The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 322 322 - Finding Evelynn

Chapter 322 322 - Finding Evelynn

Aiden was now flying back toward the Magic Academy with a single goal in his mind, which was to find a potion that would make it impossible for the director to use any mana.

That way there would be no chance of Aiden losing since he was much stronger in close combat.

'Now, all I need to do is either find Anna or Evelynn. Actually, Evelynn would be a better choice here for sure.'

He knew that meeting another teacher would be quite risky, especially considering that he had told David that he would only focus on getting stronger.

This meant that he would need to either buy or craft this potion behind the teacher's back.

Aiden could already tell that making such a potion would be extremely hard, which is why he hoped that he would be able to buy some that were already done.

'The thing is though... I have no money. Well, I guess I can ask around if it comes to it.'

Aiden didn't think too much about his lack of money because the goal in his mind was extremely clear, he wanted to assassinate David.

'I would have assassinated him in his sleep, but the thing is... it's really risky,' Aiden thought.

He knew that if the director was to notice that something was wrong, he would be able to get away in a few seconds, and then everything would turn to shit.

'Ah whatever, enough about that, I need to find if such a potion exists.'

After dismissing all his previous useless thoughts, Aiden entered the academy with a single goal in mind: finding that potion name and recipe.

The first thing that he decided to do was find Evelynn.

This whole thing sort of became deja vu, because Aiden had tried to do the same thing earlier. The only difference was that the whole Academy was sleeping which meant that Aiden would need to find her dorm.

He had a couple of different ideas on how to find her, the first being, searching each door room one by one.

But he quickly realized that this would take way too long.

The second idea he had was to depend on that little monster that had been sent by the Lumithars. Aiden needed to find it and then it would be guiding him toward her master which was Evelynn.

'But how will I even find that little creature, it's not like I have a way of contacting him,' Aiden thought, worried about what he would need to do next. 'Actually, maybe I do...'

Aiden had an idea, however, the only way to know if it would work or not was simple... he needed to try it.

'System, can you send that little monster toward my position, I need his help,' Aiden asked the system who was supposed to be listening to him 24h/7.


Seems like he got an answer immediately.

lightsΝοvel [The monster is coming your way.]

It was a simple statement, but it would make Aiden's task of finding Evelynn a lot easier.

A couple of minutes later, Aiden started hearing a couple of footsteps near him. It was quite easy to figure out who those footsteps came from since the Magic Academy was completely silent with not a single person awake.

Aiden was probably the only one walking around at such a time and... that was exactly what he wanted.

He needed to be discreet for this whole plan to work. There would only be another person who would be informed about his research.

However, by the time that Evelynn was going to realize that he was the one who had killed the director of the academy, Aiden would be long gone and there wouldn't be a lot of chances that he would be coming back to this world anytime that soon.

Aiden then saw the small little monster coming toward him through the dark that was surrounding him at the moment.

The monster waited a couple of seconds for Aiden to get ready, and then he immediately turned around without wasting a single moment.

Aiden didn't even say a single word as he simply started walking behind it while being as silent as earlier.


Aiden was now in front of a door room, and without further ado, Aiden slowly opened it, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Aiden saw two doors, one on his right and one on his left. He waited for the little monster to choose the correct one before opening either of them.

'Seems like the correct one is this one,' Aiden said as he was currently going toward the door situated on his left.

As he entered, surprise took over Aiden because he truly hadn't expected such a thing.

'Why is she simply without anything on, there's just nothing on there, anyone can see...' Aiden thought, as he immediately covered his eyes, not wanting to see anything more.

However, he couldn't really leave as he needed her help which is why, he slowly got closer to her as he tapped on one of her shoulders. He did it with a lot of carefulness as he knew that it would be one hell of a scene when she would be waking up. 



As Aiden lightly tapped on her shoulder, Evelynn didn't immediately wake up. Instead, she rolled on the bed away from Aiden causing him to start chasing her pretty much.

"Evelynn," Aiden whispered instead.

This time, there was another reaction coming out of her as she immediately opened her eyes.

She seemed confused, probably not seeing at the moment since Aiden was currently wearing a black uniform that even covered his hair.

"Who's there?" She whispered, probably scared because she had just heard her name.

"It's me, Aiden."

This time, she seemed even more confused as she really hadn't expected such an answer.

"Aiden? Where are you?"

As she said that, she raised her hands upwards putting them in front of her body, trying to find where he was.

But as she did that, she realized something quite important. She wasn't wearing the slightest clothes which meant...

"You fucking pervert!" She shouted, realizing that he was currently looking at her when she was completely naked.

Aiden needed to act immediately as he didn't want her roommate to wake up, and see him.

"Calm down, calm down, my eyes are closed. Just put something on and tell me when you're done, I have something to ask you."

Furious, she stood up and put on some clothes.

"Just what is it that you need to ask me, so late at night... couldn't you just wait until tomorrow," She said almost forgetting to tell him that he could open his eyes again. "Oh, and I'm all dressed up, you can look.

Hearing that, Aiden immediately opened his eyes and asked his question.

"I couldn't... let's say that I can only do it at night or else I would be having some problems," Aiden said, hesitating, trying to find a good excuse.

"So what is it that you need help right away?" She asked, clearly annoyed with Aiden showing up at night when she was sleeping.

"I need you to help me find a potion that makes people unable to use mana."


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