The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 158 158: Night Arachnid

"We-we did not do anything at all!" A skinny long haired sect leader denied quickly.

"Then, why are those spirit beasts chasing you like there is no end to them?" Dylan interrogated the remaning seven with a fierce glare.

"We seriously don't know. Five Core Transformation Realm Darkness Spider suddenly appeared out of nowhere and killed five of our men. We were so shocked that we were petrified on the spot!" A curly haired sect leader recounted the events which happened to them.

"Was all of that true?" Dylan looked at the leader of the Ford Protection Squad who currently had a pale white complexion.

"Indeed. We reacted at the next moment and tried to defend against the five beasts. Then, 'it' appeared..." The leader replied hoarsely. He clenched his fists so hard that it was trembling.

"It?" Dylan curiously asked.

"A Night Arachnid!" The leader stared into Dylan's eyes. His eyes filled with helplessness and hate.

"What?!" Dylan was absolutely shock to hear such a rare species of the spirit beasts to appear in the Dreamy Forest!

A Night Arachnid is a rare type of spider type spirit beasts which was half-human and half-spider. It's upper body was that of a humans and a lower body of a spider's.

Legend states that the Night Arachnid was a being born from a powerful cultivator who hopelessly fell in love a with a spider who transformed into a female human. Despite knowing the origins of the woman, the man still pursued the spider lady. After suffering the criticims of the world, the couple settled down and bore a humaniod beast offspring on the night of a full moon.

It gave it a dark lower body with milky white spots that seemed to be a reflection of the night sky on the night it was born. The couple named their child the Night Arachnid. With the heritage of its' parent, it had an outstanding affinity with darkness, intelligence comparable to humans in adulthood and an innate ability to lord over weaker spiders. With it's natural endowments, it was able dominate among spirit beast and became widely known. Thus, the birth of a new species.

"It's aura was so wrong that it should at least be at the Mortal Moulting Realm! It simply smiled to us and said 'foolish humans'. With a simple blast of its webs, we were blown away like ants. Wally, Sean and Huvi lost one of their limbs to protect all of us." A female member of the Ford Protection Squad inserted with a grave tone.

"After that, the Night Arachnid let out a peculiar noise which summoned the beast tide. The strange thing was that the spider were burrowing out from the ground! After several holes were made, the spiders swarmed like a colony of ants. Thus, we fled hoping to escape from their encirclement but it seems like it is impossible now." A large robust man shook his head.

"The situation has become even more troublesome that what I had originally thought." Dylan bit his thumb and thought of how they could possibly evade this predicament.

A Night Arachnid at the Mortal Severing Realm would most likely be able to have intelligence of an adult human. Coupled with it's ability to control spiders that were at least at the Origin Realm, even a Breaking Demarcation Realm expert would run from it. It was a true forced to be reckoned with.

"Look! The spiders stopped moving!" A horse-faced sect leader abruptly mentioned.

With his words, everyone saw that the spiders have indeed stopped. They stopped about 10 to 12 meters away from them. They were now currently encircled by the large numbers of spider which covered all paths of escape.

It was like they were trapped in a room with spiked walls slowly closing innon them. They felt like they were no different from featherless chickens waiting to be slaughtered by the butcher. Death was screaming everywhere they looked.

'There is no hope at all...' Despair filled the minds of the members of the Ford Protection Squad and the surviving sect leaders

"We were sure that there were no beasts in the forest when we came here! How did they suddenly appear out of nowhere! Why?! Does the heavens really want me to die that much?!" The skinny sect leader screamed in despair.

After being silent for some time, Dylan raised his head and exhaled with his eyes closed. After repeating the same actions three times, he was able to revert back to his orginal calm state.

This type of breathing was Dylan's habit every time he was stuck in an unfavorable situation. By doing this, he could flip the switch that he personally created for himself. This switch allowed him to become calm and free from any distractions or unecessary thought.

In this state, Dylan could think more clearly than usual which allowed him to form a direct plan of action.

