The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 117: A 9th Order Demon Beast Appears!

Chapter 117: A 9th Order Demon Beast Appears!

Everyone turned pale and looked to the sea behind them.

Only to see the sea, which had been calm, with few waves turning over, suddenly churning!

The waves went on and on, each one higher than the last!

At the same time, the vibrations on the island became more and more violent.

Whats going on!?

The people looked at the sea, their faces changing, their eyes horrified.

The White Daoist looked grave, turned his head, and opened his mouth slightly to the white dove on his shoulder, as if to say something.

The dove then flew away from the White Daoists shoulder and headed toward the sea.

The white dove flew above the surface of the sea, where the waves swept over him.

At the same time, the White Daoists pupils were filled with a strange light.

White Daoist, what happened Chen Yi paled and looked to the side of the White Daoist.

The White Daoists brows were furrowed, and a strange light flickered on his pupils.

The waves on the surface of the sea are bursting, and its hard for me to see have to fly down a little further. The White Daoist said in a deep voice.

As his mind moved, the white dove that was resting over the sea slowly flew downward.

At that moment, the White Daoist finally saw something.

There seem to be two red dots of light underground near the shores surface, and the dots are getting bigger and bigger. The White Daoist spoke up.

When the crowd heard what White Daoist said, their hearts were shaken.

Two red dots of light? What is this stuff?

The shaking on the island continued, and the whole island felt shaky.

Many timid people were scared to the point that their legs were weak.

The red dot of light is getting bigger and bigger but I still cant see it clearly, what the hell is i the White Daoists face grew heavier and heavier and said in a deep voice.


The sea exploded with several tens of meters high water jets, which looked extremely spectacular.

Wait! This is White Daoist realized something, and his face suddenly changed.

As the two red dots under the sea floor came closer and closer, he seemed to realize something.

He took control of the white dove and flew upward.

At this time, he could see that there was a huge black hole under the ground, in addition to the two red dots!

He was too close just now, and all he could feel was darkness below.

But now after pulling away from the distance and looking, this seemed to be a mouth!

A huge mouth of the abyss!

What is this, what kind of monster is this ? The White Daoists body was shaken and his face changed dramatically.

Chen Yi, who was beside him, panicked for a moment when he saw the usually calm and composed White Daoists face change so dramatically.

White Daoist Bai, what exactly did you see? Chen Yi asked in a sharp voice.

I, I saw it The White Daoist was about to speak, but there was an explosion on the sea!

A gigantic creature, fiercely emerging from the sea, flew into the sky!

It was extremely large, more than several times larger than the cruise ships the people on the island were on!

He looked like a whale, but unlike ordinary whales, his body was pure black, and he was even bigger than the average whale, nearly a hundred meters long and at least forty to fifty meters wide!

As the creature leapt into the air, even the sunlight seemed to be hidden by it, and a huge black shadow fell over the people on the island.

At this moment, the White Daoist screamed, and the strange light in his eyes disappeared.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were shocked to see the monster leaping into the air.

His spiritual pet, the White Dove, was swallowed by the monster.

Spiritual pets and masters were connected by blood, and if a spiritual pet died, its master would also be implicated.

Daoist White Dove, you are so knowledgeable, do you know what kind of monster this is? Chen Yis face was bloodless and asked.

The White Daoist wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes incomparably horrified, and watched the monster fall into the sea again, his mind racing to recall.

He remembered a certain ancient book that recorded such a monster

The Sky Swallowing Whale!

The ninth-ranked demon beast, the Sky Swallowing Whale!

The White Daoist suddenly remembered the monsters name!

Resembling the shape and massive size of a whale.

Pure black flesh, huge red pupils, abyssal maw..

This is exactly like the picture drawn in that old book!

Thats the Sky Swallowing Whale!

Young Master, Im afraid weve encountered the Heaven Swallowing Whale said the White Daoist in a deep voice.

Heaven Swallowing Whale Chen Yi was about to speak, but a scream sounded around him.

