The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 29: Bitter Rescue

Chapter 29: Bitter Rescue

Captain, where are we now?

Keeping up my Leo act, I visit the captain.

The storm has gone but we still got caught up in it and were separated from the ship Leo was boarding. It has been quite some time since then and the sun is beginning to set.

The storm was on the level that it wouldnt be weird if the ship flipped over but this ship is an imperial envoy with trained imperial navy personnel on board so we managed to get through it somehow.

We are probably in the waters of the Principality of Albatro. We didnt capsize but we have considerably washed away from our original course. It might be more accurate to say that we were pulled instead of washed away though. That storm was clearly not normal.

If thats the case then was it caused by monsters after all?

Yes, no doubt about it. I have been sailing together with my grandfather since his generation, that storm was exactly like the story I heard about the Sea Dragon Storm.

Sea Dragon Stormwhat kind of storm is that?

As its name suggested, it is a storm caused by a Sea Dragon. Its a storm that gradually pulls your ship in its direction. Even if you survived the storm, you will be faced with the Sea Dragon. Its like a ghost story for a sailor. After all, the Sea Dragon is one of the most powerful monsters in the sea, seeing one would mean that your life is over, Your Highness.

Fumu, the characteristic of the storm from the story conforms with the one we just experienced.

So is it alright to assume that theres a Sea Dragon in this area?

If thats the case then this is going to be a big problem.

In the first place, dragons are monsters that repeat their cycle of active and dormant periods. Their dormant period is usually immensely long. There was even a report on a dragon that stayed dormant for a hundred years.

Long dormant period and short time of activity. Thats the nature of the creatures called dragons. The same is true of the Sea Dragon.

I cant say for sure without looking at the records but it seems that the Sea Dragon that lay dormant in this area has become active again. The problem is that the Principality of Albatro is a maritime nation. They are considerably far away from the Empire but they have an extensive trading network with other countries. If a Sea Dragon shows up in their territory, imagine how much damage it would cause.

Understanding that, Albatro must have started investigating it secretly but it seems they touched its reverse scale huh. (TLN: The dragons reverse scale had become a figurative expression of something you should not touch)

The cause of the previous storm is probably Eva.

It was that kind of storm so shes probably not alive anymore. That poor girl.

Is that so..then it wouldnt be good to stay here too long. Nii-san and the others must be worried about us too. Immediately set the course toward Rondine.

O, Oi! Look at that!!

When I gave my order, one of the sailors shouted.

With a bad feeling, I looked at the direction he was pointing at and as if to answer my expectation, the wreckage of a ship was flowing our way.

The Principalitys ship huh

So it seems. They must have gotten caught up in the storm like us.

Its a shame

I was about to put an end to the incident and order the sailors to set sail but the middle-aged knight whispered something to me from my side.

Your Highness.Prince Leonard would definitely order for a rescue operation..!

We dont have time for that. There might be a Sea Dragon lurking around this area you know? Normally, we should prioritize leaving this place right?

I understand that but, Your Highness still has to act like Prince Leonard. It would be a big scandal if it was known that the ambassador dispatched to another nation has switched places with his twin brother isnt it..!

I know that but the crew was upset by the previous storm. They wont notice something small like this.!

It is exactly because they are upset that Your Highness has to behave yourself like Prince Leonard. If they know about the switch then they will definitely panic. We probably couldnt prevent them from talking either, theres no way to know what they will say once we arrive at Rondine you know..?

The middle-aged knights opinion was plausible.

Yeah, its plausible. However, acting like Leo means doing what I dont want to do the most.

In this case, theres no merit for us to rescue them. In the first place, the Principality of Albatro is neither our ally nor a nation with close ties with us. Its completely idiotic to rescue the survivors of such a country in an area that might have a Sea Dragon lurking nearby.

We dont have any time to spare either. We have already lost days because of the storm. Starting a rescue operation here would definitely delay our arrival in Rondine. It doesnt matter even if Leo arrives there first. The reason is that he is now Arnold and Arnold is an incompetent prince. If he started a negotiation with Rondine on his own, there would certainly be suspicion.

