The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 78: Kill Where There’s No One To Witness It

Chapter 78: Kill Where There’s No One To Witness It

Since Alma started working together with Mirage Triad, the clan Leisha belonged to, she had subjugated three Beasts.

Rockbird of depth 6. Mountain Dragon of depth 7. And Dantalion of depth 8, which she had experience subjugating before.

Mirage Triad, which was led by Wolf, was a clan that was born through the merger of Lightning Bite, Fist King, and Scarlet Lotus Flower. It hadnt been long since it was recognized by the Seeker Guild as a clan, but since it had assembled many outstanding members, it was continuing its rapid ascent.

As a matter of fact, even in the imperial capital, which was the holy land for Seekers, it was gaining fame as a mid-ranked clan that was acknowledged by everyone. Along with the expectation that it would likely grow to stardom sooner or later.

By fighting together with them, Alma had been able to gain more experience than she had expected. Particularly in the way she fought in group battles, she had a strong realization that she had been able to grow so much that she was incomparable to before.

At the same time, working with another clan also resulted in her gaining a new understanding of how abnormal Noel was.

The Wild Tempest led by Noel was strong. It also had two A Rank members, Hugo and Leon.

But there wasnt that much of a difference that Mirage Triad couldnt catch up. Almas analysis was that drawing even was fully possible.

On the other hand, it was also true that there was a gap as big as heaven and earth that would never be filled up between the two clans.

Wild Tempest and Mirage Triad were created at about the same time.

However, in contrast to Wild Tempest, who had succeed in subjugating a Lord and was trying to obtain the seat of Regalia in the fastest time in history, reaching the same level was something that was likely still a long way off for Mirage Triad.

Even supposing that Mirage Triads current rapid ascent continued, it would undoubtedly take it five years.

The distinguishing difference between the two clans was the difference between their clan masters. Wolf was also a Seeker who was considered a genius, but all the same, he was greatly inferior to Noel.

Despite being the weakest Buffer, Noel was currently one of the foremost Seekers even in the imperial capital due to his unparalleled schemes.

Even to Alma, who had been able to witness everything from the beginning, and from the closest place, Noel was a completely disparate existence. Even taking into account the fact that he had been the apprentice of Over Death, who had been a great hero, the speed of his growth far exceeded the norm.

The image of him trampling on other strong people and using them as nourishment was truly that of a great snake that ruled the heavens. Let alone the imperial capital, Alma was confident that he was a talent that would eventually stand at the top of the world.

For that very reason, there were times when she thought,

Is she really someone thats necessary to Noel?

It was only for a short time, but thank you. I learned a lot

Alma laughed with a mug of ale in one hand.

They were at the Sated Cat. The crowd was very noisy during lunchtime at the popular restaurant. Amidst the chatting and smacking of lips over the delicious food and alcohol by the large number of customers, three female Seekers had gathered at the same table by a window.

They were Alma, Leisha, and the Mage, Veronica Redbourne, a blonde-haired young woman who was the sub-master of Mirage Triad.

It is us who should be saying thanks, youve been a great help

Veronica smiled lightly and clinked her mug of ale with Almas.

As expected, Alma is strong, isnt she? The battles were an absolute breeze

Leisha had a gentle smile and also clinked her mug of ale together with theirs.

Almas activities with Mirage Triad ended today. The limit of what the current Mirage Triad could subjugate was only up to depth 8. Even if she worked together with them any longer, she would only get the same experience.

She had finished learning what she had to learn. From now on, she was going to concentrate on training with the members of Wild Tempest.

The clan master of Mirage Triad, Wolf, had said he would arrange a party for Alma, but she had declined politely. She didn't like making an uproar needlessly.

Instead, Leisha, her bosom buddy, and Veronica, who she had gotten close to when working together, decided to have a lunch party with just the three of them. The food and ale laid out on the table were all expensive, but today was special.

May I hear your honest opinion?

While they were chatting, Veronica asked a question out of the blue.

Our Mirage Triad and your Wild Tempest, how much of a difference is there between the two clans?

Can I be frank?

Of course

The difference is about from here to the moon. In addition, I think that it cant be overcome in a lifetime

When Alma answered frankly, Veronica covered her face with both hands.

No matter how you look at it, youre being too frank

Alma smiled wryly when she heard Veronica's tearful voice.

Sorry, I was being too frank. But don't get me wrong. If its purely fighting strength, then there isnt a huge difference with Veronica and the rest. At best, its about from here to above the clouds, I suppose

That doesnt make me feel better in the least bit, you know?

If its no more than above the clouds, then you can reach it. If you work so hard that you could die, that is

Her intention was not to assert dominance. It was simply a fact.

