The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 11: A Good Start

Chapter 11: A Good Start


Oi oidoes anything goes for her.

My face cramped after I see how Elna is fighting.

Elna is fighting a pack of dark red wolves monsters called Bloodhound. Their number is more than thirty. They are monsters that hunt as a pack and each has a rating of A-rank. As a pack of over thirty bloodhounds, they are troublesome monsters that have the equivalent difficulty of AAA class.

However, Elna is kicking their asses without minding their number. Even a high-ranked adventurer would be surprised by this.

Elna eliminated all the bloodhounds in a matter of minutes and took out a crystal magic tool to record her result.

The result then immediately transmitted to the HQ in Kiel and be announced to the people. Our group now takes the lead with the defeat of the monsters with the equivalent strength of AAA.

However, due to the nature of the festival, if the other groups just defeat a big one later, this result will surely reverse.

Al ! I saw a monster over there! Were pursuing it !

No, Im already tired. Cant we just rest in a town around here?

Why are you being so careless? We are winning this alright?

I dont remember saying that I want to win though.

I cant allow Elna and her knights to advance on their own like this.

The children of the emperor that headed out with the knights were equipped with a bracelet-shaped magic device. The captains of each knight corp are wearing the same thing as a pair, these things were designed to break if they are a certain distance away from each other. Around one kilometer I think. With this, it is impossible for the knights to work alone.

You may be fine but the others are already tired. Its just the first day so the score wont be that far apart. The festival is three days long anyway, lets take this slowly.

You are really..

Ehh? I am under the impression that I am your superior officer though? Are you going to disobey my order?

Kuh..Understood. I will follow your order..

Good. Then, lets head to a nearby town.

Saying so, we moved to the town.

This town is also in a festive mood, we head to the inn that the Emperor booked in advance.

The whole eastern region is in a festive mood. Normally, a town like this would be in an uproar when royalty and famous knights visit them like this. In this case, this town is all excited over Elna though. Well, its good that they have a reason to get excited.

They are really excited huh.

This is the Emperors aim. This festival exists to reduce the satisfaction of the eastern people after all.

Elna enters the room that was assigned to me.

What a rude fellow, she didnt even knock. I was the one who opened the door for her though.

At least knock the door can you.

Ara? Do I really need to?

Then let me ask you this. What would you do if I enter your room without knocking?

Immediate slash I guess.


I retorted without thinking.

Thanks to that, the wine in my hand spilled a little. AAa, what a waste.

You really arent suited to be a royalty huhYou just spill a drink dont make your face like it is the end of the world.

To think that you dont value the drink even though you are a knight. You are really an Ojou-sama before a knight huh. You dont understand anything at all.

I dont want to hear that from a young master who never even left the imperial capitalRather, is it okay to start drinking now? I wont help you if you get a hangover tomorrow alright?

Elna tiredly says that while sitting in a chair right across from me.

Without her armor, Elnas rough appearance is much more vulnerable than usual. She is wearing a white shirt and a short red skirt that allowed ease of movement. My eyes naturally went to her generously exposed beautiful legs. Then I noticed something.

Yes. it was several years in the past when I was still a kid. I was a healthy and evil young man. If there are beautiful girls, I would surely check them out. If I may say it, I feel like Elnas chest hasnt grown any bigger ever since several years ago.

Al~? Where are you looking at I wonder?

Your chest.


Saying so, Elna hides her modest chest.

However, without minding that, I keep staring at her chest. Elna is 17 years old, one year older than me. But considering that and the size of her chest, it is, how should I put this, unfortunate. The word miserable might be more accurate though.

Finne, on the other hand, is definitely big. Rather, even with her loose clothes, she is still bigger. With all that training, it seems like the nutrient never gets to her chest after all huh.

Stay strong.

Dont say that so seriously! What! Is that the only thing you can say after staring at it all this time ! ?

I just thought that it hasnt grown at all. So it really doesnt get any bigger huh.


.I see.