Our cruise ship!

Chen Yi immediately looked to the beach and saw the monster jump out of the sea again, open its big mouth and swallow the whole cruise ship in one gulp!


The cruise ship, with a loud bang, instantly disappeared from the shore!

Seeing this scene, everyone had a chill in their hearts and trembled all over.

Some of the timid ones had already collapsed to the ground.

It was too terrifying. This monster was too terrifying.

Its huge size caused everyone present to feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

What even more terrifying is that this monster seems to eat everything, even an inanimate object like a cruise ship, it can swallow it down in one gulp.

As the whale sank to the bottom of the sea again, the waves on the surface of the sea suddenly became smaller.

The vibrations on the island are also lessening.

Did the creature leave?

Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

But the White Daoist was very pale.

Just now, he let his spiritual pet, White Dove, fly to a height of nearly a hundred meters and was swallowed by the Heaven Swallowing Whale.

Even such a small spiritual pet could be sensed and swallowed by the Sky Swallowing Whale in one leap of a hundred meters.

This shows that the Sky Swallowing Whale has senses for living beings.

The fact that it was so manic that it swallowed the cruise ship shows that it was so hungry that it would never leave easily.

Thinking this, the island suddenly shook again!


This time the vibrations and noises were much more violent than earlier!

Many of them just couldnt stand and fell to the ground!

Qin Yimo almost fell down and was caught by Fang Yu.

Fang Yu, what kind of monster is this Although Qin Yimo has seen a lot, this is the first time she has seen a monster of this level, and she was also a bit confused.

Fang Yus face did not have a hint of panic.

On the contrary, his eyes were filled with excitement and thrill!

What does it mean to be a ninth-order monster?

It means a ninth-grade superb demon beast inner pill!

For Fang Yu, it was a gift from the door!

It, its hitting our island! It wants to sink the whole island and let the rest of us fall into the sea! The White Daoist was livid and said loudly.

When he shouted like that, the faces of those around him changed dramatically!

No wonder the island keeps shaking, its the monster thats hitting it!

But what do we do now?

The island looks crumbling, and if we get hit a few more times, we might really sink!

If it were to sink into the sea, the mouth of the Abyss Swallowing Whale would swallow all of them in one gulp!

Some merchants wept at the thought that they might not see the sun tomorrow.

Had they known that, they would never have come to this island!

Fellow Daoists, if we do nothing, this is just sitting ducks, we must find a way to make this Heaven Swallowing Whale feel fear and drive it away. The White Daoist used his true energy to transmit his voice, which went straight into the brains of everyone present.

Including Chen Yi, there were five half-step Ancestors, and two Ancestor Realm martial artists present.

They knew that Daoist Bais words were addressed to them.

Other than the few of them present, no one else had any fighting ability.

Daoist Bai, what are we going to do? A cleric looked at the White Daoist and asked.

Go to the shore and use your strongest techniques to blast the Sky Swallowing Whale to stop it from continuing to hit the island as much as possible, while I will also use a secret technique to draw several heavenly thunderbolts. Use the power of thunder to try to force it back! The White Daoist said.

Good. The two Patriarchs immediately nodded their heads.

Daoist Bai, were only half-step masters, we cant release our true energy, we cant harm the Swallowing Whale said a half-step master.

You will stay here and be responsible for protecting the personal safety of the people here. Bai Daoist said.

After saying that, he and two other Grandmasters leapt forward and headed toward the shore.

The two masters stood about fifty meters away from the surface of the sea, gathering their energy and waiting for the whale to reveal itself and deal a powerful blow.

On the other hand, the Bai Daoist stood further away, took out some talismans from his pocket, and began to perform his secret spell.


Once again, the whale swallows the island!

Some of the dead wood and rocks on the island have fallen to the ground.

By the looks of it, the island is about to fail!


At that moment, the head of the swallowed whale emerged from the sea with its mouth wide open.

This is the time!

The two masters slap at the same time at the Swallowing Whale!


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