The difference between us and Mirage Triad is Noel. As long as hes there, Veronica and the rest can never win. I think that Veronica, who keeps your ear to the ground, knows about it, but Noel made 350 billion Fil from short-selling shares. Who else can do something like that?

If it was only Seekers that were strong, they were a dime a dozen in this imperial capital. For that very reason, in order to outmaneuver rivals, scheming and political power were needed.

In that respect, Veronica had some good points. She was quick-witted and also enthusiastic about collecting information. Wolf was the clan master, but the one actually supporting the clan was the sub-master, Veronica. The main reason why Alma rated Mirage Triad highly was also because she found Veronicas resourcefulness promising.

However, even with Veronica, they couldnt hold a candle to Noel.

I did know it, but its depressing when you say it so bluntly, you know

Veronica lowered her eyelashes gloomily, and ran her finger along the rim of her mug.

I thought that I'd outdo him someday though

Veronica murmured as she stared off into space. Unable to just watch and do nothing, Leisha patted her on the shoulder.

Now now, let's stop thinking about it so seriously. I say we should think about what we can do rather than vying with Noel

I suppose you can have a carefree attitude because youve fallen for Noel, but for me, hes a rival that I have to surpass

I, I, I, I havent particularly fallen for him or anything though!? Dont arbitrarily decide something is the case!?

Leisha turned bright red and desperately denied it, but she was obviously lying. No matter how anyone looked at it, Leisha had fallen for Noel. When they were together, the topic was only Noel as well. Even Alma was pretty sick of Leishas one-sided Noel Talk.

You horny elf. Go back to your forest

Don't hurl abuse all of a sudden! I mean, Alma is the one in heat! When youre with Noel, youre always flirting with him!

I'm Noel's big sister, so it's natural for us to get along and its wholesome

No no, arent the two of you totally unrelated!?

If thats what Leisha is convinced of, then I won't say anything

Why did I become the one that sounds like a crazy person!?

Sandwiched between the arguing Alma and Leisha, Veronica sighed.

Can the two of you stop this IQ-lowering conversation?

Veronica pressed her temples as if suppressing a headache. She inadvertently turned her exhausted gaze out the window.

Huh? That person on that street, isnt that Noel?

Eh, where, where!?

Alma and Leisha excitedly leaned over the table. Even as Veronica recoiled from the force in which they had jumped up from their seats, she indicated the direction Noel was in with her finger.

Lo, look, over there

It's true. Noel is there. ......Hmm, who is that woman?

Alma had smiled when she found Noel, but her expression grew grim the instant she saw the unfamiliar blonde-haired woman next to him.

......Youre kidding, isnt that Tania?

Uwaa, that's true

At the two people who had expressions like they had seen a ghost, Alma tilted her head.

That Tania that youre talking about, is she Noels former ally?

Yup. I heard that she was reduced to a slave because she betrayed Noel though Why are they together, I wonder?

Looking at that appearance, she was probably bought by someone rich or something. It appears that she is free to walk about, so perhaps her position is not a slave, but a favored concubine? I think that theyre together probably because they had bumped into each other by chance. The imperial capital is huge, but if she is free to take walks, theres nothing strange about coming across each other even without intending to

I see

Veronica's deduction was convincing. Alma nodded and got up from her seat.

Im leaving first, alright? I don't know what that woman will do to Noel, so Ill go kill her before she does anything weird

Hang on a minute! Killing someone on the street is bad, Im telling you!

Leisha hurriedly stopped Alma.

You have to kill where theres no one to witness it

Youre not stopping the killing, I see

Veronica was dumbfounded at Leisha, who had lost the shine in her eyes.

I mean, Veronica also knows Tanias true nature, right?

I know, buteven sogoing that far

If you know, then don't stop us! Alma, let's go!


The two of them rushed out of the store while brimming with killing intent. Veronica went from dumbfounded to utterly appalled as she watched their backs disappear from view.

Falling in love really makes people stupid, doesnt it

The moment she muttered that with a wry smile, she realized a certain something.

Ehh, Im footing the entire bill for this!?

So we finally get Almas POV and its this short!? Its hilarious though. Leisha and Alma have the best exchanges. It had always been implied, but the author is coming right out with the fact that Leisha has fallen for Noel now. Doubt is beginning to creep into Alma though.

Its technically also a quick update on Mirage Triad, though its a bit sad that theres no Wolf. And surprisingly, theyre pretty far behind Wild Tempest.I wonder what role theyre supposed to play in the future

Next chapter is really long, what's going to happen!? Stay tuned to find out!

In other news, I'm holding a poll among my higher tier patrons to decide my next project. Submissions are still allowed, it'll be open till the end of the month. Do consider joining if you have a series that you want to see picked up!


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