The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 15: Idiot Who Dug His Own Grave

Chapter 15: Idiot Who Dug His Own Grave

How wonderful that you were able to come back safely! Thank you for your hard work in subjugating the bandits!

Upon our return to Mintz village after we had finished subjugating the group of bandits, the perverted, balding village chief and the villagers welcomed us wholeheartedly.

What kind of upbringing did they have that they had the cheek to act this way? I didn't know if I should call them shameless or bumpkins who were ignorant of the world

I had intended to make a snide remark or two about the fact that they had kept the information about the bandits secret, but it had become ridiculous, so I let the matter drop.

Village chief, we've completed the request. Their hideout was the rocky area deep inside the east forest. Theyre all scattered around there. Also, this is the leader's head

I showed the contents of the sack to the village chief.

I, I've certainly confirmed that I'll send the youths to the hideout tomorrow morning or something. Er, em, we can collect all of their belongings, right?

Do as you like

Thank you so very much! You've saved us!

I don't need your thanks. More importantly, can I have the rest of the reward?

Yes, yes, of course! Come, please come to my house! My wife and daughter have put in their utmost to prepare food for you! Please heal your fatigue to your hearts content first!

Truth be told, I wanted to waste no time in leaving a village like this, but the departure time of the stagecoach had passed anyway. Besides, putting the village chief aside, I would feel bad if I didn't thank that girl.

For today, I'll stay in Mintz village and return to the imperial capital first thing tomorrow morning.

Mister Noel, can I also become a Seeker?

When we dug into the food after being invited into the village chefs house, the girl in pigtails, the village chief's daughter, asked me something like that.

I'm sorry, it's because she was discovered to have a combat type Job at the appraisal

I nodded in understanding after the village chief's explanation.

Do you want to be a Seeker?

Yes! I want to be an outstanding Seeker like Mister Noel!

The girl answered with sparkling eyes. The village chief and his wife were laughing as if they were troubled. It looked like they had written off her dream as a child's fancy at best.

Anyone can become a Seeker as long as theyre adults. All you have to do is register at the public office, you see? After that, it's common to attend a training school in the imperial capital and receive training from the teachers. The period is set at two years for vanguards and one year for rearguards. Thats because it takes the vanguards, who fight directly, more time to learn the techniques

My Job is Swordsman, so it'll take two years...

When you graduate from the training school, you can start working after you either form a party with someone, or join a clan. Because working solo is reckless, I dont recommend it

Umm, for the training school, it costs money after all, doesnt it?

No, it's free. Its because the country is encouraging people to become Seekers, you see? Its run purely using public funds. Enrollment fees or lesson fees arent needed either

I see!

Her voice had jumped with joy. She had an expression like the doors to her dreams had been opened.

But they wont go to the extent of looking after the students lives. Youll have to take care of your living expenses yourself. The cost of living in the imperial capital is high. It might be a bit impractical to work part-time while going to the training school, I suppose. In other words, youll need to have a certain amount of savings before you enroll in the training school

Is that so

Facing the reality called money, the tone of her voice dropped drastically. Seeing her go on that emotional roller-coaster felt like I was seeing the old me, and I got into an uncomfortable mood.

Th, then, won't it be fine if I enrolled in a training school outside of the imperial capital? If its the ones that are nearby, I heard that there's also one in Yudra?

Unfortunately, only the imperial capital has training schools that are run using public funds. If its the local ones, sizable enrollment fees and lesson fees are needed. And yet, the quality of what they teach is several levels lower compared to the imperial capital

I, I see Umm, in that case, what about becoming a Seeker without enrolling in the training school?

While it's possible, I cant recommended it. Fighting Beasts without any knowledge or experience is just suicidal. In fact, you wont be able to win even against Monsters and criminals, and will likely be killed easily

It was one thing if there was a personal instructor giving one-on-one lessons, in general, one should definitely graduate from the training school. There was a world of difference between the survival rates of those that did and those that didn't.

Its going to sound harsh, but Seeker is a job that requires you to put your life on the line. And its also a job where you hunt the lives of others. Both the hunter and hunted are desperate. If you challenge this with naive thoughts in your head, it'll just end with your death


At my words, the girl lowered her eyes sadly. It pained me to disappoint a child with dreams, but it would leave a bad taste in my mouth if I had caused her death by encouraging her irresponsibly. Even if I was talking to a child, I should properly convey what must be said.

Nonetheless, it would be far too lame as a senior to do no more than make sound arguments.

There is a good method if you want to be a Seeker no matter what. And thats to become a Supporter


Its a job supporting the Seekers activities by carrying their luggage for them, showing them the way, and so on. Supporters are managed by an organization called the Supporter Guild, and if you register and work there, youll earn money, and above all, youll be able to observe the battles of a variety of parties. Of course, there is a danger to your life, but because you arent a combatant, your chances of survival are high. People from the Guild will also teach you the skills for survival. You should build up knowledge and experience there, and then become a Seeker after that

The girl widened her eyes and gave a cry of joy.

So there is also a method like that! Thank you very much for telling me about it!

