The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 18: Schemer gets caught in his own Scheme

Chapter 18: Schemer gets caught in his own Scheme

Three days after the incident.

I was the last of the Emperors children to arrive at Kiel

Although the others were not in time for the defense battle, they still rushed back with their knights, so almost all of them arrived back at Kiel around the evening of that day.

It seems like you will be made fun of again.

Let it go.

As I was having such a conversation with Sebas, I get off the carriage in front of the mansion.

At that place, I found an unusual group of people wait to welcome me.


Oh, Christa. How are you?

It was scary

Carrying her bunny doll as usual, she comes up and hugs me with baby steps.

After stroking her head several times, I hold her hand proceed inside.

The people who were there to welcome me were Finne, Leo and.

Welcome back. Al.

Welcome back Your Highness Arnold.

Yeah, Im back.

Elna and her men formed lines to welcome me.

As far as I can see, no one seems to be injured. Letting out a sigh in release for that, I head over to Leo.

Elna is a matter of course but you were able to make it in time right?

Yeah, Silver helped me.

As expected of an SS-rank adventurer. He is a pretty capable man isnt he.

Al, just which part of that man appeared human to you?

Said Elna with a disgruntled expression.

I give her a reply with a shrug.

Didnt he saved the Emperor?

Just on a whim. I know that just by looking at him.

Its fine even if it was on a whim isnt it. He did save him after all. Right, Christa?


There, see.

Ge, getting Her Highness Christa to agree with you is unfair you know!

While having such a conversation, we enter the mansion.

Along the way, I met eyes with Finne and she returns me with a soft smile. Is she saying that our talk can be postponed? Interpreting her smile in a convenient way, I continue into the mansion with Christa who refused to let go of my hand.

It is because father told me that he would start the meeting as soon as I arrived.


You are late, Arnold. What were you doing?

If it isnt Eric-aniue. I was waiting for an escort because theres no knight there to escort me back. I apologize for the late arrival.

I dont need your apology. I bet you didnt even feel sorry in the first place, right?

The blue-haired man in glasses.

The Second Prince Eric stands in front of us.

Even though he is wearing glasses his eyes are sharp. Its like he is always judging the worth of everything besides himself.

Perhaps she finds those eyes to be scary, Christa hides behind me.

I do feel sorry. More or less.

Perhaps I was being unclear. You dont feel sorry for us, right? Youve always been like that.

Well, if you put it like that, then I have to say thats true. I didnt bother anyone after all.

Those who I feel sorry for are only those who are close to me.

I dont feel a shred of that emotion toward Eric, my other siblings or even to father.

Hearing that answer, Eric smiles.

You are interesting after all Arnold. It was a good decision for you to let Elna go on ahead. Do keep making the right decision from now on as well. If you have worth to me then, like Leonard, I wont do anything bad to you.

You are putting it like you are already an Emperor?

I am the next Emperor. Of course, no matter how hard you, Gordon or Zandra try, you will never be able to change that fact. Remember it well.

Saying so Eric sweeps his eyes over all of us and stops at Leo.

Leo took that gaze head-on.

Thats right, he isnt afraid even if his opponent is Eric.

Dont get too full of yourself.

I will keep that in mind. Eric Aniue.

We stand still as Eric turns his heels and heads further into the mansion.

That just now was a declaration of war.

This time, it could be said that we both raised our credit with me sending Elna ahead and Leo leading the knights into battle.

We received help from Silver but those actions still increased our credibility.

What Eric declared was that if we get too full of ourselves by that he will crush us.

So we cant ignore the most influential emperor candidate anymore huh. Even so, that was just a warning. Theres no way that he has some easy hand he can use to crush us conveniently around.

If we get too big then he would surely join hands with Gordon and Zandra to crush us. Thats something I would do.


Whats wrong? Were you scared?

Its okay. He wont do anything to you, Christa. Of course, we will be fine too.

Seeing Christa nodded with a smile, we continue inside.

Ah, Leo. if father asks, just answer him with this.

On the way, I whispered to Leo.

Leo opens his eyes wide but I continue to make sure that he listened properly.

You got that?

Is it really okay?

Yeah, only you can say it. And this will be good for him as well.

Father stayed in Kiel after the incident and take command of the reconstruction. Even so, it was just an official stance. The damage from the Tsunami was not that great.

What father is actually doing is investigating who else involved in causing that uproar.

And perhaps because that investigation made progress, he waited for my arrival and gather his children along with the imperial knights for a meeting.

Everyone, good work.

Said father, his face looked clearly tired.

Well, that is understandable since he personally went out to the battlefield, even though he is not that young anymore and continue to work without rest afterward. Moreover, he must have found out that his stupid son was deeply involved in the incident too.

This time I only gathered those that are on a need to know basis. What I am about to say is confidential. Last night, Carlos who was seriously injured, woke up. After examining the evidence gathered over the past few days, I determined that he was involved with those two vampires. Carlos hunted the monsters lured out by the flute possessed by those two and reached first place. Moreover, he cooperated with them on the attack on Kiel on the condition that they would retreat when he arrives and in return, he would retract their bounty. Absolutely foolish !

In other wordsit was Carloss plan to lure those monster out from the start?

Thats right. He was ultimately used by those vampires but he also did it for his own benefit, putting me, and of course, the empire at risk. I absolutely can not forgive that!

Fathers eyes were bloodshot. I guess he cant suppress his anger.