It is a painful theory but I will accept it. This is for Elnas sake.

As I was thinking so, Elnas shoulder began to shake with anger. Oops, this is not good.

I, I think it is a good thing you know! There will be someone somewhere that will lust after that flatness you know!

DONT SAY FLAT! It just developing slower than other people! A few more years and it will be huge!

Isnt that impossibleat best it would just be average right?

Al., do you want to do some post-meal exercise?


Saying so, I get away from Elna who started breathing deeply as she did in battle.

Seeing me trembling in the corner of the room, Elna sat down again in her chair as if she had lost her will to fight. never change, Al.

People dont change in just a few years. Just what kind of fantasy did you picture me in?

A normal prince you know, a normal one. At the very least, I dont want others to make a fool out of you

Its nothing you should be concerned about right? I have always been making a fool of after all. Talentless and always play around without working, the dull prince who put everything on Leo. It is strange when I am saying it myself huh.

I am dejected and bitter in your stead though

Well, thanks.

As I lightly thanked her, she glared at me.

Elna dropped her shoulder and sigh. She worried too much. And she isnt a person that has enough free time to be worried about me too.

Do you really understand? It is exactly because you never said or done anything that they are making fun of the imperial family. Some nobles are openly making fun of you, you know? I understand why they are dissatisfying with you, you never do anything befitting of being a part of the imperial family. But, the nobles are your subjects too, they have a duty to respect you, even if it just on the surface.

Even the nobles have the right to ridicule me. Its normal to tell a no good guy that he is no good right? I think thats a good thing you know.

You are saying something like that again! They are not trying to advise you, you know? They are just having fun looking down on you! This is different from the childish bullying when we were young!

It is unusual for her to get heated up like this.

Did Gied let something slipped in front of her? Or was it the Minister? Either way, Im sure that it upset Elna.

Is that why Elna came to me so strongly.

So? Do you think that you winning this for me would wipe away my bad reputation? What do you want me to do?

As long as Leonard is aiming to become the Emperor, you will get serious too. Al, I believe in you. You just always dont take things seriously. You always are. Lazily avoid everything. The lower your reputation, the higher Leos get. Thats why you never do anything seriously right.

She is a person who is really looking at me.

As expected of a childhood friend.

However, if you understand that then you must already know my answer as well.

I am fine as I am now. You too should stop getting involved with me after this festival.


I was almost Assassinated.


With that sudden word, Ella froze.

From the window, I can see the people of the town making merry.

I started explaining while looking at such scenery.

At night, I was attacked when I was walking inside the castle. If Sebas was not there, I dont know what would happen. I dont have to tell you the reason right? itmy fault..?

This festival is important for the succession war. The position of ambassador plenipotentiary is on the line after all. Naturally, my brothers and sister wouldnt want to lose such a position. They would, of course, want to get rid of their competitors. Even if thats me.


Since you have been away doing your missions you might not know this but recently, my siblings are quite merciless. They plan to do anything to get the throne. They know that only death is waiting for them if they lose after all. They will not give up nor show any mercy. Even I, if Leo couldnt become the Emperor would be killed too. But, since a powerless guy like me suddenly grow in power, they resorted to something like that. So dont get involved. You are too powerful.

Saying so, I effectively push Elna away.

This is also for Elnas own good. It is not good for the renowned prodigy of the Amsberg house like Elna to support an individual.

In the future, my siblings will surely move to undermine Elna. Not in her ability but in her political power.

The Amsberg house was isolated in the past as well. Thats why they basically dont step into politics.

It is the reason that Elna shouldnt be participating in the succession war, the biggest political struggle of the empire.

You will certainly have a powerful ally but you will surely create an equally powerful enemy. Its best to keep Elna at a distance, both emotionally and situationally.

I am sorry.

Dont worry about it. Do your best in the festival alright.


Saying so, Elna dejectedly left the room.

Her back looked incredibly lonely but I couldnt say anything.

Since then, our performance is in a rapid decline.


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