hidden hole easier to reach.

“Here I go…”

His arousal was also at its limit.

While filming her with one hand, he pulled his erect penis from his pants with the other hand and pressed the tip against her hidden hole.

It had been about a week since he had last felt that hole. It had grown hard as if she had returned to being a virgin and it twitched while warm love juices flowed out.

“Hurry…hurry…!? Kyah! It’s…it’s inside me…knnnh!”

He got a close-up shot of her pussy as the small hole rapidly spread and took the tip of his penis inside. At the same time, Yunori let out a seductive cry and her body almost seemed to convulse.

The folds of flesh inside started wrapping around the rod as if they had been waiting for this moment and what felt like countless beads of flesh stroked across the entire shaft as they wriggled deeper.

He had first reached the entrance to her womb when having sex in the car, but the tip easily reached that somewhat hard ring of flesh which opened and closed to attack him.

“Kwah…amazing…how can it feel so good?”

“Nhaaahh…ahh…pant, pant, pant…”

Below him, the president’s large breasts bounced with each breath that escaped her lips as a damp moan.

But Akiya was already a slave to her vagina.

Her vagina grew thoroughly accustomed to his shape and the tightness of the vaginal walls, the folds, and the entrance all perfectly stimulated his penis. Even the entrance to her womb was spreading its mouth as if to swallow the tip.

It almost felt like her body had remade itself for his own personal use in the time since they last had sex, so his hips naturally began moving to thrust into her tight hidden hole.

“Not…not so rough…all of a sudden!”

However, Akiya was not trying to be rough. Thanks to the writhing of her vagina, his hips had started moving on their own.

An obscene wet sound rang through the otherwise empty changing room and he continued filming her hidden hole as it pulled back and sucked in from the movement of his thrusting.

“Fwaaah! Ahh… Y-you’re filming this? You’re filming…as you move in and out of meeeee!?”

When she realized he was filming her hidden hole as it took a penis, her nearly convulsing body writhed further and she let out a damp cry.

At the same time, she squeezed down on his rod even more and the entrance to her womb sucked at the head as if demanding his semen.

“Nhah, hknnn! I can’t…I can’t…take any morrrrre!”

As she had her most embarrassing place filmed at the most embarrassing time, Yunori writhed like mad on the bench and her flesh fruits bounced violently on top of her.

As his penis pumped inside her hidden hole, love juices flowed out, fell audibly to the bench, and even dripped down to form a small lake on the floor.

“Kh… D-don’t squeeze down like that… I’m gonna cum.”

“I-I am not squeezing… It’s…it’s tightening on its own…”

As her vagina tightened down on him as she began approaching climax, his penis could not throb any harder.

The throbbing raced throughout the entire rod and the entire thing swelled out even further.

The rate of throbbing grew and a painfully itching yet comfortable numbness spread through his crotch as the tip thrust up into the entrance of her womb.

“Dammit… I…I can’t hold back! I love you too, so…so I’m going to make every part of your body mine!”

“Hyah…ahh…ah, ah, ah…I’m…I’m glad…khhh! Go ahead…Make me…make all of me yours! Fill me with your hot stuff!”

The president was delighted by the confession brought on by his arousal. His harsh penetration caused her large breasts to shake and her skin to tremble and she started arching her back as if performing a bridge while still in the missionary position.

Each time his tip reached the entrance of her womb, a wave would run up through her smooth belly and her vagina would wriggle intensely.

“Nnah! I’m…I’m at my limit too! Cum, Akiya… Fill me with your cuuuuum!”

Tears spilled from Yunori’s blue eyes as she shook her butt like mad and let her vaginal walls undulate to both bring herself to orgasm and to draw a surge of semen out from his penis.

The sensitive head thrust into every part of her vagina and felt like it was being swallowed by her deepest parts. A sweet itching sensation raced through his rod and he felt the throbbing of semen rising through it.

“Here I go… I’m cumming, Yunori. I’ll prove that every part of you is mine!”

He was so aroused he had no idea what he was filming, but he still held the camera while thrusting into her and roughly digging his other fingers into her flesh fruits.

He completely forgot to check the camera’s small monitor and looked directly at her as she closed her eyes and shook her head. His eyes were fixated on her large, shaking flesh fruits and the nipples that were so erect he thought they would burst.

Each thrust of his hips elicited a sexual cry from the queen of the school. He was delighted she was his girlfriend now and wished he could continue having sex with her like this forever.

Their heavy breathing and her moans echoed through the changing room and the obscene wet sound of his penis entering her hidden hole built up their arousal even further.

“Hyaaaahn! Ahh, ah, ah, ah, fwaah!” I’m…I’m cumming, Akiya! Akiyaaaaaaa!”

Feeling her climax arriving, she further stimulated his penis by shaking her butt like a broken machine.

Her nearly convulsing vagina almost seemed to vibrate around him and the folds of flesh wriggled around him as if to pull him in as deep as possible.

