The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 317 317 - The White Box

Chapter 317 317 - The White Box

In front of him, there was a portal that had just appeared.

'Where did this thing even come?' Aiden thought as he couldn't make sense of what he was seeing.

However, the question that was the most important was how Evelynn's little creature knew that a portal would appear if he were to put his hand on the wall.

"Hey, little man, how did you know that there was a portal right here?" Aiden asked as he kneeled down directly looking into that creature's eyes.

However, the little creature just raised his shoulders as if saying that he had no idea how he knew that.

Aiden tried to insist as he repeated the same question over and over again, but the little creature wasn't intimidated as it kept raising his shoulders over and over again.

"Whatever... if you don't want to tell me, I'll go check by myself what's on the other side of this portal," Aiden uttered.

He then slowly started moving toward the portal, looking behind him, wondering about what the little creature was doing.

But, he was in fact doing absolutely nothing, simply looking at Aiden slowly advancing toward the portal with a little smile on his face.

"Ah! Whatever, let's go in," Aiden finally exclaimed as he wouldn't be able to guess what was on the other side that way.

Then, Aiden turned around for one last time as he slowly advanced toward the portal.

He first put his hand on the other side of it, wondering what would happen.

However... nothing happened.

Aiden then decided to put one of his feet on the other side of the portal, but once again nothing happened.

'I'll guess, I'll take a peek instead,' Aiden mused.

He put his face closer as it finally reached the portal, giving him a vision of what was on the other side of it.

And what he saw was truly weird.

As Aiden kept looking around with only his face on the side of the portal, he suddenly felt a push from behind him, completely pushing him onto the other side portal.

"Wait! Wait!"

Aiden had no idea as to who pushed him on the other side, however, he had a good idea who it was.

There was no other choice but that little monster who had a little smile on his face.

"That son of a bitch!" Aiden shouted as he slowly stood up looking at his surroundings.

He looked to his left and his left, and once again he was mindblown.

'Just what is this place?' Aiden thought.

There were computers all around him with different people in front of each and every single one of them.

However, all those people weren't human at all, some were vampires, some were dwarves, some were demons... it didn't matter they were all races.

Aiden tried to guess how big this place was, but he couldn't even do so as he couldn't even see the end of both sides.

'Just where did I end up?' Aiden kept thinking.

He knew that there was no way for him to know which is why he started to move forward toward one of the people who were sat in front of their computers, patiently waiting.

As he got close to one of them, he made his presence known by coughing a little. However, the person in front of the computer had no reaction at all as he didn't even turn around.


Still no reaction whatsoever.

'Are they ignoring me or something?' Aiden thought as he put his hands in front of the computer wanting at least a reaction from anyone in this room.

Still, there was no reaction, even when Aiden was making it extremely obvious that he was trying to distract the person in front of him.

"Aiden Nightshade."

Aiden turned around hearing that deep voice that was reverbed through the walls.

No matter where he looked he couldn't see the person who had pronounced his name.

"Yes?" Aiden asked, his voice tinged with a hint of curiosity and fear.

It was rare for Aiden to be feeling those emotions, but right now he could feel himself being scared over this situation.

Why had a little monster guided him here and pushed him into a portal?

So many questions were appearing in Aiden's mind, but he tried his best to keep his calm.


The deep voice said, sending shivers down Aiden's spine for the very first time in Aiden's life.

An unknown energy seemed to take control over Aiden's body as he felt pulled in a random direction.

"W-Where are you taking me!" Aiden exclaimed as the only thing he could was void.

There were no walls, there was nothing in front of him but he kept being pulled in that direction without any moment to think this whole thing through.

Aiden tried shouting multiple things, wanting answers. However, no matter what he did the voice wouldn't speak to him once again.

It had been a few minutes since the energy had taken control over him, and he still couldn't get rid of it as he kept going higher and higher toward who knows where.

"Let me go!"

Aiden knew that he wouldn't be getting any response, but he simply hoped that nothing bad would happen to him.

"You have almost arrived."

"Arrived where!" Aiden shouted back at the mysterious voice as everywhere he looked there was nothing.

All he could see was the darkness that was surrounding him, submerging him from the bottom of his feet to the very top of his end.

There was still no answer as he still felt himself being pulled upwards.

As he looked upwards, Aiden finally seemed to see something. It was a white little box that illuminated all of his surroundings.

'What a bright light,' Aiden thought as he tried to hide his eyes with his hands, however, he couldn't as his body wasn't listening to him at the moment.

He had no choice but to close them instantly, or else, there would be good chances of him becoming blind.

The brightness could easily be compared to the sun, and Aiden hoped that the temperature wouldn't be resembling the one of the sun.

Feeling his body being pulled in that direction, Aiden had no choice but to trust that the energy wouldn't be doing anything weird to him.

He knew that his situation was dangerous, but there was nothing he could do to prevent it. He had no choice but to get closer and closer to that sky.


A small creaking was heard as if a door was being opened.

Aiden tried opening his eyes for a millisecond, but he closed them just as fast because of the brightness and intensity of the light.

However, even in that millisecond, he had caught sight of a small white door, being wide open.


The same noise was heard which meant that there was a high chance that the door had just been closed.

"You can open your eyes, no need to be scared," a pleasant voice said, completely different from the tone that it had used earlier.

It didn't even seem to be a male voice, it was so high-pitched, that Aiden was almost sure that the person who was talking was a female.


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