The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 3: SS Rank Adventurer

Chapter 3: SS Rank Adventurer

TLN: You sir, just found yourselves an extra chapter. Consider this as your lucky day and give yourselves a cookie.

Edit* That message was for the people who found it yesterday lol.

Good grief, what a terrible situation.

Donning the appearance of Silver, I look at the monster nest in question with Sebas from a distance.

The rank of the monster that appeared in the territory of Duke Kleinert is AA.

It is the fourth highest rank from the top of the system that ranks monsters into ranks of F to SS. They are monsters that would require a party of five A rank adventurers to deal with. They are a little too much for the adventurer guild inside the empire.

In fact, Duke Kleinert already issued a request to the guild and they dispatched a six-man party of four B ranks and two A ranks adventurers. However, they couldnt complete the request.

It couldnt be helped since they have to deal with the Mother Slimes huh.

At a mountain a little away from the duchys capital.

There were countless slimes there. A single slime is a trash monster but it tends to gather together. These guys travel around and devour crops in the territory so the Duke has to dispatch the knights to chase them away.

If you asked me the reason why the slimes have gathered this much then the answer would be the presence of a rare monster called Mother Slime that is lurking in the mountain.

As the name suggests, Mother Slime is the parent of those slimes, it is a monster that has the ability to reproduce children. It absorbs everything, changes them into nutrition and continues to produce more slimes. It is a troublesome monster that can even destroy a country.

Its countermeasure is to seek out the Mother Slimes nest before it can start breeding and subjugate it. However, by the time the Duke issues the request to the adventurer guild, it was already too late.

According to the record, the amount of slimes that was produced by Mother Slime is already reached the number of an army.

For now we have to get rid of the Mother Slime or there will be no end to it.

It is as you said but how do you plan to explain to the adventurers who have already accepted the request?

Thats the problem.

Adventurers are basically outlaws.

Unlike the noble society, there is no need for you to yield to others even when the other party has a higher standing. They are fully committed to the request they received for themselves to protect the trust that was placed in them.

Such adventurers will not forgive even an SS rank adventurer if he interferes with their quest. It would be a different matter if there is an official letter from the guild but right now I am completely interfering with their quest.

That is the part I like about adventurers but right now that is exactly the root of our problem.

Depending on their attitude this might take some time.

Honestly, we dont have time for that. I can only ask for the local adventurers understanding. You head back first. I will do something about this myself.

May the fortune of war be with you.

I part ways with Sebas and head down to the adventurers that are camping near the mountain.

After all, if I take Sebas with me they might get suspicious and they might be able to connect the dots to my real identity.

My my. Everyone, seems like SS rank adventurer-sama came out of his way here to meet us.

Hearing the words of the red-haired young man who acts as a lookout, the adventurers come out of their tent. 

Five men and one woman.

Their eyes look stern.

Im Abel, the leader of this party. The rank is A. I must look like a small fry from your perspective though?

I am SS rank adventurer, Silver.

I hold the hand that Abel offered.

I lightly hold on to his hand but Abel strongly grabbed my hand as if he is trying to break it off..

As expected, he is pissed with me.

I heard from the Duke that you came as reinforcements but if I just say [Yes, I understand] I wouldnt be an adventurer anymore. You know that right?

Yeah, I know.

Interfering with other adventurers quest is a violation of our manner. You also know that right?

Yeah, of course.

When I lower my hand, I turn to the other five adventurers.

Looking at the way they are standing, the other A rank seems to be the woman.

She has her brown hair made into a short ponytail, her face is being hidden by the hat but I think that she is definitely a woman.

Her clothes are completely that of a boy, I think people who mistook her for a man were not few.

She is probably acting as a support for Abels party since she remains silent it means that she has no intention to interrupt Abel.

If that is the case then I have to convince Abel somehow.

Of course you say? If you understand that then why are you trying to interfere with our business!? You even used your noble connection! An adventurer like you shouldnt have any problem getting your own quest right!?

What you want to say is reasonable. I also understand your dissatisfaction. So if you want to shout at me or beat me up, I will not complain.


But I want to ask you as an adventurer to another adventurer. Can you manage this situation?


Abel doesnt answer.

The same applies to the other adventurers. It is easier to say that they can. However, to an adventurer, the trust itself is their life. They cant afford to say that they can do it when the request at hand is the one that couldnt be easily resolved.

These six adventurers here are the highest level adventurers in this region. Perhaps they did not accept this quest on their own but were persuaded by the guild staff themselves.

However, what they found was a much worse situation than they first heard about. Mother Slime is a monster that varies in strength. If it continues to take in nourishment inside its nest then it will keep becoming stronger. Then it will keep birthing more slimes. Each time it births more slimes, it will be weakened. However, each child slimes will bring more and more nutrients back to its mother and eventually the Mother Slime will become unstoppable.