Her vagina seemed to match his penis perfectly. An intense throbbing filled his rod, a painful itching surrounded it, his entire body went stiff, and the head swelled out.

“I’m…I’m cum…cumming!?”

“Hurry…hurry up and cum…I’m…I’m already…!?”

As soon as he followed the lead of her vagina’s stimulation and thrust all the way up to her womb, he could not stop the thick liquid from rising to the top of his rod and erupting from the tip pressed firmly against the entrance to her womb.

“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! It’s so hot…and so deep…I can’t…I caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan’t!! Nh!!”

His mind went blank as he was overwhelmed by the numbness and pleasant release of letting out all of the lust built up in his crotch. Despite the fear of pregnancy, he fired his thick semen into the entrance of her womb again and again and the milky liquid was swallowed up by the womb.

“Amazing…amazinnnnnggg! There’s…there’s so much inside me… What is this? What is thiiiiisssss!?”

As her climax grew too intense, Yunori’s back stiffened in its bridge-like arc and her entire body began convulsing. Her small urethra widened and a somewhat white liquid sprayed out.

This orgasm was greater than any before and the proof soaked Akiya’s stomach and darkened the color of his pants.

An intense wave ran through the belly below her skirt to show the movement inside her vagina and to clearly show his semen was being brought into her womb.

“Oh, shit!”


Akiya had lost himself in the pleasure of cumming inside her, but he pulled out when he saw the movement of her belly.

However, he was not done cumming yet.

After the stimulation of her climaxing vagina, the head of his penis swelled out again and again to spray its milky liquid all over the half-naked queen of the school.

The whiteness colored her aroused face with its damp blue eyes, her large flesh fruits that shook alluringly while facing upwards without losing their shape, her smooth and undulating belly, and her thighs with the muscles bulging out. Even after all that, the painfully numb head continued its ejaculation.

“Fwaahh…ahh…My entire body is so hot…!”

Yunori’s orgasm finally ended, so her arched and convulsing back collapsed onto the bench.

Akiya finally finished ejaculating at the same time and his penis shrank.

“Pant, pant, pant…”

“Pant, pant, pant…”

With only their breathing filling the changing room, he finally looked back to the movie camera’s monitor and began filming her semen-covered body.

The front of her blouse was fully open, her bra was slid up, her skirt was pushed up, and her panties were pulled to the side of her feminine mound. Every last part of her was covered with his semen.

It almost looked like someone had dripped milk from her face to her thighs. She did not bother wiping the sweat or milky liquid away, so it simply pooled up in her cleavage, on her breasts, and in her navel.

He had released his semen inside her at first, so the milky liquid could be seen inside the hidden hole that sat wide open. A sense of superiority spread through his heart as he could see this beautiful girl was completely his.

“Nn…you’re filming…filming me like this …ahh!”

She sensed the gaze of the camera on her white-covered breasts and pussy, so she sprayed a mixture of semen and love juices from her hidden hole.

Her white hands began stroking her soft flesh as if to check on the milky liquid covering her. It looked like she was rubbing the semen into her body and he recorded every second of it.

“I filmed it… I filmed it, Yunori. Now every part of you is mine.”

“Pant, pant, pant… I’m glad…. I could only feel this good…with you. Now I’m yours…nn.”

As he listened to her say she was his, he rubbed his flaccid penis against her nipples to draw out the remaining milky liquid.

The light pink peaks trembled as the semen covered them and changed their color.

“Th-that’s getting a little too kinky…”

He did not want to hear that from her of all people, but he was satisfied having covered her nipples in his semen.

The others had seen the queen of the school’s nipples, but now they were his again. Or at least, he felt that way.

“By the way, c-can I see it? Can I see…the footage you just took?”

“Eh? O-oh, sure.”

She was too embarrassed to describe exactly what she wanted to see, but he agreed, stopped recording, and played their sex tape on the small screen.

He had grown too horny partway through and he did not know how much of it he had filmed properly, but it was still an important video for the two of them.

“Y-you could see all that…”

Yunori gasped at seeing her breasts on the small monitor.

The image was probably closer and clearer than when she looked in the mirror. Not to mention that she never would have seen her nipples looking that erect.

“My pussy…looked like that…?”

She started rubbing her thighs together at the footage filmed up her skirt.

The arousal of being seen transformed even her own gaze into pleasure.

Unable to endure her body’s arousal, she began groping her semen-covered breasts and running her fingers across her pussy.

“Ah…ahhh! You were licking me…you were licking me like that? That’s too…too embarrassing…kyah!?”

“Keep watching. I’ll take care of touching you.”

Seeing the half-naked president watching her own sex tape had aroused Akiya again, so he circled behind her, reached around to grab her flesh fruits and to finger her pussy.

Obscene wet sounds played from both the camera and her pussy and her moans began echoing before the footage had finished.


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