As expected, I want to head to Rondine right now. Even if he has Elna by his side, Im worried that Leo wouldnt be able to behave like me.

Also, if we began our rescue operation and found any survivors, we must stop by Albatro to deliver them. That would be the most troublesome scenario. Theres no way that they would just allow the imperial prince who knew of their secret to leave without doing anything.

If its me, I would detain such a person until I resolved the incident. If thats the case then Leo and I have to swap places for a long time.

Thats no good at all.

The survivors are probably desperate right now, bring them here quickly.

Look! Someone is clinging to the wreckage! Hes alive!!

What will you do? Abandon them?

The middle-aged knight asked the question that he already knew the answer to.

If it has already come to this then theres no choice but to help them.

Just why are there so many troubles finding their way toward me! Jeez!

If a god really exists then I want to curse them!

Throw them the rope! Rescue them immediately! Watch out for the surroundings, there might be more survivors, Look out for them!

I issued out a Leo-like command with dark clouds swirling inside my heart.

I want to run away and be Arnold again. Its not that Im afraid, if the Sea Dragon showed up then I will willingly fight it.

But if that happens it will cause us huge trouble. The situation will probably turn into a chaotic one that I cant handle alone. I have to avoid that at all costs.

Still, being such a good person, Leonard will never let this go.

We have rescued the survivors! According to them, it seems there are still more survivors out there Your Highness!

The crews report brought my mind back to the situation.

A large number of survivors mean more time we have to stay in his place, and more space we have to clear up in order to accommodate them. In addition, we have to calculate our supply of food and water as well.

Is Albatro the plague god or something.!

Please be careful with your words.!

Like I cant say it.! Argh, damn it..! This is the worst.!

Please endure it. This will spread the word of Prince Leonards virtue in the future. If people know that you have rescued the survivors in such a dangerous situation, Rondine would applaud your deed and probably wont criticize you for it either.

Rondine and Albatros relationship is like cats and dogs you know? They have been fighting each other over the control over the southern region for a long time. Why would they praise a person who rescued the people of their rival country..?

Our empire has nothing to do with their struggle in the south and we are a powerful country as well. It will be alright if you just act dignified. If Your Highness is already convinced then please make up your mind.

Prompted by the middle-aged knight, I let out a huge sigh and raised my face up then lower it down and sigh again.

Aah, I dont want to do this anymore. Is there no way to get through this without damaging Leos reputation?

No, theres none. If its Leo, he will definitely help them. Even if he has to abandon everything to do so.

if hes a guy who considers how his action would profit him before he acts then he would be able to become the emperor without my help.

Thats exactly why hes worth helping but because of such a goody-two-shoes personality and reputation that Im so bitter about the situation right now.

Captain. Rescue the survivors.

Are you sane!? There might be a Sea Dragon lurking nearby you know!? If we are attacked during the rescue operations then we will be defenseless and the monsters will swarm in to eat our dead bodies! Even monsters other than the Sea Dragon are still a threat to us Your Highness.

The storm has already gone. The Sea Dragon must have been satisfied for now. Moreover, normal monsters wont wander close to where a powerful monster lives. Our opponent is the Sea Dragon alone. I think we should still be fine for a few days.

But the sun is about to set! It will be dangerous to continue our rescue operation in the dark! If we use light to illuminate the surroundings, we might attract the Sea Dragon toward us as well!

Even so, we will continue rescuing them as much as we can. I want you to decide on our course based on the information we got from the survivors. Sorry, captain. This is an order as an ambassador. Use everything we can spare and rescue the Albatros survivors. Do not miss any single one of them.

..I heard the rumor but you are genuinely a good person Your Highness. I cant approve of your command as a captain who has to take care of his ship but if its an order from you then it cant be helped. Lets rescue them.

The captain resigned himself and gave in.

I understand his feelings. I agree with you that this is ridiculous.

However, this is Leo.

Theres no other way so can you not look at me with those reproachful eyes.

Thus, on our way to Rondine, we began a rescuing operation in the sea where there might be a Sea Dragon rampaging in, an action too stupid to comprehend.


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