If the situation keeps worsening like this, the whole region will be threatened if the Mother Slime is not cleaned up quickly.

The Mother Slime was much bigger than we had heard. We tried challenging it several times but we cant inflict a fatal wound to it and have to withdraw. We clearly dont have enough firepower.

The female adventurer who didnt say anything until now opens her mouth.

Hearing her words, Abel clicked his tongue. It seems like Abel also understood that as well.

If you absolutely dont want me to interfere with your quest then I will not. However, for the safety of this area, I will directly report the current situation to the guild headquarter and have them issue an emergency quest. I will accept that quest and come here again. However, that will surely take a few days. If you can subjugate it in that time frame, then I will not stop you. the next few days, this area will surely be in great danger.

.I know that. An adventurer at your level wouldnt come all the way out here because of money

You can receive all the rewards. But please leave the subjugation of Mother Slime to me. As an adventurer, I cant let such a threat intensifying more than this.

.Okay. We admit that we dont have enough power to do this. You do as you please.

Abel hangs down his head and sits on the spot.

Adventurers are people who built themselves up with their own strength. There is no greater disgrace for adventurers than being unable to complete the quest they received. 

There are even adventurers out there that would never give up and recklessly continue with their quest and end up dying. In that sense, Abel is a smart adventurer who can take the hints from his surroundings.

Sorry, everyone

Abel apologized to all of his party members. If he was alone then he might recklessly push on but he properly thought about his party members. He is a good leader.

It is thanks to your attacks on the Mother Slime that the situation only progressed this much. If you guys were not here then this area would be overrun with slimes already. Originally this is a quest that required a party consisted of A-rank adventurers or higher. You have done well. The guild must be grateful for your work as well.

Hato think that there would be a day an SS-rank adventurer would give me praise.

Lay down the sarcasm. I am really grateful to you, I will consider that I am in your debt. If something happened, reach out to the imperial capital branch. I will help you.

Saying so, I reach out my hand toward the mountain.

I ignore the six adventurers doubtful gazes and started chanting. 

[[I am an agent of the divine I act on behalf of heaven and earthThe time of judgment has comeTremble Sinner-Delight InnocentMy word is the word of GodMy blow is the blow of GodIn my hand is the flame that can torch the world Oh Flame of Heaven reduce the Sinner to AshesEXECUTION PROMINENCE]]

Eight verse long chanting. A stupidly huge magic circle deployed from my outstretched hand.

The magic that has been passed down to the present day dont have a magic that requires a chant this long. The longest is only seven verses long. To use a magic that requires eight verses chanting would mean that magic is not of the present day magics.

A magic that was invented in the time that magic once flourished. That is ancient magic.

Because it can only be performed by those with talent, as a result, it was forgotten and disappeared into the legend.

The only way to revive them is to read from the precious tomes that were left behind. That is why there are only a few practitioners of ancient magic on the continent.

Of course, there are only a few of them that people are aware of.

So in a sense, you can say that these six people have experienced something truly valuable.

A huge amount of magic power rise from the giant magic circle. Then six small magic circles appeared around the original magic circle.

The small magic circles spin around the giant magic circle. 

Then as the magic power has risen to the point that it would collapse.

A flash of bright flame was released from the magic circle.

It burns down the mountain in a blink of an eye along with the Slimes that made that mountain into its nest. Not only that, the mountain itself was completely burned out. 

The only thing left behind is the darkened land.

With this, the slimes number will not increase anymore.


.This is the ancient magic of an SS rank adventurer..?

Abel and the female adventurer whisper.

The others remain silent, trying to understand what just happened in front of them.

A magic that can blow away a mountain. That is something that is already close to a legend.

It is normal that you cant wrap your head around it when it suddenly happened in front of you.

Can I leave reporting to the guild to you?

.You should go yourself. We didnt do anything. You are the hero that saved the duchy you know?

Sorry but I am not interested. I have other businesses as well. I will leave the rest to you.

I said so and left the place using transfer magic.

The destination is a room inside the mansion of Duke Kleinert. It is the room that was assigned to me.

Prince Arnold is supposed to remain in the Duchy. He would receive Silvers report about how he subjugated the Mother Slime alongside the Duke and finish the talk regarding his cooperation. After that, my job would be over.

Until then I cant let my guard down.

Thinking so I remove my silver mask.


It was only after I heard the voice that I realized how fatally careless I was.

A situation that one never expected just occurred.

It was such a tone of voice.

Hearing the familiar voice, the first thing I felt was regret.

I thought that no one was in the room. It is the room that was assigned to a prince so I thought that no one would ever enter it unless they received permission. 

I turned around to look. When I look at the face I saw, the regret well up inside me again.


Prince Arnold.?

Standing there is the peerless beauty and the daughter of the Duke.

A girl that I couldnt seal her lips so easily, Finne is there.


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