There are any number of ways to become a Seeker who can make money. Collect information first while keeping an open mind. If you do that, a path will definitely open up for you

Understood! I'll try looking into all sorts of information myself as well!

Yeah, you should do that. Good luck

Um, if I become a strong Seeker, will you let me become a member of Blue Beyond as well?

When she looked up at me and asked, I smiled wryly.

I don't mind. If you truly become a strong Seeker, and if Im still a Seeker that lives up to your expectations, let's fight together at that time

Eh, really!? I'm so moved and happy! I'll definitely become a strong Seeker! So it's absolutely a promise!

I had made an impulsive promise, but this much should be fine.

How things turned out would depend on that time. If this child really became a capable Seeker, then there wouldnt be any problems in letting her join.

However, her parents, the village chief and his wife, both had long faces that said that it was nothing but trouble. In all likelihood, they probably had things like their own plans and circumstances. In front of me, they couldnt chime in heedlessly, but once I was gone, they would undoubtedly preach at her to change her mind.

Well, from this point on, its a family affair. Its none of my business. I would probably find out in the not too distant future if the girl with dreams succumbed to reality or not.

Thanks for the meal. It was delicious

The meal was over and my plates were all empty.

To be honest, the meal wasnt very delicious. This was because there was an overwhelming lack of salt, which was the key to good-tasting food, and spices to eliminate odors.

However, since it was hospitality offered by those leading a difficult life, it was good manner to finish it all even if I had to force myself a little. That was even more true if the little girl had also helped to make it.

Perhaps Alma, who was beside me, thought the same as well, but she cleanly finished off what she was served. She was now fighting drowsiness with drooping eyelids.

I'm glad that it was to your liking

No, thank you for your hospitality. It's about time for us to go to bed, so I would like to receive the rest of the reward before that. It's a professional habit, I don't feel easy unless everything is settled properly, you see?

I understand, Ill bring it immediately. But there is one more thing that I've prepared for both of you. By all means, please do enjoy it

When the village chief sent his wife a look, she brought out a bottle of wine.

This wine is quite a masterpiece. Its something that I bought after a good harvest when there was some money to spare, and it cost 100,000 Fil back then. It's been maturing since then and should have become even more valuable

Hmm, and you're treating us to such good wine?

Yes, everyone from Blue Beyond has been a great help. I'll have some surplus money from selling the belongings of the bandits, so I can't call myself a man if I act stingy now

He uncorked the bottle and poured for Alma and me.

Here, please don't hold back and drink to your heart's content

Urged strongly by the village chief, I took the glass in my hand. But I put it back on the table after only smelling its aroma.

It's certainly a good wine. I can tell quite clearly from the aroma and color that it's a first-rate wine

Yes, of course! It's wine that you won't get many chances to drink, even in the imperial capital!

Youre probably right. But I feel bad drinking wine thats so high-class first despite being a guest. Village chief, as the host, you should be the one who drinks it first

Huh? M, me? Drink it first?

The village chief was visibly flustered. That reaction was almost as if something terrible would happen if the wine was drunk.

I also think that the village chief should drink it first. Here you go

When Alma placed her glass in front of the village chief, he finally began to turn pale. I smiled at the village chief who was so shaken that it was laughable.

What's wrong? Youre not going to drink it?

N, no, I'm, errquite weak against alcohol

That's weird. Would someone whos weak against alcohol buy wine that costs as much as 100,000 Fil?

N, no, that's, that's because err

When things got so comical, it stopped being laughable. It was about time to end this.

It's poison, isn't it? You've poisoned this wine, haven't you?

At my words, the village chief stood up, wide eyed.

P, poi, poison!? W, why would I do something like that!?

Why you say, isn't it to kill us and take our money and equipment?

That's ridiculous! Even for a false accusation, that's outrageous! On what basis do I have to face this humiliation of being called a poisoner!?

Basis number one

I raised my index finger.

There is no way a guy who lied about the number of bandits so that he could cheap out on the reward, would serve his guests wine that cost as much as 100,000 Fil. You said that there were 20 thieves, but in fact, it was three times that. You lied to me

I, I didn't know! I didn't know something like that!

Basis number two

I raised my middle finger next.

This wine isn't a high-class wine. It's cheap stuff. There's the possibility that you got cheated by a merchant, but it doesn't matter. What's important is the fact that its quality had dropped so much that it's easy to tell from just one sniff that its a cheap wine. In other words, that means that this wine had already been uncorked some time ago. It was uncorked when you put in the poison. And once you had done so, you replaced the cork again. You tried to reassure us that it was safe by uncorking it in front of us, but that backfired instead

That, thats

Hmpt, did you think that the brat and the lass who were so much younger than you couldn't possibly know the intricacies of wine? Are you an idiot? If you have a brain that can think even a little bit, then you should have at least realized that people who live in the imperial capital have discriminating palates

No M, my wife must have mixed it up with my nightcap! That's right! Now that I've taken a closer look, the label is wrong! You, I told you to be careful when bringing it, didnt I!?

I, I'm so very sorry!

Were they still continuing this charade? Im starting to feel the urge to kill someone.