"From everything you have all said, I could infer that the spirit beasts did not just appear out of nowhere. The Dreamy Forest must have been their habitat for a long time. Since you have witnessed them digging out of the ground, they would most likely have lived underground." Dylan wore a poker face as he looked at the spiders around them.

"But why would they live underground? But Darkness Spiders would usually live on the surface specifically on top of the trees. That does not make sense." The female member of the Ford Protection Squad asked.

"With the innate intelligence of the Night Arachnid, it would naturally know that their newborns would not be able to handle the strength of the ilkusion of the Illusion Isolating Trees. It could determine that the forest would be a good place to settle in since they would not need to compete with other beast clans for food here. That's because most spirit beasts would not want to live here since it would threaten the lives of their newborns. Thus, it decided to have its tribe to live underground. An intelligent leader, it is." Dylan calmly deduced.

Dylan continued, "The clamor caused by our battles woukd most likely infuriate the Night Arachnid since a powerful spirit are prideful and territorial. With its strength, it must already be an adult which means it's intelligence and cunning would be equal, if not, greater than an average adult human. Sensing that we were both fighting to our deaths, it bidded for time and waitingnto strike at our weakest."

After hearing Dylan's explanation, everyone could not help but shudder. They truly felt like they were dancing on the palms of the Night Arachnid.

"Hahahaha, you, humans, are not so dumb after all." A loud piercing laugh came from their north. As everyone turned around to look, they saw the spider's making a pathway while a exceedingly beautiful naked woman with a spider body as a substitue for her legs. She released an overwhelming pressure from her body which stemmed from her strength of Mortal Moutling Realm.

"So powerful!" Everyone except Dylan and Rian were all pale faced especially Mary who had the weakest cultivation of them all.

"So you are the Night Arachnid?" Dylan calmly stepped forward while the others took a step back. It seemed as if he was not affected by the pressure that the spirit beast exuded.

If one were to look closely, the origin energy that the Night Arachnid emitted to pressure Dylan was subtly being sucked by his skin specifically his pores!

" So what if I am? What are you gonna do about it, pretty boy?" The enchanting Night Archnid smiled seductively.

"What a beauty..." The expression of almost everyone present turned somewhat silly. It was as if they entered a state of trance.

"Command your troops and recall this beast tide and let us go." Dylan indifferently requested. It seemed as though he was not affected by the Night Arachnid's seduction technique.


"?!" The rest were silent and agape. They never expected Dylan to have the gall to command such an overwhelmingly powerful spirit beast!

The Ford Protection Squad had different thoughts when they heard his words. They admired his courage but feared for his safety.

'Where did this young man get his confidence from? How brave of him! But bravery won't be of any help in this situation.' The leader thought to himself

'What a balsy man he is! A commendable character!' The large robust man praised Dylan inwardly.

The same also went for the remaning sect leaders. However, they did not admire his bravery but instead, rejoiced in his misfortune.

'Does he have nerves of steel?! How can he say that with a straight face? No doubt about it. He's going to die!' The skinny long-haired sect leader sneered but only in his mind. He did not dare voice such thoughts because it was inviting disaster upon himself.

'I thought this guy was smart. It turns out he's just an idiot digging his own grave. Hmph, how arrogant and stupid of him!' The curly haired sect leader smiled mockingly at Dylan's back.


"How amusing. A mere Spirit Gathering human can not only resist both my aura and my seduction, but also has the nerve to demand freedom? Hahahaha, humans are truly beyond saving. But, I like your courage. Not to mention how incredibly dashing you are. Hehe, how about becoming my mating slave? If you agree, I will consider sparing your companion's life. I promise we are going to have lots of fun~. How about it?" The Night Arachnid even playfully winked at Dylan after saying her comments about him.

"I decline because I have no interest with mating with a repulsive beast.' Dylan ruthlessly said without even batting an eye.

"You!!" The Night Arachnid's aura suddenly became more dangerous as she was utterly enraged with such insult.

"As I was saying, recall your troops or face total annihilation." Dylan spoke fearlessly.


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