However, to that father, Eric gets down on his knee.

Your Majesty. Please be lenient on his punishment. As foolish as he is, he is still my brother.

Thats a barefaced lie.

Gordon and Zandra also follow him.

Of course, they are not pleading for Carlos out of empathy. And yes, it doesnt matter if anyone notices this.

Because everyone knows exactly that this is what the Emperor wanted.

If he wanted to execute Carlos he would have done so already. Theres no need for him to gather us and show his anger like this. It is because the Emperor cant forgive him on his own.

He needs Eric and the others to make him forgive Carlos. Otherwise, he cant maintain his dignity as an Emperor.

Well, theres no need to kill him anyway.

After he received Sams attack, Carlos lost his right hand and the control of the lower half of his body. He will be bedridden for life. Seeing his son like that, even if its father he wouldnt be able to kill his own son.

However, it is not good to go on like this.

If everyone pleads for Carloss life then it would look like the Emperor lost to the petition. It would be bad for his reputation.

Leonard. It could be said that this is your first achievement. What do you think about this?

Then allow me to say it. Your Majesty shouldnt forgive him. He should be beheaded instead.

At that moment, everyones faces froze.

That is because the most unlikely words came out from the most unlikely person.

Father seems to be quite surprised himself.

..Why do you say that? Hes your brother right?

Before being my brother, he is a rebel against the empire. If Your Majesty forgives him here it will become a bad precedent. How can I explain that to the knights who had spilled their blood protecting us?

This will not be relayed to the people nor the knights. It will only be just us here. You dont have to worry about it.

Even so, thats still not acceptable. Your Majesty should be honest and present them with the rebels head to show them that Your Majesty is fair and just. Even if he is your son, you will judge him for his sin. That will give the people peace of mind.

Leo spoke in a strong tone.

Now theres a split in opinions. Whichever choice he takes, he will have a justification.

In other words, now father can take it as an excuse.

If he saves Carlos, it doesnt mean that he slights Leo. Thats why even if Leo is in a tie with Gordon, the flow has been adjusted to make Leo the ambassador plenipotentiary.

Everything is for fathers desired development.

Satisfied, father glance at me. He looked at my carefree expression and make a kinda pouty expression.

Was that your suggestion?

Whatever do you mean?

Haa..well, fine. I will respect Eric and the others opinion and spare Carlos. However, Leonard. Your achievement can no longer be ignored.

Saying so, father called Leo to stand before him.

Leo graciously heads there and kneels.

Father took his sword out and hand it to Leo.

Leo received it.

Put up with this since I didnt prepare to do this beforehand. Leonard, I will make you into the winner of this festival. Carlos was disqualified, Arnold who was in second place was also disqualified. That left you tied at third place with Gordon. However, Leonard led the knights to the rescue of Kiel. You now have the popularity in the east. Leonard has to be the winner here to ease the peoples dissatisfaction. You understand that right? Gordon.

I am at Your Majestys pleasure.

Gordon bows down with a vexing expression.

Since his voice is shaking, he must really be frustrated.

However, he cant refute the Emperors decision. Theres no basis to do that.

At that time, Elna went before the Emperor.

Your Majesty. Please allow me to make a plea.

What is it?

Please cancel His Highness Arnolds disqualification. He did it to sent us knights to Kiel. His action was praiseworthy. The stigma of being disqualified is unsuitable for him.

We beg you, Your Majesty!

Following Elna, her men kneel down.

Father closes his eyes.

Then. broke your bracelet by [MISTAKE] right?

Yes. I accidentally broke it.

Then the disqualification cant be undone. It is another thing if you broke it on purpose and sent Elna to me on purpose, but rules are rules. The victory shall be Leonards.

Elna looks at me like she cant believe my actions but I ignore her.

Even if I said I sent Elna here on purpose, I will not be made into the ambassador plenipotentiary.

At best, I would receive some praise but as father said earlier, Leonard has to be the winner because of his popularity in the east.

No one would accept my victory.

Thats why it is fine to leave me as a foolish prince who broke his bracelet by accident.

I thought so but.

However, it is also true that I was saved because of Elna. In other words, I was saved by Arnolds mistake. And I will reward you for that mistake.


I will assign Arnold as the deputy ambassador. Go with Leonard and assist him.

..Fa, Father?

Its Your Majesty, Arnold.

Umm.I I dont think I have that kind of skill.

You can leave everything to Leonard. At least find a job you can do and prove to me that you can do it. This talk is over. I will officially announce this tomorrow. Everyone, get some rest.

Saying so, father gets up from his chair.

Then as he left, he turned toward me with a mischievous smile.

That damn father, he did it on purpose!

Damn it! He wrecked my plans!?

If both I and Leo left the empire, who would be there to lead our faction!?


I was stunned by the unexpected event. On the other hand, my rivals have a [Serve you right] expression on their faces.

This is bad..If we dont do anything, our faction will be dismantled while we are away.

Its great, isnt it! Al


Whats wrong? Al?

As expected, dont get involved with me anymore.


I hold down my forehead and shoo away the rejoicing Elna.

However, I understand. It is not Elnas fault.

I expected her to plead for my disqualification to be undone. What I find unexpected was fathers respond.

The reason why father acted that way must be because of how carefree I looked. He must be irritated because he felt like he was dancing on my palm.

This is completely my fault.

The meeting ended with me holding my head because of how ridiculous the situation has become.


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