Basis number three

I raised my ring finger.

You and your wife had been leaking murderous intent ever since you started talking about this wine. Your distinctively visible impatience was practically screaming,I'm going to kill you. I understand that you wanted to make sure that we would drink the poison, but to line up words like masterpiece and first-rate without embarrassment? It looks like your intention was to distract us from the off-putting taste of the poison by imprinting it in our minds that it wasn't an ordinary wine, but did you think such shallow cunning would work?

It's as Noel said, the poison in this wine has a bit of a weird taste. Therefore, in order to not let us notice that the taste was a foreign element, you needed to justify it with some sort of story. Well, with such a cheap pretense, no one will be fooled unless theyre really idiotic. In the first place, even if you had fooled us, its meaningless because Scouts have poison resistance and the ability to sense poisons. If you are serious about killing someone, you should at least learn the characteristics of their Job

The village chief and his wife twisted their faces in frustration as Alma snorted derisively at them.

S, shut up! As if such words prove anything!

If you want proof, it's right in front of you, isnt it? If you say that were lying, drink that wine. Right now

Shut up, shut up, shut up!!! Who's going to listen to anything you say! Get out! Get out of this village right away!!!

To think an old man like him would suddenly turn nasty and act just like a kid. I dont mind leaving, but there is still the rest of the reward. Besides, as a Seeker, its definitely impossible for me to just leave after being looked down on like this.

I'll ask you once more. Did you poison the wine? Confess everything

Yes, I poisoned the wine. Because I had wanted you stupid Seekers to die after you had subjugated the bandits so that I could take all your money and equipment. It would be easy to trick brats who only know how to fight. That's why I thought of killing both of you

Talk Skill: Confess

After the village chief revealed the truth himself, he hastily covered his mouth with his hand.

Dad, is that true?

The village chief's daughter, who had been dumbfounded because she couldnt take in the situation, was staring at her father as if she was looking at an unknown monster. Sadly, the daughter who didn't know anything, came to know of the villainy of her parents in front of others.

UuuWe're so very sorry~!!!

The village chief, who had finally admitted his crime, lowered his head in front of us.

Do you think that just an apology is enough after you tried to kill us?

I, I know that we've done something unforgivable! But even people like us, have our reasons

And what are those reasons?

I have a lot of debt In the past, when famine occurred, I borrowed money to help everyone in the village I need the money for the repayment If the repayment is delayed, it will become a serious matter Even for me, I didn't actually want to do something like this! But considering the future of the village, someone has to get his hands dirty!

That's a lie

Upon my declaration, the village chief shook his head vigorously.

It, it's not a lie! Its true!

The part about the debt is probably true. However, you were lying about the famine. Maybe you thought that we would be fooled because we're young, but the last famine that happened around here was as much as thirty years ago

W, why do you, know something like that

You requested us to subjugate Monsters last time, right? The Monsters from that time were the type where their strength would change based on the geological conditions. Thats why, before we accepted the request, I researched the types and conditions of the crops that were harvested in this region in the imperial capital library, and inferred the geological conditions from there. That's when I got the information about famines in this region

The village chief, whose lies were seen through yet again, stood there in stunned silence.

After all that has happened, you still lied. Just what are you trying to do?

N, no, that thats

In all likelihood, the reason youre in debt is likely because you got cheated by a dishonest merchant or something. For example, something like selling you magical goose chicks that you were told would lay golden eggs. You probably fell for his lies and ended up shouldering a lot of debt

H, how do you even know about that

Hang on, that really happened? Even though that was just the first example that had popped into my head, for that to have actually happened, just how pitiful is this old man's wits?

In addition to being foolish, stupid and despicable, you're contemptible. Youre like a mass of human negativity. It's so absurd that you can even live with yourself


Ive had enough, it's too much trouble. Hurry up and bring me the rest of the reward. Making a piece of trash like you take responsibility isnt worth it

You, you didn't have to go so far with your words! In the first place, what remainder of the reward!? You have Gordo's head, don't you!? Isnt it enough if you just claim his bounty!?

The village chief had lashed out, rattled on without pause, and was now getting flustered by his slip of the tongue.

No, that was, err just a tit for tat or something

Hmm, so it wasn't your real intentions

O, of, of course not! Rather, how should I put it, it was a joke Hahaha

I see, a joke. No, it was quite funny. Hahaha!

Th, thank you! Ahahaha


I was thinking about how I could set things right, but I had my answer now.

I'll start with the right eye, I suppose

Eh? Ri, right eye?

I kicked the chair aside as I stood, grabbed the village chief by his collar and slammed him onto the table. And then, just as I had declared, I thrust my thumb into his filthy right eye.

Ouch! That sure went well

Lloyd snapped at Noel, gets treated as a soccer ball.

Village chief snaps at Noel, get a thumb in his eye.

Im seeing a pattern here.

Weird timing for it, but 2 more chapters till Almas arc ends.

Wait what? That came a bit suddenly didnt it?

I bet you totally forgot were in the middle of her arc since all she did this chapter was eat and speak twice. ( ;)


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